Showing posts with label Bullock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bullock. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Rutgers Linebacker Izaia Bullock Arrested for Alleged Murder Plot

A linebacker on the Rutgers football team was arrested Tuesday after cops say he conspired to murder some people.  Yeah.  The player at the center of the controversy is Izaia Bullock — a 22-year-old redshirt junior, from New Jersey. …


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sandra Bullock Stalker Found Dead Inside Home

A California man who was previously convicted of stalking Oscar winner Sandra Bullock was found dead inside his La Crescenta  home on Wednesday afternoon.

Scroll down for further details on this scary and unfortunate situation…

According to a local ABC affiliate, the Los Angeles Police Department served a warrant at the home of Joshua Corbett yesterday morning.

The 42-year old then reportedly barricaded himself in his residence, resulting in SWAT officers arriving at the scene in response to the incident.

Corbett said he had a weapon and threatened to kill the police officers.

At this point, crisis negotiators were brought in and spent five hours trying to convince Corbett to leave his house before they entered the house and found the suspect dead.

He was found lying on the floor from a self-inflicted gunshot.

(As a related point: the police did not confirm the nature of the warrant, but ABC reports that Corbett had failed to show up for a hearing related to his probation on April 23.)

Why are we writing about this sad, but seemingly random death on a celebrity gossip website?

This is why:

In 2014, Corbett was went on trial and was sentenced for stalking Bullock after he broke into her home.

Officials said at the time that he had two dozen illegal firearms and ammunition in his residence.

This wasn’t just an instance of a crazed fans harmlessly making his way on to a celebrity’s property, either. It was seriously frightening stuff.

In the 2014 hearing, Bullock could be heard in a terrifying 911 call telling the dispatcher the following:

“I’m in my closet. I have a safe door. I’m locked in the closet right now.”

Corbett was holding a black notebook with a two-page letter to Bullock and magazine photos of the actress when he was arrested.

He was later issued a 10-year protective order that required him to stay away at least 200 yards away from Bullock.

He was also sentenced to five years probation and treatment at a mental health facility.

In June of 2017, he was released from this mental health facility after receiving approval to do so from a doctor.

At that time, he was placed in an outpatient program and will continue to be monitored.

Here is a photo of Joshua Corbett in court:

So this marks the end of a tragic situation all around.

Bullock is yet to make any sort of public statement about what transpired yesterday.

We can’t really see why she would do so.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Sandra Bullock Stalker in Standoff with Cops at Home in L.A.

Looks like Sandra Bullock had good reason to fear her stalker being released from a mental health facility last year, because he’s now causing trouble once again … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … Joshua Corbett is currently in…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Sandra Bullock Alarmed After Stalker Released from Mental Health Facility

Sandra Bullock’s stalker got quietly released from a mental health facility and is now back on the streets … and it was news to one very shocked actress. Sandra’s lawyer, Ed McPherson, was in court Friday for a scheduled hearing to turn…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Sandra Bullock Gets New Restraining Order Against Stalker Who Planned to Sexually Assault Her

Sandra Bullock just got another restraining order against the man who broke into her home and made his way to her bedroom door with her inside … and now we know his intention was to sexually assault her. Sandra’s lawyer, Ed McPherson, beelined it…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sandra Bullock Stalker On Probation, Which is a Silver Lining for Her

Sandra Bullock’s worst nightmare — the guy she found standing in her hallway in the middle of the night — copped a plea in the felony stalking and burglary case … he won’t be going to jail, but the punishment is actually comforting to Sandra.…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Jesse James on Sandra Bullock: Hey, Cheating is a Part of Life!

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane, all the way back to 2010.

A happier time, a simpler time. Well, for everybody but Sandra Bullock, that is.

It was in 2010 when the world discovered that Jessa James, Sandra’s husband, had been cheating on her with a series of women.

In Touch broke the news, nearly seven years ago to the day, that he’d been sleeping with Michelle “Bombshell McGee, several other women came forward and revealed that he’d been having affairs with them, too.

Jesse went to rehab to “deal with personal issues,” we started hearing about some weird Nazi stuff he was into, then Sandra finally confirmed she was divorcing the creep.

Since then, Jesse hasn’t exactly redeemed himself — he was in a relationship with Kat Von D for a while, but he cheated on her, too.

He’s had a few more Nazi-related scandals, like one does, and coincidentally he’s also been a loud and proud Trump supporter for a while now.

And now, in this awful new interview he did with the Daily Mail, he’s making himself look even worse. As if that were even possible.

