Showing posts with label Bendjima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bendjima. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Ex Younes Bendjima Sued for Allegedly Assaulting Security Guard

Kourtney Kardashian’s ex boyfriend Younes Bendjima is being sued after he allegedly attacked a security guard at Coachella who refused to let him enter the restroom with Kourtney.  Mario Herrera says he was working the music festival back in…


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Partying Non-Stop Following Younes Bendjima Breakup?

Depending on which source you believe, it’s been either three months or three weeks since Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima broke up.

Basically, it sounds like the couple was on and off all summer and finally called it quits for good sometime in August.

Whatever the case, these two are now officially dunzo.

We’ve heard the obligatory rumors of Kourtney and Younes getting back together, but the consensus among those who know them best seems to be that the relationship has run its course.

But just because both parties agree that its best if they move on without one another, that doesn’t mean the process has been easy.

In fact, insiders are now telling Radar Online that Kourtney has been relying on a number of unhealthy coping mechanisms to cope with her latest breakup.

And it seems family and friends are concerned that the mother of three may be endangering her life.

“Instead of focusing on her family like she should be, Kourtney is just partying non-stop,” a source tells the outlet.

The insider didn’t go into any detail regarding the nature of Kourt’s partying, but it seems the reality star has had a difficult time getting over the relationship, in large part due to her confused feelings toward Younes.

Sources say she suspects her ex of cheating on her and knows that the relationship was not healthy — but she still feels drawn to the young male model in a way that she finds difficult to define.

“Younes did her dirty on so many occasions and she knows it,” the source says.

“The fact that she still continues to hang out with him infuriates her sisters.”

But while Kourtney continues to seek closure by spending time with Younes, she’s reportedly well aware that getting back together with him would be a disastrous decision.

“She is torn between love and what she knows is right,” the insider claims.

“She is not thinking with a clear head right now.”

Unfortunately, it seems those closest to Kourtney are growing increasingly frustrated with her inability to definitively cut ties with Younes.

“She is just feeling really desperate right now and it does not look good on her,” says the source.

Sounds like Kourt’s carrying on the proud Kardashian tradition of being irresistibly drawn to awful men.

If anyone should understand, it’s her sisters.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Gets Back With Younes Bendjima, Pisses Off Entire Family

The Kardashian women have never been known for having the greatest taste in men, but it seems Kourtney is now actively trying to outdo her sisters in the bad romance department.

It won’t be easy, but she’s already got a lot of points accumulated from her decade with Scott Disick, and now she’s out to prove that her capacity for bad decisions truly knows no bounds:

As you’ve likely heard, Kourtney broke up with Younes Bendjima last month, a decision that was applauded by just about everyone in her inner circle.

Unfortunately, Kourtney is allergic to smart choices, so now, just a few weeks after she kicked him to the curb, Kourtney is reportedly back with Younes — and her family is less than thrilled about it.

“They are definitely hooking up again,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She just really can’t be alone,” the source adds.

The reconciliation comes on the heels of reports that Younes cheated on Kourtney with Jordan Ozuna, a model who had ties to the Kard clan.

“Younes told her that nothing happened with Jordan and that they are just friends, and she believed him,” says the insider.

Apparently, the most vocal critic of Kourtney’s latest decision has been her sister Khloe, which is more than a smidge ironic, as Khloe took Tristan Thompson back after he was caught repeatedly cheating on her while she was carrying his baby.

“Kourtney told Khloe that she has no room to say anything, because she was humiliated by Tristan and took him back anyways,” the source explains. 

“And she told Kim to just mind her own business.”

And then there’s Kris Jenner, who could care less what sort of awful decisions her daughters make, so long as they result in compelling television.

“Kris just wants ratings for the new season, which they are filming right now,” the source says.

“She told Kourtney to stay unpredictable so she remains relevant.”

That may sound harsh, but in a way, it’s Kris’ way of expressing her love for her daughters.

She’s probably aware that there’s a very good chance that they’ll all wind up single, as they habitually pick horrendous dudes.

But they don’t have to wind up single and broke.

Now that’s looking out for your kids.


