Showing posts with label Relapse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relapse. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2018

Demi Lovato Parties with G-Eazy After Relapse

Just days ago, Demi Lovato fired her manager and temporarily shuttered her website amidst stories of continuous drinking after her recent relapse.

Fans are worried that, this time, her fall from sobriety may be permanent.

The news that she was spotted out clubbing with questionable influence G-Eazy has not done much to ease people’s concerns.

RadarOnline reports that Demi Lovato went clubbing, which is not ideal for someone with her history of substance abuse.

Demi and rapper G-Eazy arrived at club Warwick in Hollywood at about 1am on Saturday morning.

An eyewitness reported seeing the two leave around 2:30am.

Honestly, spending an hour and a half at a club on a Saturday wouldn’t normally be a red flag or cause for concern.

But … considering what we know about Demi’s relapse, fans are deeply concerned.

According to eyewitnesses, Demi was sporting a casual look, including a jean jacket and black pants.

No one seemed sure if Demi and G-Eazy were just hanging out or if there’s something more going on between the two of them.

They were seen holding hands, but it was while they were walking — which can be a very practical idea when you’re clubbing or walking quickly through a crowd.

In American culture, which is often physically isolating except when romance is involved, hand-holding can also be an indicator that things are more than just platonic.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Halsey announced that she and G-Eazy had split after dating for about a year.

So he’s single — and potentially ready to mingle.

But … there may be some very legitimate concerns that, as a friend or a boyfriend, G-Eazy is the last person with whom Demi should be spending time at the moment.

Earlier this year, G-Eazy was involved in a nightclub brawl and a drug arrest in Sweden. He apparently had a lot of cocaine on his person.

While drug possession or use should certainly not be criminalized, it probably doesn’t make him the best associate for someone who has recently fallen off of the wagon.

Fans who have heard of Demi’s struggles with alcohol and with cocaine in the past don’t really like seeing these two in each other’s orbits.

As we mentioned, Demi has fired a number of people who have worked with her and even temporarily shuttered her website.

Reports say that, though she admitted her relapse in a song called “Sober,” she is not actually willing to listen to anyone or to get help.

In fact, many fear that she is simply severing professional ties with anyone who tries to push her to get help.

The reality of the situation is that people who struggle with substance abuse and addiction issues won’t seek help until they’re ready to.

Tragically, some of them are never ready.

But Demi just celebrated a year of sobriety last March.

If she did it before, fans hope that she can do it again after this new relapse.

Demi’s story of recovery is inspirational to so many fans, and they believe that she can recover.

But can doesn’t mean will.

We’re all rooting for Demi. We hope that G-Eazy, whatever the nature of their relationship, also wants what’s really best for her.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Demi Lovato: Fires More Staff, Shudders Website Amidst Relapse Drama

It’s been three weeks since the world learned that Demi Lovato relapsed after six years of sobriety, and it seems the recovery process has been a long and difficult one for the troubled pop songstress.

To her credit, it wasn’t the tabloids that publicized her latest struggles with substance abuse but Demi herself.

In June, she released the song “Sober,” which detailed her fall from the wagon with heartbreaking and surprisingly personal lyrics.

Unfortunately, the release of the song did not signal the start of Demi’s long road back to sobriety, as many had hoped.

Instead, those who know her best say Lovato is still drinking and has no immediate plans to get clean.

“Demi has gone off the rails,” a source tells Radar Online.

Equally troubling is the fact that the singer has reportedly been severing ties with those who wish to help her.

Demi fired her manager earlier this week, and it seems she’s ended her relationship with several other staffers in the days that followed.

“She’s completely dropped her family members, friends and everyone in the sober community, including all of the people at CAST [Demi’s former recovery program],” the source claimed.

“And now she is cutting off her staff who have worked with her forever.”

As Radar reports, Lovato also shut down her website earlier this week.

The site is now back up and running, but the hiatus left many with the impression that Demi is badly in need of some time away from the spotlight.

The fact that Lovato is cashing in on her relapse by actively promoting “Sober” on her social media pages has led some to label her a hypocrite:

“She is making money off her relapse,” says the insider.

