Showing posts with label Amidst. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amidst. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2018

Jenelle Evans Attempts to Get David Eason Re-Hired Amidst Abuse Allegations

It"s been almost a year since David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2, and saying he hasn"t been missed by viewers would be a massive understatement.

Judging from reactions on social media, most TM2 fans are glad to be rid of David, and they wish Jenelle would follow him out the door.

Evans, however, remains committed to her goal of forcing MTV to rehire her husband.

Needless to say, that campaign is going very poorly so far — especially since Jenelle couldn"t have picked a worse time to try and rebuild David"s public image.

1. A One-Income Household

David eason picture

Jenelle’s motives for trying to strongarm her MTV bosses into rehiring David are quite simple. After all, it’s not like she’s the type to selflessly accept the role of sole breadwinner.

2. Doubling Down

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

Jenelle earns upwards of $ 300,000 for each season of Teen Mom 2. David was never paid nearly that much, but no doubt his income served as a nice supplement to Jenelle’s.

3. Even Angrier Than Usual

Jenelle evans in commercial

Jenelle is currently filming the upcoming season of TM2, and she’s made no secret of the fact that she’s very pissed off by her husband’s continued unemployment.

4. One of Her Famous Rants

Jenelle evans dude shirt

Jenelle recently bit the hand that feeds her in a major way, unleashing a full-blown social media rant against Teen Mom 2 producers.

5. Boring, Boring, Boring

Jenelle rant 1

Jenelle informed fans that the show’s new season will be painfully boring, largely due to the absence of Eason.

6. Really Going In

Jenelle e photo

It seems Jenelle’s bosses aren’t crazy about her attempts to torpedo ratings, but she’s showing no signs of holding back …

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Thomas Ravenel Quits Southern Charm, Plays the Victim Amidst Rape Allegations

Thomas Ravenel is leaving Southern Charm.

But he isn’t going away quietly.

The lead cast member on this Bravo reality series has been under fire for weeks after TWO women accused Ravenel of sexual assault.

First, there was a nanny, who was hired to care for Ravenel’s two kids.

She alleges that the wealthy Charleston resident came home after a night out in 2015 and tried to kiss her.

After she left one room of his house and went into another, in an attempt to extricate herself from the awkward situation, Ravenel allegedly followed her, closed a door behind her and dropped his pants.

“He proceeded to rip my clothes off,” the nanny told People Magazine, with insiders confirming Ravenel has been under investigation for “first-degree forcible rape.”

Ravenel, meanwhile, is also accused of raping a woman with whom he went on a date three years ago.

In this instance, the alleged victim’s daughter went on record with how Ravenel reportedly pushed his date onto a bed, grabbed her wrists and “stuck his fingers inside of her vagina as well as her anus.”

Ugly, heinous stuff all around if these accusations are true.

With Southern Charm cast members hesitant to film with Ravenel again and pressure mounting from viewers, the former United States Senate candidate Tweeted the following on Tuesday evening:

I’m not doing the show anymore.

In the contract they have the right to fictionalize your story. They took advantage of me.

I decided I’ve got too much to lose and informed them I’m not coming back.

First: What a pompous statement.

Second: Did Ravenel really quit or was he fired and is now just trying to save his reputation?

Ravenel is owning up to nothing here, instead trying to somehow claim that he’s been portrayed in an unfair manner on the series itself…

… despite these rape allegations having nothing to do with anything we’ve seen on Southern Charm air.

Shortly after the two assault stories came to light, a lawyer for Ravenel said the following:

“My client enjoys a certain degree of fame, which has unfortunately made him a vulnerable target for such claims.

“The person this woman describes is simply not the man that I know. My client is a loving father, successful businessman, and upright member of the community.

“He is appalled and hurt by these allegations – and is committed to defending his reputation in the appropriate legal forum.”

Ravenel did not film the season 5 reunion special, although girlfriend Ashley Jacobs did attend the taping to defend the father of two.

“I have seen a new Thomas,” she said there, explaining in further detail as follows:

“I mean, it’s humbling, of course, and now he’s [like] let’s stay in, let’s watch movies, let’s cook dinner, let’s just stay under the radar right now.

