Showing posts with label Accusing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accusing. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Billie Lee: Replacing Kristen Doute on Vanderpump Rules? Accusing Entire Cast of Transphobia?!

Folks, be happy that the cameras are currently rolling for Vanderpump Rules Season 7 because it sounds like sh-t is really hitting the fan in West Hollywood this week.

The drama began with rumors that Kristen Doute had been fired from the show due to her inability or unwillingness to stir up unnecessary drama with her castmates.

If you watched last season, you know Kristen seemed to be content in a stable, committed relationship and wasn’t getting blackout drunk nearly as often.

In other words, she committed each of the reality star cardinal sins, and no one was surprised by news that she’d been banished to Vander-purgatory to await the endtimes in the company of Vail Bloom and Laura Leigh.

“She’s just not crazy Kristen anymore,” one production source bluntly stated.

Kristen denied that she’d been demoted to “friend of the castmates” status, but the rumor resurfaced this week with some new and intriguing details:

According to Radar Online, Kristen will be replaced as a full-time cast member by SUR newcomer Billie Lee.

“She did extremely well,” the source said about Billie Lee’s first season on the show.

“All of the cast loves her — and so did the ratings!”

Of course, it appears the source delivered that quote ahead of the Twitter war that began playing out between Billie Lee and the rest of the cast last night.

It seems the ladies of SUR will be hosting a Tuesday night event at the restaurant called Girls’ Night In.

(What happened to James Kennedy’s See You Next Tuesday? Fingers crossed that shaved ferret got sh-tcanned, too!)

Billie Lee apparently felt that she had been left out of the gathering, and she made her feelings clear in a very irate tweet:

“When yo coworkers don’t include the only trans girl in GIRLS night at your own job! On the night you work! #rudeAF #TransIsBeautiful.” she wrote.

Billie Lee Tweet

As you can see, it appears that Billie Lee was indeed invited to the event, which may be why Kristen and company were so vehement in defending themselves:

“You better check yourself before you wreck yourself,” Doute tweeted, adding:

“It’s not your event. Don’t make this about something it’s not. #NoH8 … We are not hateful people and ABSOLUTELY support the LGBTQ community. A person is a person is a person.”

Katie Maloney echoed the sentiment, tweeting:

“I’m completely supportive and will always be supportive of the LGBTQ community … EVERYONE is invited and welcome tomorrow!”

It’s possible that Billie Lee was genuinely offended by what she perceived as prejudice among her castmates — but it’s equally possible that she’s stirring up drama to give the people what they want.

And if that’s the case, the girl might have a very bright future at Bravo.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more on reality TV’s most dysfunctional framily.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Tom Brokaw Adamantly Denies Accusations by Woman Accusing Him of Sexual Harassment

Tom Brokaw’s firing back at one of his sexual harassment accusers, referring to her as a former colleague with a grudge who has had “trouble with the truth.” In an email reportedly sent to a few NBC News coworkers, the former “NBC Nightly News”…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Kate Upton Wants to Tell Full Story of Accusing Guess Jeans" Paul Marciano of Sexual Abuse

Kate Upton is itching to tell everyone about what she claims was sexual abuse at the hands of Guess Jeans co-founder Paul Marciano. Our photog got Kate Wednesday arriving at LAX, and she made it clear she’s going to offer more than a Twitter…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Leah Remini: Scientologists Are Falsely Accusing Paul Haggis of Rape

If you’ve picked up a newspaper or been anywhere social media in the past three months, then you’re no doubt aware that the film industry has been shaken to its foundations by allegations of sexual assault against some of the most influential men in Hollywood.

While most of the accusations have centered around alleged attackers such as Harvey Weinstein abusing the power they attained through their wealth and fame, some have singled out problematic organizations such as the Church of Scientology, which for decades, has been haunted by reports of human trafficking and coerced sex acts.

For years now, Leah Remini has been publicly calling out the controversial cult for its abuse of low-level believers and the harassment campaigns they use to target former members.

Now, she’s coming to the defense of a fellow lapsed-Scientologist, filmmaker and two-time Oscar winner Paul Haggis.

On January 5, Haggis was accused of sexual misconduct by three women who offered accounts of incidents in which the Crash and Million Dollar Baby screenwriter groped or harassed them.

Earlier this week, Remini and her Scientology and the Aftermath co-host Mike Rinder posted an open letter in which they state their belief that Haggis is being framed as part of a Scientologist conspiracy.

“There is plenty of reason to worry about defending anyone accused of sexual assault in today’s climate. But the fear of consequences for speaking our truth has not held us back in the past and isn’t about to start now,” Remini and Rinder write.

“It is not a crime to be attracted to women (or men). It’s not a crime to flirt. Or to have sexual relations with someone,” they continued.

“It might not be acceptable to your significant other (if you have one), but it certainly isn’t criminal nor worthy of newspaper headlines.”

Remini and Rinder go on to point out the ways in which current Scientologists are persuaded to assist the church in tearing down the reputations of former members:

“Only a Scientologist can understand the pressure one feels to offer up even the slightest thing that the Scientology organization might consider a transgression of THEIR mores,” they write.

“Paul Haggis deserves, based on his record as a gentleman and humanitarian, to be judged when all the evidence has been taken under penalty of perjury in a court of law.

“Because claims of anonymous accusers who have NOT gone to law enforcement are not credible,” they conclude.

This is not the first time that Scientology and its controversial practices have been mentioned in connection with the recent wave of sexual assault scandals.

Several times over the past year, former That ’70s Show actor Danny Masterson was accused of rape, and his alleged victims say he used his position of power within the church to coerce them into performing sex acts.

