Showing posts with label Guilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guilt. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Justin Bieber: Struggling With Guilt Following Selena Gomez Breakdown

Selena Gomez suffered an emotional breakdown during her battle with lupus, and had to be hospitalized as a result.

As it turns out, her very much engaged ex Justin Bieber is feeling wrecked over her current health.

Despite his engagement, he’s said to be feeling “confused.”

According to what a pair of sources tell E!, Selena Gomez’s emotional breakdown and subsequent hospitalization is just too much for the Biebs.

An insider reports that Justin feels “conflicted and confused” over his own feelings.

“They have both had emotional struggles,” a source explains.

Justin’s angry outbursts over the years were well documented, and people close to him have spoken openly about his past struggles with substances.

“And,” an insider details, Justin and Selene “bonded over that in the past.”

Now, however, things are different.

Even if Justin wanted to come rushing to her side, that doesn’t seem likely.

“Justin and Selena are not in touch,” a source makes clear.

That’s no surprise. For one thing, Selena is cut off from all but a few trusted individuals.

“But,” an insider notes. “Him hearing the news about Selena definitely upsets him.”

“Justin,” a source adds. “Also feels guilty.”

Apparently, it is Justin’s innate nurturing nature, rather than merely their lengthy relationship history, that has him deep in his feelings.

“He wants to help everyone,” an insider says.

Awww. Bless his heart.

A source insists that “he truly wants Selena to be happy.”

“And,” an insider explains. “It’s upsetting to know she’s battling health issues.”

That makes a lot of sense. it’s upsetting to us that Selena is going through all of this, too.

Justin has admittedly “been very emotional” since this news broke.

However, insiders make it very clear that he is taking his engagement to Hailey “very seriously.”

In other words, don’t expect him to drop her and go running back to Selena.

To him, a promise to get married is sacred.

In fact, a source says that Justin raced to the altar with Hailey in an effort to “show her he was serious this time.”

Ah, yes — the best possible reason to marry someone is to prove a point.

So it sounds like Justin and Hailey’s engagement — or marriage, depending upon whom you ask — is secure for now.

But how is Selena doing?

An insider reveals that Selena is “already feeling better” now that she is receiving treatment.

Selena is “getting the help she needs,” a source affirms.

Lupus is already a hell of a thing, but we’re glad that she’s getting emotional support as she copes with it.

“Depression is something she’s always struggled with,” an insider explains.

That makes sense. Tens of millions of Americans cope with depression every day.

“But whenever it gets really bad for Selena,” a source details. “She removes herself from social media.”

Shortly before her breakdown, Selena took a step back from Instagram.

“And,” an insider continued, Selena then “withdraws from people who aren’t a handful of the people she trusts.”

That is a smart policy. Don’t over extend yourself when you are at your lowest point.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Audrey Roloff Explains Why Her "Mom Guilt" Almost Ruined Christmas

Audrey Roloff still has a lot to learn as a new mother.

Heck, every single woman on the planet who recently gave birth has a lot to learn as a new mother.

This whole parenting thing is not easy.

The Little People, Big World star is well aware of this fact, of course, having opened up last fall about the challenges she faced early on breastfeeding.

Roloff even admitted to showing signs of postpartum depression.

But the reality star and husband Jeremy have seemingly come a long way over the past couple months, sharing endless photos of daughter Ember Jean and gushing over her on Instagram.

In her latest blog, however, Audrey opens up yet again about a parenting obstacle.

And how it nearly ruined her very first Christmas with Ember.

“I started the morning off with a champion mom moment,” Audrey writes sarcastically, elaborating as follows:

“I cut Ember’s nail to short and it bleed for a solid hour… I laid in bed with her all morning, refusing to get up and make us Christmas brunch, and wallowing in mom guilt.

“Ember cried for all of 10 seconds, but of course it left my eyes watery and my heart throbbing for the next few hours.

“Lord, why did you have to make babies nails grow so fast?!”

LOL. That’s sort of funny.

And something to which millions of parents can relate.

But it was clearly no laughing matter for Roloff at the time.

“It wasn’t how I wanted Christmas morning to start off,” she continues, explaining:

“I wanted it to be a perfect, cuddly, picturesque, breakfast-in-bed kinda morning. But it wasn’t.

“Does anyone else set too strict or too high of expectations for holidays, birthdays and anniversaries?! I can’t be the only one… but I am learning to let go of this, and not let one wrong turn have such a rock skipping effect.

