Betcha wish you were that bottle of Fireball whiskey right now. WWE superstar Lana was spotted shakin’ it on a balcony in Miami on Thursday afternoon … picking up right where Nikki Bella left off with a bikini-clad day of fun in the sun. All…
Friday, June 1, 2018
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Lana Del Rey Turns Down Fan"s Photo Request Mid-Selfie After Met Gala
Lana Del Rey can change her mind at the drop of a hat, as one unlucky sap quickly learned trying to press his luck with a camera. TMZ obtained video of Lana shutting down a fan’s selfie Monday night in NYC right as she was about to snap — all…
Thursday, April 12, 2018
WWE"s Rusev & Lana Say Rusev"s Gonna Retire The Undertaker, Crush His Old Ass!
The Undertaker just smashed John Cena at WrestleMania, but his next opponent — and his smokin’ hot wife — say he’s gonna make the Deadman REST … IN … PEACE. We got superstars Rusev and Lana just hours after WWE announced Undertaker…
WWE"s Rusev & Lana Say Rusev"s Gonna Retire The Undertaker, Crush His Old Ass!
The Undertaker just smashed John Cena at WrestleMania, but his next opponent — and his smokin’ hot wife — say he’s gonna make the Deadman REST … IN … PEACE. We got superstars Rusev and Lana just hours after WWE announced Undertaker…
Friday, March 16, 2018
WWE Superstar Lana Pole Dances at Gay Bar
WWE superstar Lana wasn’t satisfied with your average Thursday night out … so, she hopped on stage at an iconic L.A. gay bar and put on a POLE DANCING CLINIC. And yes, there was plenty of twerking. The Ravishing Russian hit The Abbey in West…
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Monday, February 5, 2018
Lana Del Rey: Knife-Wielding Stalker Tried to Kidnap Her
Look, we all love Lana Del Rey. Even when we can’t directly relate to her songs that seem to be about another universe, and even when her songs seem like they’re the world’s worst product placement for a soda brand, we love her haunting melodies.
Unfortunately, with fame and popularity come stalkers. And Lana Del Rey’s stalker was arrested after trying to kidnap her.
As you’ve probably guessed, this whole thing went down in Florida.
“OPD Media release on arrest of Michael Hunt, 43, who stalked, made threats against singer Lana Del Rey.”
First of all, we’re so glad that he was arrested and so horrified that this was happening in the first place.
Second of all, what is a guy named Michael Hunt doing stalking Lana Del Rey? A man with that name in his forties should clearly be the main character on a CBS drama that runs for way more season than anyone would have guessed.
“Working off a tip, OPD Officers were able to stop Hunt, who was armed with a knife, before he could get to the Amway Center.”
That is … absolutely terrifying. And there are further details.
Orlando Police shared further details:
“On Friday, February 2nd, Orlando Police received a tip about a possible kidnapping threat to singer Lana Del Rey (Elizabeth Woolridge Grant), who was scheduled to perform at the Amway Center that night.”
Absolutely horrifying.
“The threats were reportedly made by Michael Hunt, 43, of Riverview, Florida.”
We don’t know who called in the tip, but they may have saved lives.
“OPD detectives considered the information a credible threat, and took investigative measures to locate Hunt.”

“OPD Officers came in contact with Hunt at Hughey Avenue and Central Boulevard on Friday evening, one block from the Amway Center. When he was taken into custody, Hunt was in possession of tickets to the Lana Del Rey performance and a knife.”
To reiterate, they caught him before he could (allegedly) try anything.
“At no time was he able to make contact with Ms. Grant.”
That is such a relief.
“Hunt is currently being held at the Orange County Jail on no bond. The charges are Aggravated Stalking with a Credible Threat and Attempted Kidnapping with a Weapon.”
Those are some hefty charges.
The Orlando Police press release goes on to remind everyone that they always have security measures in place at these events, and that some of those measures are obviously visible while others are not.
They also acknowledge that, without the tip, it is unlikely that they would have found and detained Michael Hunt with such alacrity.
If he’d been caught in the act of carrying out his alleged plan, we can’t help but wonder what sorts of injuries might have been inflicted.
For her part, Lana Del Rey responded to fan concerns over Twitter:
“Hey kiddos. I’m doing fine thanks for the messages. And tomorrow we’ll be in Hotlanta can’t wait to see everyone. Yachty that means u.”
