Showing posts with label Labor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

KUWTK Clip: Khloe is in Labor! Khloe is in Labor!

Khloe Kardashian is in labor, people!

This is not a drill: Khloe Kardashian is in labor!

Wait, what"s that?

Khloe Kardashian went into labor many months ago? Back in April? And she now has a six-month baby girl at home?


Despite this fact being very well known among all celebrity gossip followers, Keeping Up with the Kardashians will go back in time this Sunday night.

The E! reality series will air an episode centered around Khloe being in the very final stages of her pregnancy.

In the sneak peek featured here, we see a very panicked Kris Jenner telling daughters Kourtney and Kim to wrap up a video conference call because Khloe is about to give birth.

And they really need to hurry the eff up!

“I can’t wait one second!” Kris screamed at Kim, as she and Kourtney try to discreetly end the call.

Kim then offers to join her mom on the private jet, but Kris can only kicking herself and say: “I knew we should have gone last night. I knew it!” 

Khloe, of course, is in Cleveland at this time.

And the family is flying in to be by her side for the birth because she has just learned that Tristan Thompson cheated on her (A LOT!) and she isn"t sure if she wants him in the delivery room or not.

We also see Kim calling Khloe to ask if she"s okay, and Khloe asking in return;

"Should the contractions feel like period cramps?"

Yes, Kim responds.

Following last week"s episode, a fan tweeted the following at Khloe:

"I feel so bad Khloe had to go through what Tristan did while filming KUWTK.

"If I"m not wrong, next episode will be insane. You"re so strong to put that personal issue as part of the show, knowing millions of [people] will watch it. I wouldn"t be able to do it."

And Khloe actually wrote back;

"Sadly, it will. I signed up to show the the good and the bad, right? The bad is very hard to relive, but it"s life."

Check out the intense clip here and then tune in to watch the full episode Sunday night on E!.

(You can also click on the following link to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online in order to catch up before a new episode airs.)

Khloe kardashian just went into labor on tv that is

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Goes Into Labor After Tristan"s Cheating Scandal Breaks

On the latest episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kylie Jenner gave birth. It took more than seven months for that to air.

Viewers knew that it was only a matter of time before the show reached Khloe and her much more controversial childbirth.

In this preview video, you can see Kim, Khloe, and the rest of her family react as Khloe goes into labor … and Tristan"s cheating scandal is exposed.

Kim kardashian has a tense discussion

In the Keeping Up With The Kardashians preview teaser video that we have for you, the show teases what remains to be seen on this season.

When it really becomes interesting is when, very clearly, the story of Tristan Thompson"s cheating scandal breaks.

"They have another video of him," Kim can be heard saying into her phone.

She is clearly referring to Tristan Thompson and the evidence of him being with other women during Khloe"s pregnancy.

"Unfollowed, I hate him," Kim announces in another part of the clip. "Sorry, not sorry."

Khloe kardashian goes into labor

Kim"s reaction was one thing, but what everyone wants to see is how Khloe responded to the news that her love and baby daddy is a no-good dirty cheater.

As we all know, it was a matter of hours after that scandal broke that Khloe went into labor with baby True.

"The things I can control, I have to be able to control," Khloe can be heard saying.

That is a fairly grounded response to such explosive news — though of course we can imagine that some responses may have been edited out.

Khloe does, after all, have veto power over footage from the show.

Khloe kardashian undergoes an ultrasound

She gets an ultrasound while very pregnant, and also is shown going into labor while her family races to get to where she is in Cleveland.

"I hope everyone gets here in time," Khloe says.

You can also see a van full of her family members racing towards her.

As widely reported as Tristan"s scandal was and True"s birth was, we never really got a behind-the-scenes look or Khloe"s reaction immediately afterwards.

We hope that, despite Khloe"s editorial powers, we get to see her raw reaction. Fans are curious. It"s human nature.

We"ll definitely get to see at least some of the responses, from anger to disbelief, of Khloe"s extended family. We wonder what Tristan will think.

Kim kardashian north west and kanye west in dc

Arguably the second-most-interesting storyline in this teaser is Kim using her platform for civil rights advocacy.

The story of a woman using her fame and beauty to influence a terrible old orange man to pardon a grandmother is definitely compelling.

Speaking of Trump, Kim also addresses Kanye West"s worrisome bad behavior and outlandish statements.

