Showing posts with label Doute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doute. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Kristen Doute: Nev Schulman is a Jerk and I"ll Never Watch Catfish Again!

Despite Nev Schulman’s accuser filing a police report, they’re keeping him on Catfish, but the show is still looking for a new cohost.

Many thought that Vanderpump Rules star Kristen Doute would be a shoe-in for a host of reasons.

Nev laughed it off and basically called her a stalker, and Kristen is firing back.

Max Joseph is out at Catfish.

Nev Schulman, despite the sexual misconduct allegations against him, is still hosting the show.

And he’s looking for someone else. Naturally, a lot of people suggested Vanderpump Rules star Kristen Doute.

It’s not just that Kristen has been a fan of the show.

Kristen has some real detective skills, as The Ashley notes, having exposed her cheating ex-boyfriend James Kennedy and tracked down Tom Sandoval’s “Miami Girl.”

Using a common celebrity tactic, Kristen even drummed up support for the idea on Twitter, and a lot of fans loved the idea.

But when the subject came up in a recent interview, Nev Schulman shot down the possibility in a deeply insulting way.

“I’m even afraid to say her name, honestly,” Nev told Us Weekly.

He joked about her fondness for Catfish, saying: “I almost feel like I need to take a restraining order out.”

“Kristen really wants to be on the show,” Nev added. “I think she’s almost … she’s trying too hard!”

Kristen Doute appeared on co-star Stassi Schroeder’s Straight Up With Stassi to respond.

“I do not like ‘Catfish.’ I do not watch it,” Kristen shares. “I took it off my DVR.”

Kristen says: “I tweeted Nev. I’ve tweeted Max before. I’ve tweeted at ‘Catfish.’ I definitely started my own hashtag: #KristenForCatfish.”

“You know what, all of my wonderful followers on Twitter had my back and had that s–t trending real hard,” she notes.

“They know that I’m right” for the job, she says, “because I’ve taught them so many things that you, Nev, did not.”

“Everyone that I know — my team, my friends, the people who follow me — all contacted me like, ‘Kristen! He’s looking for a co-host!’” Krisen reveals.

Her interest in the show was famous, so it’s natural that she would come to mind.

“I thought it would be really fun to do one time,” Kristen explains. “I promote the s–t out of it and tell everyone to watch it.”

Stassi reassures her that she did nothing wrong by being outspoken about her hopes.

“That’s called manifesting,” Stassi notes.

Kristen laments how Nev responded: “He was a complete a–hole about it.”

If she just hadn’t gotten the role, that would be one thing. This rudeness is another matter.

“I unfollowed everything,” Kristen says of things related to Catfish. “And I don’t watch the show anymore”

She made this move “because that s–t [Nev said about me] was so beyond rude for someone who commends what you’ve done.”

“He badmouthed me because he thinks he’s too f–king cool for school,” she theorizes.

“He probably won’t even acknowledge this,” Kristen says. “But even if he wanted to say he was joking, it’s still f–king rude.”

She is absolutely right.

You can tell that Stassi is really heartbroken about this.

“It breaks my heart because you’ve talked about this show for so long,” Stassi says supportively.

“What do you want?” Kristen asks of Nv. “Do you want people to never speak about your show or be excited about it?”

She has a very valid point. If you shame fans of your show for liking it … how do you expect other fans to feel?

“It actually hurt my feelings,” Kristen admits. “And then it pissed me off.”


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Billie Lee: Replacing Kristen Doute on Vanderpump Rules? Accusing Entire Cast of Transphobia?!

Folks, be happy that the cameras are currently rolling for Vanderpump Rules Season 7 because it sounds like sh-t is really hitting the fan in West Hollywood this week.

The drama began with rumors that Kristen Doute had been fired from the show due to her inability or unwillingness to stir up unnecessary drama with her castmates.

If you watched last season, you know Kristen seemed to be content in a stable, committed relationship and wasn’t getting blackout drunk nearly as often.

In other words, she committed each of the reality star cardinal sins, and no one was surprised by news that she’d been banished to Vander-purgatory to await the endtimes in the company of Vail Bloom and Laura Leigh.

“She’s just not crazy Kristen anymore,” one production source bluntly stated.