“Come on Auj, buck up and move on.

“Maybe I’m just a wee more emotional because it was her first Christmas and maybe mom guilt really does make you a little crazy.”

It’s true, right?

But here’s the thing: mom guilt will never really go away.

Right now, it comes out when you cut your loved one’s nails too closely.

In a few years, it will come out when you forget to pack her lunch for first grade or something.

This is just part of being a parent and it’s something all mothers and fathers must deal with. It’s important to remember, however, that such small mistakes really have no impact on one’s son or daughter.

Just provide a loving home and a healthy environment for your children to live in… and do your best on a daily basis with everything else.

That’s all one can realistically ask of oneself.

Thankfully, it’s pretty clear Audrey got over her mistake and the family had an epic time on December 25.

“Ember’s first Christmas brought out the child in us both again,” she concluded on her blog, writing:

“I cannot wait to celebrate the holidays with Ember and our future children in the years to come, it makes everything so much more fun!”

Whoa! Future children?!?

Forget those Jacob Roloff baby rumors. Is Audrey pregnant again?

We can’t imagine so. She just gave birth four months ago!

But will she do so again and is she excited about the possibility? Yes.

And that’s great to hear. We’re glad excessive nail cutting didn’t crush Audrey’s dream of adding to her family someday.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Family: We Want a New Autopsy to Prove Nick Gordon"s Guilt!

With Nick Gordon’s arrest for domestic violence and investigators building the case for Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death considering that arrest to be evidence, it looks like he’s going to have some prison time in his future.

But the question of how much will depend on prosecution and on evidence, and a new report suggests that Bobbi Kristina’s family is willing to pull out all of the stops to make sure that he goes away.

Even if that means exhuming Bobbi Kristina’s body for a new autopsy.

According to RadarOnline, Bobbi Kristina’s family wants an exhumation and a second autopsy to make sure that any and all evidence needed for Nick Gordon’s arrest and conviction is found.

“I think they should exhume Bobbi Kristina’s body, and make a determination as to the fact that Nick Gordon murdered her. He was responsible for her death!”

That comes from a family source, RadarOnline reports.

Unfortunately, even though Bobbi Kristina’s still-grieving family may not want to accept it, autopsies don’t always yield conclusive answers.

Even when autopsies definitely show that someone was murdered, that doesn’t mean that they contain evidence that points to the killer.

This isn’t some decades-old cold case dating back to before DNA could be sampled from a few epithelial cells.

Bobbi Kristina died on July 26th, 2015 … after spending 6 months in a coma.

And that was after being found unresponsive in her bathtub, which was massively suspicious.

An extended hospital stay and the bathwater itself would have made an autopsy much less helpful.

We have to remember that, at the time, the priority was the attempt to save her life.

If someone were buried immediately after death, there’s sometimes some bruising that wouldn’t show up right away that might be found with an exhumation and autopsy.

Six months after the events that caused someone’s death, though … if that’s your best autopsy, then no later autopsies are going to yield much, unless we wait a few decades for forensic tech that’s currently science fiction.

We know that they’re hurting over this, but this would put them through more suffering and wouldn’t bring them any of the closure that they seek.

And we can’t see it helping the case against Nick Gordon.

The claims from this family source get a little more intense from there.

“The new case demonstrates Nick’s pattern of abuse against women. His father was abusive. His grandfather was abusive. It’s in his DNA! That’s why he can’t stop!”

Okay, to be clear, there’s no evidence that genetics work that way.

Addiction struggles or anger issues could certainly have powerful genetic factors.

But if there’s a domestic violence gene, science has yet to prove it.

(We’re oversimplifying genetics, we know, since genes themselves can simply be active or inactive at different times to different effects, but still)

We’re not arguing that Nick Gordon doesn’t have a horrifying pattern of behavior.

We’re just suggesting that genes probably aren’t the primary factor here.

If somebody comes from a line of abusers and is abusive himself, it’s probably a learned behavior.

A lot of abusive parents are that way because they were raised in abusive households.

(Though they wouldn’t use that label for their parents any more than for themselves)

Similarly, a lot of partner-abusers learned that behavior from a parent.

There are things that can help put Nick Gordon behind bars.

Obviously, his current arrest is a major part of that.

Nick Gordon’s latest alleged victim sees clear parallels to Bobbi Kristina and says that she could have died the same way.

It’s worth noting that her case — she talks about being held down and beaten until she thought she might die, only escaping because she managed to hit him with a candlestick and run, bleeding, to his mother for sanctuary — is its own thing.

