Showing posts with label Kristina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kristina. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Bobbi Kristina Friend Who Found Her OD"d Died of Fentanyl OD

Max Lomas — the friend who discovered Bobbi Kristina submerged in a bathtub with a toxic mix of drugs in her system — died from a fentanyl overdose himself … TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell us Lomas’ official cause of death was “fentanyl...
Bobbi Kristina Friend Who Found Her OD"d Died of Fentanyl OD

Bobbi Kristina Friend Who Found Her OD"d Died of Fentanyl OD

Max Lomas — the friend who discovered Bobbi Kristina submerged in a bathtub with a toxic mix of drugs in her system — died from a fentanyl overdose himself … TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell us Lomas’ official cause of death was “fentanyl...
Bobbi Kristina Friend Who Found Her OD"d Died of Fentanyl OD

Friday, March 16, 2018

Nick Gordon: Bobby Brown Killed Bobbi Kristina, Not Me!

Just a few days ago, Nick Gordon was arrested for domestic violence … again. It’s part of a very disturbing pattern.

The disgraced former fiance of the late Bobbi Kristina Brown is now openly lashing out at … Bobby Brown.

The man held legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death blames that entire tragedy on her father.

Nick Gordon is fuming.

Despite his recent arrest after police noticed that his girlfriend, Laura Leal, had clear signs that she had been struck repeatedly in the face, Nick Gordon’s anger is not directed inward.

Similarly, despite being found legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death in a civil trial and ordered to pay millions to her estate over her wrongful death, he points the finger at someone in particular.

Speaking to RadarOnline, Nick Gordon blames Bobby Brown for … everything, it sounds like.

But especially for Bobbi Kristina’s tragic death.

“He’s to blame! He was a crackhead. He smoked crack and he brought that into the house. Nobody else did drugs before him.”

That’s … a very interesting point of view.

Recently, Bobby Brown decreed that Nick Gordon should be thrown in jail where he can be raped.

Obviously, while many believe that Gordon belongs in prison (some believe that he deserves a harsher, more permanent sentence), we should never wish something as evil and indefensible as sexual assault upon anyone.

Nick Gordon explained why he believes that Bobby Brown made that explosive comment.

“The man feels guilty.”

Interesting. He elaborates.

“You kind of figure if you have a guilty conscience you have to put the blame on somebody else.”

It is always interesting to hear what ideas a man like Gordon holds about the feeling of guilt.

Speaking of guilt, this is Gordon’s most recent mug shot for allegedly abusing girlfriend Laura Leal in Florida.

We say “most recent” because he was arrested for similar charges in June of 2017.

Same state, same girlfriend. This time, his beard’s a little longer.

Last time, his arrest for domestic assault and kidnapping involved a harrowing tale in which Laura Leal says that she only escaped from his fists and fury when she managed to grasp a candlestick and stun him with it so that she could run for safety.

Leal would go on to admit that she could have ended up like Bobbi Kristina, explaining how the abuse had started off gradually before building up to the point where she’d feared for her life.

Unfortunately, as too often happens in abuse cases, she suddenly became uncooperative a few months later and prosecutors had little choice but to drop the charges.

Leal asked the judge to drop the no contact order, stating that she’s not in any danger from Gordon … all evidence to the contrary.

The judge did not comply with her request, though it seems that it’s only a matter of time she’s back in his orbit.

Bobby Brown has reached out and offered to help Leal through his Bobbi Kristina Serenity House, which works to help women escape from the horrors of domestic violence.

Gordon is shrugging that off and asking a peculiar question.

“That’s fine. I don’t care if he helps her or not. I don’t know what he would help her with.”

Maybe … to help her escape … from an abusive relationship? Just a thought. Just a guess.

In general, Nick Gordon seems dismissive of Bobby Brown.

“I don’t care about him or what he has to say.”

And there’s one particular point of bitterness that he feels towards the man who might have become his father-in-law.

“He could have helped me by letting me see my fiance and burying my fiancee.”

The idea of Gordon attending Bobbi Kristina’s funeral is … stomach-turning, to many.