Kourtney Kardashian Parking Lot Rendezvous with Younes Bendjima

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima’s split is not a done, DONE deal just yet … based on the fact they’re getting closer again in public. Kourt chopped it up with Younes Monday night outside a Malibu sushi joint. Unclear if they actually dined…


Friday, August 24, 2018

Younes Bendjima Fight Victim Says He"s Going to Sue Drake and Odell Beckham Jr.

The man who got pummeled by Kourtney Kardashian’s ex says he’s going to sue Drake and Odell Beckham Jr. … because he believes they’re responsible for the attack. The victim — Bennett Sipes — has lawyered up and they don’t just have…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Drake, Odell Beckham Jr. Watch as Kourtney"s Ex Younes Bendjima Brutally Attacks Man

Drake and Odell Beckham, Jr. watched as Kourtney’s ex, Younes Bendjima, viciously beat a man outside a West Hollywood nightclub … and TMZ has the video. It went down March 24 at Delilah nightclub at 2:15 AM. Drake, Odell and at least a dozen…


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Suffering Breakdown After Dumping Younes Bendjima?!

As far as relationships go, Kourtney Kardashian has always been the boring one in her family.

A lot of people would call her the boring one in general, but that’s not exactly fair.

She may have only been with two guys the entire time she’s been famous — Scott Disick and Younes Bendjima, and remember, she was with Scott for over a decade.

(She also had that fling with Justin Bieber, so we guess she’s been with two and a half guys since her family began their reign of terror on the world.)

But with all the drama that came from her relationship with Scott alone, it just wouldn’t be appropriate to call her boring, you know?

There’s been all those terrifying benders during the Scott years, all the fights, and the pregnancy rumors … nobody has the time to get started on how many pregnancy rumors there were.

And believe it or not, now that she’s broken up with Younes Bendjima, it seems like that’s going to provide a solid amount of drama, too.

They really do spoil us, those Kardashians, don’t they?

We heard about their breakup just a couple of weeks ago, and while we haven’t heard a concrete reason for the split yet, there have been a few theories.

One is that Kourtney dumped Younes because she was suspicious that he was cheating on her — remember, we saw those photos of him looking pretty cozy with Jordan Ozuna, former love interest of Justin Bieber.

Gross, right?

Reports claimed that she never caught him in the act, but that she had sufficient evidence that he’d stepped out on her, so she cut him loose, even though he denied doing anything wrong.

Another theory is that he isn’t a fan of the kind of scandalous pictures she shares of herself on social media, and that he always wished she was more modest.

This makes sense, because last month, when she shared a bikini picture, he commented with “That’s what you need to show to get likes?

Again, gross, right?

Finally, other sources say that their age difference was just too much to overcome — Kourtney is 39, and Younes is 25.

Maybe it was all of those issues combined, or maybe it was something else altogether, we don’t know, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is that she’s the one who did the dumping.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, she’s having a very, very hard time with it all.

“She’s hurting and humiliated after her split from Younes,” a source tells the website.

“She always thought she knew what she was doing, even with the huge age difference between them.”

But now that she’s seen him getting all cuddly with Jordan, “She’s gone completely into her shell, won’t talk to any of her sisters, and refuses any kind of therapy.”

“Kourtney scoffs that she’s fine,” the insider continues, “but she’s never turned her back on her family like she is now.”

It seems that the only reason she spends time with them is “when they do have to hang out contractually to film their TV show.”

Poor Kourtney allegedly “feels like an idiot” for spending nearly two years with what everyone thought was a rebound, and how pitiful is that?

It’s also not so great for the people around her, as the source says that “She’s silent and snaps at everyone.”

“No one knows what she gets up to when she’s alone and Scott has the kids, but all signs are pointing to it not being good.”

What does that mean, what could Kourtney possibly be getting into in her alone time that is that bad?

Maybe she’s eating gluten? Processed foods, even? Could she be searching around for another young pop star to have hotel meet-ups with?

But even if she’s not doing horrible things now that she’s single, it does sound like she’s having a hard time dealing with everything.

And if she is, then here’s hoping she pulls through soon!