“But she is a walking contradiction, because she is does not have a game plan to get clean right now.”

Friends and family already staged an informal intervention, but sadly, it seems their concerns fell on deaf ears.

“[They] suggested to her that she should get some help and go to rehab,” the source claims.

Clearly, Demi didn’t heed that advice.

On social media, Lovato has been the subject of a massive outpouring of concern, but unlike in years past, she seems to have little interest in communicating directly with fans.

Here’s hoping she’s able to find the help she needs before it’s too late.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Demi Lovato: Still Drinking After Latest Relapse

Last week, fans were stunned when Demi Lovato confessed to relapsing after six years of sobriety.

The singer made no effort to conceal her setback from fans.

In fact, she recorded a heartbreakingly confessional ballad about her relapse ironically titled “Sober.”

“Mama, I’m so sorry, I’m not sober anymore / And Daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor,” Lovato sings.

The present-tense urgency of the song has left many fans concerned for Lovato’s well-being.

And reports from those closest to Demi indicate that she has yet to emerge triumphant from her latest bout with substance abuse.

“Demi reached out to some of her sober friends this weekend, but she hasn’t made any set plans to sober up just yet,” a source tells Radar Online.

“Everyone is hoping that her relapse reveal is a cry for help. It is nothing to be ashamed over. She slipped and it is never too late to get back on track.”

The insider says that Demi’s loved ones share fans’ concerns that this could be the beginning of a steep decline:

“All of Demi’s close friends and family are extremely worried right now because they know that she is on a downward spiral,” the source claims.

“They just all want her to come back to L.A. and get the help she needs before it is too late.”

Unfortunately, it seems that Lovato is currently resistant to offers assistance from her inner circle:

“No one can get her attention,” the source claims.

“Her team tried to hire a sober coach, and she went nuts!”

The 25-year-old pop icon celebrated six years of sobriety in March, and it seems her relapse occurred not long after that anniversary:

“Demi relapsed about two months ago because she stopped the accountability portion of her recovery,” says one insider.

Another source confirms that recent cancellations on Lovato’s current world tour are a result of her ongoing battle with alcoholism.

Family and friends hope that her gut-wrenching new song will mark the beginning of her recovery process:

“Demi relapsed and started drinking alcohol again. Her song is intense, but that’s how she deals,” says the insider.

“She has to be brutally honest and put it out there so that she’s not burdened with holding on to her struggles privately.”

Our thoughts go out to Ms. Lovato as she continues this courageous lifelong battle.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Demi Lovato: Heartbreaking New Details of Relapse Revealed

Yesterday, Demi Lovato released a brand new song called “Sober,” which was really exciting.

… Or it was exciting until people actually listened to the song and learned that it was all about her lack of sobriety these days.

Yep, Demi, who just celebrated her sixth anniversary of giving up alcohol and drugs back in March, has relapsed, and thanks to her new song, there’s absolutely no doubt about it.

Honestly, it sounds like she’s in a particularly bad way, too — in the first verse, she sings “Wake me when the shakes are gone and the cole sweats disappear / Call me when it’s over and myself has reappeared.”

She also explains that “Sometimes I just wanna cave and I don’t wanna fight,” which is concerning, to say the least.

With lyrics like those, and ones like “Mama, I’m so sorry, I’m not sober anymore / And Daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor,” it sounds like she’s actively in addiction right at this very moment.

Like she was present enough to write this song, but she still hasn’t been able to actually get sober and then reflect back on this relapse.

It’s sad, and scary, especially considering how bad her addiction was six years ago.

At the end of the song, Demi sings “I’m sorry that I’m here again / I promise I’ll get help,” but according to a source close to her who spoke with Radar Online, that’s not necessarily the case.

“No one can get her attention,” the source claims. “Her team tried to hire a sober coach, and she went nuts!”

Another source alleges that “Demi relapsed about two months ago because she stopped the accountability portion of her recovery.”

A third, more direct insider says “Everyone knows Demi is off the rails.”

Yet another source tells Entertainment Tonight that her relapse happened sometime during her break from touring — she finished the North American portion of her world tour on April 2nd, then kicked things off in Europe on May 24th.