Just remember, folks, that the criminal investigation into her death is ongoing and that investigators are absolutely taking note of Gordon’s various arrests.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Bobby Brown Wants Justice for Bobbi Kristina, Whitney"s Death Certificate Changed

Bobby Brown believes Whitney Houston and their daughter are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to justice in their deaths, but says there’s a way to make things right for both of them. Bobby recently told Rolling Stone…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown Biopic: Watch the First Trailer!

Bobbi Kristina Brown tragically died on the 26th of July, 2015. That"s only two years ago. Realistically, no matter what her death certificate says, Bobbi Kristina"s life ended in that bathtub, about half a year earlier.

There"s already a made-for-television biopic coming out, though. And you can watch the very emotional trailer below.

It"s hard to imagine anything good coming from this.

Bobbi kristina brown at the gym

You can"t talk about Bobbi Kristina without talking about her death.

Many people believe that Bobbi Kristina Brown"s death, which hauntingly mirrored Whitney Houston"s, came at the hands of Nick Gordon.

The prevailing theory is that Nick Gordon was Bobbi Kristina"s long-time abuser before he went too far and ended her life.

(Though, to be clear, any abuse is "too far")

Nick Gordon has already been found legally liable for Bobbi Kristina"s death, to the tune of $ 36 million.

Criminal liability is another thing, though investigators say that they are working to build a case and compile evidence.

(Rushing to prosecute a wealthy man in a celebrity case is a recipe for disaster, and it"s not uncommon for homicide cases to be years in the making)

Though the biopic trailer shows some frightening moments between Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon, we have to wonder exactly how their relationship will be portrayed.

Nick gordon loves bobbi

Over the summer, Nick Gordon was arrested for kidnapping and domestic battery.

This arrest, which took place in Florida, is based upon accusations and testimony (plus physical and medical evidence) by Gordon"s ex-girlfriend, Laura Leal.

Allegedly, after an extended period of gradually escalating physical abuse (followed by the usual empty apologies), Nick Gordon had pinned Leal to the bed and was punching her in the face so hard that she was losing consciousness and covered in her own blood.

She says that it was only because she was able to grab a candlestick and strike back at Nick that she was able to escape and flee to wake up Nick"s mother, asleep in a different room in the house, to receive sanctuary.

She then went to police. Nick Gordon was arrested.

Laura Leal sees frightening parallels in the beatings and abuse she accused Nick Gordon of inflicting upon her and everything that she"s now heard about Bobbi Kristina Brown.

She said that, until that day when she thought that he might kill her and everything that she heard afterwards, she had dismissed past accusations against Nick Gordon as "rumors."

That is no longer the case. Laura Leal acknowledges that she could have died the same way.

Given the obvious parallels, investigators who are looking into Bobbi Kristina"s death stated that they consider Nick Gordon"s arrest as evidence in their own investigation.

Nick Gordon pleads not guilty, for whatever that"s worth to public opinion.

Krissie and nick gordon

What does all of this have to do with the biopic?

Well, we wonder what they"ll show.

Will they portray Nick Gordon as a violent, abusive monster?

Will they show Nick Gordon ending Bobbi Kristina"s life?

Or … will they avoid potential lawsuits from Nick Gordon and show no abuse, let alone murder? Maybe limiting themselves to some awkward or tense exchanges or some implications of abuse but never showing anything for sure.

The former option would seem like a huge legal risk that, um, no network would want to take.

The latter … would strike anyone who believes that Nick Gordon is the monster responsible for ending Bobbi Kristina"s life as just plain irresponsible and a gross misrepresentation.

Krissie rip

Either way, why make this movie now until after Nick Gordon"s conviction?

We guess that they just wanted to rush it out and be the first to make a Bobbi Kristina biopic, but … the judgment here is questionable.

On Sunday, October 8th, we guess that we"ll all find out together how good (or bad) of a job they did with this biopic.

For right now, watch the trailer for yourself and decide if this is something that you want to see at all.

Bobbi kristina brown biopic watch the first trailer

Monday, June 26, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Family: We Want a New Autopsy to Prove Nick Gordon"s Guilt!