“And I’ve just seen a much softer, more sensitive, kinder, more supportive boyfriend. You know, everyone wants to be with you when you’re on top.

“Who’s with you when you’re down there? And I’ve told him, I’ve just said, I’m not leaving.”

Except that she reportedly did leave… only to come back a very short while later.

Does Jacobs think Ravenel assaulted these women?


Does she think he’ll be cleared of the charges?

“Of course, yes,” she said at the reunion.

“And it’s all hearsay. I mean, he’s not been charged with anything. These are just allegations. It used to be, you know, you’re innocent until proven guilty.

“Now you’re guilty until proven innocent.”


Monday, July 16, 2018

Miley Cyrus-Liam Hemsworth Breakup Rumors Swirl Amidst Instagram Drama

If you love Miley Cyrus to the point that you follow all the social media fan pages devoted to all the latest gossip on the singer’s personal life, then you may have caught wind of a startling rumor over the weekend.

Several such outlets breathlessly exclaimed that Miley and Liam Hemsworth have broken up yet again.

And this time, they claimed, their source was not some bogus insider, but Miley herself, who seemed to have broken the news on her Instagram page.

If you read beyond the headlines, however, you may have found that while Cyrus has engaged in some very unusual activity on social media recently, it would require quite a leap in logic to conclude that she’s trying to send a low-key message about her love life.

Yes, Miley deleted every photo of Liam Hemsworth from her Instagram page.

But she also deleted all other content from her account and changed her profile pic to a plain black background.

Miley also blacked out her Twitter avatar, but she did not delete her tweets.

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why some fans would take this is a sign that something is amiss in Miley’s personal life.

But in all likelihood, the move has more to do with her professional life.

It appears that Miley is participating in a recent and somewhat annoying trend in self-promotion.

You see, lately, celebs have been drumming up interest in upcoming projects not by teasing their new work with tweets and Instagram pics, but by deleting (or archiving) all of the content on their pages.

Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik have both taken that approach to drumming up interest in upcoming releases.

Back in April, rumors of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds getting divorced began to circulate non-stop as a result of Blake’s decision to remove all content from her Instagram page and unfollow her husband.

It was later revealed that Blake did all this to promote the release of her upcoming film A Simple Favor.

Miley Cyrus: Blank IG

(Side note: that movie still hasn’t come out yet, so we’re thinking Blake jumped the gun a bit in terms of promotional stunts.)

Not surprisingly, Miley fans are losing their minds trying to figure out what’s next for the eccentric songstress:

“The fact that she’s [deleting] all her 2013-14 posts already and is still deleting is HUGE. We are getting a proper era? Building hype?” one Cyrus enthusiast tweeted.

Yes, the world of mainstream pop music stans is a fascinating one.

Only in 2018 could a 25-year-old artist with only 5 non-Disney studio albums to her name be credited as the architect of multiple musical “eras.”

But hey, you’ve gotta hand it to her — if Miley’s goal was to drum up interest in her new music, mission accomplished!


Friday, July 13, 2018

Demi Lovato: Fires More Staff, Shudders Website Amidst Relapse Drama

It’s been three weeks since the world learned that Demi Lovato relapsed after six years of sobriety, and it seems the recovery process has been a long and difficult one for the troubled pop songstress.

To her credit, it wasn’t the tabloids that publicized her latest struggles with substance abuse but Demi herself.

In June, she released the song “Sober,” which detailed her fall from the wagon with heartbreaking and surprisingly personal lyrics.

Unfortunately, the release of the song did not signal the start of Demi’s long road back to sobriety, as many had hoped.

Instead, those who know her best say Lovato is still drinking and has no immediate plans to get clean.

“Demi has gone off the rails,” a source tells Radar Online.

Equally troubling is the fact that the singer has reportedly been severing ties with those who wish to help her.

Demi fired her manager earlier this week, and it seems she’s ended her relationship with several other staffers in the days that followed.

“She’s completely dropped her family members, friends and everyone in the sober community, including all of the people at CAST [Demi’s former recovery program],” the source claimed.

“And now she is cutting off her staff who have worked with her forever.”

As Radar reports, Lovato also shut down her website earlier this week.

The site is now back up and running, but the hiatus left many with the impression that Demi is badly in need of some time away from the spotlight.

