Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Younes Bendjima: I"m Writing a Tell-All Book About Kourtney Kardashian!!

Despite their super sexy vacation just weeks ago, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima have split. By all accounts, it is not an amicable breakup.

Younes is begging Kourt to take him back and saying that he never cheated, but it sounds like he’s also gotten confrontational about it.

In fact, he has reportedly threatened to write a tell-all book about Kourtney and her entire family. Yikes!

RadarOnline reports that Younes Bendjima’s tell-all book threat came to Kourtney through an intermediary.

“Younes had one of his friends reach out to Kourtney,” an insider close to Kourtney reveals.

This was not an olive branch.

The friend made contact, the source says, “to tell her that if her sisters don’t stop talking s–t about him that he would write a tell all book.”

Younes apparently knows enough about the family that he could embarrass them “and air all of their dirty laundry.”

“After two years together,” the insider says. “Kourtney knows that Younes knows” a great deal of insider information “about the family.”

He and Kourt have been together since 2016, and now we’re just a few months away from 2019.

Younes started off as a boy toy, but he’s no fool. He noticed things.

In fact, the source says that Younes knows more “than anyone else that has come in and out of their circle in quite some time.”

Kourtney, the insider says, is freaking out because “she does not want this to escalate anymore.”

In a war of words, it looks like both sides could lose — but Kourtney and her loved ones might have more to lose.

“So,” the source revealed of Kourtney. “She asked her family to refrain from saying anything about him.”

Nobody closes ranks like the Kardashians in a krisis, folks.

That means that Kourtney’s sisters — despite Kim and Kourtney’s vicious feud — are eager to lay into Younes.

But that also means that they’ll mince words and bite their tongues about Younes if that’s what needs to happen.

Just think of how careful they were with their words when Khloe’s baby daddy was outed as a no-good cheater. They can do that with Younes, too.

Kourtney is just tired of the whole Younes situation, even though she might miss having hot cougar sex with the 25-year-old model.

“At this point,” the insider explains. “She just wants him to go away.”

That is understandable. The breakup is fresh and likely full of a lot of very complicated feelings.

Kourtney wants Younes out of sight and out of mind, the source says, “so she can move on with her life.”

That is very understandable.

It is, of course, very important to note that Jordan Ozuna, the lovely socialite with whom Younes was spotted, has spoken out.

She wants to make it very clear that nothing romantic happened between her and Younes.

The thing is that some suspect that Kourtney was, perhaps subconsciously, in the market for an excuse to break things off with Younes.

The two of them have an age gap of almost 15 years and are at very different stages of their lives.

We’re glad that their relationship was fun while it lasted and we’re sorry to see it end.

We hope, of course, that everyone can come out of this sitation as a winner.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Lena Dunham Says She Wasn"t Serious About Writing a "Roseanne" Spin-off

Lena Dunham was apparently yanking our chain when she said she’d be down to write a new show for the remaining characters on “Roseanne.” Joke’s on us. We got the “Girls” creator — who acted in and wrote for the HBO show — at LAX Thursday,…


Lena Dunham Says She Wasn"t Serious About Writing a "Roseanne" Spin-off

Lena Dunham was apparently yanking our chain when she said she’d be down to write a new show for the remaining characters on “Roseanne.” Joke’s on us. We got the “Girls” creator — who acted in and wrote for the HBO show — at LAX Thursday,…


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Tiffany Haddish"s Writing Intro to "The Richard Pryor Diaries"

Tiffany Haddish will introduce a man who needs no introduction, but will get it anyway, because he’s the late, great and legendary Richard Pryor. We’re told Tiffany’s writing the intro to the highly-anticipated ‘Richard Pryor Diaries’ ……


Friday, February 16, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Writing a Tell-All About Chris Lopez?!

To say that Kailyn Lowry has had a complicated relationship with Chris Lopez would be a pretty big understatement.

Really, to call their relationship a disastrous, burning hot mess would even be an understatement.

Is there even a messier relationship on either of the Teen Mom shows?

Well, yes, absolutely there is, but this is still really, really bad, that’s what we’re trying to get across here.

