Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Bindi Irwin Celebrates Her 20th Birthday at Australia Zoo

Bindi Irwin ushered in her 20th year of existence on this Earth celebrating at HER happiest place on Earth … the zoo!! Steve Irwin’s daughter was all smiles celebrating her birthday Tuesday at the Australia Zoo. She posed in front of a pretty…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Nick Jonas Has Bloody Good Time with Mystery Brunette in Australia

Nick Jonas isn’t gonna let a little thing like an open wound on a hot chick’s knee crush his game, as proven by this footage of their epic day … complete with public makeout sesh. Nick and his bro Joe are gallivanting around…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Nick & Joe Jonas Try Their Hands at Lawn Bowling in Australia

Nick and Joe Jonas are a couple of ball busters … at least when they’re Down Under. The bros tried their hand at lawn bowling during their vacation in Sydney, Australia. The game looks like tons of fun. The object — deliver your bowl as close as…


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Great White Shark Attack in Sydney Australia

Another gruesome shark attack … this time in Australia. A woman suffered deep cuts to her leg Friday after what appears to be an attack by a Great White Shark … and it occurred near shore.  The attack occurred on a Sydney beach around La…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

NBA"s Dante Exum Puts USA Hoops On Notice, Australia is Coming

Kangaroo loving Utah Jazz guard Dante Exum is letting USA Basketball know … the future of International basketball could be down under, ‘cause the Australians are up next. The Aussies have some hoopers — including Ben Simmons, Patty Mills, Joe…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s Perfume Can"t Be Shipped to Australia and Customers Outraged

Kim Kardashian’s Crystal Gardenia perfume line has been a worldwide smash … problem is, customers in Australia, New Zealand and other countries have plunked down the cash but still don’t smell nice. TMZ has learned the perfume is considered a…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Liam Hemsworth Tells Australia to Vote YES on Marriage Equality!

Liam Hemsworth is more than just really ridiculously good-looking. He’s more than just an actor. He’s also a good person.

And people are hoping that, just as he’s seemed to be a moderating influence on Miley, maybe Liam’s goodness can rub off on others. Particularly, on all of Australia.

Australia is voting on marriage equality, and Liam Hemsworth is speaking out in favor of LGBT rights.

The global fight for LGBT rights didn’t end when marriage equality became the law of the land in the US.

(In fact, it didn’t even end in the US — in plenty of states, you can still be fired for being gay. And then there are trans rights, and LGBT homeless youth, and … there’s a lot, folks. Inequality runs deep)

Australia, Earth’s Florida, still doesn’t have marriage equality in place … even though the US, Canada, and the UK do. That sets them up to be the last major English-speaking nation where same-sex couples can have a legally recognized marriage.

But they’re holding a vote on it. Before their legislature votes, they’re going to hear from Australians themselves, in a move called a plebiscite.

Just over a week ago, voters in Australia received envelopes with which to cast their votes, and they have until the seventh of November to return their ballots.

(Note that all adults in Australia are automatically registered to vote and that, normally, voting in elections is mandatory — while here in the US, as many as half of the country regularly declines to vote for reasons that I honestly cannot fathom)

While the “yes” voters appear to have the majority in polls, there are worries that people who are opposed to marriage equality might simply be shy about their bigotry.

Others fear that those who support marriage equality will assume that it’s a done deal and will decline to actually send in their “yes” votes.

Every celebrity voice, like that of internationally renown actor and Australian native Liam Hemsworth, that speaks up for the “yes” voters can make a difference.

Liam took to Instagram to share his support for the “yes” vote and his support for marriage equality in Australia.

The way that he starts his letter may surprise you, however.

“I personally do not believe that same sex marriage should come down to a vote.”

That almost sounds like he’s unhappy that this is on the table — but we’ll get to that in a moment.

“I believe it’s a HUMAN RIGHT to be able to marry the person you love regardless of gender.”

Yes, good.

“To all the Australians that care about equality and human rights please say YES to same sex marriage.”

Good to implore people to vote. And, when the vote is “yes” or “no,” you want to repeat the right answer as much as possible. Which he does.

“Let’s not be silly about this. Vote YES for same sex marriage in Australia.”

