Showing posts with label Blvd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blvd. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Fake Donald Trump Stars Popping Up All Over Hollywood Blvd.

Some people might want Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star scrubbed entirely — but others want more of the same … and made it happen. Tons of fake Donald Trump stars popped up all over Hollywood Blvd. Thursday up and down the Walk of Fame.…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Heidi Klum Watches Model Take a Shower on Hollywood Blvd

Heidi Klum likes to watch … models get wet on Hollywood Boulevard. It’s her job, after all. Heidi spent part of her Friday rolling through the heart of Hollywood while watching a bikini-clad model take a shower … on the back of a flatbed truck.…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Time"s Up for James Franco on Sunset Blvd.

James Franco’s art and life are getting uncomfortably close … ‘cause the Time’s Up movement is breathing down his neck on Sunset Blvd. A new billboard recently went up in Hollywood for Franco’s movie, “The Disaster Artist” — which sits just in…
