Showing posts with label Equality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Equality. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Lisa Leslie Rips Trump, "He"s Not About Equality At All"

Lisa Leslie wants to see more equality when it comes to the way women are paid in pro sports — but she’s adamant Trump is NOT the guy to help make that happen. “I don’t think 45 is the person I want to meet for equality,” the WNBA legend told us…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Rain Brown Praised for Equality Message!

You may not think of Alaskan Bush People as the best platform for progressive ideals, but you should remember that the Brown family is made up of real people with a lot more depth than could ever fit into a reality series.

The family’s youngest, Rain Brown, uses social media for a lot more than just delivering updates on her mom’s health and speaking about her battle with depression.

She also uses it to promote wonderful messages about making the world a better place. And she’s getting some well-deserved praise (and undeserved hate) for it.

Before posting her own miniature essay on equality in the captions, Rain posted an existing image that reads:

“I am a nasty woman because I believe in love, acceptance, equality, kindness, respect, and the power of my voice.”

Though Rain doesn’t say so herself, this quote was inspired by Ashley Judd who, at the Women’s March, recited a poem by 19-year-old Nina Donovan.

And, obviously, the “nasty woman” line was inspired by what Trump so infamously said about Hillary Clinton at the debates.

Instead of giving background on the quote contained within the image that she posted, Rain wrote in her own words about the importance of equality and what it means to her.

“Equality is SO important.”

A simple statement on its own, but very true.

“No one it’s better no matter their sexuality, skin color, or gender.”

Also true.

“We are all people, it’s so sad to me that we are living in 2017 and STILL we are not all treated equal, if you’re different, good!”

She’s such a sweet person. We have to wonder what brought on this topic, right?

She had previously improvised a song in which she joked about being better than the listener, but this was just her hitting back at trolls who fill her Instagram comments.

So … what prompted Rain to talk about equality?

We’re not sure, exactly.

But Rain does talk about how the issue of equality impacts her, personally.

“You actually had the power and strength to stand up for something, and something that is NEVER discussed in media is age equality.”

To be clear, she’s not equating ageism (which can impact the young and old, if in different ways) with slavery or anti-LGBT bigotry or anything like that.

But it’s a topic that, she’s right, doesn’t get talked about enough.

“Just because I’m 14 doesn’t make me less of a person then a 60 year old our time spent on this earth or how we spend it shouldn’t change the way people treat you.”

Rain Brown may be referring to her recently revealed battle with depression, which she says was dismissed off-handedly because of her youth.

(When, in fact, adolescents are more vulnerable to depression than most other groups; with symptoms exacerbated by hormones, a depressed teenager should get the counseling and medication that they need)

But Rain is not trying to make the message of equality all about her, of course. She’s just talking about how it relates to her, personally.

“For everyone out there that is sad or been bullied or lied to it happens to literally everyone.”

Unfortunately, that is true.

“So just don’t return the favor, basically what I’m getting to is, all my life I’ve wanted to change something and so many people tell me I can’t, but I already have, even if no one agrees with me I still made them think.”

She’s right — don’t get mistreated and then turn around and do it to someone else.

And it sounds like people don’t listen to her enough. Perhaps, because she’s the youngest, people can’t help but see her as a baby. But she’s not anymore.

“And I’m not about to let anyone make me give up on my dream, my mission is to spread love and light on this dark world, join me be strong and fierce but kind and compassionate to your neighbors, life is all about balance.”

So she’s not listening to trolls. Good.

Commenters were quick to praise the young Alaskan Bush People star for her stance.

“I liked you before this. Now I freaking love you Rainy!!!! Equality, respect, kindness, and acceptance are paramount in this world.”

Very well said!

“Your response is exactly what I would expect from a young women raised by an amazing mom. Thumbs up! I can only hope my 13 year old daughter learns your family values.”

Awww, a shout-out to Ami Brown while praising Rain! Cute.

“You are such an outstanding person.”

And there were many more positive comments.

There were, of course, some negative comments. Even though Rain is 14 and shared a positive message, some people just want to get into arguments.

“Equality, acceptance, all good, but Romans chapter 1, God says diffrent.”

We’re not going to get into an academic debate about Biblical passages, but … well, we’re pretty sure that Romans is attributed to Paul.

(Honestly, that’s beside the point, because adults have no business going into the comments of a 14-year-old’s post and starting theological arguments or arguments of any other kind. She’s a kid; be nice or get out)

“There is no such thing as equality. We are all different. Although well meaning ‘equality’ creates division. Males and females have different abilities on average and different races have different attributes. We must accept our differences and move on to be happy.”

So that one’s, like, straight-up racist, among other things. (The “different races have different attributes” line is fine if you’re talking about, like, elves or orcs … not real-life people)

“My advice is to listen to wise advice. ‘A Nasty woman’, is a nasty term from nasty feminists. I’ve always admired your mom for being a sweet lady, with so much faith, not a nasty woman.”

