Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Did Nathan Griffith Skip Kaiser"s First Birthday?!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been two full years since Jenelle Evans welcomed her second child, a bouncing baby boy named Kaiser Griffith.

Unfortunately, as you probably know, the relationship between Jenelle and baby dady Nathan didn’t survive for long after Kaiser’s birth.

These days, Kaiser’s parents are in the midst of an ugly custody battle.

Last month, it briefly looked as though Evans and Griffith had reached an agreement, but then dual accusations of drug use set them right back to square one.

The last we checked in on these two, Nathan was accusing Jenelle of doing heroin and cheating on him with her ex on the Teen Mom 2 reunion show.

Needless to say, the whole amicable co-parenting thing hasn’t been going great.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Nathan was reportedly a no-show at Kaiser’s birthday party today.

One insider tells Radar Online that Nathan “didn’t ask if he could have special permission to see his son on his birthday,” but Jenelle assumed he would show up at the small gathering of family and friends she hosted at her mother’s house.

Instead, Kaiser got a phone call and the promise of a future present.

“Nathan called Kaiser and wished him a happy birthday,” the source says.

Sadly, those closest to Jenelle say they’re not shocked, as Nathan has allegedly gone months without seeing Kaiser.

The mother of two gushed about her youngest son on Instagram today, writing:

“Today two years ago my second baby boy was born. Since that very special day, he has definitely brought excitement and joy to my life. Words cannot describe how much I love you and cannot wait to see you grow up.

“Can’t wait to see what you want to be when you get older, or your first day of school, or the first girlfriend you choose. You’re growing up way too fast in front of my eyes and everyone else’s! Stop!!!  

“Anyways, I hope your many birthday wishes come true my booger butt.”

Well, she might want to take that nickname back to the lab, but it’s nice that for once Jenelle is coming off like the responsible devoted parent.

Let’s hope it lasts.