Things started off well enough between Kailyn and Chris. They were classmates in college, and then they were friends, and then they were …

The timeline is a little confusing because they both go back and forth on their stories depending on how petty they want to be, but whether they were ever in a real relationship or not, they did have sex.

And that resulted in the supremely adorable little baby Lux.

During Kailyn’s pregnancy, Chris wasn’t around all that much, and she said that was because he was with another woman.

But when it was time for their son to be born, he was there, and we even saw him escort Kailyn and Lux home from the hospital.

A short while after that though, things were terrible again. There have been several rumors about him going for custody of Lux, and she’s also accused him of being a deadbeat dad.

Still, even though they’ve both been passive aggressive as hell through mountains and mountains of vague tweets and the like, neither one of them has ever taken the time to share the whole story,

But it looks like that’s about to change.

Yesterday, Kailyn took to Instagram to announce that she’s releasing a new book titled A Letter of Love.

“I’m so so so excited for this one,” she wrote. “Any & all moms will be able to relate to this. From the hardest of times to the happiest of days, it’s in here. Single moms, working moms, married, everyone.”

She’s obviously very excited about the release, but that’s sort of a broad summary, right?

Don’t worry — she also did an interview with Radar Online, and she went into much more detail about what the book will contain.

And if you haven’t pre-ordered it yet, you probably will after hearing all this.

Kailyn book cover

“The book was an apology letter to Lux for basically the mess he was born into and how bad I feel,” she explains in the interview.

“But now it’s to all three of them.”

“I feel bad,” she goes on, “and I’m nervous about how a lot of my decisions will impact them or affect them.”

“So I’m apologizing to all of them and I want them to know how much I love them and I’m working now to pick up the pieces.”

That’s actually kind of heartbreaking.

When Kailyn first announced her pregnancy, she insisted that she’d made the choice to get pregnant, that it wasn’t an accident at all.

And while we’re sure that she doesn’t regret getting pregnant at all — because then she wouldn’t have Lux — it obviously sounds like she’s regretting some of the choices she made during that time.

Watching the last season of Teen Mom 2, it’s clear that things were a little chaotic throughout her pregnancy, but what’s done is done, and it’s lovely that she’s doing what she needs to do to make the situation as positive as possible for her children.

We’re going to need that book soon, Kailyn!


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Jacob Roloff: Writing a New, Bitter Tell-All?

Jacob Roloff is the “black sheep” of the Roloff family.

Matt and Amy’s youngest son isn’t much of a troublemaker, but his family’s rise to fame on Little People, Big World hasn’t sat well with him. He was even estranged from his parents for a while, there.

But … is he writing a second tell-all? That’s sure what it sounds like, and if that’s the case, we can kiss our dreams of a Roloff reunion goodbye.

We’ve talked about the possibility that Jacob Roloff might return to Little People, Big World.

This would be a huge, huge deal — because the series is probably Jacob’s biggest point of contention with his parents.

He’s blasted his family’s series as being “fake.”

A couple of years ago, he accused them of having forced him to appear on Little People, Big World without pay.

(Which is a legitimate gripe, folks)

That was a huge deal, and he became estranged from them. Which was a loss for the show, sure, but a bigger loss for the Roloff family.

And, quite frankly, for Jacob.

Jacob Roloff’s been spending time with his mom, though, and fans are hopeful that the fence-mending that he’s been up to will amount to a total reconciliation and a return to the series.

But … it’s sure not looking that way.

Though we’ve mentioned them before, we want to remind you of some of Jacob Roloff’s own words from Instagram.

“An update: Izzy and I have for several months been working towards bringing all of our creative aspirations to fruition. So far, I’m happy to report, it is going quite well.”

Izzy is his girlfriend, in case that’s slipped your mind.

“I’m working on this next piece of writing, considerably longer than Verbing, called Out To See, and Izzy is working on a poetry book (among other things) with her own art, watercolor, and photography sprinkled in for good measure.”

That’s all fine and well, but they’re also working on something together.

“On top of that, we have a joint project that we are keeping top secret for a little while longer, but will hopefully get to express to you folks by the turn of the new year. We are working away, and I can’t very well contain my excitement!”

