Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian Meets with DIVORCE Attorney: Might She File?!?

No way… right?

She couldn’t… could she?

This can’t be real… can it?

Over the past several days, multiple celebrity gossip outlets have speculated on the status of Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West, with anonymous sources actually claiming it could be in danger.

We’ve mostly chosen to ignore this chatter, but a new report is forcing us to wonder if there’s any legitimacy behind this ongoing break-up talk.

The report comes to us from In Touch Weekly… so, yes, we ought to take it with a grain of salt the size of Kim’s boobs and/or Kanye’s ego.

But that tabloid alleges that Kardashian recently met with Laura Wasser, one of the highest profile divorce attorneys in Hollywood.

She represented Kim after she filed to legally split from Kris Humphries back in the day after 72 days of wedded non-bliss.

Were Kardashian and Wasser merely catching up? Or was something far more sinister at play?

Kim is miserable and wants this marriage to be over,” a friend tells In Touch, adding ominously:

 “Kanye has absolutely no clue that any of this is happening, but Kim has already asked to have divorce documents drawn up.”

WHOA THERE! Potential shots fired!

West, of course, was recently hospitalized for nine days as the result of some kind of mental/nervous breakdown.

Throughout his stay at UCLA Medical Center, numerous insiders claimed Kim was steadfast in her support, sitting by her husband’s bed nearly 24/7.

Since Kanye was released, however, reports of tension between West and Kardashian have been running rampant on the World Wide Web.

Most of these assertions stem from Kim’s trauma as a result of being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, a frightening incident that took place on October 3 and which has possibly changed EVERYTHING.

The reality star has essentially become a recluse ever since, meaning she did not accompany Kanye on the latest legs of his Saint Pablo Tour.

This supposedly caused the lovers to grow apart, while Kanye’s ranting and raving during these solo tour stops served as a major turn-off to Kardashian.

Still, though.

Really?!? Would Kim really leave Kanye during a clear time of need? Would she leave him at all?

“[Kim] talks to Laura all the time, not only as a lawyer, but as a friend,” one source tells In Touch, but another emphasizes that this latest meet-up was professional in nature.

“She really thought Kanye was her soul mate and is absolutely devastated… She’s done,” alleges this second insider.

We’ll believe it when we see the ink on the divorce papers, however.

E! News, who knows Kim as well as anyone, acknowledges that Kardashian has “a lot on her plate these days,” but that she “loves” Kanye and:

“Will of course always stay by Kanye’s side and support him and help him through it all.”

That’s what we’d have to believe at the moment.

Then again… Kim and Kanye are living apart.

It may be out of a safety precaution for now, but it still isn’t a sign of a healthy marriage.

And no one from either camp has come out and shot down thee divorce rumors, either. Hmmmm, people.