With Nick Gordon’s arrest for domestic violence and investigators building the case for Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death considering that arrest to be evidence, it looks like he’s going to have some prison time in his future.

But the question of how much will depend on prosecution and on evidence, and a new report suggests that Bobbi Kristina’s family is willing to pull out all of the stops to make sure that he goes away.

Even if that means exhuming Bobbi Kristina’s body for a new autopsy.

According to RadarOnline, Bobbi Kristina’s family wants an exhumation and a second autopsy to make sure that any and all evidence needed for Nick Gordon’s arrest and conviction is found.

“I think they should exhume Bobbi Kristina’s body, and make a determination as to the fact that Nick Gordon murdered her. He was responsible for her death!”

That comes from a family source, RadarOnline reports.

Unfortunately, even though Bobbi Kristina’s still-grieving family may not want to accept it, autopsies don’t always yield conclusive answers.

Even when autopsies definitely show that someone was murdered, that doesn’t mean that they contain evidence that points to the killer.

This isn’t some decades-old cold case dating back to before DNA could be sampled from a few epithelial cells.

Bobbi Kristina died on July 26th, 2015 … after spending 6 months in a coma.

And that was after being found unresponsive in her bathtub, which was massively suspicious.

An extended hospital stay and the bathwater itself would have made an autopsy much less helpful.

We have to remember that, at the time, the priority was the attempt to save her life.

If someone were buried immediately after death, there’s sometimes some bruising that wouldn’t show up right away that might be found with an exhumation and autopsy.

Six months after the events that caused someone’s death, though … if that’s your best autopsy, then no later autopsies are going to yield much, unless we wait a few decades for forensic tech that’s currently science fiction.

We know that they’re hurting over this, but this would put them through more suffering and wouldn’t bring them any of the closure that they seek.

And we can’t see it helping the case against Nick Gordon.

The claims from this family source get a little more intense from there.

“The new case demonstrates Nick’s pattern of abuse against women. His father was abusive. His grandfather was abusive. It’s in his DNA! That’s why he can’t stop!”

Okay, to be clear, there’s no evidence that genetics work that way.

Addiction struggles or anger issues could certainly have powerful genetic factors.

But if there’s a domestic violence gene, science has yet to prove it.

(We’re oversimplifying genetics, we know, since genes themselves can simply be active or inactive at different times to different effects, but still)

We’re not arguing that Nick Gordon doesn’t have a horrifying pattern of behavior.

We’re just suggesting that genes probably aren’t the primary factor here.

If somebody comes from a line of abusers and is abusive himself, it’s probably a learned behavior.

A lot of abusive parents are that way because they were raised in abusive households.

(Though they wouldn’t use that label for their parents any more than for themselves)

Similarly, a lot of partner-abusers learned that behavior from a parent.

There are things that can help put Nick Gordon behind bars.

Obviously, his current arrest is a major part of that.

Nick Gordon’s latest alleged victim sees clear parallels to Bobbi Kristina and says that she could have died the same way.

It’s worth noting that her case — she talks about being held down and beaten until she thought she might die, only escaping because she managed to hit him with a candlestick and run, bleeding, to his mother for sanctuary — is its own thing.

Like, that kind of monstrous assault that she describes deserves the most severe penalties that the justice system can offer, and then some.

We shouldn’t look at her case exclusively as evidence for Nick Gordon’s eventual murder trial (which we don’t know will even happen).

That said, authorities are building their case and carefully reviewing evidence related to Bobbi Kristina’s death.

Nobody wants a repeat of OJ Simpson or Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman or … well, the list goes on.

Nobody wants a deadlocked jury like with Bill Cosby, either.

That means building a solid case with great care.

It also means not rushing things — it’s not unusual for a case to take years to build.

We totally understand that Bobbi Kristina’s family is eager for justice.

Just as millions of fans and admirers are, but infinitely more personally.

But we all need to keep in mind that rushing through things won’t bring her justice.

Patience, folks.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Nick Gordon"s Ex: I Could Have Ended Like Bobbi Kristina!

