Showing posts with label Sydney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sydney. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Billy Bush and Sydney Davis File for Divorce

In September of 2017, it was revealed that Billy Bush and Sydney Davis had separated after 20 years of marriage.

At the time, the couple said that they were just on a “short-term break.”

Now, however, it looks like their split is official — because they have filed for divorce.

Remember when Access Hollywood was just what it sounded like, and not synonymous with Donald Trump bragging about “accessing” women’s genitals without their consent?

Billy Bush sure does. His career was banished into the void after those hot mic recordings surfaced in October of 2016.

Nearly a year later, news broke that Billy and his wife, Sydney Davis, were separated.

TMZ reports that Sydney filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

And they have some details on how this divorce will take shape.

Sydney is seeking joint legal and physical custody of the couple’s two minor children.

Unlike 13-year-old Lillie and 17-year-old Mary, Josie, who is their eldest daughter, is 19 and therefore an adult.

According to the papers that Sydney filed, she intends for Billy to get visitation.

Divorce can impact adult children, of course, but it’s usually (barring special circumstances) only the underage children of the couple who are directly named the divorce.

Both daughters are teens and that is usually old enough for a court to take their input into consideration if this becomes a custody battle. 

Then, of course, there’s the question of spousal support.

TMZ reports that Sydney is definitely seeking spousal support, which makes sense.

They do not, however, specify the amount of support. Perhaps that will become clear when they appear in court.

We hope that they can work out financial matters amicably. Sometimes, even divorcing couples who have worked out custody without an issue suddenly become hostile when money becomes a topic.

It is worth noting that, though Billy Bush was fired from Today after his conversation wtih Trump surfaced, he scored a settlement worth $ 9 million.

Overall, his net worth is estimated to be about $ 15 million.

RadarOnline reports that Billy Bush feels blindsided by Sydney’s divorce filing.

“He really didn’t see this coming,” the insider reveals. “And thought that their trial separation would make all the problems go away.”

Oh, that’s … so sad.

The source continues, saying: “He truly believed they were in the process of fixing things.”

“Her request for spousal support makes him even more upset,” the insider adds.


The source explains Billy’s thinking, saying: “She knows he is not making the kind of money that he used to.”

Divorces, as we mentioned, can go from amicable to acrimonious in the blink of an eye.

We sincerely hope that Billy and Sydney can work things out quickly and with as little stress or conflict as possible.

Sometimes, couples will agree to an arrangement with finances and custody on their own, or with the help of a mediator.

If not, well, then it becomes a judge’s job to decide. Generally speaking, it’s better for both parties involved to come to an agreement.

We wish this family the best as they go through this divorce.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Billy Bush"s Wife, Sydney, Files for Divorce

Billy Bush’s wife has filed for divorce … TMZ has learned.  Sydney Davis filed legal docs to end their marriage, citing irreconcilable differences. Sydney is asking for joint legal and primary physical custody of 13-year-old Lillie and…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Selena Gomez"s Transplant Scars Visible As She Soaks Up Sun in Sydney

Selena Gomez put on a bikini and hopped on a boat in Sydney Harbor over the weekend and you can clearly see some of the scarring from her kidney transplant. Gomez soaked up the sun Sunday with some friends — and no Bieber.  The scar is not…


Selena Gomez"s Transplant Scars Visible As She Soaks Up Sun in Sydney

Selena Gomez put on a bikini and hopped on a boat in Sydney Harbor over the weekend and you can clearly see some of the scarring from her kidney transplant. Gomez soaked up the sun Sunday with some friends — and no Bieber.  The scar is not…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Khloe Kardashian and Sydney Simpson: Do They Look Like Sisters?

O.J. Simpson is back in the news — an old, buried interview even shows him revealing that he had an accomplice and giving what many believe to be a confession to killing Nicole and Ron.

In light of that, people who have long speculated that Khloe might be The Juice"s daughter have been giving that theory a second look.

And they"ve noticed that Sydney Simpson, his daughter, looks an awful lot like Khloe. Check out the video below and decide for yourself.

O.J. Simpson went to prison. Not for the vicious murders that he allegedly committed and later sought to use to profit. Not for the years of alleged domestic violence that he inflicted upon Nicole Brown during their marriage.

No, O.J. went to prison for an armed robbery in a case that is truly bizarre. In the mean time, he missed out on the lives of his children.

(Which is honestly for the best, for their sakes)

His son Justin is 29 and currently a real estate agent.

