Thursday, June 21, 2018

Demi Lovato Confesses to Relapse in New Single

We’ve always held Demi Lovato in great admiration because the singer has talked so openly about her past use of drugs and alcohol.

Sadly, however, the artist is now here to talk about her current use of drugs and alcohol.

In her new track, “Sober,” Lovato makes it rather clear that she recently fell off the wagon, although the details of when and how are left undiscussed.

Following six years of avoiding dangerous substances, Lovato sings the following in the newly-released music video for this track:

Mama, I’m so sorry I’m not sober anymore/And Daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor.

To the ones who never left me / We’ve been down this road before/I’m so sorry, I’m not sober anymore.

Later in the moving single, the Grammy nominee apologizes to her “future love” and “the fans I lost,” breaking our heart as she confesses:

I wanna be a role model/But I’m only human.

I’m sorry that I’m here again/I promise I’ll get help /It wasn’t my intention/I’m sorry to myself.

Lovato has been an outspoken voice in Hollywood over the past few years.

She has detailed her hard drug use, which started at a young age, and has even said that she considered suicide at seven years old.

It was just three months ago that Lovato celebrated her aforementioned sobriety milestone, writing on social media at the time:

“So grateful for another year of joy, health and happiness. It IS possible.”

We sincerely hope that Demi realizes it still is possible and that no one is judging her for this relapse.

She merely has to take once glance through her comments on Twitter to come to this realization.

“We appreciate your truth. We love you regardless of everything. We have no idea how hard it was for you, but remember you’re never alone. Stay strong!” one Twitter user wrote, while another added:

“I’m so proud of you Demi to share the truth must be hard for you but know that true Lovatics would never ever judge you… We [are] here for you.”

Lovato has struggled in life with addiction, bipolar disorder and an eating disorder.

She first checked into rehab at the age of 18 in 2010 and then entered a sober house for about a year in 2013.

I wasn’t ready to get sober,” she recalled in her 2017 YouTube documentary, Simply Complicated, adding in this revealing look:

“I was sneaking [cocaine] on planes, sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night. Nobody knew.”

The former Disney Channel star also co-owns CAST Centers, the Los Angeles treatment facility where she was a patient as a teenager and where she now hopes to help others in her situation.

We continue to send Demi the very best.

Check out her full new music video below for “Sober.”
