Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Kristen Doute: FIRED From Vanderpump Rules?!

Vanderpump Rules is unique among Bravo shows, in that the cast has endured very little restructuring over the course of their six seasons on the air.

Producers added Lala Kent and James Kennedy, and certain SUR folk have seen their roles diminished over the years (we miss you, Peter), but with the exception of flash-in-the-pan Vail Bloom, no one has been full-on fired from the show.

Until now?

Radar Online is reporting today that Kristen Doute will no longer be a full-time cast member as of the show’s seventh season, which is currently filming.

The reason? Well, if you watch the show, we probably don’t need to tell you.

In fact, if you were to ask a diehard Vanderpump fan what Kristen got up to this past season, you’d probably be met with the same blank stare that you’d get from someone who’s never seen the show.

That’s because Kristen has completed her transformation from “pasta”-fuelled, paranoid firebrand to tedious, chain-smoking bystander.

Aside from one trumped-up storyline in which she allegedly hooked up with James while on vacation in Mexico, Kristen was little more than vegetarian window-dressing this season.

An insider tells Radar that Kristen’s newfound maturity and relatively drama-free relationship with Brian Carter have caused viewers to lose interest in her life.

And since she wasn’t exactly a fan favorite to begin with, the feeling among producers is that they won’t be receiving many complaints about Kristen’s reduced role.

“She’s being downgraded to a ‘friend’ of the cast,” says the source, adding:

“She doesn’t have a lot of drama in her life these days.”

There are a few important takeaways here:

1. Carter is dude’s last name?! We’ve never heard anyone call him anything else!

2. You can be boring or unlikeable in the world of reality television, but you can’t be both.

For six seasons, viewers looked on in horror as Kristen cheated on her doting boyfriend with her best friend’s man, verbally assaulted her “lessers” at SUR, sabotaged an ex’s relationship, and — perhaps worst of all — unleashed James Kennedy on the world.

Her behavior was appalling, but at least she kept things interesting.

The unfortunate drawback for Kristen is that it’s hard to keep that pace up forever.

And if she’d spent the first six season endearing herself to fans instead of repulsing them in droves with her vile behavior, she could probably settle into a role as the show’s dull but affable hanger-on.

Instead, she’ll now serve as a walking exposition machine, forever prompting her more compelling friends with questions like “So what’s going on with you and so-and-so?”

Doute recently responded to the rumors with a tweet reading:

“I hate giving that trash bag tabloid any attention. But that is #fakenews”

We’re guessing Kristen is getting by on a technicality on that one, as she hasn’t really been fired, merely demoted.

For their part, Bravo has declined to comment on the situation, so it’s safe to say you’ll be seeing far less of Ms. Doute in season seven.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive Kristen’s wilder days.