Someone else told the site that “Demi relapsed and started drinking alcohol again. Her song is intense, but that’s how she deals.”

“She has to be brutally honest and put it out there so that she’s not burdened with holding on to her struggles privately.”

So this is a whole, whole lot of information, right?

Let’s try to break some of it down.

If Demi’s relapse happened during her break and also two months ago, then it sounds like she must have started drinking again sometime in April.

It also definitely sounds like she’s still not sober, and like she’s not in the best place right now to get that way.

Now, looking back at her recent behavior with this new knowledge, certain things are a little more interesting.

For instance, she’s been canceling shows lately because of what she said were problems with her vocal chords.

In a note she posted to social media earlier this month, she postponed a London concert “due to being very, very sick and with swollen vocal chords.”

“If I go on tonight and injure my vocal chords anymore I could potentially have to cancel the rest of my tour,” she said.

She seemed very upset with the cancellation, saying that she wrote the note “through tears of frustration and sadness,” and to her fans, she wrote “it breaks my heart to let you down.”

She did insist that “I feel your frustration and I wouldn’t do this unless I absolutely had to.”

And all of that could definitely be true — Demi certainly puts her vocal chords to work during a world tour.

But you know what’s really, really hard on vocal chords, and what can also make you very, very sick?


We hope this new song of hers is a step in the right direction, and that she’s able to get the help she needs to get sober again soon.

In the meantime … we’ll be thinking about you, girl.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Demi Lovato Confesses to Relapse in New Single

We’ve always held Demi Lovato in great admiration because the singer has talked so openly about her past use of drugs and alcohol.

Sadly, however, the artist is now here to talk about her current use of drugs and alcohol.

In her new track, “Sober,” Lovato makes it rather clear that she recently fell off the wagon, although the details of when and how are left undiscussed.

Following six years of avoiding dangerous substances, Lovato sings the following in the newly-released music video for this track:

Mama, I’m so sorry I’m not sober anymore/And Daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor.

To the ones who never left me / We’ve been down this road before/I’m so sorry, I’m not sober anymore.

Later in the moving single, the Grammy nominee apologizes to her “future love” and “the fans I lost,” breaking our heart as she confesses:

I wanna be a role model/But I’m only human.

I’m sorry that I’m here again/I promise I’ll get help /It wasn’t my intention/I’m sorry to myself.

Lovato has been an outspoken voice in Hollywood over the past few years.

She has detailed her hard drug use, which started at a young age, and has even said that she considered suicide at seven years old.

It was just three months ago that Lovato celebrated her aforementioned sobriety milestone, writing on social media at the time:

“So grateful for another year of joy, health and happiness. It IS possible.”

We sincerely hope that Demi realizes it still is possible and that no one is judging her for this relapse.

She merely has to take once glance through her comments on Twitter to come to this realization.

“We appreciate your truth. We love you regardless of everything. We have no idea how hard it was for you, but remember you’re never alone. Stay strong!” one Twitter user wrote, while another added:

“I’m so proud of you Demi to share the truth must be hard for you but know that true Lovatics would never ever judge you… We [are] here for you.”

Lovato has struggled in life with addiction, bipolar disorder and an eating disorder.

She first checked into rehab at the age of 18 in 2010 and then entered a sober house for about a year in 2013.

I wasn’t ready to get sober,” she recalled in her 2017 YouTube documentary, Simply Complicated, adding in this revealing look:

“I was sneaking [cocaine] on planes, sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night. Nobody knew.”

The former Disney Channel star also co-owns CAST Centers, the Los Angeles treatment facility where she was a patient as a teenager and where she now hopes to help others in her situation.

We continue to send Demi the very best.

Check out her full new music video below for “Sober.”


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: I"m Afraid Ryan Edwards Will Relapse!

If you’re a fan of Teen Mom 2, then you’re no doubt aware of Ryan Edwards recent struggles with addiction.

Edwards hit rock bottom before an audience of millions when he passed out while driving to his own wedding, a shocking scene that was captured by MTV cameras.

Shortly after exchanging vows with Mackenzie Standifer, Edwards checked into rehab, and he’s reportedly been sober ever since.

