Friday, April 20, 2018

Dad Jokes with Daughter, Gets Accused of Pedophilia

Oh, Internet. You never fail to disappoint us.

No, that is not meant as a compliment.

In the following slideshow, you"ll meet a baby, her mother and her father.

And you"ll get to see what happened after the father made what he believed to be an innocent, harmless jokes…

… only for social media users to attack him for being sick, perverted and disgusted.

It all started with one very simply photo — and then it snowballed from there. Scroll down to see what we mean:

1. Look at Me!

Cute kid pic

It all started with this photo. Yes, this simple and adorable photo that a mother snapped of her baby girl. AWWWW, right?

2. Then, Dad Intervened

Cute kid pic2

The little girl’s father jokingly pulled his child’s legs together in response to the first photo, wanting to keep her chaste for as long as possible.

3. Daddy Was Not Having It!

No kid

So joked Mom as a caption on Twitter to these pictures side by side. Pretty funny, right? Wrong, according to many people on the Internet.

4. What a Sicko!


As you can tell by this response, critics are NOT holding back with their opinions. They think this man’s joke was symbolic of a much larger issue.

5. Monitor That Man!

Closely monitored

To be clear, we do actually see where these critiques are coming from. Babies spread their legs all the time. It is sort of weird for one’s mind to even see this pose as anything but innocent — but that doesn’t mean we think the father needs to be “monitored.” Come on, people. Relax.

6. This is a Much Better Point


This man’s reaction may say more about the way society views women than anything else. Yes, his mind went to a certain place… but perhaps because it has been conditioned to do so.

View Slideshow