Ever since Nick Gordon’s arrest for assault and kidnapping, people have seen this as not only confirmation that he’s a monster, but as possibly related to his relationship with Bobbi Kristina Brown before her death.

Well it turns out that the woman who reported Nick Gordon to police and lead to his arrest is thinking the same thing, and she says as much in her first interview since Gordon’s arrest.

Apparently, Nick Gordon wasn’t too “haunted” by Bobbi Kristina’s suspicious death, because he had already moved on and gotten engaged to Laura Leal.

That engagement is no longer on, of course.

Nick Gordon’s arrest for assault and battery — the documented injuries on Laura Leal’s body — could lead to a conviction.

We already know that investigators looking into Bobbi Kristina’s death consider this arrest to be evidence, but we don’t know what will come of it.

But, in her very candid and very upsetting interview, Laura Leal suggests that she now realizes that there are patterns to Nick Gordon’s behavior.

She also describes the moment when she thought that she was going to die.

“I’ve been reading the reports about Bobbi Kristina and I’m physically shaking,” she describes in her first interview since his arrest, saying that Nick Gordon was doing to her what he’d done to Bobbi Kristina.

“I read about her being isolated, her family know knowing where she was, the manipulation, the bullying — it’s the exact same thing.”

Isolation and manipulation are part of abuser 101.

It must have been so horrifying for her to realize the parallels.

“That could have been me. Only the grace of God saved me.”

The moment that she saved herself — with a little help — is nothing short of epic. We’d have cheered if the rest of her story weren’t so horrifying.

If you’re wondering why she entered a relationship with Nick Gordon in the first place, she clarifies that she’d dismissed the allegations against him as “negative nonsense.”

Manipulators can be very skilled at making people brush off stories that they’ve heard of their past, because “that’s not the man they know.”

But most abusers have a history of it — they’re only a first-time abuser just the once.

From there, her story becomes one that we’ve read too many times.

“It started with a push and a slap, it would happen at least once a week.”

Most of us assume that we would leave a partner at the first incident, but most abusers are skilled manipulators.

Also they tend to try to pick victims who will blame themselves.

“I would have to put makeup on my bruises to cover them up, especially on my face.”

That’s even more serious — the majority of abusers seldom leave marks. But then, all abuse is serious abuse.

“But I blamed myself. I thought it was my problem and that I had to work harder at the relationship to make it work.”

That’s what partner-abusers, and sometimes even child-abusers, want their victims to think.

“I thought he loved me but how can you love someone when you put them through this hell? It’s like a double personality in one person.”


It got worse — she describes how Gordon pinned her down to the bed in a rage and brutally punched her in the face and head so hard that she saw stars and wondered if she might die.

She credits her escape — and survival — to getting a hold of a candlestick and smashing it into his nose and running to the safety of Nick Gordon’s own mother, who was elsewhere in the house.

“He’s psychotic.”

That’s not a medical diagnosis, but we can understand why she’d characterize him that way.

That all sounds like it’ll make a very upsetting Lifetime movie that I’ll never watch because I love myself too much to put myself through that.

But if Laura Leal can see these parallels, you know that investigators will see it, too.

Prosecutors could potentially get this — if he’s convicted — admitted into evidence if he’s brought up on charges for Bobbi Kristina’s death.

He’s already been held legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death, but not criminally liable.

Because they’re still building their case.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Headstone Revealed in Family Plot

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s grave now has her headstone in place … between her mother and grandfather. The headstone is inscribed, “Resting Peacefully” and also has a musical note along the border. Bobbi Kristina was laid to rest in a family plot,…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Death Investigators Interview Nick Gordon"s Girlfriend

Nick Gordon’s domestic violence arrest got the authorities investigating Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death to board a plane … and go talk to the girlfriend he allegedly beat up. Fulton County Assistant D.A. Seleta Griffin landed back in…


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bobby Brown Blames Nick Gordon For Deaths of Bobbi Kristina Brown AND Whitney Houston

Last night, 20/20 aired a long-anticipated interview with Bobby Brown, in which the troubled singer opened up about the deaths of his former wife, Whitney Houston, and his only daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown.