Friday, August 17, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Ex, Younes Bendjima, Hops in a Non-Luxury Ride

Younes Bendjima’s flying solo now, and because of that … it appears his mode of transportation’s a lot more basic than what it used to be. Kourtney Kardashian’s ex-bf was spotted out by himself in WeHo Thursday in very casual attire, before…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Jax Taylor Degrades Younes Bendjima with Gym Selfie, Mocks Him for Slumming It!

Barely over a week ago, Younes Bendjima and Kourtney Kardashian broke up — and it was ugly.

Now, Younes is no longer her boyfriend or boy toy. He’s just another young hottie trying to make it.

Vanderpump Rules star Jax Taylor spotted him “slumming it,” and couldn’t resist rubbing a little salt into the wound.

Jax Taylor bumped in to none other than Younes Bendjima at the gym. 

At least, he noticed that Kourt’s very recent ex was also there, keeping his body in model shape.

(A lot of celebrities end up using the same gyms — a lot of regular, run-of-the-mill L.A. residents use those gyms, too)

Jax, however, was not in the mood to follow any sort of bro code or minor celebrity solidarity.

In fact, he whipped out his phone and snapped a mirror selfie — one that included Younes in the mix.

Jax Taylor Shades Younes Bendjima

Jax added in a caption to needle Younes.

“When kourtney kardashain dumps you, ” Jax wrote. “And you have to slum it like the rest of us at a normal gym.”

It sounds like Jax does not think much of Younes’ recent lifestyle of being Kourtney’s kept man for two years.

“No more [Fiji] diamond water either,” Jax teased. “Got to drink that smart water now.”

That’s right — he even made fun of Younes’ water bottle.

Some might point out that Jax is being a little hypocritical.

First of all, though Younes swears he never cheated on Kourtney, it’s believed that cheating accusations are central to their split.

If Jax thinks that this makes Younes the bad guy … well, Jax has zero room to talk.

Second of all, Jax has an estimated net worth of $ 500,000 — and some believe him to be the wealthiest non-Lisa star of Vanderpump Rules.

A reality star worth a half-million doesn’t really qualify as “the rest of us.”

And we’re guessing that any gym that he might attend wouldn’t qualify as a slum.

“They really want me to be the bad guy,” Younes has commented on social media.

“F–k your Hollywood bullsh-t,” Younes wrote, lamenting that a person “cant have fun with your friends no more.”

Younes’ commentary even took an accusatory tone, asking: “dailymail Where are my 12 other friendssss? Nice catch tho.”

“Once again you guys failed,” Younes proclaimed. “I’m not attached to this ‘life’ so you can’t touch me.”

“I know who I am where I’m from and where I’m going and that bothers you,” Younes declared. “Only one opinion matter the one of my lord. Have a wonderful day.”

We’re not sure exactly why Jax decided to potentially start a beef with Younes.

But it’s clear that he wanted to roast the erstwhile boy toy and didn’t really care who knew.

Younes doesn’t really come across as a loser in this narrative. It looks like he’s still living a decent lifestyle.

And, unless Kourtney (or, more likely, Kris) decides to blackball him in the industry, Younes has plenty of exposure to boost his modeling career.

Plus, Younes might write a tell-all book. That would be one way to cash in — but it would also be the way to guarantee that Kourtney never takes him back.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Vanderpump Rules" Star Jax Taylor Shades Kourtney"s Ex Younes Bendjima

“Vanderpump Rules” star Jax Taylor took glee in watching Younes Bendjima slum it like all the normies after Kourtney Kardashian dumped his ass. Jax posted this photo Monday night at an L.A. gym, as…


Kourtney Kardashian: Partying With Scott Disick After Dumping Younes Bendjima!

About a week ago, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima broke up after two years together. Things between them are not amicable.

But things are looking surprisingly friendly between Kourtney and … Scott Disick.

In the video, take a look at how well these two are getting along. And see how not-subtle Kourt"s sisters are about wanting them to get back together.

Kourtney and scott disick throwback

Last week, Kylie Jenner"s birthday party was shut down by police. But before that, it was going strong.

You only turn 21 once!