About Sandra, Jesse says “Yeah, I did cheat on my wife, yeah, I stood up and took accountability for it and apologized. And that’s the end of story. Everything else was just …”

At that point, the reporter describes that he just stopped and shook his head, because consequences suck, right?

He complains that “The easy [put down[ is like, oh well you cheated on Sandra Bullock. That’s the world’s easiest comeback.”

And it’s also a fact, so what’s your point, bud?

“In general,” he claims, “both women and men cheat. It’s part of life. It’s like people love to see you fall. And the farther you get, the higher you get, the more they love it.”

We’d argue that not everyone cheats, and certainly not everyone makes cheating into a career like Jesse does, but he seems intent on this narrative, so sure, we’ll go with it for now.

“I look at myself now and I look at how I was feeling then,” he says, “and I think I wasn’t completely overreacting as far as letting it really get to me.”

Because Jesse, as he says, is “a fighter, man, I come from the tradition of — if you do something I don’t like, I’m going to punch you. There’s no lawsuits, nothing — we’re just going to fight it out.”

Yeah, sounds like a great dude.

He says that since he’s so into communicating through violence, just being cool while the media was being honest about his terrible ways was hard.

But these days, he feels that “A lot of good happened out of [the end of his marriage] because it helped me focus on being a dad more, it helped me focus on doing the right thing and being myself, and getting out of LA and getting a better life for my kids.”

Jesse says that he has “no regrets” about what happened with Sandra, except he does feel kind of sad about not being able to help raise “my son” — Louis, the little boy Sandra was in the process of adopting before the divorce.

And we don’t suppose he would have any regrets. He’s been married to Alexis DeJoria for four years now, and we haven’t heard about any mistresses, but time will tell.

What a gross, gross man.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jesse James: Women"s March Protesters Are Selfish! Sandra Bullock Cheated on Me!

Millions of women marched around the world last weekend in support of civil rights and in opposition to U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

Millions more were impressed that their sisters, and brothers, of all ethnicities took to the streets to stand up for what they feel is right.

Jesse James was not one of those people, and here’s why.

While many were marching or celebrating women’s marches across the nation and planet, James shared an alternate take on the protests.

“Just Imagine if ALL these women cared as much about the homeless and Vets in this country as they do about Themselves,” he wrote.

So basically, marching for equality is purely self-aggrandizing?

That was his implication, at least in the eyes of many people online, who took issue with the idea that this is somehow a selfish action.

If James meant that marching in the name progress and helping real, suffering people in need are not the same thing, he is correct.

On the flip side, the protests are designed to raise awareness and enact change on behalf of such people, and hardly self-serving.

Either way, Twitter lit James up after the fact, and HARD.

The tweet gained more than 4,000 retweets and 8,000 likes in less than 24 hours, but Sandra Bullock’s ex also received a lot of backlash

Some of which involved Bullock herself, oddly enough, after more than a few angry commenters brought up up his past with the actress.

“@FreeJesseJames just imagine if people like you cared enough for your spouse not to cheat on her” one follower tweeted at him.

Surprisingly, James responded to that person as such:

“Ahhh cheating goes both ways sweetie. Just because you got all teary eyed at some actress. Doesn’t mean she won’t cheat on her husband.”

Whoa. Did he just accuse Bullock of infidelity too!?

Jesse James and Bullock divorced in 2010, after he was exposed – and eventually confessed to – cheating on her with a number of women.

Among the most notable was Michelle McGee.

“There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me,” he said at the time, seemingly owning all of those actions.

“It’s because of my poor judgment” alone, the former Monster Garage star said, “that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.”

“This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them.”

“I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them,” he concluded, adding, “I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.”

James’ implication this week tells another story.

Did Bullock really cheat on him as well? Or was this more of a general dig at his ex-wife, and fans who love her because of her career?

It’s unclear, but fans were taken aback by Sandra being invoked at all, considering the then-unrelated nature of the discussion at hand.

After another Twitter user responded by dredging up another part of James’ past that came to light around the same time as the scandal:

“Also aren’t you like a neo nazi lmao.”

James fired back at that commenter as well, saying, “Yea totally… Except that African American baby I adopted in 2009… but yea total Nazi.”

Jesse and Sandra had started the lengthy adoption process for Bullock’s son Louis Bardot together before their unexpected breakup.

Bullock ended up finalizing the adoption solo.

What do you think of James’ comments?

Totally out of line, or less outrageous than they seem at first glance if you consider his true intentions and thoughts about vets and the homeless?

As far as his dig at Sandra, do you think she is less than perfect as well? Or was he simply stating that people don’t know the full story?

