Showing posts with label Blame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blame. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Hayden Panettiere: Friends Blame Her Boozing on Loser Boyfriend

Last month, we reported on the sad news that Hayden Panettiere has been drinking so heavily that family and friends are worried she’s putting her life in danger.

The latest reports about the actress not only confirm that she’s been partying hard in recent months, but also reveal the presence of a troubling new figure in her life.

According to Radar Online, Hayden is in a serious relationship with 34-year-old actor Brian Hickerson.

Friends and family first became concerned when Hickerson was photographed standing next to Panettiere while the actress was vomiting over a railing during a wild night out.

They became even more worried when he “joked” on Instagram about stealing Hayden’s credit card out of her wallet while she’s sleeping.

“They are deeply concerned,” says one insider, referring to Hayden’s family and friends.

“They do not approve. They are hoping that this is something that she is going to evolve from.”

The source adds that Hayden has been charmed by Hickerson and doesn’t see that she’s being taken for a ride by a skilled conman.

“A relationship isn’t helpful for either of them. He’s funny and charming and good-looking, but he’s not bringing out the best in her,” the source adds.

“Sometimes we all do what makes sense for the moment. And let’s hope that is what it is – a moment.”

The insider goes on to say that Hayden went through a difficult time just before meeting Hickerson, which made her especially vulnerable.

“She’s come through a lot of things, she’s been on hit shows, lived in a town that she fell out of love with and that was a difficult pocket of time, and she wanted to leave Nashville sooner,” added the source. 

“The cumulative effect probably makes her feel now that she wants to take a break, enjoy life, have fun, and have some laughs.”

Adding to her stress is the fact that Hayden is a mom, but her daughter Kaya currently lives in Ukraine with her father.

Speaking with Radar, Hayden’s mother confirmed that she is wary of Hayden’s relationship but downplayed concerns about the actress’ drinking.

“You just never know what people want,” Lesley Vogel told the outlet.

“You don’t know if you can trust anyone. I don’t trust his intentions. People can use her.”

We wish Hayden all the best during this difficult time.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

MSNBC Contributor Steve Schmidt Says Trump"s to Blame for Bomb Scares

President Trump bears some responsibility for the pipe bombs sent to Democrats, and anyone with ears should know that, says former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt. Steve told us Wednesday the person who actually assembled and sent the bombs is…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jenelle Evans Rushed to Hospital: Is David Eason to Blame?!

Earlier this week, Jenelle Evans was rushed to a North Carolina hospital to undergo emergency surgery.

Evans is typically quite vocal about every aspect of her personal life, but aside from one brief mention in a now-deleted Instagram story, Jenelle has kept mum about this frightening incident.

Obviously, Evans has made quite a few enemies on social media over the years, but even her harshest critics are eager for reassurance that the crisis has been averted, and she"s recovering according to schedule.

At the moment, rumors abound as to why Jenelle has been so uncharacteristically quiet about her latest health crisis.

Here"s what we know about this scary — and very mysterious — situation thus far:

1. A Difficult Week

Jenelles lips

The surgery marks Jenelle’s second trip to the hospital in less than a week. Just days ago, she took son Kaiser in to have his adenoids removed.

2. Ups and Downs

Jenelle evans an kaiser in the hospital

The good news is, Kaiser has made a full recovery. The bad news is, it wasn’t long before Jenelle was forced to undergo treatment of her own.

3. Recovery

Jenelle is miserable

According to Radar Online, Jenelle was unexpectedly hospitalized and forced to undergo an “invasive” sinus surgery on Monday.

4. Worse Than Expected?

Jenelle and ensley at disney

“She was supposed to have her sinuses drained, and now they’re doing a more invasive procedure,” an insider tells the outlet.

5. An Unusual Condition

Jenelle evans dude shirt

Sinus conditions that necessitate emergency surgeries are rather rare in young women. That fact, combined with Jenelle’s silence on the subject, has led to widespread speculation on Twitter.

6. The Ugly Truth?

David eason picture

Many who pay close attention to Jenelle’s social media posts believe there’s reason to suspect she was a victim of domestic violence.

View Slideshow

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mac Miller Update: Family Releases Statement, Awful People Blame Ariana Grande for Rapper"s Death

As previously reported, tragedy has once again struck Hollywood.

Around noon on Friday, authorities, responding to a call from an unknown individual, arrived at the San Fernando Valley home of Mac Miller and found the rapper dead.

He was 26 years old.

As of this writing, the likely cause of death is a drug overdose.