For Kylie"s special milestone birthday, all feuds were set aside. That meant that Caitlyn was there. And so was Scott.

As you"ll see in the video that we included, both Kim and Khloe could not resist filming Scott and Kourtney as they sat side-by-side at a table.

To the sisters, it was just like old times — and a reminder of what they"d like to see again.

Scott disick and kourtney kardashian at kylies 21st birthday

In Kim"s video, she pans over boht Kourtney and Scott, who are on their phones.

Kim"s voice can be heard saying: "Oh, just like an old married couple on your phones!"

Khloe"s video is, like Khloe"s personality, even less subtle.

She went so far as to write the words "A girl can dream" on her video of Kourtney and Scott.

Clearly, both of Kourtney"s fellow Kardashian sisters want to see her reunite with Scott.

Kourtney kardashian stares hard

There are a lot of potentially very good reasons why that might be more possible than ever now that Kourtney has parted ways with her boy toy.

But … Scott is still dating his much younger model, Sofia Richie.

Of course, Scott and Sofia have gotten back together and broken up during their relationship, so it"s not like their romance is perfect or seamless.

Sofia herself was not at Kylie"s party.

That wasn"t necessarily a snub — the party took place at an L.A. hotspot, and though Sofia has a birthday later this month, she is only 19 years old.

Kind of hard to bring your girlfriend places when she"s not old enough to drink, isn"t it, Scott?

Sofia richie and scott disick look sad

Clearly, Khloe and Kim would be happy to see Kourt get right with The Lord. And her breakup with Younes seems to open the door for that.

But Scott and Sofia are still a thing.

That said … many feel that part of what motivated Scott"s absolutely ridiculous bender that lasted for, like, half of 2017 and ended with him dating Sofia after he"d banged every other 19-year-old model on the planet was that Kourtney and Younes were a real thing.

It might have bothered him less if Younes were just a hot piece of tail that Kourtney was enjoying. it seemed to really get under his skin that she was in a real relationship.

If he was just dating Sofia to get revenge on Kourtney or whatever, well … things might change.

Kendall kylie and kourtney

Whether you want to see Kourt and Scott reunite as much as her sisters clearly do, please remember that Sofia is a real person with real feelings.

In fact, she"s still a teenager, so she arguably has more feelings than a lot of us, even though she"s an adult.

If Scott does find some reason to dump her in the next few weeks or months, it could be devastating to her.

She deserves better than that.

Still, take a look at our compilation of Kim and Khloe"s videos and see if you agree with their hopes for reunification.

Kourtney kardashian partying with scott disick after dumping you

Friday, August 10, 2018

Younes Bendjima: I"m Writing a Tell-All Book About Kourtney Kardashian!!

Despite their super sexy vacation just weeks ago, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima have split. By all accounts, it is not an amicable breakup.

Younes is begging Kourt to take him back and saying that he never cheated, but it sounds like he’s also gotten confrontational about it.

In fact, he has reportedly threatened to write a tell-all book about Kourtney and her entire family. Yikes!

RadarOnline reports that Younes Bendjima’s tell-all book threat came to Kourtney through an intermediary.

“Younes had one of his friends reach out to Kourtney,” an insider close to Kourtney reveals.

This was not an olive branch.

The friend made contact, the source says, “to tell her that if her sisters don’t stop talking s–t about him that he would write a tell all book.”

Younes apparently knows enough about the family that he could embarrass them “and air all of their dirty laundry.”

“After two years together,” the insider says. “Kourtney knows that Younes knows” a great deal of insider information “about the family.”

He and Kourt have been together since 2016, and now we’re just a few months away from 2019.

Younes started off as a boy toy, but he’s no fool. He noticed things.

In fact, the source says that Younes knows more “than anyone else that has come in and out of their circle in quite some time.”

Kourtney, the insider says, is freaking out because “she does not want this to escalate anymore.”

In a war of words, it looks like both sides could lose — but Kourtney and her loved ones might have more to lose.

“So,” the source revealed of Kourtney. “She asked her family to refrain from saying anything about him.”

Nobody closes ranks like the Kardashians in a krisis, folks.

