Monday, May 16, 2016

Phil Robertson Slams Miley Cyrus, The Weather Channel

Phil Robertson is at it again.

Over the years, the Duck Dynasty star has made his feelings very well known when it comes to atheists and also when it comes to homosexuals.

He got himself suspended by A&E back in 2013 for remarks he made regarding the latter group of individuals.

And now Robertson is back in the news for saying some very mean stuff about a wide variety of people and… television networks?!?

Later this week, Robertson’s religion-themed documentary, Torchbearer, will debut at the Cannes Film Festival later.

In anticipation of the release, a trailer has hit the Internet that implies Miley Cyrus is actually one of the film’s subjects, as she appears on-screen while Robertson talks about “moral decay.”

What, exactly, is this a reference to? Why is Cyrus being cited as an example?

“Our [Founding Fathers] said once your religion goes, then your morality goes, then your freedom goes, and you see with Bernie Sanders they’re wanting to get rid of the Republic and replace it with socialism,” Robertson told The Hollywood Reporter in response to a question about Miley.

And he was only getting started.

“America is floundering in sin, and I know that’s a unique word in your part of the country,” he added, speaking of Tinseltown.

Robertson went on to say that Miley promotes “decadence,” as do many others in Hollywood.

He doesn’t have time for anyone who can’t see the problem with this lifestyle.

“If you got an argument in favor of decadence, then give it to me,” he says.

With what else does Robertson take issue?

“Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall – ‘Gunsmoke,’ and John Wayne and the Western Channel.

“Also the Weather Channel to see what the Doppler radar is telling me.”

What? What? Why?!?

You have to remember, I’ve never turned on a computer and I don’t own a cell phone,” Robertson notes. “So, dude, you’re reaching way down in the woods.”

In conclusion, Robertson says he’s just trying to be there for his fellow man.

He has no regrets about his past comments or his past behavior.

“I used to get high, drunk and laid with the worst of ’em. I did it for 28 years. It’s not like I’ve never been on the other side,” he says.

“I lived a very sinful life ’til I ran up on Jesus. Now I’m just trying to help my neighbor out. Why don’t we love God, love each other and do what’s right?”