Showing posts with label Phil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Monday, May 16, 2016

Phil Robertson Slams Miley Cyrus, The Weather Channel

Phil Robertson is at it again.

Over the years, the Duck Dynasty star has made his feelings very well known when it comes to atheists and also when it comes to homosexuals.

He got himself suspended by A&E back in 2013 for remarks he made regarding the latter group of individuals.

And now Robertson is back in the news for saying some very mean stuff about a wide variety of people and… television networks?!?

Later this week, Robertson’s religion-themed documentary, Torchbearer, will debut at the Cannes Film Festival later.

In anticipation of the release, a trailer has hit the Internet that implies Miley Cyrus is actually one of the film’s subjects, as she appears on-screen while Robertson talks about “moral decay.”

What, exactly, is this a reference to? Why is Cyrus being cited as an example?

“Our [Founding Fathers] said once your religion goes, then your morality goes, then your freedom goes, and you see with Bernie Sanders they’re wanting to get rid of the Republic and replace it with socialism,” Robertson told The Hollywood Reporter in response to a question about Miley.

And he was only getting started.

“America is floundering in sin, and I know that’s a unique word in your part of the country,” he added, speaking of Tinseltown.

Robertson went on to say that Miley promotes “decadence,” as do many others in Hollywood.

He doesn’t have time for anyone who can’t see the problem with this lifestyle.

“If you got an argument in favor of decadence, then give it to me,” he says.

With what else does Robertson take issue?

“Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall – ‘Gunsmoke,’ and John Wayne and the Western Channel.

“Also the Weather Channel to see what the Doppler radar is telling me.”

What? What? Why?!?

You have to remember, I’ve never turned on a computer and I don’t own a cell phone,” Robertson notes. “So, dude, you’re reaching way down in the woods.”

In conclusion, Robertson says he’s just trying to be there for his fellow man.

He has no regrets about his past comments or his past behavior.

“I used to get high, drunk and laid with the worst of ’em. I did it for 28 years. It’s not like I’ve never been on the other side,” he says.

“I lived a very sinful life ’til I ran up on Jesus. Now I’m just trying to help my neighbor out. Why don’t we love God, love each other and do what’s right?”

Monday, April 11, 2016

Dr. Phil to Nick Gordon: Did You Murder Bobbi Kristina Brown?

During his first appearance on Dr. Phil, Nick Gordon was in such bad shape that the interview was cut short so that he could go to rehab.

That was in March of 2015, and sadly, Gordon isn"t doing much better these days.

Though he"s reportedly been successful in his efforts to get sober, Gordon is still facing a sea of troubles.

In the year since Gordon was last interviewed by Phil McGraw, Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away after several months in a coma. 

Many suspect that Gordon was responsible for her death, though it does not look as though he"ll face any criminal charges.

Now, for the first time, Gordon is publicly answering questions about his involvement in Bobbi Kristina"s life – and the substance abuse issues that ultimately brought it to a premature end.

In the clip below, McGraw asks Gordon point-blank if he murdered Bobbi Kristina.

We don"t see his response, but it"s safe to assume he replied in the negative. (Otherwise, we assume he"d be in prison awaiting a trial.)

But even if Gordon is telling the truth and he wasn"t directly involved in Bobbi Kristina"s death, he almost certainly played a role in bringing her to the lifestyle that led to her tragic fate.

And that"s a burden he"ll have to live with for the rest of his days.

Dr phil to nick gordon did you murder bobbi kristina brown

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Phil Collins to Re-Marry Third Ex-Wife, Orianne Cevey

Their 2008 divorce cost him $ 46.76 million, but it’s all good because true love conquers all.

Phil Collins and his third ex-wife, Orianne Cevey are officially back together, and will probably throw a second wedding.

“Our separation was the wrong decision,” Cevey told Swiss newspaper SonntagsBlick.

“I now call Phil my husband again. We are so close that it does not actually make a difference if we are married or not, but we are determined to get married for a second time one day.”

The couple reconciled in 2015, when Cevey was left partially paralized following complications from surgery on a slipped disc. 

“We were always very close, because of the children… just last year, I realised that he is indeed the man of my life,” Cevey added.

“I spent four months in hospital, and he took wonderful care of Matthew and Nicholas [the couple’s two sons]. That was a great relief to me… we are meant for each other.”

Collins confirmed the news to Billboard Magazine last month in New York.

“We went back because we realised we had made a mistake,” Collins explained.

“A lot of people don’t have that chance, or don’t give themselves that chance.  Our young sons Matthew and Nicholas are like a dog with two tails. I mean, they’re just so happy.

“They’ve got their mum and dad back together, so it’s a good place to be at the moment.”

Collins has three other children –  Lily Collins, 26, Simon, 39, and Joely, 43, from two previous marriages.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Groundhog Day 2016 Prediction: NO SHADOW! Early Spring to Come, Punxsutawney Phil Declares!