The fact that Lovato is cashing in on her relapse by actively promoting “Sober” on her social media pages has led some to label her a hypocrite:

“She is making money off her relapse,” says the insider.

“But she is a walking contradiction, because she is does not have a game plan to get clean right now.”

Friends and family already staged an informal intervention, but sadly, it seems their concerns fell on deaf ears.

“[They] suggested to her that she should get some help and go to rehab,” the source claims.

Clearly, Demi didn’t heed that advice.

On social media, Lovato has been the subject of a massive outpouring of concern, but unlike in years past, she seems to have little interest in communicating directly with fans.

Here’s hoping she’s able to find the help she needs before it’s too late.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Billy Knight: Former UCLA Basketball Star Found Dead Amidst Child Sex Scandal

Former UCLA basketball standout Billy Knight was found dead on a road near Phoenix this week.

He was just 39 years old.

Billy Knight

News of Knight’s death comes just weeks after he was charged with six felonies in connection with his alleged sexual assault of a child.

TMZ reported this week that the girl who accused Knight was just 9 years old. 

Knight’s cause of death has yet to be determined by a medical examiner.

However, Phoenix police have noted that there were no signs of foul play, which in this case, would seem to indicate that Knight took his own life.

According to initial reports, Knight was found unresponsive just before 3 am on Sunday.

He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Just days before his death, Knight — who played for UCLA from 1998 to 2002 — posted a YoiuTube video called “I am Sorry Lord.”

“This is probably my last message on Earth,” Knight said in the video.

“I just want to say that I lived a life of sin. I lied. I cheated, and I stole from many people. I was a taker. That’s why my life ended up where it is now.

“Life is not a game,” Knight said. 

“You can’t play around with life. It’s serious, and I wasn’t honest with a lot of people, even my mom, my brother and my family members.

Billy Knight Photo

“I isolated myself from my family members. I isolated myself from my friends, and that’s not something you should do.”

“I’m lost in life, and I feel like there’s no hope,” he continued.

“I have no friends with me here. I have no wife, girlfriend. I have nothing, and I just feel like I can’t continue on.”

UCLA has issued a statement on Twitter in response to news of Knight’s death.

“Our hearts are heavy after learning Billy Knight has passed away,” reads the statement, which was released before the charges against Knight came to light.

“We ask that the Bruin family keep Billy’s loved ones in their thoughts during this difficult time.”


Monday, July 9, 2018

Selena Gomez: All Smiles Amidst Justin Bieber Engagement Bombshell

Have you heard the stunning news?

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged.

Multiple outlets have reported that the singer proposed to the model while the two were on vacation in the Bahamas and, of course, she said yes.

We know, right? EEEEK!!!

And also: WTH? Really?!?

Bieber and Baldwin carried on a fairly brief romance toward the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, with the latter even admitting at the time that the stars were very casual and not exclusive.

They were basically just banging.

But Justin and Hailey reportedly kept in close touch after they went their separate ways and then started touching each other’s private parts again just last month.

The Internet saw photos of Baldwin and Bieber kissing, yet this same Internet was still woefully unprepared for this earth-shattering, life-altering engagement news.

Seriously, did any of you see this coming?!?

Naturally, however, there’s only one person whose take is truly desired right about now.

What, pray tell, must Selena Gomez be thinking at the moment?

The artist dated Bieber off and on for many years, culminating in a reconciliation this past fall that many assumed would lead to the Jelena wedding for which we’ve all been waiting.

Alas, the rekindled romance barely got off the ground before it ended… by Selena’s hand, nearly all insiders have indicated.

Still, just because she pulled the plug on Bieber, this doesn’t mean she’s totally cool with him asking someone else to marry him.


Wrong, perhaps.

On the same day Bieber proposed to Baldwin, Gomez was hanging out in New York City with friends and looking like this:

Close friend and assistant Theresa Mingus shared the above snapshot on her Instagram Stories Sunday, just after the Bieber-Baldwin engagement news went viral.

It’s unlikely that Selena was actually aware at the time of her ex-boyfriend’s proposal, but we’d still like to believe she simply smiled broadly and shook her head upon learning what transpired.

