Showing posts with label Boozing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boozing. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Hayden Panettiere: Friends Blame Her Boozing on Loser Boyfriend

Last month, we reported on the sad news that Hayden Panettiere has been drinking so heavily that family and friends are worried she’s putting her life in danger.

The latest reports about the actress not only confirm that she’s been partying hard in recent months, but also reveal the presence of a troubling new figure in her life.

According to Radar Online, Hayden is in a serious relationship with 34-year-old actor Brian Hickerson.

Friends and family first became concerned when Hickerson was photographed standing next to Panettiere while the actress was vomiting over a railing during a wild night out.

They became even more worried when he “joked” on Instagram about stealing Hayden’s credit card out of her wallet while she’s sleeping.

“They are deeply concerned,” says one insider, referring to Hayden’s family and friends.

“They do not approve. They are hoping that this is something that she is going to evolve from.”

The source adds that Hayden has been charmed by Hickerson and doesn’t see that she’s being taken for a ride by a skilled conman.

“A relationship isn’t helpful for either of them. He’s funny and charming and good-looking, but he’s not bringing out the best in her,” the source adds.

“Sometimes we all do what makes sense for the moment. And let’s hope that is what it is – a moment.”

The insider goes on to say that Hayden went through a difficult time just before meeting Hickerson, which made her especially vulnerable.

“She’s come through a lot of things, she’s been on hit shows, lived in a town that she fell out of love with and that was a difficult pocket of time, and she wanted to leave Nashville sooner,” added the source. 

“The cumulative effect probably makes her feel now that she wants to take a break, enjoy life, have fun, and have some laughs.”

Adding to her stress is the fact that Hayden is a mom, but her daughter Kaya currently lives in Ukraine with her father.

Speaking with Radar, Hayden’s mother confirmed that she is wary of Hayden’s relationship but downplayed concerns about the actress’ drinking.

“You just never know what people want,” Lesley Vogel told the outlet.

“You don’t know if you can trust anyone. I don’t trust his intentions. People can use her.”

We wish Hayden all the best during this difficult time.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

USC Bans Football Player for 28 Months for Underage Boozing Incident

The starting safety for the USC football team claims he got hit with a 28-MONTH suspension for an underage boozing incident back in February … and he’s so upset, he’s leaving the school.  19-year-old Bubba Bolden was a HIGHLY recruited safety…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Boozing It Up In Her Hometown?

It’s been several months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and it seems the couple is very much enjoying the heady rush that accompanies the start of a new relationship.

(There are those who believe Ben and Lindsay’s relationsip isn’t all that new, but that’s a discussion for another time.)

Already, there have been claims that Ben and Lindsay are planning a wedding.

Other insiders have insisted that Affleck and Shookus can’t wait to have a baby together.

As usual, it seems as though the tabloid media is rushing things just a smidge, but Ben and Lindsay do seem to be quite smitten with one another.

They’ve already survived the first big hurdle of their relationship with Ben resisting the urge to morph into Sad Affleck over the fact that Lindsay’s hometown Bills have claimed the top spot in the AFC East ahead of Ben’s beloved Patriots.

But there are other challenges that lie in wait — and Affleck’s drinking might be chief (no pun intended, Ben) among them.

According to photos and multiple eye witness accounts, Ben is hitting the bottle again, just months after completing a stint in rehab.

Though she’s concerned for the father of her children, Jennifer Garner reportedly believes that Ben’s drinking is Lindsay’s problem now.

Unortunately, it doesn’t seem that Shookus has any interest in helpong Ben to stay sober.

It’s certainly not her responsibility to do so, but it seems that Ben is unlikely to stay clean or even keep his boozing somewhat under control when his new girlfriend is doubling as his drinking buddy.

Affleck and Shookus have already been spotted sipping wine at L.A. hotspot Craig’s and leaving a Maine liquor store with their arms loaded with bottles.

Sources say that over Labor Day weekend, the couple hit Lindsay’s hometown, where they presumably washed down their chicken wings with large quantities of Canadian beer.

Last weekend, Ben and Lindsay were spotted walking the streets of Manhattan (she’s a producer for Saturday Night Live) looking considerably worse for wear.