In this case, it looks like fans can expect to see more or less the same sentiments that she has expressed publicly.

She believes that Kanye"s apparently uncontrolled, no-filter declarations about Trump and "dragon energy" aren"t signs of mental illness.

Kim kardashian is looking great

Kim may be right. If she is, Kanye isn"t mentally troubled — he may just be a bad person.

And it is of course unfair to malign the mentally ill, many of whom are good people, by confusing bad behavior with mental health.

Viewers will also get to see things like Kendall, who is famously anxious, try skydiving for the first time. Also, Kris falls down playing baseball.

Honestly? That could all be entertaining, but it"s just filler.

Khloe"s heartbreak, Kim"s activism, and Kanye"s nonsense look like the real meat of the rest of the season.

Khloe kardashian goes into labor after tristans cheating scandal

Monday, May 7, 2018

Amber Portwood: I"m in the Early Stages of Labor! I"m Ready!!

Did you get a lot of well-deserved rest this weekend? Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood did not.

It looks like Amber’s baby shower a few weeks ago was just in time.

She’s revealed on Twitter that she is dilated. How long until she gives birth?

In the wee hours of Sunday morning, Amber Portwood tweeted:

“Another nocturnal night with my uncomfortable preggy belly but it’s all worth it!”

We know that it’s tempting to laugh at a phrase like nocturnal night, but she just means that she can’t sleep. She’s super pregnant, you guys.

This is when she shares the big news.

“I’m 3 cm dilated and home waiting for labor!”


That’s a huge deal! She then shares a rhetorical question with her followers.

“Wonder if I’ll make it to my due date?”

Amber is due on May 13, which is next Sunday and just so happens to be Mother’s Day.

Amber herself was born on Mother’s Day in 1990.

The reality star hopes to remain in the thoughts of her fans and followers.

“Wish me luck loves! Goodnight.”

She follows that with a “hugging face” emoji.

Now, hold your horses and don’t cut that Congratulations Amber cake yet, folks.

We know that “she’s dilated!” sounds exciting, but this is just one early sign of labor.

As she says, she is waiting to actually go into labor.

This is just an early labor sign, like a tremor before an earthquake. Or the water receding before a tsunami. Or hairs standing up on your arm before a lightning strike.

(Childbirth is amazing but it’s also terrifying)

Amber’s May 13 due date is looming, but she still might not make it to that day.

Her due date is significant because, as Amber reminds fans, it is right before her birthday on the 14.

Obviously, it’s neat when you share a birthday with someone.

But for practical reasons, nobody wants to share a birthday with their parent.

You’re supposed to get to pick where you go out for dinner on your birthday (bare minimum), and nobody wants to have to share that honor with someone else.

And then there are the logistics of Amber hosting her child’s birthday party on the day of her own party. it’s no fun.

Even one day of separation would make that easier. Better if it’s several days.

Since this tweet, Amber has continued to be moderately active on social media.

She threw a little shade over some recent Kailyn Lowry drama, she complimented a lot of photos of her fans as new mothers holding their babies, and she reminded people about multiple food recalls.

(Seriously, if you think that there’s even a realistic chance that any food in your fridge might contain e. coli, please dump it. That deadly bacteria is no joke)

Hopefully, she (or someone acting on her behalf) will tweet when her water breaks and at other stages of labor and delivery.

In the mean time, her fans and followers and of course her family and loved ones continue to wait with anticipation for her to give birth to her child with Andrew Glennon.

We hope that Amber finds a way to get comfortable and sleep a little before she gives birth. She’ll need the rest.


Friday, May 4, 2018

NFL"s Jeremy Lane Gets Manual Labor In DUI Case

It’s a good thing Jeremy Lane is in shape … because he’s been sentenced to 2 days of manual labor in his DUI case, TMZ Sports has learned.  The former Seattle Seahawks cornerback was arrested for DUI back in January after cops say he was…


Monday, April 23, 2018


The countdown to Royal Baby Number-Three isn’t merely on…

… it’s about to be over.

And a whole new chapter is about to begin.

Kensington Palace has confirmed the exciting and suspenseful news that Kate Middleton is in labor with her and Prince William’s third child.

We don’t know exactly when he or she will be born, but women typically take less time to complete the process with each baby to whom they give birth.

So it could happen at any moment!

