Monday, April 11, 2016

Dr. Phil to Nick Gordon: Did You Murder Bobbi Kristina Brown?

During his first appearance on Dr. Phil, Nick Gordon was in such bad shape that the interview was cut short so that he could go to rehab.

That was in March of 2015, and sadly, Gordon isn"t doing much better these days.

Though he"s reportedly been successful in his efforts to get sober, Gordon is still facing a sea of troubles.

In the year since Gordon was last interviewed by Phil McGraw, Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away after several months in a coma. 

Many suspect that Gordon was responsible for her death, though it does not look as though he"ll face any criminal charges.

Now, for the first time, Gordon is publicly answering questions about his involvement in Bobbi Kristina"s life – and the substance abuse issues that ultimately brought it to a premature end.

In the clip below, McGraw asks Gordon point-blank if he murdered Bobbi Kristina.

We don"t see his response, but it"s safe to assume he replied in the negative. (Otherwise, we assume he"d be in prison awaiting a trial.)

But even if Gordon is telling the truth and he wasn"t directly involved in Bobbi Kristina"s death, he almost certainly played a role in bringing her to the lifestyle that led to her tragic fate.

And that"s a burden he"ll have to live with for the rest of his days.

Dr phil to nick gordon did you murder bobbi kristina brown