Showing posts with label File. Show all posts
Showing posts with label File. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Asia Argento"s Accuser Jimmy Bennett Will File Sexual Assault Police Report

Asia Argento has just poked the bear, because we’ve learned Jimmy Bennett — who was 17 when he had sex with her — is going to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. to file a sexual assault claim against her and cooperate with the investigation. Bennett,…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Billy Bush and Sydney Davis File for Divorce

In September of 2017, it was revealed that Billy Bush and Sydney Davis had separated after 20 years of marriage.

At the time, the couple said that they were just on a “short-term break.”

Now, however, it looks like their split is official — because they have filed for divorce.

Remember when Access Hollywood was just what it sounded like, and not synonymous with Donald Trump bragging about “accessing” women’s genitals without their consent?

Billy Bush sure does. His career was banished into the void after those hot mic recordings surfaced in October of 2016.

Nearly a year later, news broke that Billy and his wife, Sydney Davis, were separated.

TMZ reports that Sydney filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

And they have some details on how this divorce will take shape.

Sydney is seeking joint legal and physical custody of the couple’s two minor children.

Unlike 13-year-old Lillie and 17-year-old Mary, Josie, who is their eldest daughter, is 19 and therefore an adult.

According to the papers that Sydney filed, she intends for Billy to get visitation.

Divorce can impact adult children, of course, but it’s usually (barring special circumstances) only the underage children of the couple who are directly named the divorce.

Both daughters are teens and that is usually old enough for a court to take their input into consideration if this becomes a custody battle. 

Then, of course, there’s the question of spousal support.

TMZ reports that Sydney is definitely seeking spousal support, which makes sense.

They do not, however, specify the amount of support. Perhaps that will become clear when they appear in court.

We hope that they can work out financial matters amicably. Sometimes, even divorcing couples who have worked out custody without an issue suddenly become hostile when money becomes a topic.

It is worth noting that, though Billy Bush was fired from Today after his conversation wtih Trump surfaced, he scored a settlement worth $ 9 million.

Overall, his net worth is estimated to be about $ 15 million.

RadarOnline reports that Billy Bush feels blindsided by Sydney’s divorce filing.

“He really didn’t see this coming,” the insider reveals. “And thought that their trial separation would make all the problems go away.”

Oh, that’s … so sad.

The source continues, saying: “He truly believed they were in the process of fixing things.”

“Her request for spousal support makes him even more upset,” the insider adds.


The source explains Billy’s thinking, saying: “She knows he is not making the kind of money that he used to.”

Divorces, as we mentioned, can go from amicable to acrimonious in the blink of an eye.

We sincerely hope that Billy and Sydney can work things out quickly and with as little stress or conflict as possible.

Sometimes, couples will agree to an arrangement with finances and custody on their own, or with the help of a mediator.

If not, well, then it becomes a judge’s job to decide. Generally speaking, it’s better for both parties involved to come to an agreement.

We wish this family the best as they go through this divorce.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

El Chapo Prosecutors File Motion to Keep Sean Penn Interview Out of Trial

Sean Penn’s interview with El Chapo could be key to the prosecution’s case against the drug lord, but only a select few parts. The U.S. Attorney’s Office filed a motion asking the judge to let them cherry-pick portions of the 2015 recorded…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Nicole Eggert Headed to L.A. to File Police Report Against Scott Baio

Nicole Eggert is on her way back to L.A. and she’s beelining it for the police department to file a sexual battery report against Scott Baio. Nicole was leaving the Peninsula Hotel in NYC Wednesday when our photog asked if she was going to pull the…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Russell Simmons, 2 Rape Accusers File New Police Reports

Russell Simmons has 2 more rape allegations to deal with, because we’ve learned 2 women have gone to police and filed criminal complaints … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us the two women filed police reports with the NYPD late…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

L.A. City Prosecutor "Itching" to File Criminal Sexual Harassment Case

L.A. City’s top prosecutor is anxiously waiting for a sexual harassment case to land on his desk so he can “make a point” … this according to sources inside his office. We’re told City Attorney Mike Feuer has his team ready to file what will…