Last we heard, Gomez was absolutely fine with Bieber dating Baldwin, having moved very far on from the man who treated her so poorly over the years.

Selena doesn’t care what Justin does with his love life anymore,” a source said three weeks ago, adding:

“In the end, Justin turned out to be exactly the same person he [always was], a selfish and immature kid who only cares about himself.”

This may be true, but his engagement must still sting for Selena.

And for all those fans who fantasized that she would end up with Bieber in the end.

It’s also important to remember that Gomez has checked into rehab on multiple occasions to deal with bouts of depression and anxiety.

This makes us a bit concerned over her emotional state right about now.

Let’s just hope the singer’s support system is strongly in place and let’s just hope the above quote is accurate.

She can do so much better than Bieber and she better know it.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Losing Custody of Son Amidst New Abuse Allegations?!

Jenelle Evans has a little habit of finding herself involved in a little bit of drama from time to time.

You may have noticed it.

She fights with her mother, she fights with whatever guy she"s dating at the time (as well as all the guys she"s dated before that guy and those guys" new girlfriends), she fights with her employers at MTV.

She even fights with dogs. For real, we"ve seen it on Teen Mom 2.

It"s bad.

But even with that long, long history of violence and anger, one of the worst situations she"s ever found herself in has to do with her second child, Kaiser, and the custody battle over him.

If you somehow missed the original news of that custody battle, or if you"re wondering why we"re talking about it again when there hasn"t been news for several months now, well, just stick with us.

And maybe grab some tissues, because this is genuinely a horrific story.

1. Awww, Kaiser

Jenelle and kaiser birthday pic

This is sweet little Kaiser! He just turned four last week, and he’s Jenelle’s second child. She shares him with Nathan Griffith, although their coparenting relationship has really never been all that great.

2. Come On, Nathan

Nathan griffith mug shot

When Kaiser spends time with Nathan, it seems that he typically stays with Nathan’s mother, Doris, because Nathan is a bit of a mess himself.

3. Grandma Doris to the Rescue

Kaiser griffith bruise photo

So Doris is pretty involved in Kaiser’s life, that’s what we’re saying. And that’s why when she began to develop some big concerns last year over Kaiser’s safety, she tried to get emergency custody of him.

4. So Sad

Nathan griffith with kaiser

According to court documents filed by Doris, the toddler would often come for visits with several suspicious bruises. He even told her once that David Eason, Jenelle’s awful husband, had punched him in the head.

5. Solid Parenting

Jenelle evans son kaiser halloween

She also claimed that Jenelle and David lock all of the kids outside the house for hours at a time while they stay inside, and that once she’d arrived at the house to see the sight for herself. She said that Jace once got lost in the woods for the better part of a day, and that obviously the Easons’ parenting style just isn’t cutting it.

6. Poor, Poor Kaiser

Jenelle and kaiser evans summer chillin

There were all sorts of awful stuff in those documents — that’s when we learned that little Ensley had a failed drug test at birth and that there’d been a CPS investigation, and there were just tons and tons of stories about how Jenelle and David were allegedly neglecting the kids.

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Friday, June 22, 2018

Cheyenne Floyd Begins Filming Teen Mom OG Amidst Castmate Protests

It’s official — Cheyenne Floyd is the latest mother to join the hallowed Teen Mom franchise.

And she’s the first to do so without actually being a teen mom!

Yes, Cheyenne gave birth to her first child last year at the age of 24.

And that’s just one of the reasons that her new co-stars aren’t exactly thrilled with the idea of sharing screen time with Cheyenne.

Amber Portwood and other cast members have reportedly been quite vocal in their complaints to producers.

Some apparently feel that the show doesn’t need a fifth cast member to replace Farrah Abraham, while others have taken issue with Cheyenne personally, arguing that she’s a bad fit for the series.

But whether Amber and company like it or not, producers have already taken steps toward introducing Cheyenne to the Teen Mom fan base:

“They started test shooting on Wednesday,” a source close to the show tells Radar Online.

But production insiders are careful to note that this is just a test run.

Cheyenne has not yet received a dime from the show, and she apparently won’t be paid until producers determine if she’ll be able to “fill the big hole” left by Farrah.

