Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Taylor Swift: Will She File A Police Report Against Kanye West?

Taylor Swift and Kanye West are pretty famous, but they are NOT friends. 

Kim Kardashian recently lifted the lid on a video that appeared to confirm that Swift was in the know about being used in Kanye West’s controversial “Famous” music video. 

Taylor then took to Instagram with a lengthy post about the whole thing. 

In her eyes, it was totally not okay and there’s every possibility that she’ll be filing a police report about the whole mess. 

If Taylor feels like she was in the right, then she should go to the police. Why wouldn’t you want to clear your name?

There’s also word that the global singing sensation wants the full video released. 

Apparently, she heard people in the background during the conversation, but she didn’t know they could hear it. 

Okay then.

There’s even word that the actual phone call lasted around an hour and that Kim was very selective of what she posted. 

Could this mean there was a lot more stuff going on in the call than we first thought?

Could Kim and Kanye have been trashing another celebrity and this is why Taylor wants the full thing released?

There’s every possibility that Taylor just wants the world to know that she DID NOT approve of the lyrics. 

Another thing that apparently got to Taylor is that the song his lighthearted, but is actually very mean-spirited.

This is all getting crazier by the day, but there’s no sign of it slowing down. 

If Taylor goes the police route, expect Kimye to fire back with one of their own. 

A whole host of celebrities have aired their views on the drama that’s taking social media by storm. 

Chris Brown was against all of the attention the feud was getting.

What do you think about the latest drama on this ongoing feud?

Hit the comments below!