L.A. City Prosecutor "Itching" to File Criminal Sexual Harassment Case

L.A. City’s top prosecutor is anxiously waiting for a sexual harassment case to land on his desk so he can “make a point” … this according to sources inside his office. We’re told City Attorney Mike Feuer has his team ready to file what will…


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Meek Mill"s Lawyers File Legal Docs to Boot the Judge

Meek Mill’s lawyers have just filed legal docs asking the judge who sentenced him to years in prison to take herself off the case because of inappropriate conduct. Meek’s lawyers claim Judge Genece Brinkley has a personal vendetta against Meek, in…


Friday, November 3, 2017

NFL Player Kerry Rhodes and Nicky Whelan File for Divorce After Less than 6 Months

Former NFL star Kerry Rhodes and actress Nicky Whelan have called it quits in their marriage … after less than 6 months!!! The 2 filed divorce paperwork Wednesday together … and it looks like it should be a pretty smooth process.…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Blac Chyna to File for Restraining Order Against Rob Kardashian

In news that’s about as stunning as Farrah Abraham lying about rape, Blac Chyna reportedly wants nothing to do with Rob Kardashian.

And she’s taking the necessary legal steps to ensure her ex-fiance doesn’t come anywhere close to her in the near future.

In the wake of Kardashian harassing and berating her online, Chyna has retained high-powered civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom, according to thw lawyer herself, and is seeking a restraining order against Rob after his explosive social media rant this week.

“I represent Blac Chyna,” Bloom Tweeted this afternoon, adding:

“I just gave Rob Kardashian notice that we’ll be in court Monday seeking restraining orders against him. More to come.”

bloom pic

Bloom is the same lawyer who represented Kathy Griffin in her complaint against Donald Trump this spring.

She sat alongside the comedian during the press conference in which Griffin slammed the Trump family for bullying her.

In this case, we’ll need to wait until after the weekend to discover exactly what sort of legal remedies Bloom will seek against Kardashian.

But she emphasized restraining orders (plural) in her statement above, making it appear as if Chyna will demand Rob keep his literal distance from her… while also barring him from posting naked pictures of her on the Internet.

This, of course, is where Kardashian truly crossed the line.

He said some very gross and inappropriate and mean things about Blac Chyna on Wednesday, shortly after learning she had been sleeping with other men behind his back.

However, it wasn’t the accusations of promiscuity or even drug abuse that crossed a legal line.

It was when Rob shared photos of Chyna’s bare boobs, butt and vagina for the world to see.

He eventually deleted these NSFW images, but he may still face revenge porn charges under California law.

“Lisa Bloom is the best in the business and has the right sensitivities and skill set to handle this delicate and complex matter,” Chyna’s rep and Bloom’s co-counsel, Walter Mosley, tells People Magazine.

He concluded:

“She’s a warrior for women’s rights and that’s the type of lawyer we need right now.”

Via TMZ, Bloom says Kardashian may be rich and famous – but he’s just doing what many scorned ex-boyfriends have done for years.

He’s slut-shaming his former lover and humiliating her online and she isn’t going to stand for it.

Bloom describes Rob to this same website as a “cyberbully” who has posted intimate photos of Chyna, along with sensitive medical information.

She’ll be asking for a domestic violence restraining order against him in court on Monday.

The lawyer also says this goes above and beyond Rob Kardashian.

She tells TMZ that the most common form of bullying against women takes place online and she wants this case to serve as an example across the board.

“Rob needs to back off,” Bloom says.

When asked to comment on the scandal surrounding her brother, Kim Kardashian basically said the following:



Monday, May 8, 2017

Fyre Festival Concertgoers File Lawsuit Accusing Ja Rule, Billy McFarland of Fraudulent Ponzi Scheme

Ja Rule and Billy McFarland had no intention of throwing a first-class music festival … they knew it was going to be a disaster but figured they could screw a lot of people out of money before it became apparent … this according to accusations…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Aaron Hernandez"s Lawyers File Motion to Dismiss Murder Conviction

That was quick! Just days after Aaron Hernandez’s death, his legal team has already filed a motion to have his murder conviction officially dismissed … as part of a Massachusetts law that everyone’s talking about.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Ben Affleck, Jen Garner File for Divorce