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London earlier this morning in the early stages of labor,” the official Palace statement reads.

It also adds:

“The Duchess travelled by car from Kensington Palace to the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital with The Duke of Cambridge.”

From what we gather, Middleton was admitted just before 6 a.m. (U.K. time) to the same hospital where she gave birth to Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Usually, of course, a woman simply going into labor would not be cause us to write our own story about it.

Usually, we’d wait until the baby was actually here before we provided readers with a lengthy update.

But there’s basically nothing usual about Kate Middleton, Prince William or their beautiful life together.

No couple on the planet generates as much interest — and we’re not sure if it’s even close. (Beyonce and Jay Z, perhaps? Michelle and Barack Obama? Scott Disick and Sofia Richie?)

Neither Kate nor William has leaked the gender of their third kid, although William came pretty close this month.

According to the latest rumor, the superstars are about to welcome a boy named Thomas.

But, again, this is just a rumor right now.

Whichever gender is ends up being, and whatever he or she gets named, baby will be the fifth in line of succession after Prince Charles, William, George and Charlotte.

Prince Harry – currently sitting as fifth in line to the throne – will be bumped to sixth.

Kate and William announced in September that they were expecting their third child, being forced to do so a little earlier than they had originally planned because Middleton once again struggled with hyperemesis gravidarum.

This condition meant she had to deal with extreme bouts of morning sickness, which meant she had to cancel many public appearances… which means the couple had no choice but to let the world know why.

Married in April of 2011, Kate and her handsome man are also the parents of Prince George, 4, and Princess Charlotte, 2; both were also born at St. Mary’s Hospital, as mentioned above.

The Duchess made her last public appearance in March, meeting British Paralympic athletes with Prince William.

She’s since being laying low, missing out, for example, on a celebration of the Queen’s 92nd birthday this past Sunday night.

But she has a pretty solid excuse, wouldn’t you say?

Meanwhile, Pippa Middleton is also pregnant, according to the latest reports.

Such an exciting time for the family!

We’d like to send Kate and William a preemptive note of congratulations. Won’t you join us in doing so?


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Goes Into Labor Amidst Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal (Report)

It’s been quite a roller coaster 24 hours for Khloe Kardashian.

Last night, several media outlets reported that Cleveland Cavaliers forward Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe on multiple occasions over the past six months.

Khloe is currently pregnant with her first child, and TMZ reported moments ago that she’s experiencing contractions and is now headed to a Cleveland hospital to give birth.

The outlet reports that Khloe’s due date is sometime in late April, but her family and medical team believe the baby could arrive as early as this afternoon.

TMZ is also confirming that Khloe’s mother and sisters are currently headed to Cleveland in preparation for the birth.

Kris Jenner has reportedly been shuttling back and forth between Cleveland and Los Angeles all week in order to keep tabs on Khloe’s progress.

As for Tristan, he’s scheduled to help his team close out their regular season at home against the New York Knicks tonight.

We’re guessing he’ll skip the game, however, if Khloe goes into labor.

We’re also guessing the Kards aren’t too thrilled about the fact that Khloe relocated to Cleveland for Tristan.

Sources say the entire family is outraged over the allegations against Tristan, particularly the rumors that Thompson impregnated one of his mistresses.

“They are heartbroken for Khloé. They didn’t realize how deceptive Tristan could really be,” a source tells People.

Of course, Khloe is a Kardashian, which means many on social media are skeptical about the timing of all this high drama.

“Soooooo that video of Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe is from October but it just now comes out while khloe is due to give birth any day and they’re shooting another season of KUWTK the devil works hard but not harder than Kris Jenner,” one Twitter user joked.

We understand the skepticism, but we doubt even Kris and company would go so far as to fabricate this sad situation.

Drama might be their bread and butter, but this is the stuff of soap operas.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: The Longest Labor

A new baby joined the family on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9, and it made for one of the show’s most heartfelt episodes. 

When the episode got underway, everyone was preparing for the new addition to the family. 

If you watch Sister Wives online, you will know that the family has faced their fair share of legal woes over the years, and that’s down to them living as a polygamous family. 

This presented Madison with quite the issue: She did not want to go to the hospital to give birth. The reason? She was worried that as soon as they heard who her family was, she would be scrutinized. 

It made sense. Kody Brown and his band of wives have been a staple on celebrity gossip sites, and that’s because of their lifestyle. 