That means that Kourtney’s sisters — despite Kim and Kourtney’s vicious feud — are eager to lay into Younes.

But that also means that they’ll mince words and bite their tongues about Younes if that’s what needs to happen.

Just think of how careful they were with their words when Khloe’s baby daddy was outed as a no-good cheater. They can do that with Younes, too.

Kourtney is just tired of the whole Younes situation, even though she might miss having hot cougar sex with the 25-year-old model.

“At this point,” the insider explains. “She just wants him to go away.”

That is understandable. The breakup is fresh and likely full of a lot of very complicated feelings.

Kourtney wants Younes out of sight and out of mind, the source says, “so she can move on with her life.”

That is very understandable.

It is, of course, very important to note that Jordan Ozuna, the lovely socialite with whom Younes was spotted, has spoken out.

She wants to make it very clear that nothing romantic happened between her and Younes.

The thing is that some suspect that Kourtney was, perhaps subconsciously, in the market for an excuse to break things off with Younes.

The two of them have an age gap of almost 15 years and are at very different stages of their lives.

We’re glad that their relationship was fun while it lasted and we’re sorry to see it end.

We hope, of course, that everyone can come out of this sitation as a winner.


Younes Bendjima SWEARS He Didn"t Cheat, Begs Kourtney to Take Him Back!

After two years together, it’s over between Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima. And, with accusations of cheating, things are turning ugly.

Younes is adamantly denying that he ever cheated on his favorite MILF.

He still hopes that Kourtney will take him back. He sitll loves her.

HollywoodLife reports that a source close to Younes says that he hopes to reconcile ASAP and go back to having hot cougar sex with Kourt.

“Younes is denying he ever cheated on Kourtney,” the insider says.

Cheating rumors arose after he was spotted looking cozy — but, genuinely, just cozy — with Jordan Ozuma.

The source continues: “He swears he has only been loyal to her since the moment they first met.”

Younes is faithful to Kourtney, the insider says, “and has done nothing wrong.”

“He still loves her a lot,” the source continues. “And can’t believe it is over.”

The two of them just finished their sexy Italian vacation together and now they’re done. That totally sucks — for both of them.

“He has been apologizing,” the insider says. “Trying to explain any misunderstandings.”

That can be difficult to do. Especially if someone has already decided that you are not trustworthy.

“And,” the source reveals, Younes has been “begging Kourtney for a second chance.”

Kourtney admittedly did not “catch him cheating red-handed,” the source admits.

So, she merely suspects that he cheated on her.

But it sounds like she has more than a couple of partying pics, as the insider says that “she had enough evidence to believe that he was not being faithful.”


What’s more, the source says, is that Kourtney resented becoming “the worried girlfriend constantly checking up on her boyfriend and his friends on social media.”

When it comes to Jordan Ozuna, she has made it very clear that there was no funny business going on between them.

“Younes and I are not involved romantically at all,” Jordan said after photos of the two at a party surfaced.

“We were both invited to Mexico for a mutual friend’s birthday party with 13 other people,” Jordan explained.

“It was nothing more than friends having fun at the beach,” Jordan clarified. “No, we aren’t romantically involved in any way, shape or form.”

That’s probably true. But it might not make a difference with a split this ugly.

Ultimately, this may come down to Kourtney’s feelings.

Reports say that a major source of strain between the two was their age difference.

Sure, Younes is a mature guy, but he’s still well over a decade Kourt’s junior. They’re just at fundamentally different stages of their lives.

That might not always be the case for two people of their respective ages (Kourtney is 39 while Younes is 25), but Kourtney is a mother of three and Younes is an aspiring supermodel.

Their lives are on different tracks, and though they may both be hot and though they may have even hotter sex, that doesn’t mean that they are compatible in the long term. No matter how much they may wish otherwise.

It’s sad to see them break up. But they’ll always have their happy, sexy memories.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Dumped Younes Bendjima A Month Ago After Alleged Cheating

Kourtney Kardashian sent Younes Bendjima packing A MONTH AGO … after she said she had the goods he was cheating on her. Sources close to Kourtney tell TMZ … Kourtney and Younes broke up the second week of July, shortly after their…


Kourtney Kardashian-Younes Bendjima Split Gets Ugly as Side-Piece Speaks Out!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima have called it quits after dating for much, much longer than anyone expected them to.

