Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Lamar Odom: CUT OFF By Khloe Kardashian After New Drug Relapse!

Upon learning that Lamar Odom has relapsed and started using drugs again, Khloe Kardashian has decided to just say no … to her ex.

As sad as this story is, we would not call it shocking.

In the least surprising news since the last time we reported that Lamar Odom is back on crack, he has fallen off the wagon once more.

Just eight months after the former NBA baller overdosed at a Nevada brothel and nearly died, “he is using again,” a close source reports.

No wonder Khloe Kardashian is filing for divorce.

The star first split from Odom in 2013, but dragged her feet – and had a hard time tracking him down for a time – regarding their divorce.

She called it off following his brush with death last fall, only to file the papers again this spring after it was clear he wasn’t going to change.

“Khloe had to put her foot down and stop helping him out,” the insider said, and that meant booting him out of his Calabasas, Calif. crib.

Yes, the home she had leased for him. He’s out.

The rental is in the same gated community as the Kardashians’ own $ 7 million mansion, where she hoped to keep Lamar close. No longer.

“More than ­anything, Khloé wants to be in ­Lamar’s life,” says the insider, “but only if he gets healthy,” and clearly that’s a pipe dream.

Though Odom pals say he hasn’t returned to drugs, the 36-year-old was seen drinking in early May at a bar in L.A.’s Beverly Center mall.

“He’s definitely been partying,” says a second source, and while his long-suffering wife loves him, “she can’t watch him fall apart again.”

Reports that Khloe got a restraining order against Lamar have not been confirmed, but by all accounts, she is looking to distance herself.

As always, Khloe’s not-so-cryptic Twitter tells all.

“It’s not the future that you’re afraid of,” she tweeted after Keeping Up With the Kardashians, which focused on her divorce this Sunday.

“It’s repeating the past that makes you anxious.” 

What more is there to say than that, right?

She gave it her best, and then some, but Khloe keeps repeating the past at this point, she’s more than just anxious – she’s out of her mind.