Kristen denied that she’d been demoted to “friend of the castmates” status, but the rumor resurfaced this week with some new and intriguing details:

According to Radar Online, Kristen will be replaced as a full-time cast member by SUR newcomer Billie Lee.

“She did extremely well,” the source said about Billie Lee’s first season on the show.

“All of the cast loves her — and so did the ratings!”

Of course, it appears the source delivered that quote ahead of the Twitter war that began playing out between Billie Lee and the rest of the cast last night.

It seems the ladies of SUR will be hosting a Tuesday night event at the restaurant called Girls’ Night In.

(What happened to James Kennedy’s See You Next Tuesday? Fingers crossed that shaved ferret got sh-tcanned, too!)

Billie Lee apparently felt that she had been left out of the gathering, and she made her feelings clear in a very irate tweet:

“When yo coworkers don’t include the only trans girl in GIRLS night at your own job! On the night you work! #rudeAF #TransIsBeautiful.” she wrote.

Billie Lee Tweet

As you can see, it appears that Billie Lee was indeed invited to the event, which may be why Kristen and company were so vehement in defending themselves:

“You better check yourself before you wreck yourself,” Doute tweeted, adding:

“It’s not your event. Don’t make this about something it’s not. #NoH8 … We are not hateful people and ABSOLUTELY support the LGBTQ community. A person is a person is a person.”

Katie Maloney echoed the sentiment, tweeting:

“I’m completely supportive and will always be supportive of the LGBTQ community … EVERYONE is invited and welcome tomorrow!”

It’s possible that Billie Lee was genuinely offended by what she perceived as prejudice among her castmates — but it’s equally possible that she’s stirring up drama to give the people what they want.

And if that’s the case, the girl might have a very bright future at Bravo.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more on reality TV’s most dysfunctional framily.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Kristen Doute: FIRED From Vanderpump Rules?!

Vanderpump Rules is unique among Bravo shows, in that the cast has endured very little restructuring over the course of their six seasons on the air.

Producers added Lala Kent and James Kennedy, and certain SUR folk have seen their roles diminished over the years (we miss you, Peter), but with the exception of flash-in-the-pan Vail Bloom, no one has been full-on fired from the show.

Until now?

Radar Online is reporting today that Kristen Doute will no longer be a full-time cast member as of the show’s seventh season, which is currently filming.

The reason? Well, if you watch the show, we probably don’t need to tell you.

In fact, if you were to ask a diehard Vanderpump fan what Kristen got up to this past season, you’d probably be met with the same blank stare that you’d get from someone who’s never seen the show.

That’s because Kristen has completed her transformation from “pasta”-fuelled, paranoid firebrand to tedious, chain-smoking bystander.

Aside from one trumped-up storyline in which she allegedly hooked up with James while on vacation in Mexico, Kristen was little more than vegetarian window-dressing this season.

An insider tells Radar that Kristen’s newfound maturity and relatively drama-free relationship with Brian Carter have caused viewers to lose interest in her life.

And since she wasn’t exactly a fan favorite to begin with, the feeling among producers is that they won’t be receiving many complaints about Kristen’s reduced role.

“She’s being downgraded to a ‘friend’ of the cast,” says the source, adding:

“She doesn’t have a lot of drama in her life these days.”

There are a few important takeaways here:

1. Carter is dude’s last name?! We’ve never heard anyone call him anything else!

2. You can be boring or unlikeable in the world of reality television, but you can’t be both.

For six seasons, viewers looked on in horror as Kristen cheated on her doting boyfriend with her best friend’s man, verbally assaulted her “lessers” at SUR, sabotaged an ex’s relationship, and — perhaps worst of all — unleashed James Kennedy on the world.

Her behavior was appalling, but at least she kept things interesting.

The unfortunate drawback for Kristen is that it’s hard to keep that pace up forever.

And if she’d spent the first six season endearing herself to fans instead of repulsing them in droves with her vile behavior, she could probably settle into a role as the show’s dull but affable hanger-on.

Instead, she’ll now serve as a walking exposition machine, forever prompting her more compelling friends with questions like “So what’s going on with you and so-and-so?”

