Showing posts with label Grisly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grisly. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

Laci Peterson: What Was Her Grisly Cause of Death?

Few names are more infamous than that of Scott Peterson.

When we’re talking about famous cases of murder, the only more famous defendants in recent memory are O.J. Simpson an Casey Anthony. Unlike the others, Scott Peterson was convicted — and sits on Death Row to this day.

Though the ill-fated search for Laci Peterson and then Scott’s trial fascinated the nation, a recent docuseries has revived interest in Laci’s murder and her husband’s trial. So here’s a reminder of the grisly facts — including what we know about Laci’s cause of death.

First of all, don’t confuse Scott Peterson with Drew Peterson.

Both men are in prison — though Drew is actually accused of having murdered two of his wives.

(They’re not brothers or anything, though some have semi-jokingly suggested to be leery of any guy with the last name of Peterson … which is unfair to people with that name, but, hey, it’s always good to be cautious with any guy with any name)

Laci Peterson was last seen alive on December 24th, 2002. She was, at the time, pregnant — and she’d been pregnant for half a year.

Part of the reason for the renewed interest in the case that comes along with this docuseries is that a lot of people aren’t aware of the details of her murder because they were younger at the time or because they’ve forgotten with time.

The search for Laci after she “went missing” was massive, involving thousands of people attending a vigil. Banners were erected and posters were put up, as it was not in Laci’s character to disappear without explanation.

If this all sounds like Gone Girl, well, we have to imagine that this very specific story was a huge influence.

Sadly, Laci Peterson’s story was real, and her disappearance was not manufactured.

Her body was discovered in April of 2003.

First, the body of a prenatal fetus was discovered by a couple walking their dog (yes, just like on every third Law & Order episode).

The next day — on April 14th — the body of a woman wearing cream-covered maternity pants washed up, only a mile away from where that fetus was found.

Those two grim discoveries were not coincidental, as the body was discovered to belong to Laci Peterson and the fetus was what would have become Connor Peterson, her unborn child with Scott.

That’s never how you want a missing person’s case to end, but … it got worse.

As for the grisly cause of death, that is difficult to determine.

Actually, it’s impossible to determine with reasonable certainty.

(Seriously, think carefully about whether or not you want to read these details)

Laci Peterson was decapitated and partially or completely missing three of her limbs.

Though she was wrapped in tape and nylon cord, her lower abdomen had opened.

This explained the condition of the fetus, which had one and a half loops of nylon cord wrapped around its neck.

This appears to have happened naturally, as the fetus exited through a perforation in Laci’s uterus and then at some point exited her body..

A horrifying image.

Laci Peterson’s body also had two cracked ribs.

Determining which injuries were related to her death and which came after was basically an impossible task.

It’s easy to point to behavior and say that it’s “shady,” since everyone grieves differently.

Prosecutors believe that Scott Peterson’s motive was that the family’s debt was increasing and that he dreamed of being single again.

Being married hadn’t been stopping him from having affairs with Laci, including with a woman named Amber Frey — whom he told, just weeks before his wife’s death, that was a widower and that this Christmas would be his first without his wife.

So, you know, yikes.

There was also some physical evidence, which is why Scott is on death row. Including a hair of Laci’s that was found on some of Scott Peterson’s boat tools.

So, when someone brings up the subject of Scott Peterson or talks about the A&E documentary series: The Murder of Laci Peterson … that’s the story.

That’s why the state of California has condemned Scott Peterson to death.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Grisly Grindr Murder Blamed on Satan, Breaking Bad

Stefano Brizzi, meth-using, Breaking Bad-obsessed Grindr killer picked the wrong victim. 

As if there was, you know, a “right” murder victim ever. 

Brizzi was arrested for killing a London police officer after neighbors discovered a revolting smell emanating from his apartment. 

The UK’s Metro reported that Brizzi, pictured above, met police officer, Gordon Semple, below, on Grinde, and the two agreed to meet up for a sex party. 

Semple asserted that he’d rather just have one-on-one time with Brizzi instead of a full-blown party, and Brizzi began choking him at that point. 

In the police report, Brizzi said, “[The others] didn’t arrive, and when one did arrive, I was right in the middle of strangling Gordon and I said to [the guest] ‘Look, this is not the right time now, people are falling ill and it’s a mess.’ “

Understatement of the century. 

Why the party-goer didn’t report the crime – or the suspicion – right then and there is a head-scratching shame. 

When police finally did arrive on the scene – nearly a week later – they found Brizzi wearing only underwear and sunglasses, and discovered “globules of flesh” floating in Brizzi’s bathtub. 

Those “flesh globules” were tested and confirmed the suspicion that the remains belonged to Officer Semple. 

Brizzi dissolved Semple’s body in acid – a move depicted on the greatest show of all time, Breaking Bad – and claimed that the Devil was involved. 

“I’ve tried to dissolve the body,” he said. 

“I’ve killed a police officer. I killed him last week.” 

“I met him on Grindr and I killed him,” Brizzi admitted. 

“Satan told me to.” 

Brizzi continued, and told the court during his trial that he was into “Satanic rituals” and having sex on renderings of pentagons. 

He denied the murder itself, but admitted to dismembering, disposing, and dissolving the body of Officer Gordon Semple. 

What have we learned here today, folks? 

Well, for starters, don’t, you know, kill people and dissolve them in acid in your home bathtub. 

Also, hey – watch who you hook up with. There are some crazies out there. 

Last? If you start hearing voices in your head, and you think it’s Satan, doling out orders like free samples at Tesco, perhaps you should seek counseling. 

Like, immediately. 


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Miranda Kerr -- Grisly Photos From Mansion Shooting (PHOTO GALLERY)

TMZ has obtained gory photos and details from the violent confrontation at Miranda Kerr’s Malibu home on Friday, but be warned … they aren’t for the faint of heart. Kerr’s neighbor tells us … workers on the deck of his home witnessed the…


Miranda Kerr -- Grisly Photos From Mansion Shooting (PHOTO GALLERY)

TMZ has obtained gory photos and details from the violent confrontation at Miranda Kerr’s Malibu home on Friday, but be warned … they aren’t for the faint of heart. Kerr’s neighbor tells us … workers on the deck of his home witnessed the…