The artist had been well known and respected across the music industry ever since his debut album in 2012… but he was perhaps better known of late for his long-term relationship with Ariana Grande.

This romance ended in May, with sources saying that Miller’s substance abuse issues played a significant role in Grande deciding it was time to part ways.

Just a week later, Miller was arrested for drunk driving.

Shortly afterward, in July, he an interview to Zane Lowe on Beats 1 on Apple Music in which he referred to himself as a “self-destructive depressed drug user.”

But he also assured fans at this time that he was doing okay and that he was “happy” for Grande, who he dated for two years.

Just over a month later, Miller is dead.

“Malcolm McCormick, known and adored by fans as Mac Miller, has tragically passed away at the age of 26,” his family said in a statement provided to multiple outlets.

“He was a bright light in this world for his family, friends and fans. Thank you for your prayers. Please respect our privacy. There are no further details as to the cause of his death at this time

Elsewhere, Warner Bros. Records added the following:

“Mac was a hugely gifted and inspiring artist, with a pioneering spirit and sense of humor that touched everyone he met.

“Mac’s death is a devastating loss and cuts short a life and a talent of huge potential, where the possibilities felt limitless.”

The Los Angeles Fire Department has confirmed that first responders were dispatched Friday after an 11:42 a.m. call about a medical complaint at a residence in Studio City, California.

They did not transport anyone from the scene, making it safe to assume that Miller had passed away before they arrived.

“I just wanna go on tour,” Miller Tweeted on Thursday. “The show is going to be special every night. I wish it started tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, while music heavyweights mourn Miller’s passing (“Great man. I loved him for real. Im completely broken. God bless him,” Tweeted Chance the Rapper), a handful of terrible trolls out there are blamng Grande for what has transpired.

They somehow think the singer is responsible for Miller’s addiction and for driving him to this fatal place due to their split.

In the wake of this tragedy and upon seeing what these awful people were writing on her Instagram page, Grande disabled Comments for a period of time.

She appears to have now turned them back on.

And if she is checking, we sincerely hope she sees that the supporters out there far, far, FAR outweight the misguided haters.

“The amount of tweets blaming Ariana Grande for what happened to Mac Miller is disgusting, his addiction and lack of help is what drove this to happen, don’t point the finger and blame,” wrote on fan.

And another chimed in as follows:

“Just noticed Ariana Grande disabled comments on her Instagram account after a barrage of Mac Miller-related comments. Recognize the true problem here, rather than using someone else as a scapegoat & continuing the cycle.

All so sad & nauseating.”

Following Mller’s aforementioned crash and DUI arrest, someone on the Internet dared to blame Grande for the rapper’s fate.

She wasn’t having it.

“I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that they need to be,” clapped back the singer, adding:

“I have cared for him and tried to support his sobriety & prayed for his balance for years (and always will of course) but shaming / blaming women for a man’s inability to keep his s— together is a very major problem.”

That is oh so true.

And also so not the point right now.

A young man is dead at the age of 26.

It’s a tragedy.

This is especially the case when you consider what Miller said in a documentary a few years ago:

“I’d rather be the corny white rapper than the drugged-out mess who can’t even get out of his house. Overdosing is just not cool. You don’t go down in history because you overdose. You just die.”

May he rest in peace.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Post Malone Says He Isn"t to Blame for Face Tattoo Trend Among Kids

Post Malone just got a few more new tats on his mug, but says he isn’t responsible for kids following suit and getting ink on their face … although there is someone at fault. We got the “Beerbongs & Bentleys” rapper Monday in NYC where he was…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Tamar Braxton Doesn"t Blame Delta After Pilot Lectured Her on Flight

Tamar Braxton isn’t mad at Delta Airlines after one of their pilots ridiculed her on a flight — which her sis chalked up to #flyingwhileblack — but she does think they make crappy hires. We got the former co-host of “The Real” at LAX just a…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Demi Lovato Overdose: Are Her Friends to Blame?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that left her hospitalized earlier this week.

The news of Demi’s recent relapse came shortly after the singer celebrated six years of sobriety.

As is often the case with this sort of scenario, Demi’s family and friends are angry, confused, and desperate for answers.

And at least one of her close friends is looking for someone to blame.

“Anybody who was with Demi last night and actually calls themselves a friend should be incredibly disgusted with themselves. SICK!!!” Demi’s guitarist Mike Manning wrote on social media this week.

“You can never trust anyone. Never can know if your ‘friends’ are truly on your side are not,” he continued.