In contrast, Garner was in Texas helping with the relief effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

It’s easy to say she’s winning the divorce from a PR perspective, but we have no way of knowing how many bartenders Ben helped with his generous tipping.

It’s about time someone took a moment to recognize this country’s real heroes.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Ben Affleck"s Boozing Is Your Problem Now!

Back in March, Ben Affleck checked into rehab to be treated for alcohol addiction.

Just a few weeks later, Jennifer Garner filed for divorce from Affleck.

The two events may not be related, as Affleck and Garner had been separated for over a year at the time of Garner’s filing.

Still, according to insiders, Affleck’s drinking was a factor in the couple’s decision to part ways, so the timing may have been significant.

Some have speculated that Jen wanted to give Ben an opportunity to get sober before filing, so that she could work out an equitable custody arrangement with her ex and not fear for her children’s safety.

Whatever the case, Jen is likely well aware that staying sober will be a lifelong battle for Ben.

And while it seems she trusts him enough to let him spend time with their kids on his own, sources say that she’s also happy that the task of making sure Ben stays away from the bottle is no longer on her.

These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus – an SNL producer he met during an appearance on the show – and Jen is reportedly happy to hand her ex’s problems off to his new flame.

“Of course Jen worries about Ben’s health because he is the father of her children, but she feels like she’s done everything she can to help him over the years,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine.

Unfortunately, it seems Shookus may have already given Jen reason to doubt that she’s up to the task of helping to keep Ben sober.

Last month, Ben and Lindsay were spotted leaving a liquor store together while vacationing in Maine.

“Jen is very surprised that Lindsay is drinking around Ben,” the insider says.

“But she feels that ultimately it’s up to Lindsay how she wants to handle the situation.”

It’s believed that Affleck is still abstaining and doesn’t feel tempted when he’s around others who are imbibing.

Ben and Lindsay’s relationship is still in the early stages, but sources close to the couple say it’s getting serious fast.

Though Shookus is reportedly still worried about meeting Affleck’s family, the couple has reportedly been discussing details of their future together.

Those who know Ben best say they’ve never seen the actor-director happier.

Hopefully, his newfound bliss will help the father of three stay off the sauce.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Scott Disick & Bella Thorne: Boozing and Hooking Up at Lana Del Rey"s Birthday Party!

It’s official: We’re done feeling bad for Bella Thorne for being used and bamboozled by noted user and bamboozler Scott Disick.

When Bella traveled to Cannes with Scott, we figured this was just a case of a 19-year-old getting in over her head with a 34-year-old in the midst of a premature midlife crisis.

She came home early and told the world it was because Disick drank too much and generally acted like a D-bag, we figured she’d come to her senses.

And when Scott sources told the world that Disick dumped Thorne because she smelled bad (ouch), we figured that was good insurance that she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Oh, how wrong we were.

According to TMZ, Scott and Bella raged hard last night, this time keeping the party on their home turf of LA.

The couple hit up a birthday party for singer Lana Del Rey, where they partied until 2 am.

But this is Scott Disick and a teenager we’re talking about, so it’s not like they went home after that.

No, from there, Scott and Bella hit an after-party, where they continued to get their drink on.

Onlookers say they eventually left the party with an unidentified female friend.

We don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but Scott and Bella were reportedly trying to make a threesome happen during their time in Cannes, so …

Yeah, we actually do want to jump to conclusions.

We’re gonna go ahead and say it’s a safe bet that Scott and Bella finally got their orgy on last night.

Maybe now that she has “three-way with a depressive drunk dad” crossed off her bucket list, Bella can go back to dating guys who aren’t conducting neverending stress tests on their own livers.

Or at least guys who aren’t 15 years her senior and using her to make their exes jealous.

Like we said, it’s her life, and she can do what she pleases with it … but she shouldn’t more sympathy from the public.

Fool her once, shame on Scott.

Fool her five times, Scott wakes up still clutching a bottle of Jack, asks what her name is again, and Bella finally realizes she done effed up.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Gareon Conley Boozing at Nightclub Before Alleged Rape (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

TMZ Sports has obtained footage of NFL Draft prospect Gareon Conley partying at a Cleveland nightclub with a bottle of vodka roughly 2 hours before the alleged rape … an allegation he denies.  The footage was shot at Barley House on April…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Boozing and Popping Pills?!

