Thursday, July 12, 2018

Billy Knight: Former UCLA Basketball Star Found Dead Amidst Child Sex Scandal

Former UCLA basketball standout Billy Knight was found dead on a road near Phoenix this week.

He was just 39 years old.

Billy Knight

News of Knight’s death comes just weeks after he was charged with six felonies in connection with his alleged sexual assault of a child.

TMZ reported this week that the girl who accused Knight was just 9 years old. 

Knight’s cause of death has yet to be determined by a medical examiner.

However, Phoenix police have noted that there were no signs of foul play, which in this case, would seem to indicate that Knight took his own life.

According to initial reports, Knight was found unresponsive just before 3 am on Sunday.

He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Just days before his death, Knight — who played for UCLA from 1998 to 2002 — posted a YoiuTube video called “I am Sorry Lord.”

“This is probably my last message on Earth,” Knight said in the video.

“I just want to say that I lived a life of sin. I lied. I cheated, and I stole from many people. I was a taker. That’s why my life ended up where it is now.

“Life is not a game,” Knight said. 

“You can’t play around with life. It’s serious, and I wasn’t honest with a lot of people, even my mom, my brother and my family members.

Billy Knight Photo

“I isolated myself from my family members. I isolated myself from my friends, and that’s not something you should do.”

“I’m lost in life, and I feel like there’s no hope,” he continued.

“I have no friends with me here. I have no wife, girlfriend. I have nothing, and I just feel like I can’t continue on.”

UCLA has issued a statement on Twitter in response to news of Knight’s death.

“Our hearts are heavy after learning Billy Knight has passed away,” reads the statement, which was released before the charges against Knight came to light.

“We ask that the Bruin family keep Billy’s loved ones in their thoughts during this difficult time.”