Ever since Bobbi Kristina passed away nearly one year ago, Brown has maintained that her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, is to blame for her death.

Police have investigated Gordon, but it currently doesn’t look as though he’ll face any criminal charges.

Despite that, Brown’s belief that Gordon is guilty of murder hasn’t wavered.

In fact, in his sit-down with Robin Roberts, Brown doubled-down on his accusations, suggesting that Gordon is at fault not only in the death of Bobbi Kristina, but in the tragic passing of her mother, as well:

“It’s not a mystery to me,” Brown says in the clip above.

“I know exactly what happened to my daughter. The same thing that happened to my daughter is what happened to Whitney.

“There’s only one person who was around on both occasions.”

“You won’t say his name,” Roberts prompts. “Nick Gordon is who you’re referring to.”

“I won’t say his name,” Brown confirms.

The interview is getting a lot of attention online today, not only because of Brown’s allegations against Gordon, but also because of a number of bizarre statements he made to Roberts.

In addition to declaring that he’s slept with both Madonna and Janet Jackson, Brown says that he once had a sexual encounter with a ghost.

“I bought this mansion in Georgia,” Brown says at one point.

“This is was a really, really spooky place … One time I woke, and yeah, a ghost. I was being mounted by a ghost.”

It’s still unclear what exactly happened to Bobbi Kristina that fateful night but at least one thing remains certain:

The Browns remain a very strange and deeply troubled family.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Bobby Brown Breaks Down Crying Over Whitney Houston & Bobbi Kristina

Bobby Brown has had a, um, turbulent life.

Yeah, I think it"s fair to say that.

He"s been arrested a number of times, was accused of domestic abuse and had serious issues with addiction.

But the most tragic events of his life were undoubtedly the untimely loss of both his longtime love Whitney Houston and later the daughter they shared, Bobbi Kristina.

Brown is now opening up about his feelings on 20/20 in a candid interview with Robin Roberts.

In the clip below, an announcer dramatically teases, "For the first time, he opens up with what you haven"t yet heard… emotional, deeply private."

Brown addresses the bizarre coincidental manner in which both women died: drowning in a bathtub with drugs in their systems.

"The same thing that happened to my daughter is what happened to Whitney," Brown tells Roberts.

He also discusses the first time he "saw her do drugs," although we"re unsure if he"s talking about Houston or his daughter (guess we"ll have to watch to find out).

By the end of the clip, Brown has broken down into tears, an image you don"t see from the former bad boy often.

"My baby"s gone," he cries, getting emotional about Bobbi Kristina.

Brown penned a new memoir, Every Little Step, in which he discusses the death of his daughter.

In it, he speculates on a new theory about Bobbi Kristina"s death.

He wonders whether a car accident she was involved in days before she died may have contributed to her falling unconscious in the tub.

“We asked the doctors whether she could have suffered some type of brain trauma or hemorrhage that didn’t present itself until four days later, resulting in the bathtub incident," he writes. 

“But the doctors couldn’t really give us definitive answers.”

The 20/20 special with Bobby Brown airs Tuesday, June 7 on ABC.


Bobby brown breaks down crying over whitney houston and bobbi kr

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bobby Brown Offers Suprising Theory on Death of Bobbi Kristina Brown

It’s been almost a year since Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away at the age of 22, and questions still remain about what caused her life to be cut so tragically short.

The toxicology and coroner’s reports were unsealed in March of 2016, but the Atlanta Medical Examiner’s office states that it was not “able to determine whether death was due to intentional or accidental causes.”

Back in April, Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend, Nick Gordon, announced plans to publish a tell-all in which he would explain his various theories as to what may have killed the troubled 22-year-old.

Her father, Bobbi Brown, was reportedly infuriated by both the publication of the autopsy findings and Gordon’s plans to “cash in” on Bobbi Kristina’s passing.

The former New Edition singer subsequently announced plans to beat Gordon to the punch with his own memoir, which will reportedly hit stores next week.