Hit the comments below to discuss!


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Conor McGregor Goes "Stark Bullock Naked" ... On a Horse (Photos)

Conor McGregor is going balls out to promote the Pegasus World Cup horse race … well, ALMOST balls out.  The UFC superstar stripped down to his nude-colored skivvies for a new spot to promote the January 28th race for a comedic bit with Jon…


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sandra Bullock: Good Genes or Good Docs?!

Try not to be blindsided by Sandra Bullock’s beauty!  Here’s a 31-year-old version of the “While You Were Sleeping” star at an event in L.A. back in 1995 (left) and 21 years later … the Oscar-winning actress — who’s…


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sandra Bullock Welcomes Daughter Through Adoption!

Back in October, we reported that Sandra Bullock adopted a second child, but had chosen not to share the news publicly.

Now, Sandra has finally decided to share her joyous news with millions of adoring fans.

Sandy appears on the cover of the new issue of People with her son Louis, 5, and new daughter Laila, 3.

Inside the magazine, she gives a remarkably candid interview about her expanding family and her transformative love for her two children:

“When I look at Laila, there’s no doubt in my mind that she was supposed to be here,” Bullock says. “I can tell you absolutely, the exact right children came to me at the exact right time.”

Adorably, she says Louis guided her through the process of welcoming Laila into their family.

“Louis spearheaded this whole journey,” Sandra tells the magazine. “I knew she was scared, and all I wanted was for her to know Louis and I weren’t going anywhere.”

Sandy says that in her first months in their home, little Laila has brought “pink and glitter in the house mixed with Legos and Batmans.”

Bullock is fiercely protective of her privacy, but sources say Laila isn’t the only new addition to her household in recent months.

Sandra has been dating Bryan Randall (the photographer who snapped the fantastic cover image above) since August, and insiders claim he recently moved in with her and has been serving as a co-parent to Sandy’s kids.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Sandra Bullock Adopts Baby Girl, Moves in With Bryan Randall

Well, that was fast.

Just six weeks ago, the world learned that Sandra Bullock is dating Bryan Randall, and now insiders are claiming that the couple is living together  – and raising a daughter!

Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall

Radar Online is reporting that Bullock adopted a baby girl some time in the past month. The actress adopted son Louis five years ago, and has reportedly been promising him a sibling.

As for Randall, he was reportedly informed at the start of the relationship that Bullock was not just looking for a boyfriend, but a man to serve as a father figure in her children’s lives.

The couple is now reportedly living and co-parenting together.

“Sandra’s made it quite clear to Bryan from the start that she’s looking for a husband to raise kids with,” says one insider. 

“She had the paperwork ready to adopt another child but really wanted to do it with the right man, and Bryan’s been checking every box so far.”

“Everyone knows how terrified she is of giving her heart away again, but Bryan’s incredibly supportive, loving and a brilliant father figure. Sandra says he’s perfect.”

This is a far cry from earlier reports that focused on Randall’s history of arrests and disturbing pattern of violence.

Hopefully, Sandra has become a better judge of character since her divorce from Jesse James, and Randall really has cleaned up his act.

After all, if the rumors are true – he has a daughter to raise now. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sandra Bullock: Buying $10 MILLION Bar For Boyfriend Bryan Randall?!

Ever since the world first learned that Sandra Bullock is dating Bryan Randall, troubling stories about the 49-year-old photographer have seemed to emerge on a weekly basis.

First, it was reported that just last year, Randall vandalized his neighbor’s home in a fit of blind rage.

Shortly thereafter, we learned that Randall has a history arrests, including at least one DUI conviction.

Given Bullock’s tendency to exhibit truly horrendous taste in men (Remember Jesse James?) many fans are concerned that the beloved actress is once again falling victim for an opportunistic douche bag.

A new report from People magazine is unlikely to put those fears to rest…

Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall

It seems Bullock is in talks to purchase a bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for $ 10 million  – with the intention of having Randall serve as general manager.

Bullock already owns a house in Jackson Hole, which is home to her 91-year-old father, John. 

Insiders say Sandra is moving to Jackson Hole semi-permanently to be closer to her father, and she’s currently in the process of buying the bar – appropriately named The Million Dollar Cowboy – and having Randall run the day-to-day operations.

“Sandy’s really excited about sharing this dream of opening a business with Bryan,” says one source. “Now it’s becoming a reality, and the bonus of being able to take care of her dad is priceless to her.”

Yes, we hate to say it, Sandy fans, but it definitely sounds like there’s reason to be concerned.