Showing posts with label Punxsutawney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punxsutawney. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Punxsutawney Phil: Groundhog Day Soothsayer Set to Nail 2017 Forecast … Maybe

Punxsutawney Phil, the prognosticator to end all prognosticators, is getting hyped as s–t to make his annual Groundhog Day prediction.

What will he tell us early Friday morning?

The man, the myth, the Rust Belt legend without whom Groundhog Day would not be a thing is just hours away from doing HIS thing:

Making his annual prediction at daybreak LIVE from the western reaches of Keystone State, to lay out how 2018 will shake out weather-wise.

Will there be a shadow sighting, thus signaling six more weeks of winter? Or no shadow, and therefore, an early spring on the horizon?

Only Punxsutawney Phil knows for sure.

February 2, of course, is when this affable, rotund mound of profound knowledge emerges from Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa.

He either sees his shadow or he doesn’t. It’s as simple as that, yet the stakes at the midway point of winter (exactly!) could not be higher.

A hell of a lot is riding on this s–t, given that if there is a shadow sighting, we’re looking at six more weeks of bitter cold and icy precipitation.

No shadow? Then it’s early spring, people!

Awesome as that sounds (and increasingly likely, if you buy into the whole Chinese climate change hoax), we wouldn’t wager on this.

Historically, the odds just aren’t that great.

In 120 years, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an “early spring” a sparing 18 times, not a shock since he lives in the Northeast U.S.

Not to mention, one of those times was 2013, when record snowfall totals proceeded to pound much of the U.S. not even a week later.

On the flip side, he’s been on top of this s–t since.

Following the aforementioned debacle, which even led to a lawsuit by one Ohio county, he came back with back-to-back shadow sightings. 

Both preceded extremely wintry weather in 2014-15. In 2016, Phil did not see his shadow and North America saw its warmest winter ever.

Last year, he again saw his shadow and winter roared on with a vengeance as predicted. Suffice it to say, P-squared is back, b-tches.

Hopefully, Punxsy decides to turn in early and get some rest tonight, because we need him to bring his A-game tomorrow morning.

Happy Groundhog Day!

The current forecast for Friday a.m. in the Weather Capitol of the World is mostly cloudy and a chilly 14 degrees, for what that’s worth.

How it plays out is anyone’s guess, so just sit back, think about your favorite lines from Groundhog Day the movie and bask in the glory.

Early spring or not, this quintessentially American holiday is a great chance to get outside, have fun and enjoy the spectacle of winter.

Come on, it’s the second day of February, probably the most dismal point in the entire calendar year. We all need this right now.

And for that, we thank Phil.



Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Punxsutawney Phil: Groundhog Day Sage Set to Nail 2017 Weather Forecast … Maybe

The rodent. The myth. The legend.

Punxsutawney Phil, the Western Pennsylvania great without whom Groundhog Day would not be a thing, is hours away from doing HIS thing:

Making his annual prediction early Thursday morning, LIVE from the Keystone State, to inform the masses how early 2017 will shake out.

Will there be a shadow sighting, thus signaling six more weeks of winter? Or will there be no shadow, and thus, an early spring on the horizon?

Only Punxsutawney Phil knows.

Groundhog Day, of course, is when the affable, rotund critter emerges from Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., at bitter cold daybreak.

He either sees his shadow or he doesn’t. A lot rides on this, given that if there is a shadow sighting, six more weeks of winter remain.

No shadow? Early spring, baby!

The odds of that are not great.

In 119 years, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted the coming of “early spring” but 18 times, not a shock since he lives in Western Pennsylvania.

Not to mention, one of those times was 2013, when record snowfall totals proceeded to pound much of the U.S. not even a week later.

On the flip side, he’s basically nailed it three straight years since that debacle, with shadow sightings portending wintry weather in 2014-15.

In 2016, Phil did not see his shadow and North America saw its mildest winter in recorded history throughout much of this great continent.

Hopefully, Punxsy decides to get some rest tonight and not watch Arrow online. We need him on his game, because too much is at stake.

The current forecast for Thursday a.m. for the Weather Capitol of the World is cloudy with a chance of snow showers, for what it’s worth.

How it plays out is anyone’s guess.

No one can say. Except Phil.

So just sit back, relax, think about your favorite scenes from Groundhog Day the movie and bask in the glory that is this American holiday.

The way things are going so far in 2017, we could all use a respite from political and cultural tumult. Punxsy Phil is here to give it to us.

For that, we thank him.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Groundhog Day 2016 Prediction: NO SHADOW! Early Spring to Come, Punxsutawney Phil Declares!

Groundhog Day 2016 is upon us again, and the forecast is in from the Weather Capitol of the World, a.k.a. Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Today marked that magical, annual moment when Punxsutawney Phil emerges from Gobbler’s Knob to answer the million-dollar question …

Will we have to endure six more weeks of snow, wind, ice and other winter fun before spring arrives? Or will our reprieve come ASAP?

Only Punxsutawney Phil and his shadow can say with clarity.

And he has done so, just moments ago. The verdict:

NO SHADOW! Early Spring is coming, baby!!!!!!!!!

Phil, who emerged from his burrow moments ago to find conditions not bright enough to see his shadow in Western Pa., has spoken.

According to folklore, this is all we need to know.

The appearance of Phil’s shadow, which has been sighted 101 times since 1887, means winter will carry on as per usual in N. America.

When Phil does not peep it, spring comes early.

Such was the case today, as the prognosticator “told” this to the president of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Bill Deeley, at 7:20 a.m.

As to whether scientists agree? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration believes that Phil’s accuracy is marginal at best.

NOAA’s October predictions for America’s winter included colder and wetter than normal conditions for the Southeastern U.S. in 2016.

Mild weather in the West and warmer weather in the Midwest and Northeast have been the norm this year so far, though. So stay tuned.

The accuracy of the venerable, meteorologically inclined rodent’s prediction is secondary, of course, to the true meaning of Groundhog Day.

Which is … we have no earthly idea honestly.

It’s basically just a silly, light-hearted reason to get out there and appreciate the wondrous power, mystery and majesty of nature.

And recite Groundhog Day quotes, because obviously. And no matter what, 2/2 is the mid-point between the winter solstice and spring equinox.

So at worst, winter is still half over.