Showing posts with label Vili. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vili. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mary Kay Letourneau"s Husband Vili Faulaau Arrested for DUI

Mary Kay Letourneau’s husband slammed into 2 vehicles stopped at a light, and when cops showed up they said he was drunk and high and busted him for DUI … TMZ has learned. Vili Fualaau was arrested on February 2, according to docs obtained by TMZ,…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Vili Fualaau Out with 18-Year-Old Daughter After Separation from Mary Kay Letourneau (PHOTO)

Vili Fualaau was out with his daughter in the wake of his separation from Mary Kay Letourneau … but let’s get real — holy crap, she’s 18! Vili and Georgia hit up a Quick Mart in Seattle Wednesday — she’s the daughter to whom Mary…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili Fualaau: The Creepy Marriage is Over!

It is all over for one of the most unusual couples in America.

And we’re using “unusual” as euphemism here.

After 12 years of marriage, ex-teacher Mary Kay Letourneau and her former student Vili Fualaau have called it quits.

According to E! News and other reliable outlets, the latter filed for separation from his wife earlier this month…

… although TMZ writes that Letourneau has filed some kind of document seeking to get Fualaau’s legal declaration dismissed.

There doesn’t seem to be any basis for Letourneau’s bizarre counter-move, but we should probably stop being surprised by anything Mary Kay Letourneau does at this point.

Then a 34-year old educator, Letourneau was revealed to be in a sexual relationship with Fualaau back in 1996.

He was 13 years old at the time.

Despite an understandable  onslaught of controversy and a great deal of backlash, the two got married in 2005 after Mary Kay served a seven-and-a-half year sentence for her actions.


Speaking to Barbara Walters on ABC’s 20/20 in 2015, Letourneau explained how the romance started after Letourneau began helping her sixth grade student with his drawing skills at her home.

“The incident was a late night that didn’t stop with a kiss. I thought that it would and it didn’t,” Mary Kay said in this Q&A.

Letourneau was a married mother of four when she started sleeping with Fualaau – and she became pregnant with his child when Fualaau was in seventh grade.

After Mary Kay’s husband discovered a love letter his wife had written to the boy and turned it over to the police, Letourneau was arrested and charged with second-degree child rape.

She gave birth to a girl named Audrey in Mat if 1997, two months after this arrest and six months before she was sentenced to jail.

In 1998, Letourneau was spotted having sex with Fualaau in her car and then became pregnant with his second child.

On February 6 of that tear, the judge who had ordered Letourneau to stay away from Fualaau after her initial conviction ordered her to serve out the rest of her seven-and-a-half-year sentence.

When Letourneau was released from prison in August of 2004, a 21-year old Fualaau asked the court to reverse the no-contact order against Letourneau, which the judge granted.

Letourneau has been working as as a legal assistant and Fualaau as a DJ in Seattle over the past few years, where they’ve raised a family in relative obscurity.

In her 2015 interview, when Walters asked Letourneau whether she felt “guilty” or “disgusted” with herself for having an affair with Fualaau, Letourneau responded in the negative.

“I loved him very much, and I kind of thought, ‘Why can’t it ever just be a kiss?’” she said.

weird couple pic

It’s unclear what led to the end of the marriage, but an insider tells People Magazine there’s no third party involved.

Neither husband nor wife is accused of cheating.

“They’ve been having issues for a while now,” says this source, adding:

“They tried to work through them, but it didn’t work. They’re still committed to being good parents to their children.”

UPDATE: Fualaau tells Radar Online that he filed to separate NOT because he wants his marriage to be over.

But because he wants to get licensed as a distributor of marijuana.

“When you want to get licensend, they do background checks on both parties,” he tells the website, explaining:

“If I decide to be a part of it I have to be licensed and I have to be vetted and so does a spouse. She has a past. She has a history.”

That she does, man. That she does.


Mary Kay Letourneau Says Not So Fasts Vili, Moves to Dismiss His Separation Docs

Mary Kay Letourneau is nothing if not true to form … she’s now filed a bizarre petition with the court to have her husband’s separation case dismissed. TMZ has obtained a document filed just hours after we broke the story Vili Fualaau filed…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Mary Kay Letourneau and Husband/Former Student, Vili Fualaau, Separate

Mary Kay Letourneau — the teacher who served more than 7 years in prison for having sex with her student, who she later married — is about to be single again … TMZ has learned. Vili Fualaau filed for legal separation earlier this month. May Kay…


Mary Kay Letourneau and Husband/Former Student, Vili Fualaau, Separate

Mary Kay Letourneau — the teacher who served more than 7 years in prison for having sex with her student, who she later married — is about to be single again … TMZ has learned. Vili Fualaau filed for legal separation earlier this month. May Kay…