He went on to single out friends of Demi’s from her hometown of Dallas:

Manning added”

“Every scum lying piece of ‘wannabe’ piece of sh*t, you will be exposed cuz everyone knows who you are.

“These fake Dallas ‘I think I’m somebodies’…get out of here. I almost lost my sister today!!! I will expose everyone.”

His anger is certainly understandable, but unfortunately, this sort of misdirected rage has already resulted in disastrous consequences.

Prior to her overdose, Demi was spotted doing shots at an LA bar to celebrate the birthday of backup dancer and friend Dani Vitale.

In the days since Lovato was hospitalized, Vitale has been on the receiving end of death threats and hateful tirades from fans.

Look, bad influences can be an extremely destructive force in anyone’s life, and they’re especially dangerous for addicts.

At times like these, it’s easy to point the finger instead of doing the difficult work of looking inward.

We’re a long way from understanding the root causes of addiction, but they certainly run much deeper than “running with the wrong crowd.”

We all know that it’s dismissive and overly simplistic to say that addicts are 100 percent to blame for their affliction.

But it’s just as reductive to point the finger and their friends.

Addiction is a complex lifelong struggle, and we wish Demi all the best as she prepares to do battle yet again.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Hailey Baldwin DELETES Shawn Mendes Pics from Her Instagram; Is Bieber to Blame?

In recent weeks, Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber have been seemingly inseparable. These two exes are back together and even going on church dates.

Even though they’re exes with their own baggage, things don’t seem that dramatic between them.

So why has Hailey very suddenly deleted every photo of rumored ex Shawn Mendes from her Instagram? What the hell happened?

In the final months of 2017, it appeared that Hailey Baldwin and Shawn Mendes were dating.

At least, witnesses saw them cozying up and were at a loss for any other explanation.

Some believed that it was a real relationship that fizzled out behind the scenes.

Others believed that Hailey was deliberately stirring those rumors to help shelter Shawn from the persistent gay rumors that have followed him for a few years now.

Regardless, Shawn and Hailey remained friends. They even attended the 2018 Met Gala together, making it clear at the time that they were just good friends with similar values.

But friends don’t purge every single photo of the other from Instagram.

Ever-vigilant fans have noticed that every photo featuring Shawn Mendes has mysteriously vanished from Hailey’s Instagram page.

They note that the two still follow each other.

They also note that Shawn has made no move to purge photos of Hailey — not yet, anyway.

Did something happen between these two to make their friendship turn sour — at least from Hailey’s perspective?

if so, it must have been something pretty major for Hailey to make such a public show of excising Shawn from her social media history.

There was zero chance that her 12.4 million followers were going to all somehow not notice.

Some wonder if this might have less to do with Shawn and Hailey … and more to do with Justin Bieber.

Shawn Mendes is the talk of the town in terms of mustic but also in terms of thirst.

Shawn is 19. His career is on the rise.

In contrast, Justin Bieber is 24, he canceled his tour last year for vague religious reasons, and posters of his tattoo-covered body aren’t exactly plastered across millions of bedroom walls these days.

It probably doesn’t help that Shawn is a respectable 6-foot-2 while Justin, who has always been insecure about his height, is still only 5-foot-9.

When one considers that Justin keeps an eye on his exes — as he did on Selena — one can’t help but wonder if he felt stabs of jealousy when he saw Hailey on Shawn’s arm.

Did he … make Hailey delete her photos of Shawn?

There is no longer any real doubt that Justin and Hailey are back together.

So it is hard for many to imagine that Justin didn’t play some sort of role in this IG purge.

Is he making demands of Hailey that she prove that she doesn’t have her eye on any other boys?

Or does Justin have some sort of beef with Shawn, specifically?

That is so, so difficult to guess.

For what it’s worth, however, Shawn Mendes has been publicly supportive of Hailey, including when she reunited with old flame Justin Bieber.

On the Canadian entertainment show, ETALK, Shawn commented directly on Hailey hooking up with Justin again.

“I think that’s awesome,” Shawn said. “I love them both. They’re both really awesome people.”

In the past, even going back a couple of years, Shawn has said that he is flattered by comparisons to Justin Bieber.

(In the autumn of 2016, he did do some impressions of the Biebs, but he meant it in a friendly way)

Perhaps Justin doesn’t share Shawn’s friendly attitude?

Or perhaps there is something totally different going on behind the scenes, and we just don’t have enough of the pieces to see it.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Jordan Craig: Tristan Thompson USED My Son! I Blame Khloe!