Brown does not dismiss the theory that Gordon is to blame for Bobbi’s death, but he also speculates that a car accident that occurred several days before she slipped into a coma may have played a role as well:

“We asked the doctors whether she could have suffered some type of brain trauma or hemorrhage that didn’t present itself until four days later, resulting in the bathtub incident,” he writes, in a copy of the book obtained by Radar Online.

“But the doctors couldn’t really give us definitive answers.”

The police investigation into Bobbi Kristina’s death is technically still ongoing, but while Gordon was once a person of interest, it now looks as though he will not face criminal charges.

He will, however, soon be forced to give his side of the story in court.

Gordon is being sued for wrongful death by Bobbi’s estate.

Lawyers for her family allege that Gordon beat Bobbi Kristina and “injected her with a toxic mixture” moments before she passed out face-down in a bathtub.

No trial date has been set for that civil case.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Nick Gordon: Writing Tell-All, Cashing In On Bobbi Kristina Death?

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s boyfriend, Nick Gordon thinks that penning a tell-all is not only a great way to make money; it’s also the smartest way to convince people that he didn’t murder her!

A source told In Touch that Gordon will begin writing the book “once he’s cleared of wrongdoing.”

Gordon is being sued by Brown’s family for $ 40 million dollars.  The civil suit alleges that Gordon not only physically abused Brown, but also stole from her thousands of dollars.

“He often answered Brown’s personal cell phone, would not allow her to make appointments without his approval, and manipulated her bank relationship so that he could access her money,” the papers stated.

“He also allegedly transferred a ‘large portion’ of Bobbi Kristina’s funds into an account controlled solely by him.”

Still, Gordon believes he has a chance to clear his name and confirm once and for all that he did not kill Brown.

“He wants the real truth to come out,” the source added.

“He knows everyone will think he’s doing it for the money, but he thinks it’s the best way for him to get closure.”

Brown was found face-down in her tub on January 31st, 2015.  Authorities noted that her mouth was “swollen” and a tooth had been “knocked out.”

On March 4th of this year (also Brown’s birthday), the official cause of death was released.

“The underlying cause of death is the condition which starts the downhill course of events leading to death and in this case is the immersion associated with drug intoxication,” the report stated.

Marijuana, prescription sedatives, and alcohol contributed to her death.

Gordon recently appeared on Dr. Phil, a do-over interview since his last ended with him going straight to rehab.

“Did you murder Bobbi Kristina Brown?” Dr. Phil asked Gordon.

Naturally the camera cut away before Gordon could respond.

The interview is set to air on April 28th.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Dr. Phil to Nick Gordon: Did You Murder Bobbi Kristina Brown?

During his first appearance on Dr. Phil, Nick Gordon was in such bad shape that the interview was cut short so that he could go to rehab.

That was in March of 2015, and sadly, Gordon isn"t doing much better these days.

Though he"s reportedly been successful in his efforts to get sober, Gordon is still facing a sea of troubles.

In the year since Gordon was last interviewed by Phil McGraw, Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away after several months in a coma. 

Many suspect that Gordon was responsible for her death, though it does not look as though he"ll face any criminal charges.

Now, for the first time, Gordon is publicly answering questions about his involvement in Bobbi Kristina"s life – and the substance abuse issues that ultimately brought it to a premature end.

In the clip below, McGraw asks Gordon point-blank if he murdered Bobbi Kristina.

We don"t see his response, but it"s safe to assume he replied in the negative. (Otherwise, we assume he"d be in prison awaiting a trial.)

But even if Gordon is telling the truth and he wasn"t directly involved in Bobbi Kristina"s death, he almost certainly played a role in bringing her to the lifestyle that led to her tragic fate.

And that"s a burden he"ll have to live with for the rest of his days.

Dr phil to nick gordon did you murder bobbi kristina brown

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Nick Gordon is Innocent, Tried to Save Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Life, Lawyers Claim

In July of last year, Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away after being found unconscious in the bathtub of her Atlanta-area home and  spending nearly six months in a coma.

Just last week, Bobbi Kristina’s official cause of death was confirmed when her autopsy results were released on what would’ve been her 23rd birthday.

But while the coroner concluded that the troubled daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown passed away as a result of drug intoxication and accidental water immersion, many still have suspicions about possible foul play, most of which center around Bobbi’s boyfriend, Nick Gordon.

