Showing posts with label Tristan's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tristan's. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Goes Into Labor After Tristan"s Cheating Scandal Breaks

On the latest episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kylie Jenner gave birth. It took more than seven months for that to air.

Viewers knew that it was only a matter of time before the show reached Khloe and her much more controversial childbirth.

In this preview video, you can see Kim, Khloe, and the rest of her family react as Khloe goes into labor … and Tristan"s cheating scandal is exposed.

Kim kardashian has a tense discussion

In the Keeping Up With The Kardashians preview teaser video that we have for you, the show teases what remains to be seen on this season.

When it really becomes interesting is when, very clearly, the story of Tristan Thompson"s cheating scandal breaks.

"They have another video of him," Kim can be heard saying into her phone.

She is clearly referring to Tristan Thompson and the evidence of him being with other women during Khloe"s pregnancy.

"Unfollowed, I hate him," Kim announces in another part of the clip. "Sorry, not sorry."

Khloe kardashian goes into labor

Kim"s reaction was one thing, but what everyone wants to see is how Khloe responded to the news that her love and baby daddy is a no-good dirty cheater.

As we all know, it was a matter of hours after that scandal broke that Khloe went into labor with baby True.

"The things I can control, I have to be able to control," Khloe can be heard saying.

That is a fairly grounded response to such explosive news — though of course we can imagine that some responses may have been edited out.

Khloe does, after all, have veto power over footage from the show.

Khloe kardashian undergoes an ultrasound

She gets an ultrasound while very pregnant, and also is shown going into labor while her family races to get to where she is in Cleveland.

"I hope everyone gets here in time," Khloe says.

You can also see a van full of her family members racing towards her.

As widely reported as Tristan"s scandal was and True"s birth was, we never really got a behind-the-scenes look or Khloe"s reaction immediately afterwards.

We hope that, despite Khloe"s editorial powers, we get to see her raw reaction. Fans are curious. It"s human nature.

We"ll definitely get to see at least some of the responses, from anger to disbelief, of Khloe"s extended family. We wonder what Tristan will think.

Kim kardashian north west and kanye west in dc

Arguably the second-most-interesting storyline in this teaser is Kim using her platform for civil rights advocacy.

The story of a woman using her fame and beauty to influence a terrible old orange man to pardon a grandmother is definitely compelling.

Speaking of Trump, Kim also addresses Kanye West"s worrisome bad behavior and outlandish statements.

In this case, it looks like fans can expect to see more or less the same sentiments that she has expressed publicly.

She believes that Kanye"s apparently uncontrolled, no-filter declarations about Trump and "dragon energy" aren"t signs of mental illness.

Kim kardashian is looking great

Kim may be right. If she is, Kanye isn"t mentally troubled — he may just be a bad person.

And it is of course unfair to malign the mentally ill, many of whom are good people, by confusing bad behavior with mental health.

Viewers will also get to see things like Kendall, who is famously anxious, try skydiving for the first time. Also, Kris falls down playing baseball.

Honestly? That could all be entertaining, but it"s just filler.

Khloe"s heartbreak, Kim"s activism, and Kanye"s nonsense look like the real meat of the rest of the season.

Khloe kardashian goes into labor after tristans cheating scandal

Friday, June 22, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Might Ban Tristan"s Cheating Scandal From KUWTK

The whole world knows that Tristan Thompson cheated. And, despite reports that she was totally in denial about it, Khloe knows it, too.

But what everyone wants to know right now is … exactly how much of Tristan’s shameful cheating scandal is going to make it onto KUWTK?

The answer is complicated. Plenty of it will be filmed … but Khloe herself might keep some of those conversations from every being shown.

Khloe and Tristan are back in L.A. … and, despite everything, still together.

Since Khloe seems determined to sweep everything under the rug, a number of fans of her and of Keeping Up With The Kardashians are worried that she’ll try to bury the scandal on the show.

But a source tells Us Weekly that Tristan’s cheating will come up on KUWTK.

The insider assures: “They always discuss real life things on the show.”

A huge part of the Kardashian brand is that they embrace (most) negative stories about them because they know that being part of the national conversation keeps their brand alive and growing.

“They’ve never ignored a topic,” the source points out.

That’s … mostly true.

The source goes on to explain that the Kardashians will certainly discuss the subject on camera.

“It will definitely be brought up,” the insider says. “But they don’t know how much.”

By which they mean how much will actually survive the editing process and make it onto people’s screens.

“They can film hours about it,” the source describes.

The insider then warns: “but in the end, Khloé is one of the executive producers.”

That’s not just a fancy and somewhat vague title.

Khloe has veto power, the source cautions, “and will have final say on what actually makes air.”

That’s a good power to have if you’re a reality star (and it’s also super rare for these folks).

But … it could mean that Khloe could offhandedly censor her family’s genuine reactions to the cheating scandal.

Furthermore, another insider tells Us Weekly that Khloe has made assurances to her cheating baby daddy that his adventurous penis won’t take center stage on the show.

Specifically, she has reportedly promised him that his “cheating scandal won’t be a huge story line.”

But that’s not enough for Tristan.

It’s reported that he has outrageously expressed dismay that it’s coming up at all.

“He doesn’t understand why it has to be addressed,” the source describes. “But Khloe has said if it’s not dealt with on the show, questions will continue to linger.”

Specifically, questions of how her family responded to the news.

But also, Keeping Up With The Kardashians will give Khloe a position to speak her mind directly to fans about how she feels and how she responded.

“No one has heard from Khloe directly about what she felt or what she has gone through,” the source points out.

Yep. We’ve heard lots of reports. The closest that Khloe has come has been to blast fans for giving her advice.

Khloe is very aware of this, the insider says, “and she pointed out to Tristan that she won’t do anything to hurt him by briefly discussing the cheating.”

If Tristan thinks that Khloe discussing the fact that he cheated on her with multiple women while she was pregnant with their child will make her reconsider allowing him in her life, he should think again.

The source reports: “She has moved on from it.”

For better or for worse.

Tristan’s cheating may come up on KUWTK, but Tristan himself is not slated to make an appearance, Us Weekly reports.

“Khloe could actually care less about whether or not he does,” the source says.

Hey, just because she’s a reality star doesn’t mean that she’s interested in her boyfriend showing up on camera.

Especially, perhaps, given the circumstances.

The source explains that Khloe has other priorities: “She is focused on trying to rebuild the trust in the relationship.”

And, of course, on raising their precious baby, True Thompson.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Knockin" Up Khloe Could Help Tristan"s Career, Says NBA"s Jim Jackson

Tristan Thompson’s Kardashian spawn ain’t just gonna make him more famous … it could damn well make him a better basketball player — so says NBA vet Jim Jackson. We got J-Jax at Cafe Gratitude in L.A. … and he told us why knockin’ up…
