Showing posts with label Blamed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blamed. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hailey Baldwin is Being Blamed for Selena Gomez"s Hospitalization Because People Suck

Selena Gomez is in need of your prayers at the moment.

But instead of wishing the singer well during an especially difficult time for her, many dumb people on the Internet are instead wishing Hailey Baldwin ill.

The dots here are not hard to connect.

But they’re still sad and upsetting to consider.

Gomez, as previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, agreed this week to another trip to rehab.

She had been hospitalized twice over the past month or so due to a low white blood cell count, which is a common ailment that results when one has Lupus.

According to TMZ, however, Gomez suffered what a source described as an “emotional breakdown” during this second hospitalization, as she was basically sick of being sick.

Shortly afterward, she checked into an East Coast psychiatric facility, at which she’s receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) meant to identify and change negative thought/behavioral patterns.

Selena, of course, has been battling mental health issues for five years.

She recently admitted as much in a moving Instagram video that announced a hiatus from social media.

Despite this well-documented history of suffering from serious illness, a handful of Internet users out there simply assume Gomez is all sad and in need of help because her ex-boyfriend is engaged.

This ex-boyfriend is Justin Bieber.

And this fiancee is Hailey Baldwin.

And the latter is now receiving death threats and hearing harsh criticism from those who blame her for Selena’s ongoing problems.

“Hey, Selena in hospitalized. Be ready Justin will drop you anytime soon for his real love Selena Gomez. Your time will coming,” wrote one angry person on Instagram.

Added another:

“So sad that youre [sic] always the second choice.”

As you can see from some other examples below, these are not isolated incidents.

Lots of dumb and cruel trolls out there really are targeting Baldwin in response to Gomez seeking a new round of professional treatment.

This is very dangerous and just plain stupid.

Selena admittedly has a mental illness.

She has Depression with a capital D.

She isn’t just sad for some short period of time because an old flame has moved on with a new woman.

Not only is the above line of thinking, as represented in these comments, mean to Baldwin and unecessarily inflammatory — they are disrespectful to those who suffer as Selena does.

Depression is a sickness.

It can maybe be triggered by outside events at some, but it is always present and it can’t be blamed on anyone; not the person who has it and not the actions of any third party.

It’s silly and ignorant to think otherwise.

Many times over the past few months, sources have said that Gomez is actually doing just fine in the wake of Bieber’s engagement. 

She hasn’t been moping all around time, thinking her life is over. She knows she can do a lot better!

So, instead of directing any wrath at Baldwin or writing cruel remarks on social media, please take a deep breath here, folks.

Dedicate your time to thinking positive thoughts and focus them entirely on Gomez. She needs all she can get right about now.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Venus Williams Blamed for Fatal Car Crash; Who Died?

Earlier this month, Venus Williams was at the center of a serious car accident that has led to the death of a 78-year old man.

And, according to the official police records of what transpired, the tennis great is to blame for the eventual passing of this opposing motorist.

Scroll down for a summary of what went down a couple weeks ago…

According to police records obtained by TMZ, the wife of the victim (Jerome Barson) told authorities on June 9 that she was approaching an intersection westbound in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Right around the same time, Williams was driving her sports utility vehicle northbound when it suddenly darted into the intersection.

The other driver said there was no time to react or stop, as she smashed into Venus’ car from the side.

Speaking to police officers shortly after the incident, Venus said she was forced to slow down her vehicle after she made it to the intersection due to a backup of traffic in front of her.

This deceleration is what threw off the driver heading westbound and caused the accident to occur.

The driver’s husband, Jerome, suffered head trauma and was taken to a hospital and placed in ICU immediately following the crash.

He never recovered and passed away two weeks later.

Barson’s wife was also transported to the hospital with broken bones and other injuries, according to her lawyer, Michael Steinger, but she has managed to survive.

These official records state that Williams “is at fault for violating the right of way of [the other driver].”

Police also say in the report there was no evidence Venus was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Moreover, she doesn’t appear to have been distracted by an electronic device.

It sounds like this was just an unfortunate accident all around.

The police typically need to blame one party or the other when a serious crash takes place and they are called to the scene.

