Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian and Family: Blamed for Terrorist Attacks Against America

The Kardashians pretty much suck. We think we can all agree on this.

But that doesn’t mean Joy Behar still may have gone a tad too far on The View this week when she blamed Kim Kardashian and her family for terrorists attacks on the United States.

Wait… WHAT?!?

The debate got underway on this ABC talk show after Raven-Symone complained that producer shoved her out of the way at the Zoolander 2 premiere in order to speak with Kendall Jenner.

The former child actress was complaining a lot more about the producer’s behavior in this case than Kendall herself.

But that story segued into the program showing the following clip from Keeping Up with the Kardashians, in which Kendall absolutely goes off on Caitlyn Jenner for trying to upstage her at an upcoming fashion show:

All the co-hosts agreed that Kendall used inappropriate language in addressing her father, though only Behar took this criticism to an extreme level.

“If I would have said any types of those words to my family or cussed out my transgender father, I would have gotten smacked in the face. I would not be on Victoria’s Secret’s runway,” said Raven.

Fair enough.

Behar then jumped in with:

“This is why the terrorists hate us. This show is making them hate us.”

The comedian was obviously joking. But is terrorism really something to joke about it?

The sad truth, considering the millions and millions and MILLIONS of people who follow these women on social media, is that Kim and company should be making us hate ourselves.

Why do we spend an iota of our lives caring about what these people do or say?!?