Friday, January 5, 2018

Audrey Roloff Explains Why Her "Mom Guilt" Almost Ruined Christmas

Audrey Roloff still has a lot to learn as a new mother.

Heck, every single woman on the planet who recently gave birth has a lot to learn as a new mother.

This whole parenting thing is not easy.

The Little People, Big World star is well aware of this fact, of course, having opened up last fall about the challenges she faced early on breastfeeding.

Roloff even admitted to showing signs of postpartum depression.

But the reality star and husband Jeremy have seemingly come a long way over the past couple months, sharing endless photos of daughter Ember Jean and gushing over her on Instagram.

In her latest blog, however, Audrey opens up yet again about a parenting obstacle.

And how it nearly ruined her very first Christmas with Ember.

“I started the morning off with a champion mom moment,” Audrey writes sarcastically, elaborating as follows:

“I cut Ember’s nail to short and it bleed for a solid hour… I laid in bed with her all morning, refusing to get up and make us Christmas brunch, and wallowing in mom guilt.

“Ember cried for all of 10 seconds, but of course it left my eyes watery and my heart throbbing for the next few hours.

“Lord, why did you have to make babies nails grow so fast?!”

LOL. That’s sort of funny.

And something to which millions of parents can relate.

But it was clearly no laughing matter for Roloff at the time.

“It wasn’t how I wanted Christmas morning to start off,” she continues, explaining:

“I wanted it to be a perfect, cuddly, picturesque, breakfast-in-bed kinda morning. But it wasn’t.

“Does anyone else set too strict or too high of expectations for holidays, birthdays and anniversaries?! I can’t be the only one… but I am learning to let go of this, and not let one wrong turn have such a rock skipping effect.

“Come on Auj, buck up and move on.

“Maybe I’m just a wee more emotional because it was her first Christmas and maybe mom guilt really does make you a little crazy.”

It’s true, right?

But here’s the thing: mom guilt will never really go away.

Right now, it comes out when you cut your loved one’s nails too closely.

In a few years, it will come out when you forget to pack her lunch for first grade or something.

This is just part of being a parent and it’s something all mothers and fathers must deal with. It’s important to remember, however, that such small mistakes really have no impact on one’s son or daughter.

Just provide a loving home and a healthy environment for your children to live in… and do your best on a daily basis with everything else.

That’s all one can realistically ask of oneself.

Thankfully, it’s pretty clear Audrey got over her mistake and the family had an epic time on December 25.

“Ember’s first Christmas brought out the child in us both again,” she concluded on her blog, writing:

“I cannot wait to celebrate the holidays with Ember and our future children in the years to come, it makes everything so much more fun!”

Whoa! Future children?!?

Forget those Jacob Roloff baby rumors. Is Audrey pregnant again?

We can’t imagine so. She just gave birth four months ago!

But will she do so again and is she excited about the possibility? Yes.

And that’s great to hear. We’re glad excessive nail cutting didn’t crush Audrey’s dream of adding to her family someday.
