Showing posts with label Pedophilia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pedophilia. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Bryan Singer Keeps "Red Sonja" Directing Gig ... Despite New Pedophilia Allegations

Breaking News
Bryan Singer will NOT be removed from his directing role on the remake of “Red Sonja” — despite a bombshell report that details pedophilia allegations against him.
Avi Lerner of Millennium Media — a producer for the upcoming film — released a...
Bryan Singer Keeps "Red Sonja" Directing Gig ... Despite New Pedophilia Allegations

Friday, April 20, 2018

Dad Jokes with Daughter, Gets Accused of Pedophilia

Oh, Internet. You never fail to disappoint us.

No, that is not meant as a compliment.

In the following slideshow, you"ll meet a baby, her mother and her father.

And you"ll get to see what happened after the father made what he believed to be an innocent, harmless jokes…

… only for social media users to attack him for being sick, perverted and disgusted.

It all started with one very simply photo — and then it snowballed from there. Scroll down to see what we mean:

1. Look at Me!

Cute kid pic

It all started with this photo. Yes, this simple and adorable photo that a mother snapped of her baby girl. AWWWW, right?

2. Then, Dad Intervened

Cute kid pic2

The little girl’s father jokingly pulled his child’s legs together in response to the first photo, wanting to keep her chaste for as long as possible.

3. Daddy Was Not Having It!

No kid

So joked Mom as a caption on Twitter to these pictures side by side. Pretty funny, right? Wrong, according to many people on the Internet.

4. What a Sicko!


As you can tell by this response, critics are NOT holding back with their opinions. They think this man’s joke was symbolic of a much larger issue.

5. Monitor That Man!

Closely monitored

To be clear, we do actually see where these critiques are coming from. Babies spread their legs all the time. It is sort of weird for one’s mind to even see this pose as anything but innocent — but that doesn’t mean we think the father needs to be “monitored.” Come on, people. Relax.

6. This is a Much Better Point


This man’s reaction may say more about the way society views women than anything else. Yes, his mind went to a certain place… but perhaps because it has been conditioned to do so.

View Slideshow

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Shane Dawson, Wildly Popular YouTube Star, Apologizes for Pedophilia Joke

You know what?

We’re starting to think these YouTube personalities only care about making money…

In the wake of Logan Paul being whacked in the wallet by this platform after he shared a video of a dead body on his account, Shane Dawson has now come out and issued an apology of his own.

Like Paul, Dawson is well known for having a popular YouTube account and for posting basically anything and everything on there.

He has over 11 million subscribers.

On Wednesday evening, however, a YouTube channel named “Pop Blast” posted footage to its 677,000 fans titled “I think Shane Dawson is a pedophile. Here’s my proof.”

Cue a troubling clip in which Dawson is heard making quips about a “sexy” child.

When followers started to voice their outrage at the star’s words, the YouTuber chose to respond with his own video, opening the 14-minute reply by sharing the controversial quotes in question.

“I went to Google and I didn’t want to see child porn,” says Dawson in the scandalous footage.

He continues:

“I just wanted to see, let me pretend I’m a pedophile for a second. So I typed in naked baby. First of all, I don’t understand why anybody would be turned on by that.

“But, they were sexy. I’m kidding.”

Few, though, found this attempt at a joke to be funny.

In his response, Dawson explained why he played it again for everyone.

“I wanted to play that clip in full – that moment especially in full – just for context because that seems to be missing nowadays,” he says in the video below, adding:

“I can’t believe I’m having this make this video. I’m going to start by saying I’m not a f-cking pedophile. I go on record saying I am not a f-cking pedophile. Got it? Great. There’s my statement.

“It’s disgusting that people are saying I’m a f-cking pedophile because of some s—ty ass f-cking jokes from six years ago on a podcast.”

Despite clearly being pissed that he’s in this situation, Dawson did acknowledge the misguided language he chose to use in the original clip.