But that doesn’t mean the early months of his marriage have been entirely smooth sailing.

On this week’s episode of TM2, Standifer opened up to a friend, revealing that in some ways, her life was easier when her husband was in rehab, as she knew that he couldn’t get acquire drugs.

When Edwards returned home, Standifer says, the fear that he might disappear on a bender became overpowering.

“When Ryan was in rehab it was easy,” she told her friend.

“I knew he couldn’t get anything. He was safe. When we came home life punched us in the face. If he wanted it he could go get it. It’s scary.” 

Mackenzie went on to reveal that Edwards’ short temper has also been a constant source of stress in her marriage:

“You can be angry, but you can’t talk to me like that,” she said.

“This is hard for me too. I knew it would be hard, but I didn’t know it would be like this. It’s stress all the time. I’m so exhausted. I’m sad and depressed and angry.”

Clearly in despair from the stress of a “honeymoon period” marred by the ravages of addiction, Mackenzie complained that marriage to Edwards has exacted a profound emotional toll.

“I didn’t know it would be like this. It’s stress all the time. I’m so exhausted. I’m sad and depressed and angry.”

Needless to say, the Ryan and Mackenzie are enduring an incredibly trying time.

However, many viewers stated on social media that their fears were somewhat allayed by a touching scene in which Edwards expressed his gratitude to Standifer for essentially saving his life:

“It’s disgusting I let myself go like that,” he told his wife.

“It’s just pathetic. I’m so glad I listened to you and got help. You’ve been very, very understanding. I couldn’t have done this without you. Is there anything I could do to help you through this?”

Clearly, Ryan and Mackenzie have a long way in getting their marriage to a place where they’re both at their happiest and healthiest.

But the good news is, it seems that they’re both willing to put in the necessary work.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many ups and downs of the Edwards’ marriage.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Amanda Bynes: "Struggling" Amidst Mental Illness Relapse, Source Claims

For Amanda Bynes, the road to recovery has been a long and difficult one with many potholes and detours along the way.

Bynes’ struggle with mental illness played out in the public eye, and when she began to show signs of recovery earlier this year, fans rejoiced at the thought of having “the old Amanda” back.

Now, it seems their celebrations may have been premature.

Sources close to Bynes tell In Touch Weekly that the actress has suffered a “major relapse” and that she’s “struggling to regain control of her life. “

The news comes on the heels of a promising upswing, during which Bynes seemed to be getting the help she needed to repair her career and public image.

The positive changes in her Bynes’ behavior began earlier this year.

In April, Bynes returned to Twitter following an extended absence from the social media site.

Shortly thereafter, she gave her first interview in four years, during which she stated that she’s “doing great,” keeping busy, and looking forward to returning to acting.

“I’ve been going to school lately, fashion school, FIDM [the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising], and I love it. I’ve learned how to sew, I make patterns, and I want to start a clothing line in the future,” Bynes said.

“Other than that,” she continued, “I hike, I go spinning, take spinning classes, and I feed the homeless, and that’s been really interesting and fun.”

Sources verified that Bynes was once again pursuing an education after taking an extended hiatus:

“She began taking classes in the fall, even though she was kicked out before for showing up high as a kite,” said one fellow student.

“She seemed upbeat and talked about returning to TV.”

Unfortunately, the return to television never took place, and insiders say it’s Bynes’ inability to find work that touched off her latest meltdown.

The 31-year-old’s comeback came around the fifth anniversary of DUI arrest that seemed to trigger an extended downward spiral for Bynes.

In the months that followed, her drug use increased, and her behavior became more erratic, a pattern that culminated in Bynes being placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold and hospitalized for several months.

Here’s hoping Amanda can somehow regain that momentum and get back on the road to recovery.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Aaron Carter"s Family Fears Substance Abuse Relapse, Suicide

Aaron Carter’s family is desperate to get him help because they fear he’ll relapse, hurt himself or worse … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the Carter family tell us some of Aaron’s relatives believe he’s suffering a mental breakdown –…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Brad Pitt: Partying at Nightclubs as Friends Fear Relapse

Back in May, following months of rumors about his personal life and the state of his mental health, Brad Pitt admitted to struggling with a drinking problem and seeking treatment for substance abuse.