Doute recently responded to the rumors with a tweet reading:

“I hate giving that trash bag tabloid any attention. But that is #fakenews”

We’re guessing Kristen is getting by on a technicality on that one, as she hasn’t really been fired, merely demoted.

For their part, Bravo has declined to comment on the situation, so it’s safe to say you’ll be seeing far less of Ms. Doute in season seven.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive Kristen’s wilder days.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kristen Doute Accuses Faith Stowers of Drugging and Robbing Strangers

If you’ve been watching Vanderpump Rules this season, you know there’s been no shortage of drama for our favorite bunch of West Hollywood hooligans.

But believe it or not, the wildest storyline of the year might be playing out right now on Twitter.

You may remember Faith Stowers from the early-season storyline in which Jax Taylor cheated on Brittany Cartwright.

According to Faith’s version of events, she and Jax slept together in the home of the elderly shut-in she was caring for at the time.

It was briefly rumored that Faith was pregnant with Jax’s baby, but Stowers later revealed that she only pretended to be knocked up in hopes of getting more screentime on Vanderpump.

Needless to say, Faith’s moral compass is a little off-kilter.

But hey, it’s not like she’s out drugging random and robbing them once they’re unconscious, right?!

Kristen Doute Tweet

Just kidding, according to Vanderpump‘s Kristen Doute, that’s exactly what Stowers is doing.

Earlier today, Doute posted the above tweet, in which she appears to suggest that Stowers is the woman that LA police are seeking in connection with a number of robberies.

“Hey tweeties, doesn’t this ex #pumprules thief look familiar?” Doute tweeted.

“Someone put her on mtv & gave her a platform for press. I didn’t wanna go there but I’m going there.”

Doute is referring to the fact that Stowers currently appears on the MTV series Ex on the Beach.

According to police, the suspect used an “unknown substance” to “poison or drug” several male victims before stealing their valuables while they were unconscious.

“Our victim had quite a few watches that he was wearing, and that’s what the suspect was targeting,” an LAPD spokesperson said of one of the crimes.

While Doute stopped just short of saying the woman in the security cam footage is definitely Stowers, she strongly implied that that’s the case, even claiming that the jacket Stowers is wearing was stolen from James Kennedy’s roommate, Logan Noh.

Obviously, it’s a serious allegation, but Stowers has yet to respond publicly.

However, there might be a legal reason for her silence.

You see, Doute isn’t the only one who’s accused Stowers of being a thief.

In a podcast interview that aired today, Stowers revealed that she’s suing Stassi Schroeder due to Stassi allegedly claiming that Faith stole Jax’s car.

Like we said, the insanity definitely doesn’t end when the cameras stop rolling with this crew.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for Monday’s season finale.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kristen Doute: Topless on Instagram, Eternally Thirsty

Vanderpump Rules is unique amongst reality shows, in that its producers crank out a truly remarkable number of episodes per season.

In an age when most series, scripted or otherwise, are paring down, Vanderpump just keeps getting bigger, churning out a staggering 24 episodes in each of its last two seasons.

With that sort of exposure, it’s tough to imagine the cast is ever wanting for attention, and yet, it seems even when she’s in a pool, Kristen Doute remains parched:

What you’re looking at is a “topless photo of Kristen Doute.”

It’s not easy to pull off a topless pic that doesn’t violate Instagram’s no-nipple policy, but Kristen pulls it off by baring nothing more than a little shoulder.

The important thing is that it’s enough to accomplish the desired effect, which is to get the Internet talking about a Kristen Doute topless pic.

Hey, you don’t survive and thrive in the increasingly crowded reality TV market for five seasons without knowing how to manipulate social media.

The Vanderpump cast is currently shooting its sixth season, and K-Dot has to what she can to stand out amidst a number of promising storylines.

Just in the past three weeks, the following rumors have emerged out of West Hollywood:

Sources say Scheana Marie is engaged to Robert Parks-Valletta after just a few months of dating.

Other insiders close to the cast say that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney are headed for divorce.

(The couple denies it, but that could just be part of an effort to preserve the drama.)

There are conflicting reports about new additions to the cast, but we know that Stassi Schroeder is back together with Patrick Meagher, who will appear on camera for the first time this season.