Remember back in the day when Farrah Abraham was just a dumb, obnoxious cheerleader?

Oh, how times have changed.

Well, she’s still dumb and obnoxious of course, but the difference is that back then, she was pretty much harmless. She had a chance of growing out of her insufferable ways.

Yeah, not so much anymore.

After the sex tape debacle, she changed. She got more famous, she got more money, and it all went directly to her head.

So it kind of just makes sense that she’s allegedly out of control with booze and pills these days.

A blind item was posted on the website Crazy Days and Nights last month about a Teen Mom whose drinking has gotten a bit out of hand.

“Combine that with some pills she was prescribed and her already notorious temper and she is a walking train wreck,” the report  read.

“She has also gained about 20 pounds and recently screamed at a fan who wrongfully pointed it out to her.”

And just in case you’re thinking that the blind item could actually be about Amber Portwood — the addiction, the prescriptions, the fluctuating weight — the report concludes with “Not Amber.”

Besides, the item was recently revealed to be about Farrah.

It’s not so hard to believe, right? Farrah’s been known to throw back a drink or five, and goodness knows her temper could be described as “notorious.”

And she has gained a little bit of weight recently. You can see it in this photo she shared earlier this week:

We know it’s a struggle to imagine her screaming at fans, but … oh, what’s that?

It’s not at all a struggle to imagine because Farrah is the worst?


But perhaps the most damning evidence that this blind item could be true is a statement from Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran.

Radar Online reached out to Farrah for a response, but didn’t receive one. But when they asked Simon, he told them that he’s “not sure” if he could make a comment or not.

If the rumor was false, why wouldn’t he just say that? A simple “no comment” would have made more sense than what he said.

But hey, either way, best wishes for Farrah. Even if she’s not struggling with a drinking problem, it still seems like she could really use them.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sweidsh House Mafia DJ Claims Fired Nanny Was Boozing on the Job

Swedish House Mafia DJ Steve Angello denies putting an ex-nanny through torturous work conditions, and claims SHE was the one putting his children’s lives in danger. Steve is pissed off at Marlo Gordon for suing him and his wife for wrongful…


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bam Margera: Back to Boozing After Family Therapy

If you watched the first season of Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn, which wrapped up its run on VH1 last night, then you’re probably aware that former Jackass star Bam Margera isn’t doing so well these days.

It seems Bam has spent his years out of the spotlight struggling with a serious alcohol addiction triggered in part by the death of his friend Ryan Dunn in 2011.

Sources say Bam agreed to do the show largely because the dry environment, along with the presence of his mother and a dozen television cameras would force him to dry out.

But even with those sobering influences, Bam snuck booze into the treatment facility, but he eventually came clean and dumped it down the drain.

The 36-year-old former skateboarder sobered up (with the help of Michael Lohan, no less), but it seems his resolve weakened shortly after he finished filming.

VH1 recently caught up with Bam’s mother, April Margera, to see how her son is holding up.

As always, April put a positive spin on things, but it’s clear from her remarks that Bam’s sobriety didn’t last long:

“We have a much better level of communication,” April told the network.

“I’m not afraid to say things to him when he’s messing up. I’m not afraid to come right out and say, ’Look, you need to start thinking about this again.’”

She clarified that he’s “messed up” a few times since leaving treatment, most recently when a friend gave him a bottle of booze as a gift.

“I’m not saying that he’s not taking responsibility for himself. I feel like he’s right on the edge of it,” April says.

“He want to build a new skate park and he’s going to go do it but we’re trying to work really hard with each speed bump trying to get through it.”

“Is he the guy to go to rehab now? No, but he is considering it. We’ve talked about it. I think the lines of communication are much better and he’s starting to figure out why he’s doing all of these things.”

Sigh. April, no one’s the “the guy to go to rehab” until they go to rehab.

We know being the sweet, permissive mom is your thing, and you’re great at it, but it’s sounding like some tough love is in order here.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Madonna: Boozing, Popping Pills to Cope With Custody Battle?