Groundhog Day 2016 is upon us again, and the forecast is in from the Weather Capitol of the World, a.k.a. Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Today marked that magical, annual moment when Punxsutawney Phil emerges from Gobbler’s Knob to answer the million-dollar question …

Will we have to endure six more weeks of snow, wind, ice and other winter fun before spring arrives? Or will our reprieve come ASAP?

Only Punxsutawney Phil and his shadow can say with clarity.

And he has done so, just moments ago. The verdict:

NO SHADOW! Early Spring is coming, baby!!!!!!!!!

Phil, who emerged from his burrow moments ago to find conditions not bright enough to see his shadow in Western Pa., has spoken.

According to folklore, this is all we need to know.

The appearance of Phil’s shadow, which has been sighted 101 times since 1887, means winter will carry on as per usual in N. America.

When Phil does not peep it, spring comes early.

Such was the case today, as the prognosticator “told” this to the president of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Bill Deeley, at 7:20 a.m.

As to whether scientists agree? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration believes that Phil’s accuracy is marginal at best.

NOAA’s October predictions for America’s winter included colder and wetter than normal conditions for the Southeastern U.S. in 2016.

Mild weather in the West and warmer weather in the Midwest and Northeast have been the norm this year so far, though. So stay tuned.

The accuracy of the venerable, meteorologically inclined rodent’s prediction is secondary, of course, to the true meaning of Groundhog Day.

Which is … we have no earthly idea honestly.

It’s basically just a silly, light-hearted reason to get out there and appreciate the wondrous power, mystery and majesty of nature.

And recite Groundhog Day quotes, because obviously. And no matter what, 2/2 is the mid-point between the winter solstice and spring equinox.

So at worst, winter is still half over.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Phil Taylor Dies; Motörhead Drummer Was 61

Phil Taylor – the drummer best known for his time with the influential metal band Motörhead – has passed away at the of 61.

Phil Taylor

Former bandmate Eddie Clarke made the announcement on his Facebook page moments ago:

“He has been ill for sometime but that does not make it any easier when the time finally comes,” Clarke wrote.

“I have known Phil since he was 21 and he was one hell of a character. Fortunately we made some fantastic music together and I have many many fond memories of our time together. Rest in Peace, Phil!”

Clarke and Taylor – who was affectionately referred to by fans as “Philthy Animal” – played together in two iterations of the iconic British band fronted by rock legend Lemmy Kilmister.

Almost as well known for his classically rock star-like behavior as for his drumming, Taylor was arrested or seriously injured on numerous occasions during his time with Motörhead.

He can be seen sporting a neck brace in the music video for the band’s best-known song, “Ace of Spades.”

Taylor’s death was erroneously reported several times over the years, a fact that he joked about in a 2005 documentary.

Taylor’s final public appearance came last year when he joined Kilmister on stage at a concert in Brmingham, England.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

​Buffy"s Nicholas Brendon Responds To Walking Off Dr. Phil — See His Words About Being Molested As A Child & Being Blindsided On The Show!

Talk about a tough time.

Nicholas Brendon, former star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, has had quite a few problems with drugs, alcohol, and arrests in the past.

This year alone, he’s been arrested 3 times and entered rehab twice this year, which is why he sought help from Dr. Phil and went on his show.

Related: Married To Medicine Star Ordered To Rehab After Allegedly Attacking Husband!

However, his appearance didn’t quite go as planned as he ended up walking off of the show which aired yesterday. The Buffy star was very unhappy with his treatment during the taping of the show and stormed off after Dr. Phil questioned him about his current sobriety.

Brendon was particularly unhappy with the way he claims Dr. Phil talked about his mother specifically speaking on how she didn’t put Brendon in therapy after he was sexually abused as a kid.

Since the show aired, the actor took to Facebook to explain his reasoning and give insight into his frustration. In a lengthy explanation he posted:

“Dr. Phil had some hard words for my mother, who I love dearly and who I have caused more heartache than I care to remember. When I was molested as a child, it was 1982. Therapy wasn’t talked about and accepted the way it is today… Going to therapy in 1982 would be similar to getting a divorce in 1950. It wasn’t done, and if it was, it wasn’t supported by those around you. There certainly were not the kind of resources that fortunately exist for abused children today.”

Nicholas went on to say:

“My mother regrets this deeply, and it hurt me that Dr. Phil took her to task for not forcing me into treatment at the time.”

As for Dr. Phil‘s response to the 44-year-old’s behavior, a rep for the show said shortly after the taping:

“There was no drama, he simply chose to leave and did so in a respectful manner. His family and associates remained and participated fully and productively. Dr. Phil has nothing but the highest respect for Nicholas and wishes him the best in his quest for physical/mental health and sobriety, and stands ready to assist him in any way possible.”

We don’t know if there was more to it, but we hope that Brendon has since cooled down and hopefully is finding the help he needs.

What do you think? Based on Nicholas’ response, did he have a right to get upset or was he acting too defensive?

[Image via CBS.]