Showing posts with label EGGS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EGGS. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Danica Patrick Reveals She Froze Her Eggs Way Before Aaron Rodgers

Danica Patrick says she’s taken out an “insurance policy” on her biological clock … putting her eggs on ice to guarantee herself a shot at motherhood. “A couple years ago, I did an (in vitro fertilization) treatment to freeze my eggs because I’m…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Mike Trout Doused With Blue Icee, Raw Eggs in Birthday Ritual

Wanna know what Mike Trout got for his birthday? Blue Icee, raw eggs, coffee creamer, baby powder, dish soap and Frosted Flakes — and he got it all over his face. Trout’s L.A. Angels’ teammates sat the guy down in the locker room and doused the…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Petrossian Caviar and Champagne Bar at LAX Sued by Ex-Chef, Claims They Dished Rotten Eggs

Petrossian Caviar and Champagne Bar in LAX was serving bad caviar to its schmany food-loving customers according to an ex-cook … who says he was fired for calling out the bad eggs. Donald Gray filed a lawsuit against his former bosses, and…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Pissed Chargers Fan Throws Eggs At Team Facility (VIDEO)

What do you do when you find out your beloved football team is moving to L.A.? For one angry Chargers fan, the only thing you can do is throw eggs at the team’s headquarters … and broadcast the whole thing on social media. (Ex-) Bolts fan Dan…


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Assaulted With Eggs in Australia!

It’s been an odd couple of days for the world’s most famous social media stars.

First we had Kendall and Kylie Jenner making out on Snapchat. Now comes the bizarre news that the sisters nearly wound up with egg on their faces during an appearance in Australia last night.

Yes, according to TMZ, an angry Aussie woman threw eggs at Kylie and Kendall while they were promoting their clothing line in Sydney. 

Sources say the sisters were safely whisked away from the scene, and the 30-year-old yolkster was promptly arrested.

Thankfully, the woman responsible had weak aim, and the projectiles reportedly splattered on the stage, several feet from where Kylie and Kendall were standing.

This isn’t the first time that a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has been subjected to a scary “prank” from an unstable weirdo.

Last year, Kim Kardashian was tackled at a Paris Fashion Week event by some D-bag who considers himself a comedian.

Shortly thereafter, Kris Jenner lashed out against pranksters after being subjected to a series of “jokes” that many would consider criminal harassment. 

As for the Aussie egg-tosser, she reportedly spit on police after she was arrested, so she may not have to worry about seeing the Kard clan on TV for quite some time.