That last hateful comment is best read in Gollum’s voice.

We hope that Rain can set aside the hate, though.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Liam Hemsworth Tells Australia to Vote YES on Marriage Equality!

Liam Hemsworth is more than just really ridiculously good-looking. He’s more than just an actor. He’s also a good person.

And people are hoping that, just as he’s seemed to be a moderating influence on Miley, maybe Liam’s goodness can rub off on others. Particularly, on all of Australia.

Australia is voting on marriage equality, and Liam Hemsworth is speaking out in favor of LGBT rights.

The global fight for LGBT rights didn’t end when marriage equality became the law of the land in the US.

(In fact, it didn’t even end in the US — in plenty of states, you can still be fired for being gay. And then there are trans rights, and LGBT homeless youth, and … there’s a lot, folks. Inequality runs deep)

Australia, Earth’s Florida, still doesn’t have marriage equality in place … even though the US, Canada, and the UK do. That sets them up to be the last major English-speaking nation where same-sex couples can have a legally recognized marriage.

But they’re holding a vote on it. Before their legislature votes, they’re going to hear from Australians themselves, in a move called a plebiscite.

Just over a week ago, voters in Australia received envelopes with which to cast their votes, and they have until the seventh of November to return their ballots.

(Note that all adults in Australia are automatically registered to vote and that, normally, voting in elections is mandatory — while here in the US, as many as half of the country regularly declines to vote for reasons that I honestly cannot fathom)

While the “yes” voters appear to have the majority in polls, there are worries that people who are opposed to marriage equality might simply be shy about their bigotry.

Others fear that those who support marriage equality will assume that it’s a done deal and will decline to actually send in their “yes” votes.

Every celebrity voice, like that of internationally renown actor and Australian native Liam Hemsworth, that speaks up for the “yes” voters can make a difference.

Liam took to Instagram to share his support for the “yes” vote and his support for marriage equality in Australia.

The way that he starts his letter may surprise you, however.

“I personally do not believe that same sex marriage should come down to a vote.”

That almost sounds like he’s unhappy that this is on the table — but we’ll get to that in a moment.

“I believe it’s a HUMAN RIGHT to be able to marry the person you love regardless of gender.”

Yes, good.

“To all the Australians that care about equality and human rights please say YES to same sex marriage.”

Good to implore people to vote. And, when the vote is “yes” or “no,” you want to repeat the right answer as much as possible. Which he does.

“Let’s not be silly about this. Vote YES for same sex marriage in Australia.”

The reason that Liam Hemsworth is among those who doesn’t believe that marriage equality should be up for a vote is because it’s a human right.

When human rights are put up for a vote, it gives the majority an opportunity to deny basic rights to the minority.

(That is one of the reasons that the US Constitution has a Bill of Rights)

He doesn’t spell that out, but it’s a commonly held belief that’s been repeated in various countries whenever this has come up — that putting human rights up for a vote is in and of itself a human rights violation, even people vote justly.

We should remember that this vote is in some ways personal for Liam.

His finacee, Miley Cyrus, is pansexual. That makes her part of the LGBT community.

Same-sex marriage might be moot for her if the two of them ever decide to finally, finally get married.

But her human rights being recognized just like everyone else’s by his home country’s government … that has to be a priority.

Hopefully, Australia won’t be the site of another Brexit — or another Trump.

Perhaps both of those incidents will show the Australian people the dangers of apathy and not voting.

Marriage equality is inevitable, sure, but if the Australian government takes years or decades longer to officially recognize same-sex marriages, millions and millions of Australians will be negatively impacted during that time.

Australians have more than a month remaining to vote “yes,” so we hope that they listen to voices like Liam’s.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Audi Super Bowl Ad Pushes for Progess, Wage Equality

Audi drove directly into the world of politics on Sunday night.

Just like the controversial 84 Lumber ad that has left viewers talking, Audi used its time during Super Bowl LI to make a very clear statement.

And that statement centered very clearly on the issue of gender and wage equality.

There was no subtlety here, either.

While other ads (such as this Budweiser immigration commercial) tip-toed around sensitive subjects a little bit, Audi did not mince words or beat around any bushes.

“What do I tell my daughter?” a man wonders while watching his daughter compete in a downhill derby race, adding:

“Do I tell her that her grandpa is worth more than her grandma? That her dad is worth more than her mom?

"Do I tell her that despite her education, her drive, her skills, her intelligence, she will automatically be valued as less than every man she ever meets?”

After she wins the competition, he muses:

“Or maybe I’ll be able to tell her something different."

Elizabeth Banks and Octavia Spencer were among those who reacted to the sentimental ad on social media. To wit:

Where do you stand on this sort of Super Bowl commercial?

Did you stand up and cheer when you watched? Or roll your eyes over a car company exploiting a legitimately important topic just to sell a few more cars.

View the ad below:

Audi super bowl ad pushes for progess wage equality