Showing posts with label Popping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Popping. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Fake Donald Trump Stars Popping Up All Over Hollywood Blvd.

Some people might want Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star scrubbed entirely — but others want more of the same … and made it happen. Tons of fake Donald Trump stars popped up all over Hollywood Blvd. Thursday up and down the Walk of Fame.…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Kendall Jenner: My Sisters Keep Popping Out Babies!

Forget what you’ve read.

Forget what you’ve heard.

Forget what you think you know.

Kendall Jenner is NOT pregnant with Blake Griffin’s baby/

This rumor has sprung up multiple times over the past several weeks, with various sources saying Kendall has turned down a number of modeling gigs of late due to a growing belly.

But this isn’t true.

Let’s stop pretending otherwise.

However, just because Jenner does not have a tiny humab growing in her fetus, this doesn’t mean her life these days isn’t basically surrounded by tiny human beings.

“It’s forever growing…” Kendall said of her family in a cover story for the latest issue of Elle, adding in this revealing interview:

“Every time I think it’s eased up, someone’s popping out a baby.”

She’s not really kidding, either.

To bring readers up to speed:

Kim Kardashian welcomed a baby girl (via surrogate) named Chicago in mid-January of this year.

Kylie Jenner welcomed a baby girl named Stormi on February 1.

Khloe Kardashian welcomed a baby girl named True on April 11.

Even for a group of loved ones who always seems to be making news of some kind, this has been quite a whirlwind of a few months.

Kendall, meanwhile, has simply been walking runways and modeling clothing and NOT changing any diapers.

What has it been like to see her younger sibling take on the responsibility of motherhood?

“It’s obviously a bit weird that your little sister is having a baby before you,” Kendall told the publication. “I didn’t expect it to happen like this. But it’s beautiful.”

Kendall is just 22 years old, of course. So she has plenty of time to make a family if she wants to someday.

For now, though, she seems content with the family she already has, especially now that she and Kylie feel more connected than ever before.

“It’s brought us closer together,” she tells Elle of Kylie giving birth to Stormi, continuing as follows:

“We’ve always been very close, but we would butt heads all the time. This has made her a bit more loving toward me.”

Honestly, she’s probably just buttering up Aunt Kendall so she won’t object to babysitting down the line!

We kid, of course. It’s very nice to see that Kendall and Kylie have been brought closer by the presence of Stormi.

Kendall doesn’t really discuss her personal life in this issue of Elle, which will be available on newsstands on May 22, but that’s not unusual.

This is the one member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan who seems to shun the spotlight a little bit.

Yes, she uses it to her advantage from time to time and she appears on Keeping Up with the Kardashians each season.

But the next time you see Kendall kiss her boyfriend on Instagram or get pregnant out of wedlock, it will be the first.

Gotta admire her for that, don’t you?


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Nicki Minaj"s Booty Popping Celebration for Taking Aretha Franklin"s Crown (VIDEO)

When Nicki Minaj wins, we all win … especially when she celebrates like this. Nicki just passed Aretha Franklin for the woman with the most Billboard Hot 100 songs of all-time. Her 3 latest entries to the chart — “No Frauds,” “Regret in Your…


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Mom Debra Danielsen Addresses Pill Popping Rumors!

Farrah Abraham, as we learned yesterday, is allegedly struggling with a little ol’ case of substance abuse.

But, you know, take that with a grain of salt.

Or, if you’re Farrah in these new rumors, take it with a few pills and some liquor.

According to the scandalous rumor, which began thanks to a blind item, is that Farrah’s drinking is “out of control.”

“Combine that with some pills she was prescribed and her already notorious temper and she is a walking train wreck,” the item read.

“She has also gained about 20 pounds and recently screamed at a fan who wrongfully pointed it out to her.”

“Not Amber,” the report helpfully concluded.

But the thing is that blind items aren’t exactly verified reports, you know? So when you hear them, you have to put on your detective hat and see if the item fits.

And unfortunately, it makes sense that Farrah’s currently “out of control” thanks to booze and a prescription that doesn’t really mesh well with her.

Notorious temper,” check. “Screamed at a fan,” check. “Gained about 20 pounds,” eh, we can see it.

But the most suspicious thing about this whole mess — so far, anyway — is that when Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran, was asked about it, he simply stated that he was “not sure” if he could comment.

It wasn’t a denial, it wasn’t a simple “no comment.” It was an “I don’t know, guys, let me check with the boss and maybe I’ll get back to you” kind of response.

And that’s shady.

But though Simon failed to crush the rumors, Debra Danielsen, Farrah’s wacky mother, is taking a turn at making a statement about the alleged drug abuse.

“That is not true,” she told Radar Online.

Hey, it’s a much better start than Simon had.

“That is absolutely not correct,” Debra continued. “My daughter works her ass off. She works very very hard.”