Over the weekend, Tristan Thompson offered feeble proof that he’s a decent father by showing off two of his babies: True and Prince.

Fans weren’t having it, and called it out as a staged photo op, and accused Tristan of using his kids to soften his cheating image.

And Prince’s mother, Jordan Craig, was reportedly not amused. In fact, sources say that she’s royally pissed.

Tristan decided to share a photo featuring him, his 18-month-old son, Prince Oliver, and his 2-month-old daughter, True.

Plenty of people had opinions about it. Prince’s mom was no exception.

HollywoodLife has the scoop on what Tristan’s OG baby mama thinks of his convenient photo op with her son.

“Jordy is taking the high road,” a source and reported friend of Jordy’s reveals.

But taking the high road isn’t the same as having a high opinion.

Jordy, insider dishes, is biting her tongue, “and is not going to throw shade on Tristan publicly.”

But behind closed doors, Jordan Craig is said to have much more negative thoughts.

She’s keeping quiet, the source reveals, “but she’s super pissed about this.”

It’s not that the photo isn’t wholesome. It’s what she believes motivated it that really rubs her the wrong way.

“She feels like he used their son for a publicity stunt,” the insider explains.

That would piss off plenty of parents.

She’s mad, the source says, “and she’s convinced Khloe is to blame.”

Khloe could be a convenient scapegoat for all of Jordan’s anger … since Tristan did start dating Khloe while Jordan was pregnant.

On the other hand, Khloe does come from a family of media-savvy experts.

“Jordy’s happy Tristan’s promised to spend more time with Prince,” the source goes on to reveal.

“But she’s not so happy about Khloe being a part of her son’s life,” the insider explains. “That’s still a very hard pill to swallow.”

Fans and followers who saw Tristan’s photo were also quick to point out that the picture didn’t seem especially genuine.

“I’m sure Khloe made him take this photo,” one wrote on Instagram.

Another commented: “This is so Kris Jenner’s work.”

“SO STAGED,” one said.

“Did you ask his mom if you can be posting her son online,” someone else commented. “Remember she’s not that media hungry type of woman you’re used to.”


There may be other reasons behind Jordan’s alleged displeasure.

For over a year, now, she has taken steps on social media to protect Prince’s privacy.

That means not showing clear shots of his face for ages.

This photo was the first glimpse that most fans have gotten of the adorable little boy.

So the comments that weren’t crying foul about the apparently staged or calculated picture were largely positive ones about how cute those two babies are.

Now, let’s be clear — almost all family photos are staged. That’s how you take a family photo.

Was this picture calculated? Maybe.

Or perhaps, in light of Tristan’s famous wrongdoing, fans and followers are eager to question the motives of any good that he might do or seem to do.

If Tristan had posted this photo without his cheating scandal, Jordan might have been one of very few people whow as annoyed.

But because people struggle to like or trust him, they are ready and eager to see anything that he does as disingenuous.

Something to keep in mind …


Monday, June 11, 2018

Rose McGowan: Don"t Blame Asia Argento For Anthony Bourdain"s Death!

Last week, the food world lost a true icon when Anthony Bourdain was found dead of an apparent suicide in a hotel room in France.

He was 61 years old.

Days later, details about the events surrounding Bourdain’s death are slowly beginning to trickle in, but the question of what could have driven one of the most widely-envied men on the planet to take his own life remains unanswered.

Fans and media outlets were quick to point out some unusual social media activity from Bourdain’s longtime girlfriend, Asia Argento, in the hours before the news of his passing became public knowledge.

An image in which the actress is seen wearing a shirt that reads “F-ck Off,” coupled with photos of Argento apparently vacationing with a male friend in France prompted a widespread theory that Bourdain was distraught over relationship problems.

In the final months of his life, Bourdain was an outspoken advocate of the #MeToo movement, and his activism brought him close to some of the most high-profile victims of sexual harassment in Hollywood, including the actress Rose McGowan.

Bourdain and McGowan quickly became close friends, and today, she published an open letter in which she addresses both his death and the rumors about his alleged relationship troubles.

“Sitting across from me is the remarkable human and brave survivor, Asia Argento, who has been through more than most could stand, and yet stand she does,” the letter reads.

“She stood up to her monster rapist and now she has to stand up to yet another monster, suicide. The suicide of her beloved lover and ally, Anthony Bourdain.”

McGowan goes on to claim that Bourdain and Argento were in an open relationship, and she implies he would not have been upset by the sight of Argento with another man:

“Anthony and Asia had a free relationship, they loved without borders of traditional relationships, and they established the parameters of their relationship early on,” McGowan states. 