Proving once again that the eldest Kardashian sister has the absolute worst taste in men, Younes allegedly cheated on Kourtney while she ignored some textbook warning signs.

You’d think that after ten years with Scott Disick, she’d be more savvy about this sort of thing, but maybe all that time with the Lord has caused Kourt to lower her standards.

Like, as long as a guy is in the same country as her, and he’s not currently hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, that’s good enough.

Anyway, Kourt and Younes have called it quits, and the spilt should be an amicable one, as Bendjima was clearly just a rebound dude who overstayed his welcome.

Then again, Kourtney has been in exactly one serious relationship in her adult life, and that ex fell madly in love with his very next love interest, so she may have gone into this thing with high hopes.

Whatever the case, the relationship is now over, and by all accounts, it ended in ugly fashion.

Sources concur that Younes was caught cheating on Kourtney, an allegation he strongly denies.

Instead, the male model says he was unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

“Kourtney was the one who initiated the split,” he recently claimed.

Younes has confirmed that “Kourtney was the one who initiated the split,” but he takes issue with media outlets who want to “wanna make me the bad guy.”

“Once again you guys failed,” Bendjima wrote on Instagram this week.

“I’m not attached to this ‘life’ so you can’t touch me. I know who I am and where I’m from and where I’m going and that bothers you.”

Shortly after the split, Younes was spotted partying with former Hooters waitress and Kardashian groupie Jordan Ozuna, who was previously linked to both Tyga and Justin Bieber.

Ozuna has now issued a statement claiming that she and Younes are just friends.

“Younes and I are not involved romantically at all,” she wrote.

“We were both invited to Mexico for a mutual friend’s birthday party with 13 other people.”

The abrupt end to the relationship, coupled with the fact that Younes reportedly awfully friendly with Younes seem to support the cheating rumors, but some insiders claim otherwise:

“Near the end of the relationship, the two weren’t getting along and the age difference ultimately played a part,” one source tells E! News.

“Younes is young, and although mature for his age, he and Kourtney are at different stages in their lives.”

Well, hopefully, these two can just go their separate ways, and maybe one day they’ll reflect fondly on their time together.

Whatever the case, at least they don’t have kids together.

Sadly, Kourt is shackled to Disick’s drunk ass for life.


Kim Kardashian Shades Younes Bendjima, Totally Has Sister"s Back

Family first.

This basically serves as the Kardashian motto, as evidenced at the moment by the responses of Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian to the break-up of Younes Bendjima and their older sister.

They are NOT about to take any crap from the well-sculpted model.

As reported on Tuesday afternoon, Kourtney Kardashian and Bendjima have broken up.

The news went viral just a few days after photos of Bendjima hanging out in Mexico with another woman (Jordan Ozuna, actually!)  also went viral.

Elsewhere, as previously reported, and depicted on Sunday night’s season premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim and Kourtney are engaged in a major argument.

The insults flew fast and furiously between the sisters on this episode, as you can see here:

Still, like we noted above, family comes first for these two.

Therefore, with Bendjima defending himself online and sort of throwing shade at Kourtney and her loved ones, Kim has come out swinging in relative’s defense.

“once again you guys failed. I’m not attached to this ‘life’ so you can’t touch me,” Bendjima wrote on his Instagram Story yesterday, mere hours after the model claimed he was simply having “fun with [his] friends” in Mexico.

He then added:

“I know who i am where i’m from and where i’m going and that bothers you. only one opinion matter The one of my Lord. Have a wonderful day.”

Cue Kim’s response to what she deemed a steaming pile of nonsense…

“Nice pics from your ‘boys trip,’” Kim wrote in the Comments section of Bendjima account (per The Shade Room), adding a Pinocchio-inspired emoji that features a long nose.

It’s rather clear that Kim thinks Younes cheated on Kourtney.

And Khloe feels the same way.

In responseto Bendjima’s claim that he was just chilling with “friends” down south over the weekend, Khloe wrote on Instagram:

“Alexa play ‘heard it all before’ by Sunshine Anderson.”