We assume the source proceeded to giggle for 20 minutes after mentioning Farrah and hole-filling in the same sentence.

“They haven’t been paid yet,” the source confirms.

“They have not signed a contract at this time.”

And if the rest of the moms get their way, Cheyenne never will sign a contract:

“Amber [Portwood] is pissed off about a new cast member,”

And apparently, she’s not alone:

“They’ve been doing Teen Mom for 10 years and don’t think they like the idea of someone who is a total newbie and has never even been on the show before coming on permanently,” says the insider

“They all just think it’s stupid that they’re bringing in people from outside the franchise instead of bringing the [Teen Mom OG] and [Teen Mom 2] casts together.”

Since combining two shows into one would likely mean all the payroll expenses and half the ratings, we can see why MTV wouldn’t be thrilled by that suggestion.

As for how Farrah feels about her replacement, she gave Radar a typically Farrah-esque response:

“I don’t watch the show anymore, as I’ve moved on,” she said.

“The show was done when I left.”

Thus far, Cheyenne has turned out to be such an unpopular choice that the moms might actually prefer to have Farrah back.

Does this mean the Backdoor Teen Mom won in the end?

Whatever the case, as you can see in the gallery below, Ms. Floyd is already proving to be a very controversial choice, and her days as a Teen Mom might come to an end before they really begin:


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Goes Into Labor Amidst Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal (Report)

It’s been quite a roller coaster 24 hours for Khloe Kardashian.

Last night, several media outlets reported that Cleveland Cavaliers forward Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe on multiple occasions over the past six months.

Khloe is currently pregnant with her first child, and TMZ reported moments ago that she’s experiencing contractions and is now headed to a Cleveland hospital to give birth.

The outlet reports that Khloe’s due date is sometime in late April, but her family and medical team believe the baby could arrive as early as this afternoon.

TMZ is also confirming that Khloe’s mother and sisters are currently headed to Cleveland in preparation for the birth.

Kris Jenner has reportedly been shuttling back and forth between Cleveland and Los Angeles all week in order to keep tabs on Khloe’s progress.

As for Tristan, he’s scheduled to help his team close out their regular season at home against the New York Knicks tonight.

We’re guessing he’ll skip the game, however, if Khloe goes into labor.

We’re also guessing the Kards aren’t too thrilled about the fact that Khloe relocated to Cleveland for Tristan.

Sources say the entire family is outraged over the allegations against Tristan, particularly the rumors that Thompson impregnated one of his mistresses.

“They are heartbroken for Khloé. They didn’t realize how deceptive Tristan could really be,” a source tells People.

Of course, Khloe is a Kardashian, which means many on social media are skeptical about the timing of all this high drama.

“Soooooo that video of Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe is from October but it just now comes out while khloe is due to give birth any day and they’re shooting another season of KUWTK the devil works hard but not harder than Kris Jenner,” one Twitter user joked.

We understand the skepticism, but we doubt even Kris and company would go so far as to fabricate this sad situation.

Drama might be their bread and butter, but this is the stuff of soap operas.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth Head to Therapy Amidst Abuse Claims

It’s only been less than a year since Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth, but it seems the newlyweds are already experiencing some rough patches.

Earlier this week, for example, accusations that Austin had abused Joy made their way across social media.

Now, the Forsyths are reportedly addressing their issues head-on with a trip to a marriage counseling retreat.

Of course, the Duggars don’t believe in traditional forms of therapy, so Joy and Austin’s options are limited.

Any help that they seek must be rooted in their religious beliefs, and they’re obligated to keep it all in the family for secrecy’s sake.

As a result, the young couple is pushing conflict of interest concerns to the side and seeking help at a retreat hosted by Austin’s parents.

”Getting some work done at camp. We have the Spring Marriage Retreat coming up on April 20-22, come hear Austin and I share our testimony,” an ad on the Forsyth’s website reads.

The retreat promises “powerful truths from scripture encouraging couples to strive for a marriage the way God designed it to be….Coupled with team building activities, and humorous games, these 2 night, 3 day events are perfect for rekindling, reviving and renewing any love story!”

It sounds like pretty lighthearted stuff … and perhaps that’s the problem.

Joy and Austin aren’t looking to rekindle the flame ahead of their silver anniversary.

