Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Billy Bush and Sydney Davis File for Divorce

In September of 2017, it was revealed that Billy Bush and Sydney Davis had separated after 20 years of marriage.

At the time, the couple said that they were just on a “short-term break.”

Now, however, it looks like their split is official — because they have filed for divorce.

Remember when Access Hollywood was just what it sounded like, and not synonymous with Donald Trump bragging about “accessing” women’s genitals without their consent?

Billy Bush sure does. His career was banished into the void after those hot mic recordings surfaced in October of 2016.

Nearly a year later, news broke that Billy and his wife, Sydney Davis, were separated.

TMZ reports that Sydney filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

And they have some details on how this divorce will take shape.

Sydney is seeking joint legal and physical custody of the couple’s two minor children.

Unlike 13-year-old Lillie and 17-year-old Mary, Josie, who is their eldest daughter, is 19 and therefore an adult.

According to the papers that Sydney filed, she intends for Billy to get visitation.

Divorce can impact adult children, of course, but it’s usually (barring special circumstances) only the underage children of the couple who are directly named the divorce.

Both daughters are teens and that is usually old enough for a court to take their input into consideration if this becomes a custody battle. 

Then, of course, there’s the question of spousal support.

TMZ reports that Sydney is definitely seeking spousal support, which makes sense.

They do not, however, specify the amount of support. Perhaps that will become clear when they appear in court.

We hope that they can work out financial matters amicably. Sometimes, even divorcing couples who have worked out custody without an issue suddenly become hostile when money becomes a topic.

It is worth noting that, though Billy Bush was fired from Today after his conversation wtih Trump surfaced, he scored a settlement worth $ 9 million.

Overall, his net worth is estimated to be about $ 15 million.

RadarOnline reports that Billy Bush feels blindsided by Sydney’s divorce filing.

“He really didn’t see this coming,” the insider reveals. “And thought that their trial separation would make all the problems go away.”

Oh, that’s … so sad.

The source continues, saying: “He truly believed they were in the process of fixing things.”

“Her request for spousal support makes him even more upset,” the insider adds.


The source explains Billy’s thinking, saying: “She knows he is not making the kind of money that he used to.”

Divorces, as we mentioned, can go from amicable to acrimonious in the blink of an eye.

We sincerely hope that Billy and Sydney can work things out quickly and with as little stress or conflict as possible.

Sometimes, couples will agree to an arrangement with finances and custody on their own, or with the help of a mediator.

If not, well, then it becomes a judge’s job to decide. Generally speaking, it’s better for both parties involved to come to an agreement.

We wish this family the best as they go through this divorce.
