Showing posts with label Bryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bryan. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

Luke Bryan & Jake Owen First, We Catch Some Waves ... THEN We Hit the Stage!!!

Jake Owen and Luke Bryan are a little bit country and little bit surfer dude — at least for this weekend — while they’re partying on la playa in Mexico.
The country superstars attempted to catch some waves — on paddleboards, not surfboards — in Tulum, where...
Luke Bryan & Jake Owen First, We Catch Some Waves ... THEN We Hit the Stage!!!

"Red Sonja" Star Brigitte Nielsen If Bryan Singer"s Guilty Remove Him Now, Or Big Mama Will


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"Red Sonja" Star Brigitte Nielsen If Bryan Singer"s Guilty Remove Him Now, Or Big Mama Will

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Bryan Singer Keeps "Red Sonja" Directing Gig ... Despite New Pedophilia Allegations

Breaking News
Bryan Singer will NOT be removed from his directing role on the remake of “Red Sonja” — despite a bombshell report that details pedophilia allegations against him.
Avi Lerner of Millennium Media — a producer for the upcoming film — released a...
Bryan Singer Keeps "Red Sonja" Directing Gig ... Despite New Pedophilia Allegations

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Monday, July 23, 2018

Color Me Badd"s Mark Calderon Wants Bryan Abrams to Get Help for Booze

Mark Calderon says his Color Me Badd bandmate, Bryan Abrams, was drunk as a skunk when he assaulted him, and adds … Bryan needs something more than prosecution. We spoke to the CMB singer Monday after Bryan shoved him to the ground Saturday…


Color Me Badd Singer Bryan Abrams Arrested After Assaulting Bandmate

A member of the band Color Me Badd was arrested Sunday after shoving a bandmate so hard he landed in the hospital. Bryan K. Abrams was clearly pissed off about something, because after performing a song at del Lago Casino in Tyre, New York, he…


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Bryan Cranston Jokes About, Then Decries Restaurant Booting Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Bryan Cranston’s got a theory on why members of President Trump’s administration keep getting driven out of restaurants … but he’s only kidding. We got the “Breaking Bad” legend at LAX Saturday and told him about Sarah Huckabee Sanders getting…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Joel Embiid Says Bryan Colangelo Did a Great Job, "I Wish Him Luck"

Joel Embiid refuses to trash ex-Sixers GM Bryan Colangelo … telling TMZ Sports the disgraced exec is a “great guy” … despite the burner account scandal.  “He was a great guy. He did a great job for us, so I wish him luck,” Embiid told…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

76ers Investigating Bryan Colangelo, Burner Account Allegations Are "Serious"

The Philadelphia 76ers have announced they’ve launched an investigation into team honcho Bryan Colangelo … to find out if he was REALLY leaking confidential team info through burner Twitter accounts.  Colangelo was allegedly using 5 secret…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Zachery Ty Bryan Donates $25k to "Apu" Contest, Shouts Out Trump and Kanye

The actor who played Tim Allen’s eldest on “Home Improvement” wants to end the stereotype associated with “The Simpsons” character Apu, and he’s donating a lot of money to make it happen. Zachery Ty Bryan gave $ 25k to the Apu Screenwriting Contest,…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

NFL Draft"s Taven Bryan Lectured By Dad: You"re Not Paying My Bills!

This video is pretty great!!!! Meet Taven Bryan — a 6′ 5″, 290-pound defensive tackle from Florida, who’s predicted to be a 1st round draft pick! He’s also super nice.  He’s out in Dallas with his family and we asked how he plans to spend…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

John Cena Says Daniel Bryan Is Born To Wrestle, Did Everything To Come Back

John Cena, Daniel Bryan’s soon-to-be real-life brother-in-law and fellow WWE superstar, says Daniel’s done “everything possible” to get back in the squared circle … and John couldn’t be happier for him.  “He’s gone through every single…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Daniel Bryan Medically Cleared To Wrestle In WWE After 2 Years Out

YES! YES!! YES!!! Four-time world champ Daniel Bryan is BACK — medically cleared to return to the ring after over 2 years away from pro wrestling … the WWE just announced. The 36-year-old announced his early retirement in Feb. 2016 after…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bryan Box, 13 Reasons Why Actor, Arrested for Burglary & Theft

Well, this is yet another blow to to already controversial series, 13 Reasons Why.

One of the show’s actors has been arrested for, of all things, stealing from the elderly. And the way that he went about it is upsetting, to say the least.

You know what else is screwed up? The show hasn’t even been around for a year, and he’s not even the first actor to get into trouble with the law.