In a surprisingly candid interview with GQ, the 53-year-old Pitt revealed that he had been drinking heavily since college and couldn’t recall going a single day in his adult life without some sort of inebriant.

After a tumultuous year, Pitt’s life is reportedly settling back down these days.

His formerly contentious custody battle with Angelina Jolie is said to have reached a more civil stage in which both parties are working together to figure out an arrangement that works best for their kids.

The actor is working again, and there are rumors that Pitt is romantically involved with Sienna Miller.

Of course, his sobriety is still relatively new, and thus, rather fragile.

Anyone who’s struggled with addiction can tell you that at the point Pitt’s at now, it’s a near-constant battle.

So it’s no surprise that friends are said to be concerned by reports that Pitt was recently spotted partying at a nightclub into the wee hours.

According to Radar online, Pitt was “the last man standing” at the Rabbit Hole Club in England on June 23, where he partied until 3 am after spending the day at the Glastonbury Festival.

“At this rate, Brad’s heading for a major relapse, and he’s only going to push Angie’s buttons if she thinks Brad’s flirting with Sienna,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

A relapse, of course, would be devastating not only in terms of Pitt’s health and overall well-being, but also with regard to his custody rights.

Insiders say he and Jolie have reached a point where they’re amicably co-parenting their six children, but that peace is rumored to be tenuous.

“Right now Angie holds all the aces in terms of custody, so Brad needs to keep on her good side,” says the source.

Hopefully, Pitt’s been able to party without getting drunk or high.

If that’s not the case, we hope for both his sake and the sake of his children that he’ll be able to find the help he needs.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Rob Kardashian: Family Fears Relapse, Suicide Attempt in Wake of Blac Chyna Scandal

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Rob Kardashian went off the rails in frightening fashion on social media yesterday.

Rob attacked Blac Chyna on Instagram, accusing her of cheating on him and being addicted to various hard drugs.

When Rob began posting nude photos of Chyna, seemingly as an act of revenge inspired by her alleged infidelity, Instagram shut down his account, but he continued his tirade on Twitter.

Finally, Rob simmered down and stopped posting, but only after committing what many have described as a sex crime against his ex and making himself vulnerable to losing custody of his and Blac’s 7-month-old daughter, Dream.

Now, his family and friends reportedly fear that the worst is yet to come.

Before he met Chyna, Rob was reclusive and prone to compulsive overeating and self-medication through alcohol and drug use.

Sources close to the family tell Radar Online that his family is concerned he’ll return to his old ways in the wake of his public meltdown.

“It seems like no one can do anything to help Rob and they have all tried,” says one insider.

“He is not working out and he is not eating healthy. He is really down on himself right now and no one can do anything because he shuts his family out whenever they try.”

The source adds that Rob has fallen back into troubling behavioral patterns that are making it difficult for him to serve as any kind of father figure to his daughter:

“He stays up late and then sleeps all day and seems to feel like he will never be happy again. He is blaming Chyna for everything,” the insider claims.

Fans have pointed out a reference to Rob’s alleged suicidal tendencies in a recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

In the scene, Kris Jenner’s boyfriend Corey Gamble is seen consoling Rob after a particularly bad fight with Chyna.

“People that don’t know you are going to get the idea that you were suicidal,” Gamble remarks at one point.

Some are now pointing to the exchange as an indication that Rob’s troubles go even deeper than the public realizes.

Here’s hoping the troubled 30-year-old is able to get the help he needs before he does further damage to his own life and the lives of those around him.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

DMX Cancels Tour Dates Due to "Medical Emergency," Friends Fear Relapse

DMX is pulling the plug on several tour dates, and his people say it’s because of an unspecified medical issue. X was supposed to do a show Tuesday night in Santa Ana, CA … but the venue informed ticket holders the show had been cancelled due to a…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Zac Efron: Friends Fear Drug Relapse, Source Claims

Back in 2013, reports about Zac Efron’s addictions to alcohol, cocaine and prescription painkillers sparked serious concern among the young actor’s family, friends and fans.