His daughter Sydney is 32, attended Boston University, and graduated with a sociology degree.

And Khloe … wait, no, Khloe isn"t O.J."s daughter.

(This throwback photo shows a young Khloe with the late Robert Kardashian)

Khloe has always been very adamant that Robert Kardashian is her father.

She"s even gone so far as to commune with his spirit via Hollywood Medium star Tyler Henry.

Some might say that this is evidence that she"s definitely his biological daughter, though others have shot down that claim, because there" more to family than blood. 

(Plus, people are very divided over whether or not mediums are a real thing)

Kris Jenner has encouraged Khloe in the past to get a DNA test to shut down the rumors, but Khloe always felt that it would be insulting to everyone involved to even dignify the rumors by disproving them.

But … some wonder if Khloe might have avoided the test because of nagging doubts.

With all of the where-are-they-now questions that people have been asking since O.J."s release from prison, a number of people have looked at photos of Sydney — when she was young and when she was an adult.

And they"ve pointed out what they believe to be strong physical resemblances to Khloe Kardashian.

Not just in the childhood photos, but as adults.

Some of those who have long believed that O.J. secretly fathered Khloe behind his friend Robert"s back point to these similarities and say that the two women are actually sisters.

Well, half-sisters.

So … are they?

Even O.J. Simpson himself has denied it.

O.J. … who would seemingly have nothing to lose and everything to gain (seriously, it"s not like anyone could think worse of him at this point, right?) … denied that he"s the grandfather of Khloe"s baby.

Khloe, who is expecting a baby girl and just had an epic baby shower, isn"t exactly on speaking terms with O.J. … but he sent her some indirect congratulations anyway. 

Still, some of these theorists point out that O.J. might not know.

They point to the fact that, though known by most as a disgraced monster who got an acquittal due to social tensions and a botched prosecution, O.J. was once a beloved athlete to people who like sports.

He also appeared on commercials and even in a film.

They feel that it"s very conceivable that a man who was once one of the biggest stars might have bedded — and impregnated — his best friend"s wife.

And they see Sydney and Khloe"s alleged similarities as "proof" that this happened.

Take a look at these side-by-side images in the video below and decide for yourself if you think that Sydney and Khloe look like sisters.

Maybe they"re right … or maybe people who don"t understand genetics are eager to "explain" why Khloe is taller than most of her siblings.

Clearly, Sydney hasn"t had as much "help" with her appearance or figure as Khloe has, but there are plenty of photos of the "old" Khloe for comparison.

So … are they sisters?

Khloe kardashian and sydney simpson do they look like sisters

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Great White Shark Attack in Sydney Australia

Another gruesome shark attack … this time in Australia. A woman suffered deep cuts to her leg Friday after what appears to be an attack by a Great White Shark … and it occurred near shore.  The attack occurred on a Sydney beach around La…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sam Smith and Boyfriend Brandon Flynn Climb Sydney Bridge

Sam Smith and his BF, Brandon Flynn, are taking their relationship to the next level … 161 feet high above, to be exact. Sam and the “13 Reasons Why” actor hit up Australia where they mustered the strength for an adrenaline rush,…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Billy Bush, Wife Sydney Davis Split After 20 Years of Marriage

After nearly two decades years of marriage and three kids together, Billy Bush and his wife Sydney Davis have announced their separation.

A representative for the pair confirmed the breakup to The Hollywood Reporter on Tuesday, offering few details, but a glimmer of hope.

“They have separated for the moment to evaluate their life together,” the rep confirmed. “They love each other and their children deeply.”

“[They] are committed to a bright future.”

The couple shares three daughters, ages 12 to 18, and “separated for the moment” definitely leaves the door open to a future reconciliation.

That’s how they want it to read, at least.

Without question, the past year has been trying for the Bush family following the leak of an Access Hollywood tape that featured Billy.

You know the one we’re talking about.

It involved disturbing conversation between Bush and Donald Trump back in 2005 in which they were visiting the set of Days of Our Lives.

On the tape, then-candidate Trump bragged about grabbing women without consent and getting away with it because he was a celebrity.

“You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful – I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss,” Trump confided in Bush.

“I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Trump also regaled Bush with tales of how he tried to sleep with Billy’s co-host Nancy O’Dell. “I moved on her very heavily,” he recalled.

“I did try and f–k her … I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump admitted.

“Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

While Trump’s statements showed exactly the kind of person he is, 53 percent of white women still voted him into office a month later.