Bryan Box isn’t one of the biggest names in 13 Reasons Why.

He plays a high school student named Jamie Garrison. 

In an interview, Bryan revealed that he got the role on the hit series by discovering that it was filming nearby — via Facebook — and then looking into being cast as a background character.

He’s not quite an extra — his character has a name and performs actual actions — but it’s a minor role. Even so, that’s a huge break for a 23-year-old, right?

Which is what makes this so sad, disappointing, and difficult to understand.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Bryan Box was arrested on suspicion of stealing from and burglarizing elderly people in San Francisco.

Per the report, he was arrested just before New Year’s and was charged with nine felony counts of burglary, possession of stolen property, and theft by a caretaker of an elder.

See, he apparently worked as a caretaker in multiple Marin County residencies before he got cast on 13 Reasons Why.

Are you ready for this to get sadder? The Marin Independent Journal reports that his alleged crimes took place between September 22nd and November 7th.

According to their write-up, Box visited the elderly people for whom he’d acted as caretaker in the past and offered them kind words or even small gifts, spoke of his new career, and … then allegedly stole from them.

He’s linked to six burglaries and accused of trying to sell some of the ill-gotten gains, which include but are not limited to:

Jewelry, medication, a laptop, checks, and a social security card.

Just one of his alleged burglaries reportedly involved losses of about $ 50,000.

That is … heartbreaking.

Sad that he would (allegedly) do such a thing. And sad that the elderly people who must have been glad to see him must have felt so betrayed.

It’s unclear if Bryan Box will be in the second season of 13 Reasons Why, but we’d point out that Season 2 began filming back in June, though they took a break from filming in October because, you know, California was on fire a whole lot.

Making things more awkward, Box isn’t even the first member of the cast of this nascent series to be accused of serious wrongdoing.

Uriah Shelton is accused of physical assault against a former friend-with-benefits, of having kicked her so hard in the midsection that she had bruising on her internal organs.

All of that is almost a footnote beside the largest controversy: the show itself.

Many ask if 13 Reasons Why glorifies suicide or at least tells a story of suicide in such a way that at-risk viewers, particularly those with suicidal depression, find it harder to resist their own self-destructive urges.

The father of a suicide victim has slammed 13 Reasons Why and singled out executive producer Selena Gomez, accusing them of being reckless and “sick” by creating their show.

Even if 13 Reasons Why didn’t follow sensible guidelines that would make it safe for those who are plagued by suicidal urges, we don’t think that there was anything malicious or “sick” about creating the series.

Just like how someone who uses peanuts in their recipe just wants to create the right taste for their dish. It’s just that, you know, sometimes people are deathly allergic to peanuts. And they die.

But we can absolutely understand how a grief-stricken father who found his teenage daughter hanging in her bedroom and ultimately lost her at the hospital could miss that nuance.

At this point, though, we have to ask — with two cast members accused of serious misdeeds in a year’s time, how may more of these young actors are going to turn out to be so much worse than we’d imagined?


Friday, December 8, 2017

Bryan Singer Talks Firing from "Bohemian Rhapsody" and Fate of Kevin Spacey

Bryan Singer was shockingly candid and patient with our photog, who asked him a wide range of questions, from sexual assault allegations, to getting fired from “Bohemian Rhapsody” to allegations involving an actor he made famous — Kevin Spacey. We…


Bryan Singer Sued for Alleged Rape of 17-Year Old

Bryan Singer is once again under investigation for sexual assault.

In troubling news broken by TMZ, the director (The Usual Suspects, many X-Men movies) is accused of forcing a 17-year old boy to perform oral sex…

… prior to raping this same teenager.

The plaintiff is named Cesar Sanchez-Guzman.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by the aforementioned website, Singer was a guest at a party on a yacht owned by tech investor Lester Waters back in 2003.

The party was largely populated by young gay males.

The legal documents allege that Singer offered to take Guzman on a tour of the gigantic boat.

When the two arrived at one of the rooms, Singer is accused of throwing his body on top of Guzman… forced him to the floor… and shoving Guzman’s face against his crotch.

The director then, allegedly, demanded Guzman give him a blow job.

It gets worse, per the lawsuit:

Singer reportedly pulled his penis out of Guzman’s mouth, smacked him in the face with it, ignored pleas to stop and made Guzman choke when he reinserted his penis into the young man’s mouth.

Singer is then accused of forcing oral sex on Guzman before anally penetrating his victim, despite constant protestations for Singer to stop.

The lawsuit was filed by Jeff Herman.

He claims Singer later approached Guzman and used his status in Hollywood to tell Guzman he could get him a job in exchange for his silence.