“She’s a dedicated, professional woman. We don’t believe in that and that’s not happening.”

Wait, the family doesn’t “believe” in drinking problems? They don’t believe in abusing prescriptions, or is it that they don’t believe in taking prescriptions at all?

Debra’s message is a little muddled, but it looks like Farrah’s family is taking a firm stance on her latest scandal.

Now all that’s left to do is eagerly await a response from the Backdoor Teen Mom herself.

Well, that, or some paparazzi video of Farrah stumbling all over the place and making a fool of herself.

Either would be great.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Boozing and Popping Pills?!

Remember back in the day when Farrah Abraham was just a dumb, obnoxious cheerleader?

Oh, how times have changed.

Well, she’s still dumb and obnoxious of course, but the difference is that back then, she was pretty much harmless. She had a chance of growing out of her insufferable ways.

Yeah, not so much anymore.

After the sex tape debacle, she changed. She got more famous, she got more money, and it all went directly to her head.

So it kind of just makes sense that she’s allegedly out of control with booze and pills these days.

A blind item was posted on the website Crazy Days and Nights last month about a Teen Mom whose drinking has gotten a bit out of hand.

“Combine that with some pills she was prescribed and her already notorious temper and she is a walking train wreck,” the report  read.

“She has also gained about 20 pounds and recently screamed at a fan who wrongfully pointed it out to her.”

And just in case you’re thinking that the blind item could actually be about Amber Portwood — the addiction, the prescriptions, the fluctuating weight — the report concludes with “Not Amber.”

Besides, the item was recently revealed to be about Farrah.

It’s not so hard to believe, right? Farrah’s been known to throw back a drink or five, and goodness knows her temper could be described as “notorious.”

And she has gained a little bit of weight recently. You can see it in this photo she shared earlier this week:

We know it’s a struggle to imagine her screaming at fans, but … oh, what’s that?

It’s not at all a struggle to imagine because Farrah is the worst?


But perhaps the most damning evidence that this blind item could be true is a statement from Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran.

Radar Online reached out to Farrah for a response, but didn’t receive one. But when they asked Simon, he told them that he’s “not sure” if he could make a comment or not.

If the rumor was false, why wouldn’t he just say that? A simple “no comment” would have made more sense than what he said.

But hey, either way, best wishes for Farrah. Even if she’s not struggling with a drinking problem, it still seems like she could really use them.


Monday, March 14, 2016

Madonna: Boozing, Popping Pills to Cope With Custody Battle?

Back in December, Madonna’s son Rocco Ritchie moved in with his father, Guy Ritchie, and has spent most of the time since living with the film director in the UK. 

Despite reports that she feels humiliated and heartbroken about the whole situation Madge has carried on, touring non-stop in support of her Rebel Heart album.

Unfortunately, insiders say the 57-year-old is merely throwing herself into her work to take her mind off her troubled family life – and in her quieter hours, she resorts to much more dangerous coping mechanisms.

“Madonna seems to like her anti-psych meds,” a source close to the pop star tells Radar Online, noting that Clonozepam seems to be her drug of choice.

The source adds that Madonna has recently taken to mixing booze with her medications, which may be the cause of her recent erratic behavior, such as stumbling and slurring her words on stage, and engaging in social media tirades worthy of Kanye West.

According to several reports, the singer may have hit rock bottom over the weekend during a concert in Brisbane.

Witnesses say she took the stage late, chugged straight from a bottle of tequila, crawled around onstage, and even guzzled the mystery contents of a flask that she took from an audience member.

Madonna’s touring crew has reportedly staged multiple mini-interventions, but it seems their admonitions to take it easy have fallen on deaf ears.

“She doesn’t listen to anyone,” says the source.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Lamar Odom: Video of NBA Star Popping Pills Leaks Online

As you’ve probably heard by now, Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

The 35-year-old former NBA star remains in a coma in a Las Vegas hospital, and sadly, it looks as though he’ll never regain consciousness.

Doctors believe Odom suffered a drug overdose brought about by binging on alcohol, cocaine, opiates and Reload – an “herbal Viagra supplement” that had recently been recalled by the FDA.

Now, Radar Online has obtained security footage from the Love Ranch that purportedly shows Odom partying with hookers and popping pills that are most likely Reload. 

Insiders say the slumped figure in the background is Odom. The footage was reportedly taken at about 5:30 pm the day before he lapsed into a coma.

In the video, a woman in the foreground prepares shots and chasers and brings them to Odom, leading many to believe that he used liquor to swallow his pills.

Radar Online and other outlets who have analyzed the footage claim that Odom can be seen reaching into a small plastic bag full of pills and removing several capsules, though due to the quality of the video, it’s difficult to tell exactly what he’s doing.

Yesterday, Odom was declared brain dead, and medical experts believe it is only a matter of time before he passes away.

We’ll have updates on this tragic story as more information becomes available.