These are two very young people who didn’t get to spend any time alone together until their honeymoon, and who welcomed their first child almost exactly nine months after tying the knot.

Now the difference in their personalities is abundantly clear to fans, and it’s reached the point where Austin’s constant annoyance with Joy’s childlike personality has allegedly pushed him into verbal abuse territory.

Unfortunately, they live in a world where even if they decided they’re both miserable and horribly ill-suited for one another, divorce is simply not an option.

Joy and Austin don’t need trust falls and couples archery; they need real treatment for a licensed therapist.

Unfortunately, that sort of thing simply doesn’t fly in Duggar Land.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott: Headed For Divorce Amidst Breakdown Drama?!

It’s been a rough week for troubled actress and heiress Tori Spelling.

It all started when Spelling suffered a breakdown at her home in Encino over the weekend.

At first, it was reported that Spelling was hospitalized in connection with the breakdown, but now, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

While police were called to the scene and neighbors reported that “several units” arrived at the home Spelling shares with husband Dean McDermott, it now appears that she’s remained at home in the days since the incident.

There’s been a good deal of speculation about the cause of Spelling’s breakdown, but thus far, the mother of five has remained tight-lipped on the matter.

But it seems hasn’t been quite as concerned with Tori’s privacy.

Several insiders have spoken to media outlets, and accounts concur that Tori was driven to the point of mental collapse primarily by stress related to her dire financial situation and her crumbling marriage.

“Tori and Dean have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for the past six weeks,” a family insider claimed.

“Things have been very bad at home between them.”

It seems Dean’s desire to put some distance between himself and Tori is so profound that he’s willing to forego the luxury of a bed:

“Tori has been sleeping in the master bedroom, while Dean sleeps on the floor in one of their son’s rooms,” says the insider.

“He just doesn’t even want to be near Tori!”

To hear the source tell it, the main issue driving the couple apart is money.

The couple’s worsening financial situation has been well-documented over the course of the past year.

Spelling has been sued by creditors, and McDermott’s unpaid child support to the mother of his first son nearly landed the actor behind bars.

Or perhaps we should say “former actor.”

Yes, it seems Dean’s recent lack of work is one of the main reasons the couple is so destitute.

In fact, Tori believes the blame for her current woes rests primarily with Dean.

“Tori has had enough of Dean’s moaning about not being a working actor,” says the source.

“Yes, Dean is involved in taking care of their kids, but he needs to step up and be the provider.”

Hm … so now that’s two wives in a row who believe Dean is a deadbeat.

At a certain point, you sort of stop wondering if he’s beeing demonized unfairly.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Teen Mom 2: Canceled Amidst Jenelle Evans Scandal?

It’s one thing when an employee messes up so badly that they get fired.

It’s quite another when an employee messes up so badly that she brings down the entire operation.

That’s the so-awful-it’s-impressive feat that Jenelle Evans and her troglodyte husband David Eason may have just pulled off, thanks to back-to-back scandals that now threaten the future of one of TV’s most popular reality shows.

In case you’ve managed to steer clear of this widening morass of stupidity, here’s a brief recap of what went down:

It all started when Jenelle posed with a gun, and David posted a photo of it on Instagram just hours after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida that claimed 17 lives.

Shortly thereafter, David proved that his bone-headedness knows not bounds by making homophobic comments in a debate with fans about gun control.

What does sexuality have to do with gun control?

You’d have to ask David, whose rifle collection is clearly providing some sort of much-needed Freudian compensation.

Anyway, it’s a bad situation for a franchise that’s already enduring tough times, and not surprisingly, the powers that be took decisive action.

David has been fired from Teen Mom 2, but there are concerns that even that won’t be enough to placate viewers and advertisers, some of whom have already pulled their support of the show.

To make matters worse, the recently-fired Farrah Abraham is threatening to sue her former employers for $ 5 million for wrongful termination.

Yes, Teen Mom OG is a separate series, but Viacom, MTV, and executive producer Morgan J. Freeman are involved in both shows, and are all mentioned in Farrah’s lawsuit.

Now, longtime series stars like Tyler Baltierra are voicing their concerns about the franchise’s future.

