Friday, March 16, 2018

Nick Gordon: Bobby Brown Killed Bobbi Kristina, Not Me!

Just a few days ago, Nick Gordon was arrested for domestic violence … again. It’s part of a very disturbing pattern.

The disgraced former fiance of the late Bobbi Kristina Brown is now openly lashing out at … Bobby Brown.

The man held legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death blames that entire tragedy on her father.

Nick Gordon is fuming.

Despite his recent arrest after police noticed that his girlfriend, Laura Leal, had clear signs that she had been struck repeatedly in the face, Nick Gordon’s anger is not directed inward.

Similarly, despite being found legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death in a civil trial and ordered to pay millions to her estate over her wrongful death, he points the finger at someone in particular.

Speaking to RadarOnline, Nick Gordon blames Bobby Brown for … everything, it sounds like.

But especially for Bobbi Kristina’s tragic death.

“He’s to blame! He was a crackhead. He smoked crack and he brought that into the house. Nobody else did drugs before him.”

That’s … a very interesting point of view.

Recently, Bobby Brown decreed that Nick Gordon should be thrown in jail where he can be raped.

Obviously, while many believe that Gordon belongs in prison (some believe that he deserves a harsher, more permanent sentence), we should never wish something as evil and indefensible as sexual assault upon anyone.

Nick Gordon explained why he believes that Bobby Brown made that explosive comment.

“The man feels guilty.”

Interesting. He elaborates.

“You kind of figure if you have a guilty conscience you have to put the blame on somebody else.”

It is always interesting to hear what ideas a man like Gordon holds about the feeling of guilt.

Speaking of guilt, this is Gordon’s most recent mug shot for allegedly abusing girlfriend Laura Leal in Florida.

We say “most recent” because he was arrested for similar charges in June of 2017.

Same state, same girlfriend. This time, his beard’s a little longer.

Last time, his arrest for domestic assault and kidnapping involved a harrowing tale in which Laura Leal says that she only escaped from his fists and fury when she managed to grasp a candlestick and stun him with it so that she could run for safety.

Leal would go on to admit that she could have ended up like Bobbi Kristina, explaining how the abuse had started off gradually before building up to the point where she’d feared for her life.

Unfortunately, as too often happens in abuse cases, she suddenly became uncooperative a few months later and prosecutors had little choice but to drop the charges.

Leal asked the judge to drop the no contact order, stating that she’s not in any danger from Gordon … all evidence to the contrary.

The judge did not comply with her request, though it seems that it’s only a matter of time she’s back in his orbit.

Bobby Brown has reached out and offered to help Leal through his Bobbi Kristina Serenity House, which works to help women escape from the horrors of domestic violence.

Gordon is shrugging that off and asking a peculiar question.

“That’s fine. I don’t care if he helps her or not. I don’t know what he would help her with.”

Maybe … to help her escape … from an abusive relationship? Just a thought. Just a guess.

In general, Nick Gordon seems dismissive of Bobby Brown.

“I don’t care about him or what he has to say.”

And there’s one particular point of bitterness that he feels towards the man who might have become his father-in-law.

“He could have helped me by letting me see my fiance and burying my fiancee.”

The idea of Gordon attending Bobbi Kristina’s funeral is … stomach-turning, to many.

Just remember, folks, that the criminal investigation into her death is ongoing and that investigators are absolutely taking note of Gordon’s various arrests.