Fortunately, Efron checked into rehab in 2014 and has spoken about the sober life in glowing terms on several occasions since.

Even so, fears that Efron would relapse have surfaced several times in the past two years.

According to Radar Online those closest to Efron are especially worried at the moment, due to some upheaval in the 28-year-old’s personal life.

Court documents indicate that Efron’s mother, Starla Baskett, filed from divorce from his father, David Efron, last month.

Efron’s relationship with his parents has always been tense, and TMZ even reported that Efron’s “controlling mother and father” were a factor in his descent into drug abuse.

Despite past difficulties, however, Zac is reportedly close with both Baskett and Efron, and insiders say there’s concern that the divorce drama could trigger a relapse.

“He seemed to have cleaned up his act but this could be devastating for him,” one insider tells Radar.

“Friends are very concerned he’ll fall off the wagon,” claims another insider, adding that Efron “been off drugs and into leading a healthy life” since his rehab stint.

To make matters worse, there are reports that Efron recently parted ways with longtime girlfriend Sami Miro.

Efron has yet to comment on either his parents’ divorce or the fears that he’ll relapse.

Fortunately, the actor has been keeping busy with three films set to come out in the next 12 months.

Here’s hoping he’s able to stay strong and stay sober during this difficult time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Leah Messer: New Photo Sparks Drug Relapse Rumors

Yesterday, we reported on new bikini photos of Leah Messer that showed the troubled Teen Mom 2 star looking much thinner than usual.

Naturally, fans were quick to comment on Leah’s extreme weight loss, with some even speculating that the mother of three might be suffering from an eating disorder.

And then there were those who took it even further…

In addition to the pic above, Leah posted a second photo from the same gathering.

This one was quickly deleted, however, after it received some bizarrely critical comments from fans.

As far as we can tell most of the criticism had to do with Leah’s teeth (which look fine to us) and the gleeful expression on her face.

Some fans felt that Leah looked manic and appeared to have suffered some dental damage in recent weeks.

Unfortunately, due to Leah’s past prescription pill addiction, she’ll likely face this sort of scrutiny for the rest of her life.

It’s somewhat surprising that Leah would delete the pic above, as it seemed that for every hater, there were at least three fans defending her.

Her decision may have something to do with the fact with a new controversy that erupted this morning, after Leah shot and posted a video of herself driving with daughter Addie in the backseat.

Messer has been criticized for her unsafe driving habits in the past, and this time, fans were particularly brutal.

Perhaps Leah didn’t feel like fighting a war on two fronts today.

We can’t say we blame her.

Unfortunately, when it comes to social media in 2016, haters never get tired of hating.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Lamar Odom: Abusing His Body "Worse Than Ever" Following Relapse?!

Back in October of 2015, Lamar Odom suffered a near-fatal overdose following a bender at a Nevada brothel.

After a miraculous recovery that saw the former NBA star struggling to walk and talk, Lamar reportedly swore off drugs and alcohol and promised estranged wife Khloe Kardashian and her family that he would turn over a new leaf.

Unfortunately, the 36-year-old’s resolve to stay sober didn’t last long.

In April, Odom was caught drinking in an LA bar just hours before he was to meet up with Khloe’s family for Easter Sunday church services.

Reports of his late nights and epic binges got worse in the months that followed, culminating in a nasty incident aboard a Delta Airlines flight earlier this week.

Witnesses say Odom was removed from the plane when he vomited on himself prior to takeoff, after spending several hours drinking heavily at an airport lounge.

Just one day later, Odom partied at an NYC strip club, arriving with an entourage of friends just after 3 am.

If you’re thinking this doesn’t sound like the behavior of a guy who recently pledged to take his health seriously, you’re not alone.

Friends and family are reportedly deeply concerned about the troubled former Laker, and those closest to Odom say he’s showing virtually no regard for his own well-being.

“[Lamar] is back to treating his body worse than ever,” one insider tells People magazine.

The insider adds that Khloe has grown “frustrated” and hopeless as a result of Odom’s latest fall from the wagon:

“Lamar’s near death experience affected a lot of people. Especially Khloe,” says the source.