Jennifer Garner has just filed for divorce from Ben Affleck, TMZ has learned, and it could not be more amicable. Both Jen and Ben filed pro per — without a lawyer. Her petition and his response mirror each other completely. The petition and…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Oakland Raiders "Officially File Paperwork" to Move to Vegas

The Raiders have officially begun the formal process of moving from Oakland to Vegas … so says a Nevada official.  Clark County Commission chair Steve Sisolak tweeted out the news Thursday morning saying, “It is official! The @RAIDERS have…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Phaedra Parks Says Apollo Can"t File for a Divorce that Already Went Down

Phaedra Parks says her ex is not only a felon … he’s slow on the uptake and she wants a judge to throw him out of divorce court. Phaedra filed legal docs calling BS on Apollo’s divorce petition. She says she filed for divorce first, and has…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian Meets with DIVORCE Attorney: Might She File?!?

No way… right?

She couldn’t… could she?

This can’t be real… can it?

Over the past several days, multiple celebrity gossip outlets have speculated on the status of Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West, with anonymous sources actually claiming it could be in danger.

We’ve mostly chosen to ignore this chatter, but a new report is forcing us to wonder if there’s any legitimacy behind this ongoing break-up talk.

The report comes to us from In Touch Weekly… so, yes, we ought to take it with a grain of salt the size of Kim’s boobs and/or Kanye’s ego.

But that tabloid alleges that Kardashian recently met with Laura Wasser, one of the highest profile divorce attorneys in Hollywood.

She represented Kim after she filed to legally split from Kris Humphries back in the day after 72 days of wedded non-bliss.

Were Kardashian and Wasser merely catching up? Or was something far more sinister at play?

Kim is miserable and wants this marriage to be over,” a friend tells In Touch, adding ominously:

 “Kanye has absolutely no clue that any of this is happening, but Kim has already asked to have divorce documents drawn up.”

WHOA THERE! Potential shots fired!

West, of course, was recently hospitalized for nine days as the result of some kind of mental/nervous breakdown.

Throughout his stay at UCLA Medical Center, numerous insiders claimed Kim was steadfast in her support, sitting by her husband’s bed nearly 24/7.

Since Kanye was released, however, reports of tension between West and Kardashian have been running rampant on the World Wide Web.

Most of these assertions stem from Kim’s trauma as a result of being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, a frightening incident that took place on October 3 and which has possibly changed EVERYTHING.

The reality star has essentially become a recluse ever since, meaning she did not accompany Kanye on the latest legs of his Saint Pablo Tour.

This supposedly caused the lovers to grow apart, while Kanye’s ranting and raving during these solo tour stops served as a major turn-off to Kardashian.

Still, though.

Really?!? Would Kim really leave Kanye during a clear time of need? Would she leave him at all?

“[Kim] talks to Laura all the time, not only as a lawyer, but as a friend,” one source tells In Touch, but another emphasizes that this latest meet-up was professional in nature.

“She really thought Kanye was her soul mate and is absolutely devastated… She’s done,” alleges this second insider.

We’ll believe it when we see the ink on the divorce papers, however.

E! News, who knows Kim as well as anyone, acknowledges that Kardashian has “a lot on her plate these days,” but that she “loves” Kanye and:

“Will of course always stay by Kanye’s side and support him and help him through it all.”

That’s what we’d have to believe at the moment.

Then again… Kim and Kanye are living apart.

It may be out of a safety precaution for now, but it still isn’t a sign of a healthy marriage.

And no one from either camp has come out and shot down thee divorce rumors, either. Hmmmm, people.



Kim Kardashian Meets with DIVORCE Attorney: Might She File?!?

No way… right?

She couldn’t… could she?

This can’t be real… can it?

Over the past several days, multiple celebrity gossip outlets have speculated on the status of Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West, with anonymous sources actually claiming it could be in danger.

We’ve mostly chosen to ignore this chatter, but a new report is forcing us to wonder if there’s any legitimacy behind this ongoing break-up talk.

The report comes to us from In Touch Weekly… so, yes, we ought to take it with a grain of salt the size of Kim’s boobs and/or Kanye’s ego.