He may or may not be joined by a pair of new SURvers, including James Kennedy’s unfortunate girlfriend.

And all of this will take place on camera directly on the heels of the premiere season of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright’s spinoff series.

So you can’t really blame Kristen for grabbing her share of the Internet’s attention with a bit of false advertising.

If there’s one thing that’s guaranteed to be good for some clicks, it’s the promise of nudity.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for what’s sure to be another lengthy, drama-packed season.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kristen Doute: Scheana Marie is LYING About Her Eating Disorder!

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 may have come to an end, but the contentious cast is certainly not through taking shots at one another.

The only difference is that these days the drama is playing out not on camera, but on social media.

The latest round of trash talk was prompted by Monday night’s Vanderpump reunion show.

After being called out for “bullying” Scheana Marie by Ariana Madix, Stassi Schroeder went nuclear on Twitter, posting an article that reveals Ariana’s brother was once arrested on domestic assault charges.

Now, it seems a comment made by Stassi during the reunion has sparked a second feud, and this one is getting equally ugly.

When shown a clip in which she joked about Scheana having an eating disorder, Stassi insisted that the remark was a compliment.

In a recent episode of her podcast, Scheana revealed that she didn’t see it that way, and that at one point she legitimately struggled with an eating disorder.

“I was 20 years old,” Marie told her audience.

“I was going to be moving out to Hollywood. I wanted to be an actress. Thin was in 11 years ago. Kim Kardashian was not a thing. It wasn’t cool to have a big butt. 

“For me, I was just like, ‘I don’t want to work out, so the only way I know how to get skinny is to stop eating.’”

She went on:

“I remember stepping on the scale the day of my college graduation, and I was 102. I was like, ‘Yes, I’m almost under 100.’ I was proud of myself.”

Scheana added that she no longer starves herself, and these days she keeps trim through exercise and a healthy diet.

Now, Scheana’s co-star Kristen Doute has come under fire for her response to Scheana’s revelation.

To the surprise of many Kristen seems to doubt the severity of Scheana’s condition, stating:

“It infuriates me that Scheana is making it a thin.”

Scheana has yet to respond, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see this ignite another round of irate tweets.

These people should probably just film the show year round.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to remind yourself what sort of drama we’re missing out on at this very moment.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

James Kennedy: I Only Dated Kristen Doute to Get on Vanderpump Rules!

James Kennedy may have officially earned the title of biggest douche in the history of reality television.

That may sound like a gross exaggeration given the number of Disicks and Situations that have populated out TV screens over the years, but no one has so deftly combined narcissistic bullying with simpering, whiny self-obsession quite like DJ James.

Last night’s Vanderpump Rules Season 5 finale was blessedly devoid of James (as much of the latter half of the season has been), but he still sound a way to solidify his claim to the King Douche throne.

The three-part (!!!) Vanderpump reunion show taped earlier this month, and James was on hand to douche up the proceedings as only he can.

Discussing his relationship with girlfriend Raquel Leviss, Kennedy sang the praises of the aspiring beauty queen, who seems happy to turn a blind eye to his many infidelities and abusive behavior toward the show’s female cast members.

“I’ve never been in a happier relationship in my life,” James said when asked about Raquel.

“Happier than when you were with Kristen [Doute]?” host Andy Cohen asked.

James made it clear that there’s no comparison between the 

“Oh my god,” Kennedy retorted.

“That was the most toxic, negative thing ever. But at the end of the day, I don’t want to go into that. I had my reasons.”

That was when number one James-hater confirmed the long-held suspicion about Kennedy:

“You went on the show,” Taylor said, seemingly confirming that Kennedy dated Doute just to land on a spot on one of Bravo’s most popular reality shows.

It’s an accusation that makes James look almost unimaginably smarmy, but amazingly, he was happy to embrace it.

“F**k yeah I did, mate!” Kennedy laughed, reportedly high-fiving Jax in celebration.

To make matters worse, he added:

“To be honest, I was getting on the show regardless because I was either going to move in with [Tom Sandoval] or start banging his ex-girlfriend.”

Yes, at this point, we don’t think there’s any question that James is the Lord Douche Supreme of reality television.

(Not that he doesn’t have some stiff competition from elsewhere of basic cable.)