Bush, on the other hand, paid the price professionally and personally. Bush was fired by Today and apparently lost his wife in the aftermath.

Billy didn’t say any things of that nature on the explosive video, but he didn’t exactly sound like he objected to the “locker room talk.”

“Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple. Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!” Bush said of the Days star they were meeting.

That, along with his general giggling like a middle schooler enamored by Trump’s boorishness, were enough to earn him the pink slip.

In a subsequent interview with ABC News in May, Bush said his daughter, Mary, was “really upset” and demanded answers for his behavior.

“I said, ‘Mary, it’s going to be OK. You know, don’t worry,"” he said. “And she said, ‘No. Why were you laughing at the things that he was saying”

“Why were you playing along with it, Dad? It wasn’t funny."”

Davis hasn’t publicly commented on the tape, but sources have described her as “furious” after watching it, which is hardly a surprise.

Still, Bush said in May of this year that his wife of nearly 20 years had supported him “the whole way through” the scandal.

“She was very understanding,” he said at the time.

“She knows very well the man she married.”


Friday, July 7, 2017

Justin Bieber Preaching Dance Moves in Sydney

Justin Bieber is a believer, hypeman and dance instructor all rolled into one for a group of worshipers in Sydney. The Biebs is Down Under and got the huge crowd dabbing Friday to some Bruno Mars at the 4 day long Hillsong Conference. Justin’s…


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sydney Holland: Sumner Redstone"s Ex Joining The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

She’s philanthropic! She’s a working woman! She wants to be a Housewife!

Meet Sydney Holland, a gal who bills herself as a producer, but is more well-known for dating studio executive Sumner Redstone, 93.

The Hollywood Reporter first broke the news that Holland, 44, had pitched herself to producers to the join the cast of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Holland and Redstone – who is chairman emeritus of Viacom and CBS – were set up by Patti Stanger on The Millionaire Matchmaker.  They dated for five years before Redstone broke it off after Holland had an affair with former actor, George Pilgrim.

When Redstone found out that Holland and Pilgrim were shacking up in her Sedona home, he kicked her to the curb.

“He exploded and told Holland to ‘get the fuck out of my house’ and within two days every trace of her was gone, including Holland’s two-year-old adopted daughter, Alexandra Red, whom Holland has described as delighting Redstone, toddling around the house and sitting on his lap,” a source told Vanity Fair.

“‘Sydney is out of his life,’ explains the source, who is familiar with the situation. ‘It’s now, ‘Sydney who?’ There’s no fucking with this man ever. As Ace Greenberg [the late former chairman of Bear Stearns] used to say, ‘If you mess with Sumner you are going to lose.’”

Holland also flips houses (reportedly with money “given” to her from Redstone), according to Variety.  She purchased homes owned by Jessica Simpson, one leased by Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, and has managed to make a profit on most, if not all, projects.

Holland’s reps reportedly sent a “sizzle reel” to producers to show that she can hold here own against Kyle Richards, Lisa Rinna, Eileen Davidson, Erica Girardi (Erika Jayne), Yolanda Foster, Kathryn Edwards and Lisa Vanderpump. 

Though rumors have made the rounds about casting decisions for season seven, neither Andy Cohen nor Bravo have made any official statements about who is leaving, and who is staying.

While we wait for word on whether Holland is a go or not, let’s dream us some tag lines!

How about: “I dig for gold, then turn a profit.”

Or, “Live with a rich old man long enough, and your investment just might pay off.”

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sydney Leroux -- Bikinis, Bottles & Fat Jewish ... At Vegas Bachelorette Party!!


Exclusive Details

0928_Sydney_Leroux_bachelorette_party_launchBetter late than never … at least when it comes to bachelorette parties — ’cause even though U.S. soccer star Sydney Leroux already tied the knot, she still made time for a belated girls weekend. 

As we previously reported, Leroux got married back in January in a very small ceremony — but since it was during soccer season, she postponed the reception until mid-October. 

But just because she’s technically not a bachelorette, it didn’t stop her from hitting Vegas with her BFFs this weekend … where the gang partied at Surrender Nightclub while poppin’ bottles of Dom and Grey Goose. 

As for the celebrity cameo, we’re told the group ran into The Fat Jewish while leaving dinner at Andrea’s right before they hit the club … and stopped to pose for a picture. 

FYI — Leroux’s hubby is soccer star Dom Dwyer. No word on when he gets to go on his post-bachelor party. 

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