The reason that Liam Hemsworth is among those who doesn’t believe that marriage equality should be up for a vote is because it’s a human right.

When human rights are put up for a vote, it gives the majority an opportunity to deny basic rights to the minority.

(That is one of the reasons that the US Constitution has a Bill of Rights)

He doesn’t spell that out, but it’s a commonly held belief that’s been repeated in various countries whenever this has come up — that putting human rights up for a vote is in and of itself a human rights violation, even people vote justly.

We should remember that this vote is in some ways personal for Liam.

His finacee, Miley Cyrus, is pansexual. That makes her part of the LGBT community.

Same-sex marriage might be moot for her if the two of them ever decide to finally, finally get married.

But her human rights being recognized just like everyone else’s by his home country’s government … that has to be a priority.

Hopefully, Australia won’t be the site of another Brexit — or another Trump.

Perhaps both of those incidents will show the Australian people the dangers of apathy and not voting.

Marriage equality is inevitable, sure, but if the Australian government takes years or decades longer to officially recognize same-sex marriages, millions and millions of Australians will be negatively impacted during that time.

Australians have more than a month remaining to vote “yes,” so we hope that they listen to voices like Liam’s.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Scott Eastwood Illegally Dives off Cliff in Australia (VIDEO)

Scott Eastwood was up to no good on his day off in Australia … and he probably didn’t even know it. The actor’s in Sydney shooting “Pacific Rim” … and on his day off Tuesday he decided to hit up Wattamolla Falls at the Royal National Park.…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Man Punches Kangaroo, Saves Dog in Australia

Do not let their pouches, their ability to stand on two feet or their faces fool you:

Kangaroos are not always cuddly and adorable.

Especially when it comes to dogs, with whom kangaroos in Australia have an especially contentious relationship.

One man and his canine, Max, have gone viral after finding this out the hard (and sort of hilarious) way.

In the following video, a friends friends are on a hunting trip organized for one of their pals, who had recently been diagnosed with cancer.

This sick friend wanted to catch a boar, so the group traveled to New South Wales, with someone filming footage from the vacation in order to share with the cancer patient’s family.

When one of the hunting dogs got snared by the kangaroo, a zookeeper at Westerns Plains Zoo named Greg Tonkins jumped into action.

As you"re about to see, he circled the marsupial like a boxer, landed one shot directly to the animal"s face and successfully rescued the dog, who ran away to safety while the kangaroo stood there dazed.

You can tell he"s thinking: Did this guy really punch me in the face?!?

He then turns and walks away.

We"re not making any of this up.


Man punches kangaroo saves dog in australia

Friday, June 10, 2016

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Moving to AUSTRALIA?!

While Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have remained extremely secretive about their relationship, the gossip mags have been following them closely.

The two rekindled their relationship at the beginning of the year, and since then the wedding rumors have been flying.

While Liam affirmed he was not engaged back in April, the tabloids basically went, pffft, yeah right, and seem convinced the two will be tying the knot as soon as this summer.

Yesterday, we reported that Miley and Liam were getting married in Australia, the actor’s homeland.

But it wouldn’t necessarily qualify as a destination wedding, because a new report claims the couple plan to move there for good.

“Liam is [convincing] Miley to move permanently to Byron Bay [in the Australian state of New South Wales] — she loves the idea,” the insider tells HollywoodLife.

“Byron Bay is beautiful, comfortable and private, and it has a strong hippy vibe/community, which Miley loves.”

That certainly does seem like Miley, and the couple have been spending a good amount of time down under this year.

Liam’s family still resides in Australia, including his brother Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataky, with whom Miley just got matching tattoos.

“After they get hitched down there, Miley and Liam plan on buying a huge place next to Chris in Byron Bay and living a peaceful life away from the eyes of Hollywood,” the source added.

Liam finally confirmed his relationship with Miley last month during an interview with GQ Australia, saying that she makes him happy.

And while Miley has remained mum, her dad Billy Ray Cyrus gushed about her relationship with Liam last month.

“Here’s what I do know. They’re so happy. That’s the main thing,” Billy Ray explained.

“Miley and I, we always had this slogan—’If you ain’t happy, it ain’t working.’