“I’m going to apologize first. I’m sorry that I used to make really s—ty f–king jokes,” he said on Wednesday, going on as follows:

“I’m sorry that I was so f-cking insecure and playing this character of this guy who’s crazy and will say anything and tries to make people laugh by shocking them. That was my thing. That is what I did on YouTube.

“Back in the day, 2008-2012ish, that was my thing. I loved the feeling of making somebody shocked and laugh because they couldn’t believe what was coming out of my mouth.

“I wasn’t confident enough to make smarter jokes. I was making the easy jokes…I was doing some f-cked up comedy stuff that I’m not proud of.”

Dawson proceeded to remind fans that he, himself, has been molested and has evolved significantly over the years as a content creator.

He concluded:

“I think that’s why it hurts the most is having my name put next to the word pedophile is actually the most triggering and the most heartbreaking thing I’ve literally ever seen.

“I’ve been called everything. I’ve been on YouTube for a long time.

“I’m so sorry if that triggered you or offended you or hurt your feelings. It triggers me listening to that.”

In the end?

“I’m sorry for making offensive jokes. I’m sorry that these are making people uncomfortable but it’s also very out of context. When you listen to the full thing, it’s still s—ty and creepy and bad jokes but it’s not me being a pedophile.

“This is not proof of me being a pedophile.”

He probably has a point.

But still: perhaps fewer people ought to admire and support these random people who have nothing to offer the world except lots of attention-seeking videos.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos Resigns from Breitbart News Over Pedophilia Comments (VIDEOS)

Milo Yiannopoulos — controversial Senior Editor at Breitbart News — is leaving the company over recently unearthed comments he made about pedophilia. Milo announced his resignation Tuesday, saying … “I would be wrong to allow my poor choice of…


Monday, February 20, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos Uninvited to CPAC Amidst Pedophilia Scandal

Milo Yiannopoulos has made a career out of courting controversy, but today, the alt-right provocateur finds himself on wrong side of a raging scandal that he likely never saw coming. 

In recent months, Yiannopoulos – an editor at Breitbart News – has become a household name due in large part to his incessant trolling of politicians and celebrities with whom he disagrees.

The most baffling example of this tired routine was Yiannopolulos’ spat with Leslie Jones of Saturday Night Live, whom he publicly denigrated for having the audacity to star in a movie.

That particular bullying campaign led to Yiannopoulos getting banned from Twitter, and many hoped that would be the last they’d hear from the alt-right’s most articulate mouthpiece.

Unfortunately, in the months that followed, Yiannopoulos’ far-right beliefs entered the political mainstream, and the 32-year-old became an inescapable media presence.

This past week may have been the biggest of Yiannopoulous’ career, as his interview with Bill Maher went viral, and he landed a keynote speaking slot at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

However, it now looks as though Milo’s meteoric rise may have come to an abrupt halt thanks to some astonishing comments regarding sex with minors.

In a podcast interview that resurfaced last night, Yiannopoulos seemed to advocate sexual relationships between “younger boys and older men.”

Not surprisingly, CPAC organizers withdrew their speaking invitation shortly thereafter:

“Due to the revelation of an offensive video in the past 24 hours condoning pedophilia, the American Conservative Union has decided to rescind the invitation,” reads a statement issued by the organization.

Yiannopoulos took to Facebook to apologize for – but also to defend – his statement:

“I am a gay man, and a child abuse victim,” he wrote.

“My own experiences as a victim led me to believe I could say anything I wanted to on this subject, no matter how outrageous.”


He added:

“But I understand that my usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation and gallows humor might have come across as flippancy, a lack of care for other victims or, worse, ‘advocacy.’”

Yiannopoulos has described being molested by a priest as a young student at a Catholic school, but he has repeatedly denied being a victim, and speaks of the experience in positive terms.

Many other prominent conservatives, including President Trump, are still scheduled to appear at CPAC.