There are some who believe Gordon murdered Bobbi, and others who believe he simply didn’t do enough to try and save her life.

Today, Gordon’s lawyers issued the following statement to People magazine in hopes of putting a stop to the constant rumors about their client:

“Nick Gordon’s life has been tumultuous since January of 2015 when he lost the love of his life. On top of being prohibited from visiting Bobbi Kristina at the hospital for the last six months of her life, Nick has been publicly humiliated for more than a year. 

“Throughout that time, the Fulton County District Attorney’s office has tried to make Nick a murderer despite having clear and convincing evidence that Bobbi Kristina’s death was nothing more than a tragic accident, evidence that the District Attorney’s office fought to seal and conceal from the public rather than allowing her fans to know the truth.

“The truth is that Nick tried to save Bobbi Kristina’s life. The truth is that Nick cooperated with law enforcement since day one. The truth is that no one loved Bobbi Kristina more than Nick and no one has suffered more as a result of her death than Nick.” 

The statement concluded with a call to the Fulton County DA to publicly exonerate Gordon, as a 13-month investigation has revealed that there is “simply no evidence of any wrongdoing.”

Bobbi Kristina’s father, Bobbi Brown, has stated that he plans to continue to pursue a wrongful death civil suit against Gordon.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Bobby Brown: FURIOUS Over Bobbi Kristina Autopsy Release

Today, the official cause of death of Bobbi Kristina Brown was released: drowning associated with drug intoxication.

Now, just hours after the announcement, Brown’s father, Bobby Brown, has released an official statement regarding the death of his daughter.

“First and foremost, 23 years ago today, Bobbi Kristina was born,” Brown told Us Weekly in a statement.

“Krissy will always live in my heart and soul. I love my baby girl. For news affiliates to seek and obtain my daughter’s autopsy report, before anyone has been brought to justice for her death is mind blowing to me. Please pray for my family.”

The singer’s lawyer, Christopher Brown, included a statement as well:

“Yesterday we were informed that two news affiliates were granted access to the autopsy of Bobbi Kristina Brown. While this action is unsettling, we will continue in our efforts in the civil lawsuit and the criminal investigation. 

“Bobby Brown has had to be strong and mourn his loved ones in a fashion that is foreign to most people. So public, so raw, with apparently no end in sight. Hopefully public indictments and prosecution will lead to private healing and closure for Bobby Brown and his family.”

Bobbi Kristina was found unconscious and face down in a bathtub in January of last year in a home she shared with boyfriend Nick Gordon.

She was placed in a medically-induced coma and died six months later in July.

Gordon is now facing a civil suit filed by her family.

He has been accused of killing Bobbi Kristina by injecting her with poison following a “violent altercation” that “left her battered and bruised, with a tooth knocked out.”

Bobbi Kristina is buried next to her mother, the late singer Whitney Houston, in New Jersey.

Bobbi Kristina Brown: Official Cause of Death Confirmed

Today, Bobbi Kristina Brown would have turned 23.

Instead, the Fulton County Medical Examiner’s office in Atlanta, GA released Brown’s official cause of death.

On January 31st, 2015, Brown was found face-down in a bathtub in the home she shared with boyfriend Nick Gordon.

Marijuana, alcohol and well as prescription sedatives were involved in Brown’s death, according to the medical examiner’s office.

“The underlying cause of death is the condition which starts the downhill course of events leading to death and in this case is the immersion associated with drug intoxication,” the official statement read, according to ABC News.

After being found unresponsive that day, Brown was put in a medically induced coma, and died nearly six months later on July 26th, 2015. 

She is buried next to her mother, Whitney Houston in New Jersey.

Media outlets filed a request to have the autopsy results sealed, which a judge granted on March 3rd, 2016.

Gordon has been accused of murdering Brown by her family members in a civil suit, who claim he injected the then-22-year-old with “poison.”

Attorneys for both the Brown and Houston families claimed that Brown “died following a particularly violent altercation with [Gordon] that left her battered and bruised, with a tooth knocked out.”