But he’s still keeping it a secret.

Here is where his (admittedly, understandable) bitterness comes into play.

“I wanted this book to be something I might have wanted when I was a kid, growing up surrounded by one way of life with no room to stretch or explore, as it pertains to religion, at least.”

That’s an important quote.

As much as we adore the Roloffs, Jacob might have good reason for his unhappiness.

Growing up on a farm in a rustic way of life, in isolation, means limited opportunity to grow and become a person.

It’s a fine way to retire if that’s the sort of life that you want to live, as Matt Roloff clearly did.

But, though we’re certain that Matt and Amy didn’t mean anything malicious by it, Jacob feels that he was cheated out of other opportunities.

Particularly, he says, when it comes to religion. Meaning that he wishes that his family’s brand of Christianity hadn’t been the only form of faith to which he was exposed while growing up.

(Which doesn’t bode well for his relationship with his deeply devout sister-in-law, Audrey Roloff, what with her line about this “twisted” generation)

Still, faith is a very personal choice, and no one — try as they might — should get to make that for you.

RadarOnline reports that Jacob Roloff is indeed writing a second tell-all.

Jacob Roloff seems to be trying to quash that rumor, as he says that this is not about the past:

“I wanted it to be clear that this is not a dive into the past but a contemplation on my present situation, my thoughts, and what I expect going in to the immediate future. It’s about me going Out To See a different way of life, and never being able to return the same again. (Inspired by Tomás Garretón’s song of the same title.)”

Still, our past informs our present, so it’s not clear how one can talk about the present without references to the past.

We suppose that only time will tell how much of a tell-all this ends up being. Jacob might even reveal more than he intended to.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Randy Newman Regrets Writing Song About Trump"s Penis, But Not Enough to Apologize

Legendary singer-songwriter Randy Newman can’t quite explain why he wrote a song about President Trump’s dong … but it’s hilarious listening to him try. We got Randy at LAX, and our guy pressed him about the penis song … which he ultimately…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Britney Spears: Writing a Tell-All Book that SLAMS Other Stars?!

It’s no secret that Britney Spears, whose art brings joy to us all and whose mere existence makes the world a better place, has had her ups and downs. But it’s clear that the biggest low points in her life are in the past.

These days, she’s a first-rate mom who still has a thriving music career and also sometimes quotes Nietzsche on Instagram. She also has a super hot boyfriend.

And now we’re hearing that she could be writing a tell-all book … one that spill exactly what she thinks of some other celebrities she’s known.

Obviously, the news that Britney Spears is writing a tell-all book is really exciting if it’s true.

But hearing that she might be throwing a surprising amount of shade at other celebrities sounds like a godsend.

“She’s always kept journals, and Britney’s decided to write a tell-all book.”

Who wouldn’t love to read those if Britney decides to share just the journals themselves, you know?

“She’s tired of hearing all these half-truths about her and wants to set the record straight about who she really is.”

We’re here for that, sure.

And, according to this report, Britney Spears will be speaking about specific stars and sharing her exact thoughts about them.

Apparently, among those named will be Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift.

“By the end of the book, everyone will know exactly how Britney feels about them.”

That sounds ominous, right?

Not for Britney or for the readers, but … for someone.

“This book is going to surprise a lot of people.”

That’s the thing, though — this would be surprising.

Not just because this news isn’t coming from Britney or her team themselves.

(Though you’d think that they’d want to float that directly, right?)

But also because Britney’s life is going so well.

Drama follows her because she’s famous, but Britney’s never really been one to seek it out.

Even in her wildest partying days — remember those? — Britney didn’t have anything like the kinds of feuding that we see with other celebrities.

And now that everything’s so perfect in her life, it’s hard to imagine that she’s stirring the pot, you know?

On the one hand, sure, she’s untouchable because she’s Britney Freaking Spears.

So she can do what she wants without taking issue with whatever, like, Katy Perry tweets about her or whatever.

But … why would she want to?

What would she have to gain?

Lately, Taylor Swift — who finds balance by being virtually synonymous with squads and with feuds — has been pretty quiet and reserved.

We’re sure that she has new music coming and that she’ll have a lot to say with it.