Guzman also says Singer warned him no one would believe him; and that Singer could hire people to ruin his reputation if he told anyone about what transpired.

Guzman says he suffered emotional distress, mental anguish, and physical and mental pain.

This isn’t the first time Singer has been accused of acting horribly inappropriately around young men.

In May of 2014, he was accused of assaulting a British teenager named Michael Egan.

In August of that same year, a similar allegation was leveled against the director and producer.

A rep for Singer tells TMZ the following in defense of his client:

“The lawsuit was filed by the same lawyer who represented Michael Egan. Those claims were dismissed by Egan himself, and he later went to Federal prison for lying in a fraud case.”

The rep adds that Herman was sued by other defendants related to the Egan case for malicious prosecution and that he settled those suits, acknowledging in the process that Egan’s claims were false.


Bryan Singer Sued for Allegedly Sexual Assaulting 17-Year-Old Boy, Singer Denies Allegations

Famed director Bryan Singer is being sued for allegedly forcing a 17-year-old boy to perform oral sex on him and then raping him, but Singer categorically denies the allegations. According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Singer was on a yacht in…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo: Preparing to Elope?!

We all make mistakes. Most of us don’t have our mistakes broadcast on international television. But the whole world saw Rachel Lindsay choose Bryan Abasolo.

They’re still together though, and Rachel’s talking about wedding plans.

But … it sounds like she might just elope.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Rachel Lindsay gushed about her engagement to Bryan Abasolo and how eager she is to tie the knot.

“I’m ready to be married.”

Well, it would have been weird for her to go on The Bachelor and then star on The Bachelorette otherwise.

“I keep saying winter wedding, which more so with the process of everything is what it’s looking like, but honestly I could elope with Bryan tomorrow.”

A winter wedding sounds lovely, right?

Elopement sounds … well, it probably sounds a lot easier. And apparently Rachel’s mother agrees.

“And it’s so funny because my mom texted me the other day and she goes, ‘Secretly I would love for you to just elope.’”

It’s hard to tell if her mother really wants that or if she’s just fatigued at the idea of this huge, expensive wedding.

“The family loves him,” Rachel claims.

That sounds a little different from what we saw on Hometown Dates, but … okay.

“I want good music, good vibes, a lot of family and friends around, and I just want it to be a big reunion, that I know.”

That sounds like what most people want for their weddings.

“Someone said the other day, ‘What about having the wedding in Colombia?’ and actually that’s a thought that we’re thinking about right now.”

What would be the point of a winter wedding if it’s in Columbia? But she’s a Texas girl, and perhaps doesn’t enjoy the cold.

“That’s the first time I’ve said that out loud!”

Usually, you want your fiance or at least your wedding planner to be the person you tell, not Carly from Us Weekly. No offense to Carly.

Rachel Lindsay talks about her friends that she made within the Bachelor Nation.

“They’re with me everywhere.”

Awww, that’s sweet to imagine.

“I’m stuck with them for life.”

That … well, we’re sure that she’s joking.

She goes on to gush about what it’s like to be engaged to Bryan Abasolo.

“Bryan’s romantic every day.”

He promised her a fairytale romance, and it sounds like he’s delivering.

“He’s always giving me massages, he’s always catering to my needs to the point where I’m like, ‘Hold on. Let me do something for you.’”

That sounds like it might be bordering on TMI, but it also sounds very pleasant.

“Bryan’s just very sweet. Whenever I need something he’s very attentive to it, so I would say he’s romantic every single day.”

She also talks about their disagreements when it comes to children:

“I want four kids. Bryan wants three, but he also says it depends on how many we can afford.”

We never imagined that we’d say this, but … we’re team Bryan Abasolo.

“See, this is what I mean about Bryan, he’s so practical. I’m just like, ‘Give me all the babies. If we can’t have them, we’re adopting.’ So we’ll see.”

Let’s see if she still wants four after a few months of infant-induced sleep deprivation.

Rachel talks about some more immediate plans that she and Bryan have.

“We’re spending Christmas with his family.”

Bryan Abasolo has gushed in the past about how much his grandma loves Rachel Lindsay.

“We’re gonna be two weeks in Miami. He spent Thanksgiving with my family, so it’s all been so seamless in how it’s all come together.”

Well, if you like wasting part of winter in warm climates where the weather takes “winter” as a mere suggestion, Miami sounds lovely.

Just not as lovely as Peter Kraus.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Bryan Singer: Accused AGAIN of Molestation!