Madison and Caleb were living with Janelle, and she was doing everything she could do to make them feel comfortable. She wanted to assign part of the house to them. 

What more could they want? More, it seemed.

Caleb was on the fence about having the child at home because he felt like the hospital was the best place to be in case there were any issues at childbirth. 

Things took a painful turn for Madison, and she wound up having a 36-hour labor. This was especially difficult for Madison because everyone kept telling her the baby was coming. 

However, the midwife was doling out the bad news like it was going out of fashion. We can’t begin to imagine how difficult that must have been. 

The child was finally born, and they named him Axel James. Ludicrous name aside, everyone was happy the labor was out of the way. 

Elsewhere in this episode, Meri continued to try and get her bed and breakfast idea off the ground, but that came at a cost: She had to take a trip with Kody to Utah. 

He was still not sold on the idea and worried that Meri would look to the family for help more often than not. That’s what families do, right?

In any case, Kody needed to know that it was financially viable, so they took a trip to the place. While there, he warmed to the idea of it and gave his blessing. 

But Meri was shocked to the core when Kody was on the phone and told a journalist about them going to therapy. Ever since the catfishing scandal, Meri has been trying to keep a low profile. 

So, this made her wonder whether their troubling times were really over. 

When they returned home, the other wives spoke out in support of Meri’s idea, but like Kody, they wanted to know it was going to make sense from a financial standpoint. 

What’s the point of creating a business if it’s going to fail?

Either way, we’re going to be in for a fun time when the family starts to run the establishment. Could we get a spin-off?

Quite possibly. 


Friday, January 12, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s Not in Labor Despite Online Rumors

Kylie Jenner is NOT at the hospital right now pushing out her first child, despite increased online speculation swirling that she’s in labor … TMZ has learned. Multiple sources close to Kylie and Travis Scott tell us … Kylie isn’t due this…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Anna Duggar Opens Up About Fifth Child, "Long Labor"

Earlier this month, Anna Duggar welcomed her fifth child with her husband, disgraced former reality star Josh Duggar.

The news received a mixed reaction, as the appalling revelation that Josh molested five young girls and evaded punishment remains fresh in the minds of many former fans.

On social media, Josh has been slammed by fans for continuing to have children despite his history of abusive behavior.

As a result, the embattled 29-year-old has continued to keep a low profile in the weeks since his fifth child entered the world.

But that doesn’t mean his entire family is laying low.

To the surprise of many, Anna Duggar issued a statement to Us Weekly today.

In her brief missive to the tabloid, Anna says that despite an unexpectedly long labor, the birth went smoothly, and mother and son are currently resting comfortably at home.

“It was a long labor, but complication free and I feel really great,” Anna says.

“It’s a blessing to have so much help from our moms and family members. Our other little ones adore Mason and want to hold him all the time!”

It’s the first public statement from the Duggars since reps announced the birth back on September 12:

“We are so thankful and happy to announce the arrival of our new son, Mason Garrett Duggar. Both he and Anna are doing well,” read their statement at the time.

“He arrived today without complication and we already adore him. The entire family is ecstatic over the arrival of another beautiful blessing.”

The social media announcement continued:

“We want to thank everyone for your prayers, kind words and well wishes. We appreciate it much more than we could ever express. We pray God blesses each of you with an abundance of the kindness you’ve shown us.”

There’s been talk of Josh Duggar returning to television in the wake of his son’s birth, but considering the way the news was received by fans, that seems unlikely.

It’s clear that the Duggars would like to rehabilitate Josh’s battered public image, but they’re smart enough to no do so at the expense of their massively lucrative media empire.

For now, they’ll have to be content to let Anna do the talking for him. 

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Little People, Big World Fans Think Audrey Roloff Has Gone into Labor!

Audrey Roloff’s due date has come and gone, though that’s not uncommon for pregnancies.

Some fans of Little People, Big World and of the Roloff family in general, however, believe that Audrey Roloff went into labor yesterday.

And not just because yesterday was Labor Day, although that is a super cute coincidence. …

Audrey Roloff has been diligent about keeping the world updated through social media on her pregnancy.

She and her husband, Jeremy are excited about the upcoming birth of their child and they want to share this with the world.

We’re excited for them.

And we’re also excited because Audrey and Jeremy Roloff both have such great hair that we feel like their child, wielding the genetics of both parents, is destined to be a hair model.