“Asia is a free bird, and so was Anthony. Was. Such a terrible word to write,” she adds.

“I’ve heard from many that the past two years they were together were some of his happiest and that should give us all solace.”

She later states:

“It is in no way fair or acceptable to blame her or anyone else, not even Anthony.”

McGowan says she’s angry about her friend’s death, but she also pleads for sympathy from those who feel that he took his own life out of selfishness or a lack of concern for his loved ones.

Shortly after learning of Bourdain’s death, Argento addressed the matter on Instagram, writing:

“His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds. He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated. My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine.”

We’ll have further details on this developing story as more information becomes available.


TMZ Live Anthony BourdainRose McGowan Says Don"t Blame His Girlfriend

ON TODAY’S SHOW 21 Savage Pulls Gun At Pool Party Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin: Back Together Roseanne Reboot: Major Hang-Up Kanye West: Star Studded Birthday Party


Rose McGowan Says Don"t Blame Anthony Bourdain"s GF Asia Argento

Rose McGowan is defending her friend, and Anthony Bourdain’s girlfriend, Asia Argento … saying there is NO reason to play the blame game after his suicide. Rose says she knows people who knew Anthony, or just loved him on TV, want to “lash out and…


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Ben Stein Says Roseanne"s Not Racist, Believes Ambien"s to Blame

Ben Stein’s not going to pile on Roseanne after her racist tweet got her show canceled — in fact … he sympathizes and believes her claim that Ambien made her do it. The “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” actor was leaving Mr Chow in Bev Hills…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Ariana Grande Rips Internet Troll, Don"t Blame Me for Mac Miller"s DUI

Ariana Grande is lashing out at anyone who thinks Mac Miller’s car wreck and DUI is somehow her fault because, as she puts it … she’s NOT his mother or his babysitter. Ariana responded to one Twitter troll in particular … saying she had cared…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber: Who"s to Blame for Their Latest Break?

As previously reported, Selena Gomez nearly died from last summer’s kidney transplant.

Thankfully, however, she survived and is now thriving.

But now fans of the singer are wondering about her relationship with Justin Bieber… which may be on life support.

The artists, who got back together for approximately the 79th time in November, are now taking a break from their rekindled romance, multiple sources confirmed a few days ago.

This is not a break up, these insiders insist, but just a step away from how serious the relationship had become after just a few months.

“They were having a lot of little disagreements recently and one fight in particular blew up and caused them to [make this decision],” according to E! News.

This outlet was quick to add the following, though:

“They’ve been in contact the entire time and their feelings for each other have not changed.”

So… what the heck is going on?

What has driven these stars apart, even just temporarily, when it took them so long to find their way back to each other?

Selena and Justin decided to take a break mainly because of Selena’s mom and her disapproval of Justin,” a source tells Us Weekly, surprising exactly no one who has been following the journey of these singers.

Adds the tabloid:

“Justin’s family loves Selena, but Selena’s family has put her in a very conflicting spot because they still don’t trust Justin.

Selena has tried to convince her family that Justin has changed … but her family just isn’t budging right now.”

This isn’t the first (or second… or third…) time that we’ve heard Selena’s mother has a major problem with her daughter dating Bieber.

In mid-December, it was even reported that Mandy Teefy (pictured below with her famous child) had to be hospitalized as the result of a Bieber-related breakdown.

It’s also been reported that Selena didn’t spend Thanksgiving with her boyfriend due to this ongoing tension.

“Her relationship with Justin has really affected her relationship with her mom, and it’s been hard for her because she is super close with her mom,” Us Weekly continues.

“Her mom was her rock when she was having her health complications.

“Justin and Selena decided to take a break to give her family some more time to heal and take in the idea of her and Justin being a couple again.”

Sounds pretty mature, actually.

And also like Selena really is just like many other young women her age, trying to convince her parent that the man of her dreams is not actually a nightmare.

Not that anyone can blame Teefy for having reservations, right?

Bieber has broken Selena’s heart on numerous occasions in the past.

It would almost be weird if Selena’s loved ones didn’t give her a hard time about this reconciliation; at least this shows that Mandy cares.

For now, we’ll just hope that Selena really is working on her relationship with her mom and that the two will soon kiss and make up… 

… so that Gomez can return to doing a lot more than just kissing Bieber. If you know what we mean.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Ellen Pompeo Lashes Out: How DARE You Blame Me for Grey"s Anatomy Firings!