From the moment that Kevin Spacey’s most recent accuser went public, people familiar with Hollywood’s open secrets have been eagerly waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The other shoe, in this case, is Bryan Singer.

The same stories of sexual predation have followed these two around for the longest time. And now a new voice has come forward to accuse Bryan Singer.

In the late ’90s, three extras who were minors — at least one of them was only 14 — sued Bryan Singer.

They alleged that, in their role as extras on Apt Pupil, they were instructed to get fully naked for a shower scene.

Even though exactly no one should be telling minors to get naked so that they can be recorded in the shower, the suits were dismissed.

Fast-forward to 2014, and Bryan Singer was sued for allegedly molesting a teenager.

That teen, Michael Egan, later withdrew the suit.

Which didn’t stop another, anonymous minor from suing Bryan Singer during the same period.

Beyond that, rumors have long associated Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey and their alleged taste in the same sorts of underage teens.

The two are known to be friends, having collaborated on many projects together — from successes like The Usual Suspects to infuriating disasters like Superman Returns.

Bryan Singer is perhaps best known for his films in the X-Men franchise, which has been a sore point for many people who love X-Men stories but don’t want to in any way support a known sexual predator.

All week, following Kevin Spacey’s new infamy, people have been vocally hoping that someone with firsthand knowledge will come forward and, despite all of the fear and obstacles, speak out about their experiences with Bryan Singer.

Hoping that maybe, among the chorus of #MeToo stories, people might actually listen this time.

A Twitter user using the handle @Justin_C_Smith tweeted on Wednesday, in a string of 14 tweets, accusing Bryan Singer.

“That same night, in response to all my questions, Bryan again asked to see my dick. I said no. He then asked to feel my ass. After hesitating, I relented, thinking he’d give it a quick squeeze. Nope. (8/14)”

Please don’t judge what a person agrees to in order to feel safe. And remember that an agreement to one thing is not the same as consenting to anything more.

“He quickly & very aggressively shoved his hand down my jeans & underwear and tried to shove his finger inside me. He had his other hand clamped on my shoulder so I couldn’t immediately move away. He penetrated me for a split second before I shoved him away (9/14)”

That is a description of some massively predatory behavior.

“I said no, that I just wanted to go home. He said fine, but I’d better not tell anyone because no one would believe me anyway. I absolutely believed this, so I never said anything until now. (11/14)”

We’re glad that Kevin got away, but it is tragic that this alleged event happened in the first place.

And, similarly, it’s horrible that threats that everyone will doubt the person are so rooted in reality. There are people who would rather believe anyone but the victims.

“I never went to any of Bryan Singers ‘private parties’, but I guarantee the stories of the young men who say they were raped are true. I witnessed the beginning of many of these nights. I wish I would’ve loudly objected to what I saw happening. (12/14)”

Though countless replies to his original threat of tweets are still visible on Twitter, Justin Smith’s actual Twitter account is now gone.

It is unclear whether Justin deleted his tweets himself — though, considering the vile trolls who have been harassing him with the usual evil things that people say to victims of sex abuse who come forward, that would be understandable.

It is also more than possible that Justin’s account was suspended by Twitter itself.

First of all, they may have considered Justin’s accusations a breach of their user agreement.

In light of the apparent attempt to silence Rose McGowan, we can understand that people would assume the worst.

But it may be that Justin Smith simply didn’t want to put up with the harassing tweets after having clearly endured so much.

If more people come forward with similar stories about Bryan Singer, something may happen. If not … he’ll probably get to keep making movies as if nothing had happened.

All sexual assaults are awful, particularly those against minors.

What adds to the horror of what Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer are accused of having done is that targeting gay teens, especially those who are closeted, adds an additional layer of secrecy and shame.

Because of society’s negative stigma towards the gay community, gay victims of sexual violence are perhaps the least likely to come forward.

Anthony Rapp speaking out was a brave act, and even that took decades. And he has a career and isn’t in the closet.

Not every alleged victim can say the same, we’d wager.

Of course, even if another dozen people come forward to accuse Bryan Singer, he’ll probably just “go for treatment” like his good buddy Kevin Spacey.

If you’re rich enough, spending a week talking about your feelings is supposed to be the same thing as actual consequences.

Maybe the investigation into Harvey Weinstein will change that. We’ll see.

For now, all that people can do is come forward and speak the truth.


Friday, September 29, 2017

Luke Bryan Announces He and Lionel Richie Are Joining "American Idol"

Luke Bryan just made official what we told you about early Friday morning — he and Lionel Richie are joining Katy Perry as judges #2 and 3 on “American Idol.” The country star made the announcement in a video he posted on Twitter just moments…