Or possibly just Rapunzel.

Audrey and Jeremy haven’t revealed the name that they’ve picked out, or even a hint.

We suspect that the name that they’ve chosen will be something in keeping with their religious beliefs rather than a name from a popular fairy tale.

Now, on Friday, Audrey Roloff shared that photo of her in that black outfit, looking almost too pregnant to function.

Her caption reminded the world of exactly how far along she was:

“Yesterday was my due date! I can’t believe I’ve been carrying this bump of love for 9 months! Baby girl we are so eager to meet you!”

Yes, we should imagine so.

Even as unimaginably agonizing as childbirth can be, Audrey has to be looking forward to it.

To be done with her pregnancy but mostly so that she can meet her precious baby.

Right now, fans wonder if Audrey might have gone into labor yesterday.

Again, yes it was Labor Day, but that’s not what that means.

Audrey has been radio silent on Instagram since Sunday. 

She hasn’t delivered any new updates on Twitter, either — just sharing a blog post about Jesus and proselytizing that has nothing to do with her pregnancy.

(Also, tweets can be and often are scheduled in advance, especially when they’re tied to a potential revenue source like a blog)

And then we have Jeremy Roloff’s interesting boat analogy that he posted on Instagram:

“Well ladies and gentlemen, we are officially past the due date! We’ve been sailing full steam ahead, working hard to get the ship ready for land.”

That is not the end of the boat analogy.

“And now it feels as if we have sailed into the fog and the water is calm, the air is still, long and wide ripples stretch out from the ship as it slows it’s pace. Not a sound except the occasional creek of the bow … everyone onboard waiting to strike land!”

We’ve read enough fantasy adventures about pirates to follow that, more or less. It’s a weird analogy.

But “long and wide ripples” makes us think of contractions, which you’re supposed to time when they start.

Has she gone into labor?

The only clue that would make us say that no, Audrey hasn’t gone into labor, is that Matt Roloff — excited to meet his second grandchild — has been posting on social media.

And not about obvious pregnancy news or labor news or childbirth news.

It seems unlikely that Audrey and Jeremy would go to the hospital without telling Jeremy’s father.

It seems equally unlikely that proud grandpa Matt Roloff would totally keep cool and post on social media like always while his second grandchild is being born.

So let’s do our best to not jump the gun. Audrey will tell us when she tells us.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Celebrity Bumps Guess Who ... Happy Labor Day!

Get your Labor Day poppin’ with these bare belly babes that took to social media to show off their bumps … then see if you can guess who the soon-to-be laboring ladies are?


Friday, September 1, 2017

Serena Williams Goes Into Labor, Let"s Do This!!

Serena Williams has gone into labor and is set to give birth any minute … and of course it’s all going down in the middle of the U.S. Open! The 35-year-old superstar was admitted to St. Mary’s Medical Center in Palm Beach, FL on Wednesday and she…


Audrey Roloff: Is She in Labor? When is She Due?

Little People, Big World stars Jeremy and Audrey Roloff are so close to becoming parents …but it looks like they’re still waiting. For now.

Audrey, 26, and Jeremy, 27, are expecting their baby girl any day now and have been getting all the essential things in place beforehand.

This week, Audrey made “padcicles” for post-labor. Jeremy got the baby monitors up and running. Their new home and nursery are set up.

All that’s left to do now is wait … and not for much longer.

Jeremy and Audrey went radio silent on social media in the second half of this week, leading many fans to believe Audrey might be in labor.

Jeremy’s mom, Amy, hasn’t been on social media either, and Audrey’s due date is August 31 – today. So is #BabyRoloff on her way?

Honestly, we’re not sure. It’s pretty safe bet that she’ll arrive within the next few days, but there’s no immediate sign that labor has begun.

As for the little one’s name, Aubrey and Jeremy haven’t revealed the name they have chosen, nor have they even offered many hints.

She’s kept fans abreast of her pregnancy pretty much every step of the way, even when it meant receiving criticism from her followers.

Audrey has openly mused about the challenge of having a baby with running a business, wondering how other moms achieve a balance.

She’s posted numerous updates on getting her home ready and packing her bag for the hospital as the due date drew closer and closer.

Still, the beloved reality star has rubbed some fans the wrong way with a number of pictures she posted over the past several weeks.