Many believe that Masterson was able to avoid the professional consequences of his alleged actions

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Fyre Festival Concertgoers File Lawsuit Accusing Ja Rule, Billy McFarland of Fraudulent Ponzi Scheme

Ja Rule and Billy McFarland had no intention of throwing a first-class music festival … they knew it was going to be a disaster but figured they could screw a lot of people out of money before it became apparent … this according to accusations…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Darius McCrary Goes On Erratic Rant Accusing Estranged Wife of Fame Whoring (VIDEO)

Former “Family Matters” star Darius McCrary took a page out of his pal Charlie Sheen’s playbook, and unleashed a rant against his estranged wife, who’s accused him of abusing her, their child … and drugs. Darius was leaving a vapor lounge in…


Darius McCrary Goes On Erratic Rant Accusing Estranged Wife of Fame Whoring (VIDEO)

Former “Family Matters” star Darius McCrary took a page out of his pal Charlie Sheen’s playbook, and unleashed a rant against his estranged wife, who’s accused him of abusing her, their child … and drugs. Darius was leaving a vapor lounge in…


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ben Affleck: Accusing Jennifer Garner of Dragging Out Divorce, Leaking Secrets?!

It’s been almost a full year since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are getting divorced.

By now, we’re sure you know where this is going  – both parties have yet to pull the trigger and actually file for divorce.

The question is why?

If the plan all along was just to separate but continue to live on the same property and amicably co-parent, why make it public?

Typically, when couples announce their plans to divorce, it means they’re getting ready to file papers, and they don’t want TMZ to get the scoop when they do.

In Ben and Jen’s case, however, the announcement seemed to actually help their relationship.

Just weeks after word of the split went public, Affleck and Garner were attending marriage counseling sessions and getting photographed in public.

So why not go the other route and announce that you’re trying to make it work.

It’s almost as if someone is benefiting from all of hoopla surrounding the divorce.

We’re guessing it’s not Ben.

After all, the guy is about to make history by going full Orson Welles on a standalone Batman film.

Plus, anyone who saw Batfleck’s performance on the new Bill Simmons show that no one asked for last night can attest to the fact that the man is clearly going off the rails:

No one spends their Wednesday slurring sh-tfacted conspiracy theories about Deflategate because things are going so well at home, ya know?

So that leaves Jen – and one insider claims Ben believes she’s drawing out the separation drama on purpose:

“Ben thinks Jen doesn’t want to expedite the divorce because she is having so much fun creating stories herself,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

And what would she stand to gain by all this?

Well, for one, her career has entered the Capital One commercial phase, and yet she’s still a household name, largely because of the continued drama surrounding her relationship with Ben.

In addition, sources claim Jen has a number of dark secrets in her personal life, but they go unnoticed, as the public is focused on digging up dirt about Ben:

“She definitely has skeletons in her closet that no one has looked into because everyone has been focused on the negative attention she’s drawn to Ben’s demons,” says one insider.

Apparently, Ben has agreed to the arrangement, so long as she doesn’t drag his name through the mud:

“Still they have agreed to call a truce on making each other look bad,” says the source.

“Jen promised to keep a tighter leash on what she and her team say from now on.”

So if you’re keeping score at home: Ben is okay with turning his marriage into a reality show, but he is not okay with you frickin’ tawkin’ trash about Tahm Brady!

Ben Affleck: Accusing Jennifer Garner of Dragging Out Divorce, Leaking Secrets?!

It’s been almost a full year since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are getting divorced.

By now, we’re sure you know where this is going  – both parties have yet to pull the trigger and actually file for divorce.

The question is why?

If the plan all along was just to separate but continue to live on the same property and amicably co-parent, why make it public?

Typically, when couples announce their plans to divorce, it means they’re getting ready to file papers, and they don’t want TMZ to get the scoop when they do.

In Ben and Jen’s case, however, the announcement seemed to actually help their relationship.

Just weeks after word of the split went public, Affleck and Garner were attending marriage counseling sessions and getting photographed in public.

So why not go the other route and announce that you’re trying to make it work.

It’s almost as if someone is benefiting from all of hoopla surrounding the divorce.

We’re guessing it’s not Ben.

After all, the guy is about to make history by going full Orson Welles on a standalone Batman film.

Plus, anyone who saw Batfleck’s performance on the new Bill Simmons show that no one asked for last night can attest to the fact that the man is clearly going off the rails:

No one spends their Wednesday slurring sh-tfacted conspiracy theories about Deflategate because things are going so well at home, ya know?

So that leaves Jen – and one insider claims Ben believes she’s drawing out the separation drama on purpose:

“Ben thinks Jen doesn’t want to expedite the divorce because she is having so much fun creating stories herself,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

And what would she stand to gain by all this?

Well, for one, her career has entered the Capital One commercial phase, and yet she’s still a household name, largely because of the continued drama surrounding her relationship with Ben.

In addition, sources claim Jen has a number of dark secrets in her personal life, but they go unnoticed, as the public is focused on digging up dirt about Ben:

“She definitely has skeletons in her closet that no one has looked into because everyone has been focused on the negative attention she’s drawn to Ben’s demons,” says one insider.

Apparently, Ben has agreed to the arrangement, so long as she doesn’t drag his name through the mud:

“Still they have agreed to call a truce on making each other look bad,” says the source.

“Jen promised to keep a tighter leash on what she and her team say from now on.”

So if you’re keeping score at home: Ben is okay with turning his marriage into a reality show, but he is not okay with you frickin’ tawkin’ trash about Tahm Brady!