We’ve heard about Lana Del Rey’s struggles with depression and panic attacks. So there’s no way to know how much this is actually impacting her from one tweet.
Remember that story a few years ago about a stalker who’d broken into one of Lana’s homes while she was away and reported to the internet that they’d found mostly books about witchcraft?
On one level, that news is endearing (and you’d think that Lana Del Rey and Azealia Banks would bond over that, at least); on another, that it came from a stalker who broke in is nothing short of alarming.
Celebs deserve privacy within their own homes, no matter how public of a figure they might be. They also deserve to be safe from knife-wielding maniacs.
Lana Del Rey may seem like an eldritch apparition who hails from an alternate universe where everything’s black and white, but she’s a real person with real feelings.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Lana Del Rey Target of Kidnapping Plot
Lana Del Rey is lucky Orlando cops jumped on a tip that a man was set on kidnapping her, because the guy was allegedly armed, dangerous and intent on carrying out his plot. Lana performed at the Amway Center in Orlando Friday night, and Michael Hunt…
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
WWE Superstar Lana Strips Down to Bikini In Crazy L.A. Heatwave
How do you stay cool when the temp’s over 100 degrees? Bikini beach day!! That’s what WWE superstar Lana did while the rest of the city was melting. Lana was rollin’ solo in Santa Monica — no sign of her husband, Rusev … but we’re not…
WWE Superstar Lana Strips Down to Bikini In Crazy L.A. Heatwave
How do you stay cool when the temp’s over 100 degrees? Bikini beach day!! That’s what WWE superstar Lana did while the rest of the city was melting. Lana was rollin’ solo in Santa Monica — no sign of her husband, Rusev … but we’re not…
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Lana Del Rey"s Song "Cola" About Liking Older Men, NOT About Harvey Weinstein
Lana Del Rey’s 2012 track about preferring older men is NOT about Harvey Weinstein … despite what people’s ears are leading them to believe. Lana’s song, “Cola,” features the lyrics … “I gots a taste for men who are older / It’s always…
Friday, June 23, 2017
Scott Disick & Bella Thorne: Boozing and Hooking Up at Lana Del Rey"s Birthday Party!
It’s official: We’re done feeling bad for Bella Thorne for being used and bamboozled by noted user and bamboozler Scott Disick.
When Bella traveled to Cannes with Scott, we figured this was just a case of a 19-year-old getting in over her head with a 34-year-old in the midst of a premature midlife crisis.
She came home early and told the world it was because Disick drank too much and generally acted like a D-bag, we figured she’d come to her senses.
And when Scott sources told the world that Disick dumped Thorne because she smelled bad (ouch), we figured that was good insurance that she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
Oh, how wrong we were.
According to TMZ, Scott and Bella raged hard last night, this time keeping the party on their home turf of LA.
The couple hit up a birthday party for singer Lana Del Rey, where they partied until 2 am.
But this is Scott Disick and a teenager we’re talking about, so it’s not like they went home after that.
No, from there, Scott and Bella hit an after-party, where they continued to get their drink on.
Onlookers say they eventually left the party with an unidentified female friend.
We don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but Scott and Bella were reportedly trying to make a threesome happen during their time in Cannes, so …
Yeah, we actually do want to jump to conclusions.
We’re gonna go ahead and say it’s a safe bet that Scott and Bella finally got their orgy on last night.
Maybe now that she has “three-way with a depressive drunk dad” crossed off her bucket list, Bella can go back to dating guys who aren’t conducting neverending stress tests on their own livers.
Or at least guys who aren’t 15 years her senior and using her to make their exes jealous.
Like we said, it’s her life, and she can do what she pleases with it … but she shouldn’t more sympathy from the public.
Fool her once, shame on Scott.
Fool her five times, Scott wakes up still clutching a bottle of Jack, asks what her name is again, and Bella finally realizes she done effed up.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
G-Eazy & Lana Del Rey Super Tight for 3rd Night In A Row (PHOTO)
G-Eazy can’t get enough of Lana Del Rey … even if his face doesn’t show it here. The “Me, Myself & I” rapper and singer were leaving Avenue Tuesday night in L.A. … showing all the signs of a new couple. It was the third night in a row…
G-Eazy & Lana Del Rey Super Tight for 3rd Night In A Row (PHOTO)
G-Eazy can’t get enough of Lana Del Rey … even if his face doesn’t show it here. The “Me, Myself & I” rapper and singer were leaving Avenue Tuesday night in L.A. … showing all the signs of a new couple. It was the third night in a row…
Friday, February 24, 2017
Azealia Banks to Lana Del Rey: Leave Donald Trump Alone!