“With Farrah getting fired and trying to sue, David being fired, he doesn’t want anyone to pull the plug on the franchise,” says a source close to Tyler.

The insider notes that production has not yet been halted, but that’s cold comfort for the young reality stars:

“They’re still going to film, but there’s no guarantee if that footage will see the light of day if something should happen,” says the source.

Just when you thought Farrah and Jenelle couldn’t be any more hated by their co-stars…

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up for what may well be the show’s final season.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Stassi Schroeder-Ariana Madix Feud Heats Up Amidst Bigotry Accusations

On last night’s Vanderpump Rules, sh-t got real.

And we don’t mean “drunk people yelled at each other about pasta” real – we’re talking “actual social issues of consequence were discussed on a Bravo reality show” real.

It all started when Stassi Schroeder asked the show’s newest cast member, Billie Lee, to appear on her podcast.

Prior to the interview, Billie – who is transgender – was cautioned by Ariana Madix that Stassi is sometimes insufficiently woke.

The accusation stems from remarks Stassi made on her podcast last year.

It seems Schroeder is one of the very few people who was upset when Moonlight beat out La La Land for Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards.

Yes, ironically, Stassi was in the minority – and it seems she didn’t relish the feeling.

“Everyone giving their impassioned speeches about race and all that stuff — I’m like, why is it always just about African Americans?” Stassi asked, causing her audience to cringe themselves into oblivion.

“Why aren’t the Asians being like, ‘We’re not represented’? Why aren’t Native Americans and Latinos being like, ‘We’re not represented’? Why is it that it’s always just that?”

To be fair, Schroeder apologized for her comments and says she now understands the extent of how ignorant they were.

Obviously, a public “whoopsie” doesn’t erase all wrongdoing, and Stassi’s record in the months since is far from spotless.

But she’s trying – and she seemed genuinely upset about being derided as a bigot behind her back.

“She did an episode on her podcast, and she was like, ‘Well, I don’t know why those people always make award shows into a thing about politics and race,” Ariana told Billie prior to her interview with Stassi.

“I hope you school Stassi’s ass on her f-cking privilege because this bitch actually takes pride in being ignorant.”

“F-ck this,” Stassi said in response to Ariana’s warning.

“You know what? Saying that I’m racist — it’s a whole other level of vindictiveness. I didn’t articulate it properly, and I would actually just like you to go listen to it so you can make your own opinion.”

She added:

“To sh-t on my podcast, to sh-t on my values, to sh-t on all of that makes me really upset.”

Now, we’re in complicated territory here.

What Stassi said was beyond foolish, but was Ariana really concerned that Billie Lee would be triggered by another round of ignorant comments, or was she simply using a past slip-up to slander her rival?

Because if so, she’s being petty and exploitative, and she’s the one who owes her fans and friends an apology.

On one matter, Stassi is inarguably correct – an allegation of bigotry is a serious thing, and such charges should only be leveled out of genuine concern about someone’s beliefs, not to settle a personal score.

See? We told you this situation is way more thought-provoking than what you’re used to seeing on Bravo.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for next week’s episode, in which the cast will presumably debate the virtues of nuclear disarmament.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Grandma the Clown Quits Big Apple Circus Amidst Sex Scandal

The #MeToo movement has come to the big top.

In a disturbing story broken by The New York Times, the man behind one of The Big Apple Circus’ most beloved performers has resigned due to an allegation of sexual misconduct.

g. clown

And Barry Lubin has admitted via statement that this allegation is accurate.

The 65-year old quit his post on Friday as a clown who dresses up in pearls and a wig after a 16-year-old aerialist alleged he pressured her into posing for pornographic photos in 2004.

Through his lawyer, Lubin acknowledged the veracity of the claim and simply said in response:

“What I did was wrong, and I take full responsibility for my actions.”

The most famous circus in the nation just completed its annual three-month run at Lincoln Center in Manhattan.

It will soon open in Alpharetta, Georgia… but it will do so without Lubin and without the character he portrayed for several years.

According to circus chairman Neil Kahanovitz, a woman named Zoey Dunne leveled her accusation against Lubin in 2012.

However, there was little those associated with the circus could do about it back then because Lubin had actually left the circus.