Like, that kind of monstrous assault that she describes deserves the most severe penalties that the justice system can offer, and then some.

We shouldn’t look at her case exclusively as evidence for Nick Gordon’s eventual murder trial (which we don’t know will even happen).

That said, authorities are building their case and carefully reviewing evidence related to Bobbi Kristina’s death.

Nobody wants a repeat of OJ Simpson or Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman or … well, the list goes on.

Nobody wants a deadlocked jury like with Bill Cosby, either.

That means building a solid case with great care.

It also means not rushing things — it’s not unusual for a case to take years to build.

We totally understand that Bobbi Kristina’s family is eager for justice.

Just as millions of fans and admirers are, but infinitely more personally.

But we all need to keep in mind that rushing through things won’t bring her justice.

Patience, folks.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Empire Season 3 Episode 11 Recap: Cookie"s Guilt

Did Cookie come clean to Angelo about the way she lashed out at Lucious?

That was one of the more pressing questions as the matriarch of the Lyon family worried about her actions and what they would mean for her future. 

Meanwhile, every other character appeared to be scheming, and Nia Long made her highly anticipated debut as Lucious’s ex-wife. 

When Empire Season 3 Episode 11 got underway, Cookie showering to get rid of the blood that came from Lucious when she went all bat-shit with a baseball bat. 

Confused, she went to visit Lucious to talk about her actions when it became apparent he was worried about the world finding out. In the process, he thought the best move was to say someone broke in. 

Lucious was less than impressed with Cookie and seemed eager to play the victim, but Cookie was having none of it and left the situation while throwing some subtle shade at Anika. 

Anika was worried about her future when Tariq showed up to get the details about who Lucious had killed. Anika reluctantly agreed to open her mouth if she and her daughter were placed in witness protection. 

Anika — presumably knowing it would be a death sentence — left her daughter with Hakeem and sprinted out of the city on a bus, but does that mark Grace Gealey’s final appearance on the show?

Probably not. If the actress were really departing the series, there would have been more fireworks. As you probably know if you watch Empire online, Anika was the one who tormented Rhonda before killing her.

As for the baby, Tiana took a shine to her. She did not want to like the baby because Hakeem’s her man and he stepped out on her several times, but who could not smile at a baby?

Will Hakeem put the kid back in the care of Lucious, or will he and Tiana try to play happy families in Anika’s absence? 

More to the point, will Becky finally get the A&R job now that Anika’s out of the picture? We have no idea, but we can’t wait to find out. 

While all of this drama was going on, Shine and Andre went to meet another gangster. Shine is trying to emulate the career start Lucious had: Turning to a life of crime to get the money for a company. 

The thing Shine is missing is someone as smart and quick-witted as Cookie Lyon, but will Nia Long’s new character who is the ex-wife of Lucious be that person?

It sure seems that way. Fans will no doubt be hoping for Cookie and the woman to have a fist fight, but that was apparently saved for behind the scenes. 

We are left in a very interesting place with these characters. Previous episodes of Empire have struggled with pacing because most of the plot hinged on the guest stars, but the powers that be have managed to keep everything flowing better this time around. 

What did you think of the drama? Are you digging Nia Long’s unnamed character?


Monday, April 4, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Staying With Lamar Odom Out of Guilt?!

Shortly after Lamar Odom nearly died from an overdose in October of 2015, Khloe Kardashian opted not to divorce her estranged husband so that she would be in a better decision to make legal and medical decisions on his behalf.

Now, however, it seems Khloe is staying with Lamar for a very different reason.

As you may have heard, Odom suffered a relapse last week, and was spotted drinking at a Los Angeles bar just hours before meeting up with Khloe and her family for Easter Sunday church services.

TMZ is reporting that these days Khloe is staying with Lamar not for legal reasons, but because she fears leaving him might trigger a fatal bender.

An insider says Khloe feels “a tremendous amount of guilt” with regard to Lamar’s condition.

Khloe reportedly feels responsible for the fact that Odom overdosed in the first place (Media reports about her moving on with her life and dating other men were said to be a major source of stress for the former NBA star.), and she’s reportedly afraid of what might happen if she follows through with the divorce that’s been pending for over a year.

Khloe canceled filming for her FYI talk show, Kocktails With Khloe, last week, reportedly so that she could be by Lamar’s side in the wake of his relapse.

Now the question is: How far is she willing to go to stop her ex from going down the wrong path?