Thursday, November 1, 2018

Hayden Panettiere: Friends Blame Her Boozing on Loser Boyfriend

Last month, we reported on the sad news that Hayden Panettiere has been drinking so heavily that family and friends are worried she’s putting her life in danger.

The latest reports about the actress not only confirm that she’s been partying hard in recent months, but also reveal the presence of a troubling new figure in her life.

According to Radar Online, Hayden is in a serious relationship with 34-year-old actor Brian Hickerson.

Friends and family first became concerned when Hickerson was photographed standing next to Panettiere while the actress was vomiting over a railing during a wild night out.

They became even more worried when he “joked” on Instagram about stealing Hayden’s credit card out of her wallet while she’s sleeping.

“They are deeply concerned,” says one insider, referring to Hayden’s family and friends.

“They do not approve. They are hoping that this is something that she is going to evolve from.”

The source adds that Hayden has been charmed by Hickerson and doesn’t see that she’s being taken for a ride by a skilled conman.

“A relationship isn’t helpful for either of them. He’s funny and charming and good-looking, but he’s not bringing out the best in her,” the source adds.

“Sometimes we all do what makes sense for the moment. And let’s hope that is what it is – a moment.”

The insider goes on to say that Hayden went through a difficult time just before meeting Hickerson, which made her especially vulnerable.

“She’s come through a lot of things, she’s been on hit shows, lived in a town that she fell out of love with and that was a difficult pocket of time, and she wanted to leave Nashville sooner,” added the source. 

“The cumulative effect probably makes her feel now that she wants to take a break, enjoy life, have fun, and have some laughs.”

Adding to her stress is the fact that Hayden is a mom, but her daughter Kaya currently lives in Ukraine with her father.

Speaking with Radar, Hayden’s mother confirmed that she is wary of Hayden’s relationship but downplayed concerns about the actress’ drinking.

“You just never know what people want,” Lesley Vogel told the outlet.

“You don’t know if you can trust anyone. I don’t trust his intentions. People can use her.”

We wish Hayden all the best during this difficult time.
