Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chelsy Davy Claims Dating Prince Harry Was "Scary," Is Obviously Insane

Before the Duchess of Cambridge, the (albeit unofficial) royal trio consisted of Prince Harry, Prince William and Chelsy Davy.

The Zimbabwe-born blond dated Harry on and off from 2004 to 2010, and though she was training to be a lawyer, right now she’s in the midst of launching her own jewelry line, AYA.

Davy was always portrayed in the press as a bohemian party girl, when in reality she wanted nothing to do with public life.

“It was so full-on: crazy and scary and uncomfortable,” Davy said about the amount of unwanted press she received while dating Harry.

“I was trying to be a normal kid and it was horrible.”

Like the former Kate Middleton, Davy was bombarded by paparazzi when leaving night clubs with Harry.

“I found it very difficult when it was bad. I couldn’t cope,” she told The Times.

Some gossip sites claimed their relationship to be volatile at times, but in truth, Davy just didn’t want to be in the papers.

“It was nuts,” she said of being chased by photographers and written about without her consent.

“That’s also why I wanted to go back to Africa. Now it’s calm, it’s fine,” Davy, whose father is a wealthy landowner in South Africa, has said.

Though she was Harry’s Plus 1 at William and Catherine’s wedding in April 2011, she reportedly told friends she had no interest in becoming a royal wife.

“There’s no way we are getting married,” she told friends.

“It’s not a life for me.”

A source told the Daily Mail at the time that Davy “has watched what Kate has gone through and how much she has had to sacrifice, and says it’s not for her.

“Chelsy thought the wedding was wonderful and she had a ball, but there’s no way marriage is on the cards for her. She wants her freedom and to start a career,” the source added.

Davy is still close to Harry’s cousins, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.  in fact, the Princesses of York also introduced Harry to his other blond girlfriend, Cressida Bonas.

Harry and the actress dated for two years, before breaking up after two years.