Saturday, March 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Mom Debra Danielsen Addresses Pill Popping Rumors!

Farrah Abraham, as we learned yesterday, is allegedly struggling with a little ol’ case of substance abuse.

But, you know, take that with a grain of salt.

Or, if you’re Farrah in these new rumors, take it with a few pills and some liquor.

According to the scandalous rumor, which began thanks to a blind item, is that Farrah’s drinking is “out of control.”

“Combine that with some pills she was prescribed and her already notorious temper and she is a walking train wreck,” the item read.

“She has also gained about 20 pounds and recently screamed at a fan who wrongfully pointed it out to her.”

“Not Amber,” the report helpfully concluded.

But the thing is that blind items aren’t exactly verified reports, you know? So when you hear them, you have to put on your detective hat and see if the item fits.

And unfortunately, it makes sense that Farrah’s currently “out of control” thanks to booze and a prescription that doesn’t really mesh well with her.

Notorious temper,” check. “Screamed at a fan,” check. “Gained about 20 pounds,” eh, we can see it.

But the most suspicious thing about this whole mess — so far, anyway — is that when Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran, was asked about it, he simply stated that he was “not sure” if he could comment.

It wasn’t a denial, it wasn’t a simple “no comment.” It was an “I don’t know, guys, let me check with the boss and maybe I’ll get back to you” kind of response.

And that’s shady.

But though Simon failed to crush the rumors, Debra Danielsen, Farrah’s wacky mother, is taking a turn at making a statement about the alleged drug abuse.

“That is not true,” she told Radar Online.

Hey, it’s a much better start than Simon had.

“That is absolutely not correct,” Debra continued. “My daughter works her ass off. She works very very hard.”

“She’s a dedicated, professional woman. We don’t believe in that and that’s not happening.”

Wait, the family doesn’t “believe” in drinking problems? They don’t believe in abusing prescriptions, or is it that they don’t believe in taking prescriptions at all?

Debra’s message is a little muddled, but it looks like Farrah’s family is taking a firm stance on her latest scandal.

Now all that’s left to do is eagerly await a response from the Backdoor Teen Mom herself.

Well, that, or some paparazzi video of Farrah stumbling all over the place and making a fool of herself.

Either would be great.