But at the moment, she’s backing off from fights and appearances because things got too heated and she knows how damaging overexposure can be.

Just last week, Taylor broke two months of silence on Instagram to congratulate Selena Gomez on her new song.

(That song is “Fetish” and it’s great, you guys)

Britney might not be a hardcore Slytherin like Taylor Swift (that’s not an insult), but she’s been at this game a long time.

(Even though Britney Spears is ageless so it’s difficult to forget)

If Taylor, who’s still young and relatively new to the world of pop stardom, is wise enough to know when to hold her tongue …

… It’s that much harder to picture Britney opening a big ol’ can of worms.

If she really is writing a book, we eagerly look forward to reading its every detail.

And, of course, sharing those details with you.

But we guess that we’ll hold out until she announces it herself.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Lindsay Lohan is Writing a TV Show About Cool Russians, Apparently Doesn"t Watch the News

No one has ever really claimed that Lindsay Lohan has her finger on the pulse, so to speak.

We’re sure she’s taken her own pulse to gauge her overdose proximity on more than one occasion, but even at the height of her fame, Linds wasn’t exactly the kind of star that you look to to find out about the hottest cultural trends.

She’s more the type you look to if your connection just dried up and you’re starting to get the sweats.

Anyway, all of this is to say that Lindsay isn’t exactly a walking NPR, and living abroad for most of the past two years doesn’t seem to have done much to broaden her horizons.

Despite the fact that she has no experience behind the camera, and Hollywood has been spent the past decade treating her like she has a visible case of ringworm, and her knowledge of our geo-political is probably on par with that of an unusually bright ferret, Linds wants to try her hand at writing and directing a series about the fraught relationship between the US and Russia.

“She was saying she’s writing it with a partner for Netflix,” a source close to Lohan tells Page Six.

“And that they’re writing it every day while she’s in town. She described it as being about ‘Russian oligarchs’ — three princesses, and covering different ages.”

“She plans to act and co-direct or direct, but said she hasn’t decided yet.”

The source says that Lohan also described the show as “kind of like [Netflix series] ‘The OA,’ ” adding:

“She was saying she’s going to Moscow to see some of the people that are working on it with her.”

Now, to be clear: we’re not saying Russia should be off-limits in terms of stories being produced in Hollywood.

After all, The Americans has consistently been one of TV’s sharpest dramas for five seasons now.

But there are several key differences between Lindsay’s project and the acclaimed FX series:

For one thing, The Americans isn’t written by Lindsay Lohan.

We say that only partially in jest.

Lindsay has no professional writing experience, and as far as we know, she’s never even expressed an interest in putting pen to paper, so a full television series about life in a country that’s making daily headlines might be a bit ambitious for her first project.

On top of that, Linds might be a little too close to the source material.

Until recently, Lindsay was engaged to a rich Russian, and to the surprise of literally no one, it ended badly.

She might think this makes her just the person to write about the life of wealthy Mucovites.

She would be wrong.

On top of that, Lindsay might not want to remind the world about her own experience with international intrigue.

Lindsay did some work for the Turkish government recently, and both parties tried and failed to keep their arrangement on the down-low.

As General Michael Flynn is frequently being reminded these days, accepting money from a foreign government, but not registering as a foreign agent is actually kind of a big deal.

We know that Turkey and Russia are two different countries, but Linds might want to downplay her role as a latter day Carmen San Diego until this thing blows over.

Not surprisingly, Netflix has declined to comment on Lindsay’s planned project, so it’s possible that this show will only appear on a piece of cardboard that’s decorated to look in LiLo’s living room.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ex-Cavs Star Daniel Gibson Says Writing Saved Him from Suicidal Depression

Ex-Cleveland Cavs star Daniel “Boobie” Gibson says he was in a suicidal place after a series of personal issues around 2014 … but writing music saved his life.  His ankle was messed up. His marriage was falling apart. And his grandmother died…


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Joe Budden Says Movies Today are Trash, So He"s Writing His Own (VIDEO)

Joe Budden’s had enough of all the crappy, unwatchable movies that are being released … so he’s writing his own. The rapper and host of “I’ll Name This Podcast Later” tells us … he’s had it just sitting on the sidelines and critiquing trash…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I"m Writing a Book About My Third Baby Daddy!