“Just seeing these—I still call ’em kids—these two kids happy, that’s all that matters.”

Sounds like everyone’s happy. Let’s just hope Miley can keep her tongue in her mouth until after the doors are closed in her honeymoon suite.

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Moving to AUSTRALIA?!

While Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have remained extremely secretive about their relationship, the gossip mags have been following them closely.

The two rekindled their relationship at the beginning of the year, and since then the wedding rumors have been flying.

While Liam affirmed he was not engaged back in April, the tabloids basically went, pffft, yeah right, and seem convinced the two will be tying the knot as soon as this summer.

Yesterday, we reported that Miley and Liam were getting married in Australia, the actor’s homeland.

But it wouldn’t necessarily qualify as a destination wedding, because a new report claims the couple plan to move there for good.

“Liam is [convincing] Miley to move permanently to Byron Bay [in the Australian state of New South Wales] — she loves the idea,” the insider tells HollywoodLife.

“Byron Bay is beautiful, comfortable and private, and it has a strong hippy vibe/community, which Miley loves.”

That certainly does seem like Miley, and the couple have been spending a good amount of time down under this year.

Liam’s family still resides in Australia, including his brother Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataky, with whom Miley just got matching tattoos.

“After they get hitched down there, Miley and Liam plan on buying a huge place next to Chris in Byron Bay and living a peaceful life away from the eyes of Hollywood,” the source added.

Liam finally confirmed his relationship with Miley last month during an interview with GQ Australia, saying that she makes him happy.

And while Miley has remained mum, her dad Billy Ray Cyrus gushed about her relationship with Liam last month.

“Here’s what I do know. They’re so happy. That’s the main thing,” Billy Ray explained.

“Miley and I, we always had this slogan—’If you ain’t happy, it ain’t working.’

“Just seeing these—I still call ’em kids—these two kids happy, that’s all that matters.”

Sounds like everyone’s happy. Let’s just hope Miley can keep her tongue in her mouth until after the doors are closed in her honeymoon suite.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kim Kardashian Nude Mural: Defaced in Australia!

Kim Kardashian has been slut-shamed.

Sort of. In actuality, a 30-foot mural of Kim Kardashian nude has been slut-shamed. Allow us to explain…

Earlier this month, of course, Kardashian shared her latest naked selfie on Instagram, posting a snapshot of her birthday suit on social media and nearly breaking the Internet once again in the process.

Kim was largely mocked in the U.S. for the move, but an artist in Australia named Mark Walls – who goes by “lushsux” on Instagram – had a different reaction to Kim going nude once again.

He recreated Kardashian’s bare pose via 30-foot tall, three-story high mural on the side of a building.

mural of kim

Just a few days after its completion, however, this unusual piece of art was defaced and destroyed.

Someone drew a penis on the mural, along with the word “SLUT.”

“Andddd this is why we can’t have nice things,” Walls wrote as a caption to the following photo, which depicts the X-rated graffiti.

We’re not sure if an enormous painting of Kim Kardashian naked should be classified as a “nice thing,” but we do not approve of anyone defiling anyone else’s hard work in this kind of manner.

KIM graffiti

“No leads on who did it, but a local council member did happen to come and inform the owner of the building he had received a volume of complaints, mostly due to the word ‘SLUT’ sprayed across the mural,” Walls has said of the act.

Soon after critics came out in force against her penchant for showing off her nude body, Kardshian went on the offensive.

I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality, she wrote in response to the criticism, adding:

I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin. I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me.

And I hope that through this platform I have been given, I can encourage the same empowerment for girls and women all over the world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Virgin Australia to Kanye West: Eat a D---, You Douche

The greatest thing ever happened on Twitter.  

After Pitchfork gave Kanye West’s new album a 9 out of 10, the hot mess refused to accept it, and thus tweeted to the music review site that The Life of Pablo is a “30 out of 10.”

Someone got ahold of Virgin Australia’s account and tweeted to West, “EAD, you douche.”

Virgin Australia tells Kanye West to Eat A D--K

The tweet didn’t stay up for more than a minute, before the airline took it down, according to Page Six.

Fortunately for us, someone was able to get a screen grab.

