Showing posts with label Plot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plot. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Rutgers Linebacker Izaia Bullock Arrested for Alleged Murder Plot

A linebacker on the Rutgers football team was arrested Tuesday after cops say he conspired to murder some people.  Yeah.  The player at the center of the controversy is Izaia Bullock — a 22-year-old redshirt junior, from New Jersey. …


Thursday, October 4, 2018

LeBron James Fortifies L.A. Mansion with Firepower After Burglary Plot

LeBron James has beefed up security at his L.A. home in a major way — bringing a team of armed guards to patrol his house after learning he was targeted by a team of burglars.  As we previously reported … the LAPD arrested 4 people who had…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Kylie Jenner Lists $5 Million Plot of Land 10 Months After Buying It

Kylie Jenner wants to turn a big pile of dirt she bought into more cash — ‘cause she’s listing her $ 5 million lot for a bit more than she purchased it for … just 10 months later. Kylie recently put her nearly 1.5-acre plot of land that she…


Kylie Jenner Lists $5 Million Plot of Land 10 Months After Buying It

Kylie Jenner wants to turn a big pile of dirt she bought into more cash — ‘cause she’s listing her $ 5 million lot for a bit more than she purchased it for … just 10 months later. Kylie recently put her nearly 1.5-acre plot of land that she…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Obi-Wan Kenobi "Star Wars Story" Movie Has Its Plot and Director

The next movie in the ‘Star Wars Story’ franchise will feature Obi-Wan Kenobi — but it ain’t an origin story … far from it actually. According to a newly released production bulletin — obtained by TMZ — Disney’s next foray into their spin-off…


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Lana Del Rey Target of Kidnapping Plot

Lana Del Rey is lucky Orlando cops jumped on a tip that a man was set on kidnapping her, because the guy was allegedly armed, dangerous and intent on carrying out his plot. Lana performed at the Amway Center in Orlando Friday night, and Michael Hunt…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Raiders O-Line Didn"t Plot to Hurt Derek Carr, Says Donald Penn

Oakland Raiders stud lineman Donald Penn says allegations that the offensive line plotted to injure QB Derek Carr over his stance on taking a knee are total and utter bullcrap.  Penn is firing back at Miko Grimes — wife of Bucs star Brent…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kevin Hart Extortion Plot, Woman in Video is a Traveling Stripper

Kevin Hart partied with a woman — who is now at the center of the sexually explicit video — for an entire weekend last month, and we’ve learned she’s a stripper who hits up whatever clubs she can book. Her name is Montia Sabbag, although she…


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Chester Bennington Could Get Open Plot Beside Chris Cornell at Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington might get an eternal resting spot right next to his dear friend, Chris Cornell. TMZ has learned the burial plot beside Cornell at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery is available … and a source at the cemetery tells us…


Chris Brown Sues Philippines Concert Organizer for Extortion Plot

Chris Brown claims he’s been held up for $ 300,000 over a show he postponed, but eventually made up, in the Philippines … so now he’s going after the concert organizer in court. Chris says the trouble started when he was forced to delay a New…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Headstone Revealed in Family Plot

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s grave now has her headstone in place … between her mother and grandfather. The headstone is inscribed, “Resting Peacefully” and also has a musical note along the border. Bobbi Kristina was laid to rest in a family plot,…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Marriott Robin Hood Confesses, Public Made Out On His Revenge Plot

The Marriott Hotels ‘Robin Hood’ now admits he slashed his ex-employers’ hotel rates — to the delight of customers — purely to get revenge for being unfairly fired … he claims. Juan Rodriguez tells TMZ he was happy to help consumers get cheap…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 7: ENTIRE PLOT Leaks Online!

Sigh. This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet.

While the rest of the world was worried about Russian hackers and Hillary’s email, something far more unsettling than all of the Anthony Weiner dick pics combined happened on Reddit.

A Redditor who has since deleted his account claims to have all the details of the plot of Game of Thrones Season 7, and of course, he “leaked” them online in great detail.

We know what you’re thinking:

Wow, there’s a guy on the Internet who claims to have inside information about Game of Thrones?!

What’s next, you’re gonna hit me with the bombshell that Donald Trump is occasionally disrespectful toward women?!?!?!

To that we say, you have a real attitude problem, hypothetical reader.

Also, you make a good point, but there’s a reason to believe that this particular guy – who went by the Reddit handle awayforthelads – actually knows what he’s talking about.

The most compelling evidence is that his information seems to match up with other Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers that have already emerged from the set.

Here’s a rundown of what awayforthelads says will happen in the show’s final 13 episodes.

In case it wasn’t perfectly clear, the remainder of this article is dark and full of spoilers:

According to awayforthelads, Jon Snow and Daenerys spend much of the season together at Dragonstone.

They eventually have sex as the Wall crumbles.

Kind of weird considering they’re related, but we already seen that GoT is willing to “go there” in terms of incest.

Elsewhere in Westeros, Arya and Sansa are reunited, and the former is basically a PTSD-addled killing machine at this point.

She eventually executes Littlefinger under orders from Sansa.

Meanwhile, a pregnant Cersei (no word on who the father is) forms an alliance with Euron Greyjoy to fight against Jon and Dany, and that goes about as well as you would expect.

Sam, Gilly and Bran piece together that Jon is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, but this part is sparse on details, and it’s unclear if he does eventually become king.

In fact, the only ones who are assured to live through the final episode (according to awayforthelads, of course) are Sansa and Arya.

At some point, Jon goes north of the Wall to capture a wight and bring it back as proof that the Westerosi equivalent of climate change is a real and imminent threat.

The Night’s King (remember him?) possesses Dany’s dragon Viserion and turns him into an ice dragon (ed. note: ?!?!?!?!) that destroys the Wall.

There. Now we’re all in the same boat of having that thing we enjoy ruined.

A Redditor who claims to be close to one of the show’s “major actors/actresses in the show” says the revelations are all BS, but thus far, the reports and photos that have emerged from filming bear out the major plot points outlined by awayforthelads.

We don’t know what’s worse, that all of this information is out there, or that we’re doomed to spend the next eight months thinking Cersei bringing another child into the world.

Things tend to not work out great for her kids.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to hold yourself over until the now-thoroughly-spoiled seventh season premieres.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Steven Fernandez, Skateboarding YouTube Star, Arrested for Underage Sex Plot

Steven Fernandez, a 15-year old YouTube star and famous skateboarder, has been arrested for what police describe as a scheme to elicit sex from a 12-year old fan.

According to law enforcement officials, per TMZ, Fernandez met the unnamed 12-year-old in his hometown of Compton, California this week.

He reportedly promised that he would introduce her to some A-List celebrities in exchange for sexual acts.

The girl allegedly agreed and some kind of sexual act was committed.

Cops were alerted to the disgusting incident shortly after it occurred and Los Angeles Police Department officers proceeded to arrest Fernandez, along with two adults in his entourage:

  1. His manager, Jose Barajas.

  2. Another skater, 27-year-old Keelan Dadd.

TMZ reports that all three were booked for sexual exploitation of a 12-year-old.

Fernandez has over one million followers on Instagram and is one of the best known young skateboarders in the country.

We’ll have more on this seemingly awful story as news breaks.