But this doesn’t mean any sort of charges will be brought against the star athlete.

Thus far, neither Venus nor anyone from her team has spoken out on the tragedy.

Venus, of course, is the older sister of Serena Williams, who recently made news herself for a very different reason.

Considered by most to be the greatest female athlete in history, Serena is nude and pregnant on the cover of this month’s Vanity Fair.

The siblings are very close and we’re sure Serena will be there as much as she can be for Venus during this difficult time.

We send our condolences to the loved ones of the victim as well. May he rest in peace.


Venus Williams Blamed In Fatal Car Crash That Killed 78-Year-Old Man

Venus Williams caused a car accident that sent a 78-year-old man to an ICU unit where he died 14 days later … according to a police report obtained by TMZ Sports. The driver of the other car — the wife of the victim — told cops she was…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kailyn Lowry SLAMS Javi Marroquin: You Blamed Me For Miscarrying!

Remember when we all thought the Kailyn Lowry-Javi Marroquin divorce might actually go smoothly?

Ah, how naive we were.

These days, Kailyn and Javi’s intense drama is playing out on both Twitter and Teen Mom 2, and fans of the former couple are urging them to think of their son before escalating.

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, then you know that Javi and Kailyn weren’t on speaking terms at the time it as filmed, and Kailyn’s first baby daddy, Jo Rivera, was serving as an unexpected voice of reason.

While that was playing out on screen, additional drama was taking place on social media, as Kailyn went off on Javi for the failure of what she described as their “toxic” marriage.

In fairness, Javi started the confrontation when he offered up a sarcastic response to fan questions about why he and Kailyn parted ways:

“That’s funny, I though we divorced because she didn’t want more kids.”

Considering that in the past, Javi has implicitly blamed Kailyn for her miscarriage, it was an incredibly low blow.

Understandably, Kailyn was having none of it, and she immediately shot back.

In a since-deleted tweet, Kailyn went off on Javi, informing him that she may want more kids in the future – just not with him.

Read the full message below:

Kailyn Lowry Deleted Tweet

“You blamed me for miscarrying & our marriage was toxic,” Kailyn wrote.

“Why would I want more kids with you?”

Most fans were supportive, but some pointed out that for the sake of her children, Kail should probably keep this sort of drama off of social media.

Apparently, she heeded that advice, as she deleted the tweet just minutes after posting, and composed this brief message to fans:

Kailyn Lowry Tweet

Interestingly, Kail must have been posting her tweets from an MTV studio, as she and Leah Messer were both in Los Angeles for live Teen Mom 2 after-show.

The girls are said to be less than thrilled with their latest job duty, particularly as the hosting gigs will fall mainly on their shoulders, as Jenelle Evans and Chelsea Houska both have new babies at home.

It’s not easy being Kail these days.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Lowry and Marroquin in happier times.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Grisly Grindr Murder Blamed on Satan, Breaking Bad

Stefano Brizzi, meth-using, Breaking Bad-obsessed Grindr killer picked the wrong victim. 

As if there was, you know, a “right” murder victim ever. 

Brizzi was arrested for killing a London police officer after neighbors discovered a revolting smell emanating from his apartment. 

The UK’s Metro reported that Brizzi, pictured above, met police officer, Gordon Semple, below, on Grinde, and the two agreed to meet up for a sex party. 

Semple asserted that he’d rather just have one-on-one time with Brizzi instead of a full-blown party, and Brizzi began choking him at that point. 

In the police report, Brizzi said, “[The others] didn’t arrive, and when one did arrive, I was right in the middle of strangling Gordon and I said to [the guest] ‘Look, this is not the right time now, people are falling ill and it’s a mess.’ “

Understatement of the century. 

Why the party-goer didn’t report the crime – or the suspicion – right then and there is a head-scratching shame. 

When police finally did arrive on the scene – nearly a week later – they found Brizzi wearing only underwear and sunglasses, and discovered “globules of flesh” floating in Brizzi’s bathtub. 

Those “flesh globules” were tested and confirmed the suspicion that the remains belonged to Officer Semple. 