Back in December, Madonna’s son Rocco Ritchie moved in with his father, Guy Ritchie, and has spent most of the time since living with the film director in the UK. 

Despite reports that she feels humiliated and heartbroken about the whole situation Madge has carried on, touring non-stop in support of her Rebel Heart album.

Unfortunately, insiders say the 57-year-old is merely throwing herself into her work to take her mind off her troubled family life – and in her quieter hours, she resorts to much more dangerous coping mechanisms.

“Madonna seems to like her anti-psych meds,” a source close to the pop star tells Radar Online, noting that Clonozepam seems to be her drug of choice.

The source adds that Madonna has recently taken to mixing booze with her medications, which may be the cause of her recent erratic behavior, such as stumbling and slurring her words on stage, and engaging in social media tirades worthy of Kanye West.

According to several reports, the singer may have hit rock bottom over the weekend during a concert in Brisbane.

Witnesses say she took the stage late, chugged straight from a bottle of tequila, crawled around onstage, and even guzzled the mystery contents of a flask that she took from an audience member.

Madonna’s touring crew has reportedly staged multiple mini-interventions, but it seems their admonitions to take it easy have fallen on deaf ears.

“She doesn’t listen to anyone,” says the source.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Joe Giudice: Boozing, Flirting With Other Women in Front of Teresa?

In just over two weeks, Joe Giudice will turn himself over to authorities to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Now it looks as though the 43-year-old isn’t letting anything stand in the way of him enjoying his final days of freedom – especially not his long-suffering wife, Teresa Giudice.

According to Radar Online, Juicy Joe was spotted boozing and getting friendly with some young female fans at an event over the weekend.

No surprise there, given Giudice’s history of infidelity and well-documented struggles with alcoholism.

What is surprising, however, is the fact that the event in question was a book signing for Teresa’s new memoir.

Yes, witnesses at the Mount Airy Casino in eastern Pennsylvania claim that while Teresa was preoccupied signing autographs for fans, Joe busied himself knocking back shots and chatting up young women.

Nothing came of his flirtations, as he and Teresa headed back to the same hotel room at the end of the night, but we’re sure Tre’s not loving the fact that her husband can’t even control himself when she’s in the next room.

Teresa, of course, has defended Joe against cheating allegations in the past, saying that if her husband had ever been unfaithful, it “would’ve come out by now.”

“We both want to be with each other,” she said in a recent interview. “If we didn’t want to be with each other, we wouldn’t be.”

Poor, naive Teresa. On the bright side, booze and pliant young women will soon be very tough to come by for Joe.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Scott Disick: Back to Boozing?!

It’s been two months since Scott Disick finished rehab, and while he’s made several attempts at sobriety in the past, insiders reported that the 32-year-old seemed genuinely committed to staying off the sauce this time.

Unfortunately, Scott’s life has been loaded with drama and setbacks in recent weeks, and Radar Online is now reporting that family and friends are worried the stress will cause Disick to fall off the wagon.

“The family all believes that he is headed for another relapse. His behavior lately is incredibly defiant,” says one insider.

“Scott should not be going out to clubs and bars. It is just a matter of time now.”

It’s true that Disick has been doing club appearances again, but at first, his loved ones believed him when he claimed that it was just a source of income.

Now, the fact that Disick has stopped attending AA meetings has his inner circle concerned that he’s planning to jump back into the hard-partying lifestyle he left behind:

“Scott has not been to his outpatient rehab appointments at all this week,” says one insider.

It seems a big part of the problem is that Scott has finally realized that he won’t be able to win Kourtney Kardashian back any time soon.

“He is starting to finally realize that there is no getting her back and is really having the case of the f-ck its,” says the source.

There’s a good chance that Scott’s recent behavior will jeopardize his relationship with his children, but the father of three is reportedly unconcerned:

“Of course his behavior is endangering his custody right now. But at this point, he does not even seem to care,” says the insider.

“Whenever Kourtney tries to give him sh*t, he just brings up the fact that she is out partying all the time too.”

It’s worth pointing out that the big difference there is that Kourtney isn’t a known alcoholic, whereas Scott has nearly killed himself with booze on multiple occasions. Details.