Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Suffering Breakdown After Dumping Younes Bendjima?!

As far as relationships go, Kourtney Kardashian has always been the boring one in her family.

A lot of people would call her the boring one in general, but that’s not exactly fair.

She may have only been with two guys the entire time she’s been famous — Scott Disick and Younes Bendjima, and remember, she was with Scott for over a decade.

(She also had that fling with Justin Bieber, so we guess she’s been with two and a half guys since her family began their reign of terror on the world.)

But with all the drama that came from her relationship with Scott alone, it just wouldn’t be appropriate to call her boring, you know?

There’s been all those terrifying benders during the Scott years, all the fights, and the pregnancy rumors … nobody has the time to get started on how many pregnancy rumors there were.

And believe it or not, now that she’s broken up with Younes Bendjima, it seems like that’s going to provide a solid amount of drama, too.

They really do spoil us, those Kardashians, don’t they?

We heard about their breakup just a couple of weeks ago, and while we haven’t heard a concrete reason for the split yet, there have been a few theories.

One is that Kourtney dumped Younes because she was suspicious that he was cheating on her — remember, we saw those photos of him looking pretty cozy with Jordan Ozuna, former love interest of Justin Bieber.

Gross, right?

Reports claimed that she never caught him in the act, but that she had sufficient evidence that he’d stepped out on her, so she cut him loose, even though he denied doing anything wrong.

Another theory is that he isn’t a fan of the kind of scandalous pictures she shares of herself on social media, and that he always wished she was more modest.

This makes sense, because last month, when she shared a bikini picture, he commented with “That’s what you need to show to get likes?

Again, gross, right?

Finally, other sources say that their age difference was just too much to overcome — Kourtney is 39, and Younes is 25.

Maybe it was all of those issues combined, or maybe it was something else altogether, we don’t know, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is that she’s the one who did the dumping.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, she’s having a very, very hard time with it all.

“She’s hurting and humiliated after her split from Younes,” a source tells the website.

“She always thought she knew what she was doing, even with the huge age difference between them.”

But now that she’s seen him getting all cuddly with Jordan, “She’s gone completely into her shell, won’t talk to any of her sisters, and refuses any kind of therapy.”

“Kourtney scoffs that she’s fine,” the insider continues, “but she’s never turned her back on her family like she is now.”

It seems that the only reason she spends time with them is “when they do have to hang out contractually to film their TV show.”

Poor Kourtney allegedly “feels like an idiot” for spending nearly two years with what everyone thought was a rebound, and how pitiful is that?

It’s also not so great for the people around her, as the source says that “She’s silent and snaps at everyone.”

“No one knows what she gets up to when she’s alone and Scott has the kids, but all signs are pointing to it not being good.”

What does that mean, what could Kourtney possibly be getting into in her alone time that is that bad?

Maybe she’s eating gluten? Processed foods, even? Could she be searching around for another young pop star to have hotel meet-ups with?

But even if she’s not doing horrible things now that she’s single, it does sound like she’s having a hard time dealing with everything.

And if she is, then here’s hoping she pulls through soon!
