Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Losing Custody of Son Amidst New Abuse Allegations?!

Jenelle Evans has a little habit of finding herself involved in a little bit of drama from time to time.

You may have noticed it.

She fights with her mother, she fights with whatever guy she"s dating at the time (as well as all the guys she"s dated before that guy and those guys" new girlfriends), she fights with her employers at MTV.

She even fights with dogs. For real, we"ve seen it on Teen Mom 2.

It"s bad.

But even with that long, long history of violence and anger, one of the worst situations she"s ever found herself in has to do with her second child, Kaiser, and the custody battle over him.

If you somehow missed the original news of that custody battle, or if you"re wondering why we"re talking about it again when there hasn"t been news for several months now, well, just stick with us.

And maybe grab some tissues, because this is genuinely a horrific story.

1. Awww, Kaiser

Jenelle and kaiser birthday pic

This is sweet little Kaiser! He just turned four last week, and he’s Jenelle’s second child. She shares him with Nathan Griffith, although their coparenting relationship has really never been all that great.

2. Come On, Nathan

Nathan griffith mug shot

When Kaiser spends time with Nathan, it seems that he typically stays with Nathan’s mother, Doris, because Nathan is a bit of a mess himself.

3. Grandma Doris to the Rescue

Kaiser griffith bruise photo

So Doris is pretty involved in Kaiser’s life, that’s what we’re saying. And that’s why when she began to develop some big concerns last year over Kaiser’s safety, she tried to get emergency custody of him.

4. So Sad

Nathan griffith with kaiser

According to court documents filed by Doris, the toddler would often come for visits with several suspicious bruises. He even told her once that David Eason, Jenelle’s awful husband, had punched him in the head.

5. Solid Parenting

Jenelle evans son kaiser halloween

She also claimed that Jenelle and David lock all of the kids outside the house for hours at a time while they stay inside, and that once she’d arrived at the house to see the sight for herself. She said that Jace once got lost in the woods for the better part of a day, and that obviously the Easons’ parenting style just isn’t cutting it.

6. Poor, Poor Kaiser

Jenelle and kaiser evans summer chillin

There were all sorts of awful stuff in those documents — that’s when we learned that little Ensley had a failed drug test at birth and that there’d been a CPS investigation, and there were just tons and tons of stories about how Jenelle and David were allegedly neglecting the kids.

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