Showing posts with label Exonerate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exonerate. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bobbi Kristina Brown: Drug Use Details to Exonerate Nick Gordon?

It’s been three months since Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away after spending more than six months in a coma.

During that time, rumors the Nick Gordon would be arrested for her murder have seemed to pop up every few days, but Gordon remains a free man. Now, thanks to new testimony from a friend of Bobbi Kristina’s, he might stay that way.

According to Radar Online, in a videotaped deposition recently obtained by Gordon’s lawyers, Danyela Bradley speaks candidly about Bobbi’s drug use – and it may be enough to get Gordon off the hook.

“She probably smoked crack often, and also did heroin,” said Bradley, a former roommate of Brown and Gordon’s.

“When I had first lived with her, I didn’t know that she actually had a problem with it until I had lived with her afterwards for a couple of weeks … and after a few weeks she just didn’t really hide it.”

Interestingly, Bradley’s testimony is not part of the Brown family’s civil suit against Gordon, but came as a result of a suit filed by a man who says he was injured in a car crash involving Brown and Bradley.

Even so, her deposition could be a game-changer for Gordon.

The 25-year-old was recently accused by Brown family lawyers of injecting Bobbi Kristina with “poison” and leaving her face-down in a bathtub to die. 

Bradley’s testimony might be sufficient evidence that Brown willingly took all of the 15 substances that showed up in her toxicology report.