Brown’s fatal circumstances were eerily similar to her mother’s, who passed away in February 2012 when authorities found her face-down in a bathtub inside the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Nick Gordon Photoshops Bobbi Kristina Brown on Christmas Card

They say true love never dies.

And Nick Gordon has set out to prove this adage via a Christmas card that some view as romantic and others view as really, REALLY creepy.

The Z-List celebrity shared the above image on Twitter late last week, ringing in the holiday season with a festive picture that features him sitting alongside late girlfriend Bobbi Kristina Brown.

Both are wearing Santa hats. Both have gift boxes sitting on their laps. And both have big smiles plastered across their faces.

Many were taken aback by this Christmas card for two reasons:

  1. After falling unconscious in her bathtub and then being placed on life support for many months, Bobbi Kristina died on late July.

  2. Gordon has been suspected of foul play in the death of Whitney Houston’s only daughter, with talk of his impending murder arrest remaining prominent as recently as October.

So… yeah.

We appreciate the fact that Gordon misses Bobbi Kristina and everything.

We can’t pretend to have any idea what was going on between the pair toward the end of her life.

But the idea of actually resurrecting your dead girlfriend for a Christmas card is just a tad eerie, especially when one considers the shady circumstances surrounding Bobbi’s death.

May you rest in peace, Bobbi Kristina Brown.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bobbi Kristina Brown: Drug Use Details to Exonerate Nick Gordon?

It’s been three months since Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away after spending more than six months in a coma.

During that time, rumors the Nick Gordon would be arrested for her murder have seemed to pop up every few days, but Gordon remains a free man. Now, thanks to new testimony from a friend of Bobbi Kristina’s, he might stay that way.

According to Radar Online, in a videotaped deposition recently obtained by Gordon’s lawyers, Danyela Bradley speaks candidly about Bobbi’s drug use – and it may be enough to get Gordon off the hook.

“She probably smoked crack often, and also did heroin,” said Bradley, a former roommate of Brown and Gordon’s.

“When I had first lived with her, I didn’t know that she actually had a problem with it until I had lived with her afterwards for a couple of weeks … and after a few weeks she just didn’t really hide it.”

Interestingly, Bradley’s testimony is not part of the Brown family’s civil suit against Gordon, but came as a result of a suit filed by a man who says he was injured in a car crash involving Brown and Bradley.

Even so, her deposition could be a game-changer for Gordon.

The 25-year-old was recently accused by Brown family lawyers of injecting Bobbi Kristina with “poison” and leaving her face-down in a bathtub to die. 

Bradley’s testimony might be sufficient evidence that Brown willingly took all of the 15 substances that showed up in her toxicology report. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Nick Gordon Injected Bobbi Kristina Brown With POISON, Family Claims

Earlier this week, we reported that Nick Gordon may soon be arrested for the murder of Bobbi Kristina Brown.

While that hasn’t happened yet, the fact that investigating officers recently passed his case along to the DA means it’s still very likely that Gordon will face criminal charges for his role in his 22-year-old girlfriend’s overdose and drowning.

In the meantime, lawyers for the Brown and Houston families are throwing everything they have at Gordon in a $ 10 million wrongful death lawsuit.

The families’ legal team has already alleged that Gordon left Bobbi Kristina to drown in a tub of cold water, now they’re alleging that he injected her with a toxic substance on the night of her death.

“Exclusive new details in civil suit against Nick Gordon claim he INJECTED Bobbi Kristina Brown with toxic mixture, killing her,” tweeted an Atlanta reporter who’s covering the proceedings.

Brown family lawyers also went into greater detail about the alleged “altercation” that took place between Nick and Bobbi Kristina in the moments before her death.

Documents filed by the attorneys claim that Bobbi Kristina “died following a particularly violent altercation with [Gordon] that left her battered and bruised, with a tooth knocked out.”

The results of Bobbi Kristina’s autopsy have been sealed pending further investigation, so it is not known if her body showed signs of a struggle.

If her injuries were as varied and extensive as the Browns and Houstons claim, it seems unlikely that Nick Gordon will remain a free man for much longer.\