At this point, it’s hard to be surprised by anything that Azealia Banks says, does, or tweets.
Azealia feuds with just about everyone who crosses her path, especially those who dare to criticize President Donald Trump.
Yes, for reasons that aren’t particularly clear (even/especially to her) Azealia is a huge Trump supporter.
In fact, she’s so hardcore in her beliefs that Banks went off on Rihanna last week for speaking out against Trump’s controversial Muslim ban.
“This is all stupid and wrong. Is she even American??? Can she even vote???” Banks tweeted, and if she’d only squeezed in the words “cuck” and “snowflake,” she would’ve perfectly captured the tone of the typical irate Trump troll.
Azealia is black, a woman, an artist, a young person, a supporter of the LGBTQ community, and (we’re just guessing, considering the way her career has kind of bottomed out) a non-millionaire – which makes her a member of a half dozen groups that aren’t particularly well-represented aboard the Trump Train.
Of course, she also sacrifices chickens in her apartment as part of her witchcraft ceremonies, so pointing out inconsistencies in Azealia’s political ideology is a bit like calling Charles Manson crazy for pouring the milk in his bowl before the cereal.
Anyway, like her bestie Milo Yiannopolos, Banks was suspended from Twitter for doing what she does best (read: trolling the entire planet), but she’s back now, and it seems she’s already making up for lost time.
This story comes to us courtesy of the Lana Del Rey fan page, Planet Del Rey, which claims that Azealia has turned on her former friend Lana Del Rey for jokingly (we think) threatening to take Trump down with witchcraft.
Lana posted a tweet asking fans to find “ingredients” online and use them “at the stroke of midnight.”
We’re old and easily confused by both hip young Millennials and social media, so we would’ve thought that Lana was organizing a good old-fashioned Meth cook-off.
But Lana fans insist it was some sort of sly reference to bewitching the Donald, and apparently Azealia didn’t care for it one bit:
“Leave that motherf-cker alone,” Banks allegedly tweeted.
“You witches are only going to make Trump stronger. *rolls eye* hashtag. White girl magic.”
She added:
“No shade I will go toe to toe with these white witches because Hillary Clinton losing was a major loss for white feminism.”
She later confirmed that she was referring to Lana in response to a fan’s query.
The tweets appear to have been deleted, but as you can see, Planet Del Rey came equipped with receipts.
We’d say this all seems a tad ludicrous, but this is Azealia Banks we’re talking about.
The woman once started a feud with the entire country of Australia, seemingly just for her own amusement.
Ya know, now that we think about it, we’re starting to understand her love of Trump …
Monday, February 22, 2016
Monday, October 26, 2015
Lana Del Rey Opens Up About Depression, Panic Attacks
Lana Del Rey recently released a new album, and while most young popular songstresses promote their work by making the talk show rounds and assaulting their social media followers with endless teasers, Lana usually just bares her soul in a handful of print interviews that make us worry about her mental health.
Last year, Lana talked about wishing for death while promoting Ultraviolence. With her fourth studio album, Honeymoon, in stores, Lana is still talking about the great beyond, but now she sounds less like a goth teenager and more like a deeply troubled grownup.
“It’s hard for me sometimes to think about going on when I know we’re going to die. Something happened in the last three years, with my panic [attacks]…It got worse. I’ve always been prone to it.
“I saw a therapist – three times. But I’m really most comfortable sitting in that chair in the studio, writing or singing.”
This is the first time that Lana has spoken about being prone to panic attacks, and it may help explain why she canceled her tour for unspecified “medical reasons” last year.
It certainly sounds as though she may be suffering from clinical anxiety and depression, and when a person’s brain chemistry is out of balance, they could be on top of the world and still feel like the walls are closing in on them.
Still, when Lana is at her lowest, it must help a little bit to remember that James Franco is so obsessed with LDR that he’s writing a freakin’ book about her. Talk about an ego boost.