Brizzi dissolved Semple’s body in acid – a move depicted on the greatest show of all time, Breaking Bad – and claimed that the Devil was involved. 

“I’ve tried to dissolve the body,” he said. 

“I’ve killed a police officer. I killed him last week.” 

“I met him on Grindr and I killed him,” Brizzi admitted. 

“Satan told me to.” 

Brizzi continued, and told the court during his trial that he was into “Satanic rituals” and having sex on renderings of pentagons. 

He denied the murder itself, but admitted to dismembering, disposing, and dissolving the body of Officer Gordon Semple. 

What have we learned here today, folks? 

Well, for starters, don’t, you know, kill people and dissolve them in acid in your home bathtub. 

Also, hey – watch who you hook up with. There are some crazies out there. 

Last? If you start hearing voices in your head, and you think it’s Satan, doling out orders like free samples at Tesco, perhaps you should seek counseling. 

Like, immediately. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Blamed For Lamar Odom Relapse!

Give this girl a break.

Khloe Kardashian appears to have done everything in her power to help estranged husband Lamar Odom stay sober, but after last night’s ordeal, it doesn’t look like there’s anything more she can do.

Odom was kicked off a Delta red eye from LA to New York after throwing up in the plane’s galley and bathroom.  The former NBA star was reportedly drinking beer and whiskey in Delta’s LAX lounge.

According to TMZ, Odom went to his seat in first class, then got up as the plane was about to take off and ran towards the bathroom.

He didn’t quite make it, throwing up in the galley before finding the toilet (the door was open the entire time).

Vomit covered Odom’s clothing as he stumbled back to his seat, at which point the in-flight crew determined that it was better if he were removed from the plane.

Earlier today, Kardashian posted a sad face emoji to Twitter.

Khloe Kardashian Sad Face Tweet

This, of course, opened up the floodgates for trolls, who thought they were doing society a favor by shaking their finger at the reality star.

User @Tamantha_5 tweeted a particularly low blow.

“Instead of running the streets with Mr.!steal your girl you need to be helping your HUSBAND,” the blogger wrote, referencing Kardashian’s rumored fling, Trey Songz.

Khloe, who doesn’t bite her tongue when attacked via Twitter, fired back.

“Stay in your f—ing lane little girl,” she wrote. “You know nothing about anything. You’re a sheep herded by society.”

Khloe Kardashian Blasts Troll Twitter

Fans started to send tweets of support, assuring Kardashian that Odom’s addiction is “out of” her hands.

Kardashian filed for divorce a second time from Odom back in May; she halted proceedings from her initial filing in December 2013 after Odom suffered a near-fatal overdose at Nevada brothel.

Yesterday, it was reported that Kardashian found a crack pipe in the home she rents for Odom, and promptly kicked him out.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian and Family: Blamed for Terrorist Attacks Against America

The Kardashians pretty much suck. We think we can all agree on this.

But that doesn’t mean Joy Behar still may have gone a tad too far on The View this week when she blamed Kim Kardashian and her family for terrorists attacks on the United States.

Wait… WHAT?!?

The debate got underway on this ABC talk show after Raven-Symone complained that producer shoved her out of the way at the Zoolander 2 premiere in order to speak with Kendall Jenner.

The former child actress was complaining a lot more about the producer’s behavior in this case than Kendall herself.

But that story segued into the program showing the following clip from Keeping Up with the Kardashians, in which Kendall absolutely goes off on Caitlyn Jenner for trying to upstage her at an upcoming fashion show:

All the co-hosts agreed that Kendall used inappropriate language in addressing her father, though only Behar took this criticism to an extreme level.

“If I would have said any types of those words to my family or cussed out my transgender father, I would have gotten smacked in the face. I would not be on Victoria’s Secret’s runway,” said Raven.

Fair enough.

Behar then jumped in with:

“This is why the terrorists hate us. This show is making them hate us.”

The comedian was obviously joking. But is terrorism really something to joke about it?

The sad truth, considering the millions and millions and MILLIONS of people who follow these women on social media, is that Kim and company should be making us hate ourselves.

Why do we spend an iota of our lives caring about what these people do or say?!?