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive all of James’ douchiest moments.

It may take you a few weeks.

The guy is really just the worst.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Lala Kent vs. Kristen Doute BRAWL Goes Down at SUR!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you probably found last week’s teaser promo especially intriguing.

The trailer promised lots of the usual high drama amongst the ladies and gents of SUR.

(Even though half the cast doesn’t work there anymore, they still cook up drama like it’s their job!)

One scene in particular caught fans’ attention, as it appeared to show an act of physical violence perpetrated by a group of unidentified bros.

Not the first time the Vanderpump cast has been involved in fisticuffs, and we now know it certainly wasn’t the last…

It seems a fight that many viewers would’ve loved to see was sadly not captured by Bravo camera crews.

Sources close to the SUR staff say a confrontation between Lala Kent and Kristen Doute got physical recently.

Not surprisingly, heavy amounts of booze were involved.

“Kristen decided to come and find me and tell me that I’m a whore,” Lala told Radar Online when asked about the fight.

Lala says Kristen approached her table without provocation and began hurling insults.

Not surprisingly, things quickly got physical.

Fortunately, the restaurant’s security staff was able to intervene before anyone was injured.

Lala quit the show prior to the Season 5 premiere, but we have yet to see the episode in which she tenders her resignation.

She says she would understand why Kristen picked a fight with her if she were doing it in the name of ratings:

“If there were cameras I’d see why this girl would pop off,” Kent tells Radar.

We’re sure Kristen will eventually offer her side, and that it’ll be very different from the story told by Lala.

The big question, of course, is why the hell these girls still hang out at SUR.

Kristen was fired and banned from the premises after telling her manager to “go suck a dick” last season.

Lala claims she was so traumatized by the treatment she received at the hands of her Kristen and her clique that she had no choice but to step away from lucrative gig on Vanderpump.

Despite that, both women were apparently just chilling at the home of the Pump-tini last week.

What is it that keeps bringing them back?

We guess those fried goat cheese balls are really as good as Stassi claims.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Premiere: Kristen Doute is Still a Wildly Unstable Human

Vanderpump Rules is back, and wilder than ever, as the Season 4 premiere saw Lisa attempt to lay down the law and prove that anyone can be replaced.

Can they, though?

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that Lisa’s attractive, yet rag tag band of staffers have become quasi-celebrities in their own right.

She’s still the boss, of course, and the show doesn’t work without her calling the shots. Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 1 was no exception.

Setting out to take SUR to a whole new echelon, LVP pointed out everybody’s bad behavior, from wine tossing to simply not working enough shifts.

Unquestionably the biggest time bomb of all is James Kennedy’s relationship with Kristen Doute, which is apparently impacting his DJ job at PUMP.

Not only that, we saw her get pissed at him for telling Jax about her bond with Carmen, while he didn’t like her “mothering” him at Scheana‘s birthday.

Speaking of which, she crashed that party, and if Vanderpump Rules has taught us anything, it’s that Scheana takes two things very, very seriously:

  1. Celebrating all things Scheana

  2. Not liking Kristen Doute at all

You could imagine fair Scheana Marie reaction – her fake eyelashes nearly popped off – when Kristen showed up in a cleavage-baring mini-dress.

Not only did she crash the party, she ignored the theme, then proceeded to be awkward, even by Kristen standards, to just about everyone there.

Incredibly, no punches were thrown.

Jax Taylor, meanwhile, was recovering from third nose surgery, which probably turn out to be about as noticeable and necessary as the first two.

His mother is in town, too, and the biggest plot twist there is that she seems like a nice lady. How Jax became a train wreck sociopath is not clear.

Katie Maloney reminded fans that Tom Schwartz has six months left to propose, which is teased in the previews, though it could be more misdirection.

The Toms – Schwartz and Tom Sandoval – remain the cast members who are impossible not to like, no matter how absurdly or annoyingly they behave.

Their girlfriends play a big role in that as well. Between Katie and Ariana Madix, Tom and Tom lucked into a couple of (relatively) grounded relationships.

Not only do they express real emotions (Schwartz is working on it, at least), but both duos actually – dare we say – seem to enjoy being together?

Dreams really do come true.