Ellen Pompeo is not here for anyone’s BS, she would like to make that clear.

Just a few hours after news broke that two of her long-time co-stars on Grey’s Anatomy would not be returning for Season 15, the series lead has broken her silence.

Has she wished the best to Sarah Drew and Jessica Capshaw, both of whom were let go for creative reasons by ABC?

In private, we have no doubt.

In public, however, Pompeo jumped on Twitter last night to call out a report that blamed her for these actresses getting fired.

How did this claim even come about?

In January, Pompeo signed a two-year deal with Grey’s Anatomy, worth over $ 20 million.

Deadline then ran an article yesterday that strongly implied this impacted the show’s budget in such a way that fellow stars had to be cut, writing:

“The decision not to bring back Capshaw and Drew comes on the heels of the blockbuster new Pompeo pact that gave her a significant salary increase, paying her as much as $ 20 million a year.”

The 48-year old actress was quick to respond to this allegation.

“I’m a big girl @DEADLINE can take shots at me if they want but to the fans please don’t fall into that trap,” she wrote on Twitter, adding of the decision to dismiss Capshaw and Drew:

“This is above my pay grade.”

She also found it ironic, and very irritating, that this report came out on International Women’s Day, also Tweeting in response:

“Its unfortunate that @DEADLINE chooses to try to pit women against each other on #InternationalWomensDay #shameonyounotme.”

Drew played Dr. April Kepner on Grey’s Anatomy for nine seasons; Capshaw came on board a decade ago as Dr. Arizona Robbins.

Both women have released statements (below) of remorse and gratitude in light of their unwanted career moves.

The show’s co-showrunner, Krista Vernoff, also shared a lengthy statement defending Pompeo against the publication.

She Tweeted the following on Thursday evening:

The suggestion … that our cast changes are in any way related to Ellen Pompeo‘s salary renegotiation is wrong and hurtful and misguided.

It smacks of an old, broken, patriarchal notion that women must be pitted against each other and that one woman’s success will be costly to others.

Ellen Pompeo has not only advocated passionately for her fellow cast members, she has taken the time to educate women worldwide as to how to advocate for themselves and that must not now be twisted.

Vernoff had previously said of Drew and Capshaw:

“It has been a joy and a privilege to work with these phenomenally talented actresses.”

As for Drew and Capshaw’s mature responses to their firings, the former wrote this upon learning the news:

Thank you for all of the love. I know you’re sad. I’m sad too. I haven’t really had the time to process this information.

I’ve been with it for less than 48 hours, so I’m not ready to say my thank yous and give an all encompassing statement about my 9 years here. That will come later.

For now, I’d like to say: I love you, and I love April, and her story isn’t over yet. And the really good news (for me, at least) is that I’m here on set shadowing one of my favorite people, Kevin McKidd, with my beloved Grey’s family all this week and next, so I get to process all of my feelings surrounded by the community that has nourished and nurtured me for almost a decade.

For that, I am grateful.

And here is Capshaw’s similarly emotional statement:

For the past ten years I have had the rare privilege of not only playing Arizona Robbins but also being madly in love with playing her.

Arizona Robbins is kind, intelligent, funny, insightful, bold, playful, fierce and really good at her job.

She was one of the first members of the LGBTQ community to be represented in a seres regular role on network television. Her impact on the world is permanent and forever. Forever.

I am grateful that I have gotten to bring her to life and for the life that she has brought to me.

I am sad to see her go but I am consoled by the idea that she will continue to live on and on in all of our consciences and our imaginations. Shonda [Rhimes], thank you for the ride on this incredible rollercoaster.

Everyone associated with the show (from fans to crew members) agrees that this news is far from ideal, but it’s silly and ignorant to blame Pompeo for it.

(Also worth noting: ABC has not even renewed Grey’s Anatomy beyond this season.)

Always a thoughtful person, we’ll let actor Jesse Williams have the final word for now:

Sarah and Jessica are easily among my very favorite people and coworkers, so this news fuckin sucks.

Their immense talent speaks for itself but it’s them as people that I’m so grateful to know, privileged to have worked with and learned from.

To say they’ll be missed is a massive understatement. Luckily for all of us, we’ll get to see these artists continue bringing compelling and complex characters to life for many moons to come! #OurWorkIsForever

Williams’ character of Jackson was married to Drew’s April Kepner and the two had a baby named Harriet together.

No details have been revealed about how both characters will be written off the series.

But they’ll be missed. Greatly.
