Thursday, June 30, 2016

David Eason Mocks Jenelle Evans" Son AGAIN, Continues to Suck at Life

We hate to say it, but it’s starting to look more and more like Jenelle Evans’ boyfriend David Eason is simply not a nice human being.

Note to any fellas out there dating single moms or even thinking about what it might be like to be in a relationship with a single mom:

You should probably be nice to her kids.

David Eason, Jenelle’s boyfriend from approximately 47 seconds after she ended her engagement to Nathan Griffith, missed the memo.

Yes, he’s been with the Teen Mom 2 tornado during the ex-couple’s nasty custody battle, and thus weathered a lot of ups and downs.

Still, he’s not exactly the father figure Evans’ two sons (Kaiser, with Griffith, and Jace, her older son with Andrew Lewis) need. Why?

Ridiculing them often is one pretty big issue.

The latest, not-so-greatest case in point?

While celebrating Kaiser’s 2nd birthday, Evans captioned the above pic, “Having some hat fun and shopping with Kai for birthday decorations.”

Eason wrote “terd” alongside the picture.

Harmless? Maybe, but considering his track record, as you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, many fans see a disturbing pattern.

“How many times has David Eason posted pics/talked about this child (that isn’t his) in a negative way now?” one Jenelle fan tweeted.

Another referenced David Eason’s abusive tendencies, as some see it, saying he’s “Always ridiculing Kaiser bc he can’t speak for himself.”

This isn’t the first time Eason has called Kaiser names. On the Season 7 finale of Teen Mom 2, the loose cannon went off on Kai to Jenelle”

“He just won’t never stop screaming unless you give him exactly what he wants all the time. He takes after his daddy, he’s a little screaming b!tch.”

Wow. Quite a classy character, isn’t he? Proving this is not an isolated case, Evans’ older son has also been the victim of such verbal abuse.

On the very same episode of the MTV reality show, he went off on Jace for behavior he felt was not becoming of the boy. Or any boy.

“Hey! No screaming Jace,” he scolded the young one.

“You’re 6 years old. Do not scream like a little girl!”

Yikes. Honestly, what is the matter with him?

Or her, in a different sense. Between Nathan Griffith skipping Kai’s party and the way this effing dude treats Jenelle, her kids, and her mom?

She may want to consider being single for once. You know, just try it. See how life can be without some jackass dragging you down.

Novel concept, but worth a shot.