“A recent tweet on our account was not published by a Virgin Australia employee and we are investigating the matter,” the airline tweeted to its 210,000 followers.

Given West’s recent behavior, fans loved what they saw:

– “Dear @VirginAustralia DWAIWAMM (Don’t worry about it we all make mistakes) Please don’t fire your social media person.”

– “HIRE WHOEVER DID IT. This isn’t a bad thing, it needs to be congratulated

– “Oh babe don’t apologise, we loved the sass, and Kanye deserves it.

– “That person should become an employee after that. With a big signing bonus.

– “I’m now going to only fly Virgin purely based on your ‘EOD’ tweet. “

– “that’s a shame.   We were all thinking you had major cred what i thought yet another reason to love virgin…. don’t apologise embrace.”

Virgin Australia wasn’t the only verified account to put West in his place.  The Grammy Awards allegedly responded to West’s demand for Album of the Year, though they also deleted it shortly after.

I’m not 100% positive that this is the Grammy account, only because there is no blue badge.  Still, what a dig:

The Grammys Put Kanye West In His Place

It’s rumored that West had a meltdown on February 13th, and nearly walked out of Saturday Night Live because he wasn’t happy with the set.

SNL creator Lorne Michaels and Kim Kardashian had to calm West down until he agreed to stay and perform.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Assaulted With Eggs in Australia!

It’s been an odd couple of days for the world’s most famous social media stars.

First we had Kendall and Kylie Jenner making out on Snapchat. Now comes the bizarre news that the sisters nearly wound up with egg on their faces during an appearance in Australia last night.

Yes, according to TMZ, an angry Aussie woman threw eggs at Kylie and Kendall while they were promoting their clothing line in Sydney. 

Sources say the sisters were safely whisked away from the scene, and the 30-year-old yolkster was promptly arrested.

Thankfully, the woman responsible had weak aim, and the projectiles reportedly splattered on the stage, several feet from where Kylie and Kendall were standing.

This isn’t the first time that a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has been subjected to a scary “prank” from an unstable weirdo.

Last year, Kim Kardashian was tackled at a Paris Fashion Week event by some D-bag who considers himself a comedian.

Shortly thereafter, Kris Jenner lashed out against pranksters after being subjected to a series of “jokes” that many would consider criminal harassment. 

As for the Aussie egg-tosser, she reportedly spit on police after she was arrested, so she may not have to worry about seeing the Kard clan on TV for quite some time.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chris Brown to Australia -- Forget Parents, I Can Teach Kids About Domestic Violence


0929-chris-brown-australia-getty-01Chris Brown is trying to convince the Australian government, he’s better suited to teach kids about the horrors of domestic violence than their parents.

As we reported, the Australian government is strongly inclined to deny Brown entry into the country because of the Rihanna beating conviction, but they’ve invited the singer to make a case for entry.

Brown just tweeted, “The youth don’t listen to parents nor do they listen to PSA’s. The power that we have as Entertainers can change lives.”

The problem … his tweet is more about him and his right to move past the conviction than it is about domestic violence. He writes, “My life mistakes should be a wake up call for everyone. Showing the world that mistakes don’t define you. Trying to prevent spousal abuse.”

He might want to leave this one to the lawyers.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Australia to Chris Brown -- Tell Us Why You"re Fit to Visit


breaking news

0927-chris-brown-tmz-01Chris Brown has a month to make a case the Rihanna beating shouldn’t be a deal breaker in his bid to visit Australia.

The Australian government has now formally laid the groundwork to deny Brown entry. We’ve confirmed Brown has received a Notice of Intention to Consider Refusal, based on his felony conviction in the Rihanna attack.

As we previously reported, several officials, including the Prime Minister, have voiced strong opposition to Brown’s planned visit, saying his domestic violence conviction make him of unfit character to enjoy the land down under.

It wouldn’t be the first time the Aussies denied an Australian entry based on violence toward women. Floyd Mayweather was also banned earlier this year.

As for Chris, he has concerts scheduled in December in 3 Australian cities, and he’s gone on social media saying he’ll be there.  But it seems Australian officials have other plans.

Chris has 28 days to file legal docs and making a case for entry.  We reached out to his rep … so far no word back.