Sadly, as we all know by now, Khloe knows a thing or two dozen about dishonest men and their wandering penises.

Bendjima and Kardashian surprised nearly all celebrity gossip fans by remaining together for close to two years.

Most folks assumed this would be a fling back word spread that Kourtney and Younes had hooked up in Paris in late 2016.

But they managed to last for a long time, even taking vacations with Kardashian’s three kids (the latest taking place in July).

However, it became clear just a couple weeks ago that tension existed after Bendjima slammed Kourtney as being desperate for attention she shared a picture of herself in a thing.

As for what led to their split?

“They decided to take time apart, but ultimately it led to a split,” a source has told with E! News, adding:

“Kourtney is upset but she is trying to focus her energy on other things and stay busy.

“Kourtney doesn’t plan on calling attention to it publicly and wants everything to blow over.”

Fair enough. We respect her privacy and really just want her to be happy.

Unless this means a reconciliation with Scott Disick.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima: It"s Over! (And It Was Ugly!)

According to a recent report, Kourtney Kardashian and her sister Kim will never be friends again.

As evidenced by a huge fight the siblings got into during the Season 15 premiere of their family’s reality show this past Sunday night, there’s simply too much bad blood at this point between Kourtney and Kim.

Which is a shame.

Because Kourtney could really use as many shoulders to cry on as possible right about now.

For what unfortunate reason?

Multiple outlets have confirmed that Kourtney and her very attractive boyfriend, Younes Bendjima, have gone their separate ways.

This sad news comes on the heels of TMZ posting pictures of Bendjima gets very close and awfully cozy with Jordan Ozuna in Mexico this weekend.

Yes, the same Jordan Ozuna, who used to work at Hooters and who also used to date Tyga and Justin Bieber.

On his Instagram story, Bendjima denied the situation was romantic and denied claims that he cheated on Kardashian, writing to all who would listen/read:

“They really want me to be the bad guy. F-ck your Hollywood bullsh-t, can’t have fun with your friends no more.”

Insiders say that Kourtney pulled the plug on this relationship, perhaps several days ago, around the time that Younes actually called her out for sharing a picture of herself in a thong.

In the Comments section of his then-girlfriend’s Instagram page, Bendjima asked in response to this recent racy picture:

“Thats what you need to show to get likes?”

Harsh, right?

He was allegedly just joking and allegedly just wanted Kourtney’s butt all to himself, but still. Harsh.

As recently as last month, the couple jetted off to Europe for vacationwith the three kids Kourtney gave birth to as a result of sex with Scott Disick:

Mason, 8, Reign, 3, and Penelope, 5.

Things seemed to be going strong between the stars at the time.

So, what changed?

We can’t say for certain.

But a source tells People Magazine that Younes, who is a model remember, never loved how often Kourtney showed off her body on social media.

“He never liked that she posted sexy pictures of herself on social media,” says the source, adding:

“He doesn’t want his girlfriend to do that. He gets that it’s her job, but wants her to post more covered-up pictures. He has always had a problem with this.

“This is the stuff they argue about and what made them split in the past.”

Whatever words were exchanged about Kourtney’s photos, or whatever actions Bendkima took with another woman, People writes that this romance “didn’t end well.”

Kardashian and Bendjima met in Paris in October 2016, actually just one night before Kim Kardashian West was robbed at gunpoint.

Bendjima, who is Algerian and speaks fluent French, acted as a translator throughout the ordeal.

It was assumed back then that this would be a mere fling between two single and good-looking people, yet somehow Kourtney and her latest hunk defied the odds.

We never expected them to be together for over a year, certainly.