But that tabloid alleges that Kardashian recently met with Laura Wasser, one of the highest profile divorce attorneys in Hollywood.

She represented Kim after she filed to legally split from Kris Humphries back in the day after 72 days of wedded non-bliss.

Were Kardashian and Wasser merely catching up? Or was something far more sinister at play?

Kim is miserable and wants this marriage to be over,” a friend tells In Touch, adding ominously:

 “Kanye has absolutely no clue that any of this is happening, but Kim has already asked to have divorce documents drawn up.”

WHOA THERE! Potential shots fired!

West, of course, was recently hospitalized for nine days as the result of some kind of mental/nervous breakdown.

Throughout his stay at UCLA Medical Center, numerous insiders claimed Kim was steadfast in her support, sitting by her husband’s bed nearly 24/7.

Since Kanye was released, however, reports of tension between West and Kardashian have been running rampant on the World Wide Web.

Most of these assertions stem from Kim’s trauma as a result of being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, a frightening incident that took place on October 3 and which has possibly changed EVERYTHING.

The reality star has essentially become a recluse ever since, meaning she did not accompany Kanye on the latest legs of his Saint Pablo Tour.

This supposedly caused the lovers to grow apart, while Kanye’s ranting and raving during these solo tour stops served as a major turn-off to Kardashian.

Still, though.

Really?!? Would Kim really leave Kanye during a clear time of need? Would she leave him at all?

“[Kim] talks to Laura all the time, not only as a lawyer, but as a friend,” one source tells In Touch, but another emphasizes that this latest meet-up was professional in nature.

“She really thought Kanye was her soul mate and is absolutely devastated… She’s done,” alleges this second insider.

We’ll believe it when we see the ink on the divorce papers, however.

E! News, who knows Kim as well as anyone, acknowledges that Kardashian has “a lot on her plate these days,” but that she “loves” Kanye and:

“Will of course always stay by Kanye’s side and support him and help him through it all.”

That’s what we’d have to believe at the moment.

Then again… Kim and Kanye are living apart.

It may be out of a safety precaution for now, but it still isn’t a sign of a healthy marriage.

And no one from either camp has come out and shot down thee divorce rumors, either. Hmmmm, people.



Monday, August 15, 2016

Thomas Gibson May File Lawsuit Over Criminal Minds Firing

We may not have heard the last from Thomas Gibson.

On Friday, Gibson was fired from his lead role on Criminal Minds, putting an end to a job he had held since 2005. 

CBS executives made this decision after Gibson kicked a producer on set a few weeks ago.

The veteran actor reportedly got into a dispute over the “creative” direction of the series with a writer named Virgil Williams, turning the argument physical after Williams got all up in his face.

Gibson was subsequently suspended for two weeks.

But that suspension turned into a firing just a couple days after news of the fight went viral.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Gibson has since hired a top Los Angeles law firm to pursue possible legal action against the show’s producers.

He has retained the services of Skip Miller, a prominent litigator with experience in entertainment industry disputes, who has confirmed that he’ll meet with Gibson this week in order to determine their next move.

A few more details, meanwhile, has emerged regarding the incident that got Gibson bounced from the drama.

Sources say Gibson was directing an episode that was written by Williams.

He disagreed with Williams when it came to an unknown “creative choice,” which led to a few words being exchanged between director and writer.

The incident, which culminated in Gibson kicking Williams in the shins, was witnessed by several Criminal Minds producers, including showrunner Erica Messer.

Following the fight, Williams (pictured below with Gibson) filed a formal complaint with human resources representatives for ABC Studios and CBS Television Studios.

Another director was brought in to complete filming on the episode in question, while Gibson was suspended for the next pair of episodes.

On Friday, upon announcing Gibson’s firing, CBS did not mince words.

There was no sugar coating nor was there any gratitude shown to Gibson for his 12 years on the show.

“Thomas Gibson has been dismissed from Criminal Minds,” CBS and the studios said Friday in a joint statement, adding:

“Creative details for how the character’s exit will be addressed in the show will be announced at a later date.”

In 2010, Gibson also shoved an assistant director.

It seems pretty clear at this point that he wasn’t the most popular person on set.