How so?

First, some accused her of stealing the spotlight from Molly Roloff with all of her updates from her sister-in-law’s wedding to Joel Silvius.

Then there’s the matter of her baby bump shots. As her belly grows, Audrey’s love for showcasing it on Instagram has blossomed as well.

Some fans aren’t pleased at all, slamming what they see as “disgraceful” Audrey Roloff photos, though we think that’s a huge stretch.

Part of the criticism stems from the fact that Roloff’s emphasis on religion and how such revealing images may conflict with her values.

All nonsense.

People look too hard for things to hate, and just because she’s a public figure, feel they can unload on her in remarkably critical terms.

It certainly hasn’t slowed her down or led her to censor herself up to this point, and we don’t expect her to change after the baby is born.

She’s outspoken. Deal with it.

No one’s forcing you to follow her online or gaze upon her (beautiful) baby bump. So let’s all just live, let live and wish Audrey the best!

There’s a baby on the way!


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Woman Snaps World"s Greatest Selfie While Sister is in Labor

As previously documented, Kim Kardashian has often tried to break the Internet with her influx of selfies.

But Kat Armendariz has nearly succeeded where Kardashian failed… and she didn’t need to show off a single private part in order to do so!

SELFIE! While my sister is about to shove a baby out her vag! wrote Kat as a caption to this amazing selfie.

The 27-year old has gone incredibly viral as the result of a photo she snapped of herself and her sister around 3 a.m. on June 29.

But this wasn’t any ordinary photo of two sisters; it was a photo of Kat standing up in a hospital room and smiling… while 20-year old Kimberly screamed and grimaced in pain just a few feet away.

How come? Because she was deep in the throes of labor!

“My sister and I have a great relationship,” Kat wrote on Facebook of the image, adding:

“When I had my first daughter, Madison, I always recalled hearing her say ‘I’m never having kids, nope, never.’ well… 8 years later she had her moment!

“How could I miss the opportunity to capture this selfie and the humor that we constantly share, right?”

Kat has five kids of her own, so she has literally felt the pain of her sibling in this moment.

She obviously knew things would turn out okay in the end (well, more than okay… there would be a beautiful baby!) and figured such a selfie would be a humorous token to remember the occasion by.

And she’s been proven correct.

“I told her, ‘I am going to take this selfie and you can thank me later,"” Kat explained to Inside Edition. “I warned her that I wanted to take a selfie while she was in pain because I did my time already.”

Added the viral sensation:

“I wanted to capture that moment from the bottom of my heart. It was out of love. I am her sister and a pain in the butt.”

Kimberly had been in labor for 15 hours at Sierra Providence East Medical Center in El Paso at the time this picture was taken.

She alter gave birth to her first child, a healthy baby boy named Zayden.

The picture and the story of these sisters have been shared on Inside Edition, Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, The Today Show and Yahoo Celebrities, among other websites, programs and outlets.

The image has also been been viewed over 544,000 times on imgur.

They were interviewed by a local Fox affiliate (below) as part of their 15 Minutes of Fame, while Kat’s photography business has seen a nice boom over the past few days.

Kat says she’s received “a lot of backlash” for the snapshot from trolls online saying they would have never do such a thing to their sister.


“That is the relationship we have,” Kimberly herself says. “I was cool with it. I think it was funny!”

Same here.

“I am her sister. I did my duty,” Kat concludes to Inside Edition.

Amen, Kat! All siblings should share this sort of enjoyable bond, shouldn’t they?!?


Friday, July 7, 2017

Jill Duggar: Has She Gone Into Labor?!

In some ways, the Duggar family is a lot like the universe.

It’s always expanding and sometimes the whole thing seems hopelessly confusing.

Fortunately, we’re here to help you keep track of every rumor concerning the many proposals, pregnancies, and births in the Duggar clan, and today we’ve got a doozy.

The family’s biggest fans watch their social media pages with the same fervor with which the British tabloid press scrutinizes the Royals.

As a result, they’re often able to accurately predict big news before it’s officially announced to the public.

Of course, sometimes they simply jump to conclusions and end up being wildly off-base.

Their latest speculation seems like it has a good chance of being rooted in truth, as it jibes with what we already know about Jill Duggar and her second pregnancy.

Though Jill’s exact due date remains a mystery, we know that she’s expecting to deliver sometime in July.