Now that it’s over, we wish both sides nothing but the best and we also offer up a plea to Kourtney:



Kourtney Kardashian Splits With Younes Bendjima And He"s All Over a Chick in Mexico

Younes Bendjima’s relationship with Kourtney Kardashian has gone south … and now, so has he — heading to Mexico to bang hot senoritas and we’ve got the pics. Check out Younes in Mexico … chasing around a smokin’ hot non-Kardashian normie…


Kourtney Kardashian Splits With Younes Bendjima And He"s All Over a Chick in Mexico

Younes Bendjima’s relationship with Kourtney Kardashian has gone south … and now, so has he — heading to Mexico to bang hot senoritas and we’ve got the pics. Check out Younes in Mexico … chasing around a smokin’ hot non-Kardashian normie…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Younes Bendjima Doesn"t Want Anyone Else to See Kourtney Kardashian"s Butt!

In a bizarre display of apparent jealousy, Younes Bendjima slammed Kourtney Kardashian over a simple thong photo that she shared to Instagram.

He quickly deleted the comment, but not in time to prevent the whole world from seeing him bite the hand that feeds him.

Now, we’re learning that he wasn’t joking — as well as the reason for which he lashed out.

Kourtney looks great in this pic, right?

Too great, if you ask Younes Bendjima.

In a now-deleted Instagram comment, Younes wrote: “That’s what you need to show to get likes?”

At first, most people — including us — assumed that he was probably joking. An insider even suggested as much.

It turns out that his comment was fueled by genuine feelings of jealousy. This sounds so unhealthy.

Sources tell E! that Kourtney is frustrated with Younes’ comment.

(Keep in mind that E! is the very same network that airs Keeping Up With The Kardashians, so we’re inclined to give these words their due weight)

“Kourtney doesn’t appreciate Younes posting his feelings in a public forum and being impulsive,” the insider shares.

We would imagine not. He may be her boy toy, but he should act like a grown-up.

“She’s frustrated,” the source continues. “That he continues to get upset about it.”

And by it, the source means Kourtney having a but and showing it off.

“She isn’t going to stop doing what she’s doing,” the insider reassures the world. “And feels like he needs to understand and deal with it.”

“Younes gets jealous and can be possessive of Kourtney,” the insider explains.

Apparently, that was his motivation for commenting. Ridiculous.

“When she posts half naked pictures,” the source continues. “He gets very upset.”

Not only is modeling a huge part of her brand, but Younes also has a modeling career. He should know better.

This is such an absurd reaction to a fairly tame pic.

The insider says: “He wants her for himself and doesn’t want to share her with the world.”

Good thing for him that Kourtney is just a rich model taking photos in her bikini, and not the sex worker equivalent of Santa Claus, visiting every home on the planet in a single night.

But the source does reveal what may have been really going on with Younes to make him lash out.

“It was sad when they had to say goodbye,” the source explains. “And she returned to the States.”

So he’s not with her at the moment.

“He’s been missing her like crazy,” the insider says. “And got emotional.”

That’s not an excuse, but it might explain it.

It sounds like Younes needs some emotional hand-holding.

“Kourtney has explained its part of her job and it’s not going to change,” the source says firmly.

Good. No woman, and especially no Kardashian, should give up her career in favor of her boyfriend’s ego.

The insider admits: “but it still makes him uncomfortable and upset.”

The source does acknowledge: “He overreacted and put up a comment without thinking it through.”

“Then,” the insider says. “He realized [that] what he did made it even worse.”

Feeling bad is one thing. Embarrassing your girlfriend in front of the whole dang planet is worse.

“He was just not thinking in the moment,” the source explains. “And got emotional.”

It’s unfortunately not uncommon for men to experience possessiveness or other irrational feelings towards their partners.

This is part of why some say that men are in general too emotional to be President, but that’s beside the point.

Though some Instagram commenters engaged in gleeful slut-shaming of Kourtney for daring to have a butt, others were firmly on her side.

“Aye tbh he sayin she thirsty and other people are too,” one commenter wrote. “But I promise she ain’t thirsty bc the girl can get any guy she wants.”

The wise commenter continues, saying: “So her bf need to chill out bc she ain’t thirsty bro she with u bc she wants you so calm down for you catch these hands.”

That was all good except for the part about catching hands. Please do not threaten violence, even in jest.

“It still isn’t appropriate to post,” another wrote of Younes’ comment. “He isn’t her boss. She is her own boss.”

She sure is.

We hope that Younes can put on his big-boy pants and accept his wildly successful girlfriend for who she is.