On Saturday, for example, former cast member Shemar Moore (who left Criminal Minds earlier this year after 11 seasons) released a video that implied Gibson’s firing was karma.

It has since been deleted, but Moore didn’t hold back in the footage.

“Lot of birdies chirping out there; the gossip is real. I hear it. I see it. I’m sure a lot of you do, too, so I’ll just say this: I believe in karma,” he said.

“Good things happen to good people. Honest people. Hard-working people. Humble people. People who believe in basic goodness. People who believe in themselves. People who believe in others. Good things will happen to you; it’s not always easy; but you gotta grind it out and you gotta believe in you.

“Treat people how you expect them to treat you. Celebrate yourself; celebrate your blessings — as you should. But just know that you’re not better than anybody. We all have our own gifts, so unwrap them bad boys and show ’em off.

“But then appreciate other people’s gifts. Church is over.”

As for Gibson?

This is what he said soon after his firing late last week:

“I love Criminal Minds and have put my heart and soul into it for the last 12 years. I had hoped to see it through to the end, but that won’t be possible now.

“I would just like to say thank you to the writers, producers, actors, our amazing crew, and, most importantly, the best fans that a show could ever hope to have.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Taylor Swift: Will She File A Police Report Against Kanye West?

Taylor Swift and Kanye West are pretty famous, but they are NOT friends. 

Kim Kardashian recently lifted the lid on a video that appeared to confirm that Swift was in the know about being used in Kanye West’s controversial “Famous” music video. 

Taylor then took to Instagram with a lengthy post about the whole thing. 

In her eyes, it was totally not okay and there’s every possibility that she’ll be filing a police report about the whole mess. 

If Taylor feels like she was in the right, then she should go to the police. Why wouldn’t you want to clear your name?

There’s also word that the global singing sensation wants the full video released. 

Apparently, she heard people in the background during the conversation, but she didn’t know they could hear it. 

Okay then.

There’s even word that the actual phone call lasted around an hour and that Kim was very selective of what she posted. 

Could this mean there was a lot more stuff going on in the call than we first thought?

Could Kim and Kanye have been trashing another celebrity and this is why Taylor wants the full thing released?

There’s every possibility that Taylor just wants the world to know that she DID NOT approve of the lyrics. 

Another thing that apparently got to Taylor is that the song his lighthearted, but is actually very mean-spirited.

This is all getting crazier by the day, but there’s no sign of it slowing down. 

If Taylor goes the police route, expect Kimye to fire back with one of their own. 

A whole host of celebrities have aired their views on the drama that’s taking social media by storm. 

Chris Brown was against all of the attention the feud was getting.

What do you think about the latest drama on this ongoing feud?

Hit the comments below!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Amber Heard to File Assault Charges Against Johnny Depp

As you’ve probably heard by now, Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of assault in a hearing held last week in which the actress requested a temporary restraining order against her estranged husband.

In the days since her accusations became public knowledge, many have questioned the veracity of Heard’s claims, including several friends and exes of Depp’s.

Some have even gone so far as to claim that Heard is blackmailing Depp and using these accusations as leverage in order to gain a more favorable spousal support settlement.

One of the major sources of controversy has been the fact that Heard declined to file a report on the night that a friend called police to her house as a result of Depp’s alleged attack.

Now, Heard’s lawyers have issued a statement in which they claim that their client failed to provide a statement only because she “protect her privacy and Johnny’s career.”

“She’s now going to go through with it,” says a source close to Amber.

“Amber is working up the courage to do it,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online, adding that Heard “is being encouraged by friends to do it not only for herself but other women who are victims of domestic violence.”

Moments ago, Heard’s attorney Samantha F. Spector issued a statement reading:

“As the result of Amber’s decision to decline giving an initial statement to the LAPD, her silence has been used against her by Johnny’s team. 

“Amber did not provide a statement to the LAPD in an attempt to protect her privacy and Johnny’s career.

“Johnny’s team has forced Amber to give a statement to the LAPD to set the record straight as to the true facts, as she cannot continue to leave herself open to the vicious false and malicious allegations that have infected the media.”

Depp’s team has yet to respond to this latest development.

We’ll have updates on this story as more information becomes available.