“She put her life on hold for weeks to be by Lamar’s side at the hospital 24/7. It was awful for Khloe to get the phone call that Lamar had overdosed.

“[Khloe] is worried that she again will get a terrible phone call. She just can’t believe that Lamar is heading down the bad road again. She feels frustrated and very sad at the same time,” the insider adds.

“She has tried and wanted to help him so many times. It’s beyond her how Lamar can be so selfish and just careless about his life. She knows she did the right thing by filing for divorce again, but it’s very hard for Khloe to let go. She fears a bad ending for Lamar.” 

After briefly considering a reconciliation with her estranged husband, Khloe filed for divorce a second time in May.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Blamed For Lamar Odom Relapse!

Give this girl a break.

Khloe Kardashian appears to have done everything in her power to help estranged husband Lamar Odom stay sober, but after last night’s ordeal, it doesn’t look like there’s anything more she can do.

Odom was kicked off a Delta red eye from LA to New York after throwing up in the plane’s galley and bathroom.  The former NBA star was reportedly drinking beer and whiskey in Delta’s LAX lounge.

According to TMZ, Odom went to his seat in first class, then got up as the plane was about to take off and ran towards the bathroom.

He didn’t quite make it, throwing up in the galley before finding the toilet (the door was open the entire time).

Vomit covered Odom’s clothing as he stumbled back to his seat, at which point the in-flight crew determined that it was better if he were removed from the plane.

Earlier today, Kardashian posted a sad face emoji to Twitter.

Khloe Kardashian Sad Face Tweet

This, of course, opened up the floodgates for trolls, who thought they were doing society a favor by shaking their finger at the reality star.

User @Tamantha_5 tweeted a particularly low blow.

“Instead of running the streets with Mr.!steal your girl you need to be helping your HUSBAND,” the blogger wrote, referencing Kardashian’s rumored fling, Trey Songz.

Khloe, who doesn’t bite her tongue when attacked via Twitter, fired back.

“Stay in your f—ing lane little girl,” she wrote. “You know nothing about anything. You’re a sheep herded by society.”

Khloe Kardashian Blasts Troll Twitter

Fans started to send tweets of support, assuring Kardashian that Odom’s addiction is “out of” her hands.

Kardashian filed for divorce a second time from Odom back in May; she halted proceedings from her initial filing in December 2013 after Odom suffered a near-fatal overdose at Nevada brothel.

Yesterday, it was reported that Kardashian found a crack pipe in the home she rents for Odom, and promptly kicked him out.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Lamar Odom: CUT OFF By Khloe Kardashian After New Drug Relapse!

Upon learning that Lamar Odom has relapsed and started using drugs again, Khloe Kardashian has decided to just say no … to her ex.

As sad as this story is, we would not call it shocking.

In the least surprising news since the last time we reported that Lamar Odom is back on crack, he has fallen off the wagon once more.

Just eight months after the former NBA baller overdosed at a Nevada brothel and nearly died, “he is using again,” a close source reports.

No wonder Khloe Kardashian is filing for divorce.

The star first split from Odom in 2013, but dragged her feet – and had a hard time tracking him down for a time – regarding their divorce.

She called it off following his brush with death last fall, only to file the papers again this spring after it was clear he wasn’t going to change.

“Khloe had to put her foot down and stop helping him out,” the insider said, and that meant booting him out of his Calabasas, Calif. crib.

Yes, the home she had leased for him. He’s out.

The rental is in the same gated community as the Kardashians’ own $ 7 million mansion, where she hoped to keep Lamar close. No longer.

“More than ­anything, Khloé wants to be in ­Lamar’s life,” says the insider, “but only if he gets healthy,” and clearly that’s a pipe dream.

Though Odom pals say he hasn’t returned to drugs, the 36-year-old was seen drinking in early May at a bar in L.A.’s Beverly Center mall.

“He’s definitely been partying,” says a second source, and while his long-suffering wife loves him, “she can’t watch him fall apart again.”

Reports that Khloe got a restraining order against Lamar have not been confirmed, but by all accounts, she is looking to distance herself.