(Kahanovitz was NOT serving as chairman at the time and says no executive working for the circus when Dunne initially filed her charge is working there now.)

Three months ago, however, Dunne learned that Lubin had returned as Grandma and once again made her complaint known.

She is now 29 years old, married, and pursuing a doctorate in school psychology in Seattle.

“I saw this ad that said ‘Grandma is back!,’” Dunne told The Times on Monday, explaining how she learned of Lubin’s reprisal and adding:

“I almost threw up on the  bus.”


On Friday, Dunne reached out to Kahanovitz and he immediately took action.

Dunne tells the newspaper that she met Lubin when she was touring New England with Circus Smirkus, a youth troupe that Mr. Lubin helped coach as recently as last summer.

Lubin told her at the time that he also wanted her to be a model for his personal photography business.

She agreed and showed up at Lincoln Center, prior to being escorted by Lubin to his trailer.

Lubin proceeded to have Dunne lie down and pose in a bathing suit.

He then asked her to picture Ashton Kutcher, expecting this to lead to a state of arousal for Dunne.

“I felt overwhelmingly sad, not excited,” she tells The Times.

From there, Lubin directed her to change into a thong, spread her legs and hold a paintbrush up to her genital area. He asked her to hike her underpants up to the side.

Dunne complied.

da clown

Lubin paid her $ 100 in cash and warned her not to tell the circus, claiming folks there would be angry that he was doing outside work in their trailer.

This same process then happened a second time, at Lubin’s insistence.

After working as an aerialist for the circus, Dunne quit the industry and drifted for several years.

“I just felt really confused and lost and ashamed,” she says.

During this time, Grandma the Clown became a very popular figure, spraying himself with a hose during shows and eating popcorn out of the hands of audience members.

In his statement, Lubin apologized directly to Dunne, using her maiden name, Phillips.

“I know that what happened has had a lasting impact on her life, for which I am sorry,” he said, concluding:

“I not only failed Ms. Phillips, but I also failed in my responsibility as a man, an adult, a father, and as a representative of the Big Apple Circus.”


Friday, December 15, 2017

Mario Batali: Fired From ABC"s The Chew Amidst Growing Sex Scandal

The narrative arc of Mario Batali’s fall from grace is one that’s become tragically familiar in recent months.

On Monday, Batali stepped away from his various business ventures following allegations of sexual assault and harassment from several female staffers.

The celebrity chef issued a boilerplate apology in which he accepted blame for his actions, while simultaneously defending himself against the more egregious charges.

As time went on, the accusations against Batali continued to increase in both number and severity.

As more women came forward, the evidence against the 57-year-old food icon mounted, culminating in claims from a former employee who says he looked on in horror as Batali kissed and groped an unconscious woman.

The incident was allegedly captured in footage taken by a security camera.

Yesterday, Batali’s most high-profile employer, the Disney-owned ABC network, announced that it would the chef and restaurateur had been fired from his role as one of the hosts of the daytime, food-focused talk series The Chew.

“Upon completing its review into the allegations made against Mario Batali, ABC has terminated its relationship with him and he will no longer appear on The Chew,” said an ABC spokesperson.

“While we remain unaware of any type of inappropriate behavior involving him and anyone affiliated with our show, ABC takes matters like this very seriously as we are committed to a safe work environment and his past behavior violates our standards of conduct.”

To many, the news of Batali’s misconduct is sadly unsurprising.

However, to those familiar only with the more family-friendly side of the Croc-clad chef, as presented on television and in social media, the allegations against Batali surely come as a shock.

Within the NYC restaurant scene, Batali had a reputation for crude comments and predatory behavior.

In a scathing New Yorker piece published earlier this week, author Helen Rosner recounts several tales of boorish behavior from Batali that failed to raise eyebrows in the pre-Weinstein era.

“You will eat your pasta or I will rub the shrimp across your breasts,” Batali casually told a friend’s wife at one meal.

At the same meal, the chef reportedly remarked to a waitress, “It’s not fair I have this view all to myself when you bend over. For dessert, would you take off your blouse for the others?”

It remains to be seen if Batali will face any criminal charges.

But whatever his future holds, it appears that the celebrated chef’s kitchen career is now decisively over.

And the world of fine dining is all the safer for it. 