Kailyn Lowry is obviously a big fan of going through difficult life experiences and them publishing books about them.

That’s why she’s already released two memoirs at the tender age of 25.

But, to be fair, Kailyn’s been through a lot in her short life. She had an absent father and an alcoholic mother, she had her first child at 16 years old, she’s already had one divorce, she’s been through a rape and a miscarriage.

So really, it just makes sense that now that she’s pregnant with her third child — her third child with her third partner, just in case anyone’s keeping count — she’d deal with it with another book.

Yep, you heard us right: Kailyn is writing a book all about her third baby daddy.

We first heard about the book on Twitter, when a fan asked her “Do you think you’ll write a 3rd book that talks about the feelings you experienced to decide to have one more ‘tiny human’?”

She responded with “I have already signed a contract for it!”

Shortly after that, an insider described the book as “something many wouldn’t expect” and “not like her previous books.”

And now we know.

Kailyn gave a statement to Real Mr. Housewife about her upcoming book, explaining that “I will be telling the story of how I ended up pregnant and about my baby’s father, but, no, I will not be revealing his name.”

She said that “It’s a story about the baby and heartbreak,” but interestingly enough, “It’s basically a novel.”

Though she does add that it’s “based on a true story.”

So … huh.

We haven’t heard much at all about this guy who fathered Kailyn’s new baby, but it does seem like there’s a strong possibility it could be a friend of hers named Chris Lopez.

Her publicist didn’t name him, but she did say that “The father is a friend Kail was briefly dating.”

And then, in an Instagram live video, she was discussing possible baby names, and she made a joke about how “Chris” would react to a certain name.

She ended the video right after the slip, and many took it as a sign that she accidentally revealed the identity of the baby’s father.

So pairing all that information with Kailyn’s statement, it seems like she was briefly with some guy, perhaps Chris, and while the relationship didn’t end well, she still got pregnant.

Oh, girl.

Best wishes for the new book, the new baby, and just every last thing, Kailyn.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Matt Barnes Officially Divorced After Writing Huge Checks

Matt Barnes is officially a single man … and all it cost him was HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS … TMZ Sports has learned.  Barnes and Gloria Govan broke up in 2014 after 1 year and 11 months as man and wife. They have twin boys together…


Friday, April 22, 2016

Nick Gordon: Writing Tell-All, Cashing In On Bobbi Kristina Death?

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s boyfriend, Nick Gordon thinks that penning a tell-all is not only a great way to make money; it’s also the smartest way to convince people that he didn’t murder her!

A source told In Touch that Gordon will begin writing the book “once he’s cleared of wrongdoing.”

Gordon is being sued by Brown’s family for $ 40 million dollars.  The civil suit alleges that Gordon not only physically abused Brown, but also stole from her thousands of dollars.

“He often answered Brown’s personal cell phone, would not allow her to make appointments without his approval, and manipulated her bank relationship so that he could access her money,” the papers stated.

“He also allegedly transferred a ‘large portion’ of Bobbi Kristina’s funds into an account controlled solely by him.”

Still, Gordon believes he has a chance to clear his name and confirm once and for all that he did not kill Brown.

“He wants the real truth to come out,” the source added.

“He knows everyone will think he’s doing it for the money, but he thinks it’s the best way for him to get closure.”

Brown was found face-down in her tub on January 31st, 2015.  Authorities noted that her mouth was “swollen” and a tooth had been “knocked out.”

On March 4th of this year (also Brown’s birthday), the official cause of death was released.

“The underlying cause of death is the condition which starts the downhill course of events leading to death and in this case is the immersion associated with drug intoxication,” the report stated.

Marijuana, prescription sedatives, and alcohol contributed to her death.

Gordon recently appeared on Dr. Phil, a do-over interview since his last ended with him going straight to rehab.

“Did you murder Bobbi Kristina Brown?” Dr. Phil asked Gordon.

Naturally the camera cut away before Gordon could respond.

The interview is set to air on April 28th.