As always, Khloe’s not-so-cryptic Twitter tells all.

“It’s not the future that you’re afraid of,” she tweeted after Keeping Up With the Kardashians, which focused on her divorce this Sunday.

“It’s repeating the past that makes you anxious.” 

What more is there to say than that, right?

She gave it her best, and then some, but Khloe keeps repeating the past at this point, she’s more than just anxious – she’s out of her mind.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Lamar Odom: Friends Fear He Will Relapse Soon

It’s no surprise that he has an addictive personality, and until he commits to recovery, it’s unlikely that Lamar Odom can drink alcohol without the risk of wanting to use drugs.

A bold statement, I know.  

I’m no addiction specialist, but I’m familiar enough with it to know that temptation is a nasty, nasty beast.

After an overdose at a Nevada brothel nearly killed him, Lamar Odom has made incredible strides in his recovery.

Odom has appeared on the last few episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and viewers notice that he doesn’t seem 100% there.  

Even in February, when Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian tried to explain to him what happened while the entire family was in New York for Kanye West’s fashion show, Odom didn’t seem to fully grasp how grave is condition had been.

“Since the Vegas overdose, Lamar’s mental faculties have been really messed up,” a source told Radar Online.

“Lamar is mentally unstable. He doesn’t know what he is doing.”

What’s worse, he’s “drinking in public and at home too,” the source added.

“It seems like he doesn’t even understand that he can’t drink or do drugs again.  It’s like he forgot how close he was to death, and just thinks everything is fine again.

“But it isn’t, and everyone is really scared about him.”

The source explained that Odom does have a team of men around him “at all times to make sure that he doesn’t go overboard,” but the former NBA star “just doesn’t listen.

That, combined with the fact that he’s not sure where he stands romantically with Khloe Kardashian make things very confusing.

“Everything is up in the air for him,” the source said. 

“Lamar’s friends and business associates know he’s a mess right now. They want him to go to rehab before it is too late, but he just won’t listen,” the source said. 

“Everyone is worried about him. They’re afraid he will do drugs or drink too much and that will really kill him.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Joe Odom: Khloe Kardashian Will Cause Lamar Odom To Relapse!

In-laws have a tendency to irritate you.

Such is the case for Khloe Kardashian, who’s father-in-law Joe Odom is mad as hell that she has taken control of his son, Lamar’s finances.

Joe, a disabled veteran who fought in the Vietnam War, told the National Enquirer that Khloe “is answering” Lamar’s phone and “checking his texts”

“I can’t get through to him anymore!” a frustrated Joe vented, pointing out that Lamar should be in charge of his bank accounts since he’s in recovery.

Hmmm, best to leave it with Khloe, I say.

Joe thinks that by leaving everything in Khloe’s hands, Lamar is at risk for a relapse.

“I am praying that doesn’t happen,” Joe said

Khloe has acted as Lamar’s emergency contact since he was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel on October 13th.  

She’s stayed by his bedside, and even moved him into a home near her own, complete with a security guard and therapy sessions.

Joe, who has also used drugs in the past, used to live in a $ 4000/month Los Angeles home with his wife, Cecilia, that had been paid for by Lamar for ten years.

Khloe, Joe claims, allegedly threw him and Cecilia out of the home, forcing the couple to move back to New York, where they are barely getting by on Joe’s pension.

“Khloe didn’t even have the guts to tell me herself that my rent wasn’t going to be paid anymore,” Joe said.

“We had just days to get out! I should be there for him in L.A., instead of thousands of miles away.”

Joe also accuses Khloe of cutting off Lamar’s friends, whom Joe believes can help keep his son off drugs and alcohol.

Former welterweight boxing champ Zab Judah is an old friend of Lamar’s, and Joe claims he was “helping him [Lamar] get back into condition and doing positive things,” prior to the October overdose.

“Zab and Lamar were real close,” Joe said. “Lamar would have benefited from hearing his voice … holding his hand. But that wasn’t to be.”

Even though he misses his son, Joe is glad to be a few thousand miles away from the Kardashians, who have filmed Lamar’s time in the hospital for season 12 of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

“All that drama is not for me,” Joe said.