Now, fans are taking the photo above as an indication that Samuel Scott Dillard (Jill revealed the name last month.) is already on his way.

Of course, it’s less the picture of Jill’s first son, Israel, and more the caption that accompanied it that has fans on pins and needles.

“Israel is so ready for his baby brother!” reads the caption, which fans believe was penned by Duggar matriarch, Michelle.

Tellingly, the admin of the family’s official Facebook page (which again, is probably Michelle) has been avoiding questions about when Jill is expected to give birth.

Many fans who watch the page closely are taking that as a sign that she’s currently in labor.

There are even some who believe Jill secretly already gave birth and is holding off on making the announcement for reasons that remain unclear.

The last official word from the Dillards on the matter comes from Derick, who tweeted on the Fourth of July:

“If Samuel comes tonight, we’re going to have to call him Uncle Sam!”

Obviously, that sparked a round of wild speculation from the family’s fans.

Like we said, it doesn’t take much to set them off.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation and publish updates as more information becomes available.

Watch Counting On online in the meantime to get your fix of all things Duggar.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Matt Roloff Goes Into Labor, Puts Son to the Test

The following clip is very sweet.

And also a tad bit disturbing.

From tonight"s installment of Little People, Big World, it features Matt Roloff making sure his son is prepared to welcome his first child into the world.

Prior to actually arriving at the hospital and comforting wife Tori through the steps of child birth, Matt aims to teach Zach a few lessons about what comes prior to this final step.

That is, the drive to the hospital.

Does Zach have a quick and safe route in mind?

Is he aware of the chaos that will surround their drive?

Will he work with Tori or against her as they head on over to the biggest moment of their lives? (Spoiler Alert: There"s only one right answer to this question.)

Oh, does Zach realize he may need to call 911 if the baby starts to come out DURING the drive?

This is where Zach gets understandably worried.

But Matt urges his child to remain calm throughout. The circumstances will require it. Tori will need it from him.

Did we mention that Matt even pretend that his water breaks in order to drive home the urgency of the drill he"s putting his son through?

Yeah. This happens, prompting the following reaction from Zach:

Zach and Tori welcomed a son named Jackson into the world on May 12.

He"s a happy, healthy and adorable little person… who really will grow up to be a little person. He was born with the gene for dwarfism.

But Zach and Tori have said all the right things about their child and we have no doubt he"ll grow up in a loving, helpful and stable household.

You can use our link to watch Little People, Big World online and you can check out the following sneak peek to prepare for an episode that will also focus on Zach"s health problems in the days leading up to his son"s birth.

Matt roloff goes into labor puts son to the test

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Josh Altman Jokes/Hopes This Dish Will Make Wife Orgasm Into Labor (VIDEO)

Josh Altman gave one of Craig’s menu items very high praise, and if his review holds up … his wife should be giving birth any hour now — she also might have had an orgasm. We got the “Million Dollar Listing” star Saturday night heading into…


Josh Altman Jokes/Hopes This Dish Will Make Wife Orgasm Into Labor (VIDEO)

Josh Altman gave one of Craig’s menu items very high praise, and if his review holds up … his wife should be giving birth any hour now — she also might have had an orgasm. We got the “Million Dollar Listing” star Saturday night heading into…


Monday, September 5, 2016

Stars Who Welcomed Babies in 2016: Happy LABOR Day!


The following well-known names all became mothers or fathers at some point in 2016…

1. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

John legend and chrissy teigen 2016 academy awards

It was a girl for Chrissy Teigen and John Legend in the spring of 2016. Hooray!

2. Candice Accola

Candice accola smiles

Candice Accola was given an extra special reason to smile in early 2016: the lovely actress gave birth to a girl!

3. Tyra Banks

Tyra banks image

Thanks to a surrogate, Tyra Banks became a first-time mother in early 2016. We send her and her little boy all of our best wishes.

4. Louis Tomlinson

Louis tomlinson baby photo

AWWW! SO CUTE! Louis Tomlinson gives us our first look here at his son, Freddie. He has his dad’s good looks!

5. Jana Kramer

Jana kramer

Congrats, Jana Kramer! The actress welcomed a daughter named Jolie into the world in January.

6. Heather Morris

Heather morris

Way to go, Heather Morris! The former Glee star welcomed her second son into the world in February.

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